Auctioneer Antonio M Torres
Worldwide Spring postal history and classic stamps
Closed auction #42 - 1143 lots - Closed 2014-05-22 18:00:00
1 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1909 (14 Oct). Parseval III. Local fkd card Zeppelin air test. Early precursor. Fine
Final value: $ 22.00
2 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1910. Comet visit. 2 german locally circulated cards about arrived and the Milky Way. Bavarian fkg. Fine
Final value: $ 24.00
3 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1916 (12 Nov). Germany. Zeppelin. Bamberg local circulated bombing Zepp card. Unusual. Fine
Final value: $ 14.00
4 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1929 (29 April). Persia - UK. Bouchir - UK. First flight multifkd env. VF. Fine
Final value: $ 43.00
5 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (19 Aug). NY / USA - Switselad. Airship Hinderberg reverse Frankfurt (22-8-36). Zeppelin usage multifkd env dest. Fine
Final value: $ 40.00
6 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (24 June). Newfoundland - New Bruswick - Eire - Canada. 5 first flights diff dest cacheted fkd env. VF. Fine
Final value: $ 26.00
7 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (30 June). Eire - USA. First flight fkd env special cachet arrival. VF. Fine
Final value: $ 16.00
8 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (10 Aug). Canada - South Africa. First flight return. Reg air mixed fkd comb. VF. Fine
Final value: $ 45.00
9 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (18 Nov). Bermuda - USA (19 Nov). Fkd env mixed sual fkg with USA 2cts on way air to Baltimore. First flight. Slogan red cross arrival cachet. Fine
Final value: $ 40.00
10 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1931 (8 June). USA. First flight airmail. Akron, OH. High fkd env. cachets Denver. Fine
Final value: $ 24.00
11 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1947 (18 May). Belgium - USA - NY. Centenary exhibition. 3 overprinted diff. cacheted flown fkd env. numeral. Fine group. Fine
Final value: $ 20.00
12 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1950 (31 May). Argentina - USA. Bramff first flight. Fkd env cachet. VF reverse xtra cachet in red. Fine
Final value: $ 14.00
13 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1958 (4 Nov). Japan - Netherlands. Via KLM / North Pole. Fkd env. nice item. Fine
Final value: $ 14.00
14 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1959 (7 Sept). Japan - USA. First flight fkd env cachet. VF. Fine
Final value: $ 14.00
15 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1963 (7 July). Japan - Kuwait. First flight 50y aerograme cachet. VF.
Final value: $ 14.00
16 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1977 (22 Nov). Concorde. London - NY. Fkd env.
Final value: $ 22.00
17 Andorra
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1949 (13 Oct). French PO. A La Vielle - Switzerland. Multifkd PPC rate 90fr cds. Fine.
Final value: $ 28.00
18 Andorra
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1956 (24 Abril). A La Vieja - Suecia. Sobre certificado tarifa 8 pts.
Final value: $ 40.00
19 Argentina
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1858. Confederacion Yv 1º (2) 5c 2 nice Parana oval cancels. V nice apperance. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 24.00
20 Argentina
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
"1862 (12 Jan). Salta - Tupiza / Bolivia. EL full text fkd 5c red - orange (Yv 1) good margins all around, neat tied ""Salta / Franca"" cancel. Ex - Patiño. Gorgeous usage."
Final value: $ 600.00
21 Argentina
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1858. Confederacion Yv 1* (4), 2* (3), 3*(4), 4*(6). Selection of 4 min block. Fie Yv 2009 108.50 euros. Nice group.
Final value: $ 35.00
22 Argentina
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1858. Confederacion. Y 1/4º stamps are ok cancels sold as is.
Final value: $ 22.00
23 Argentina
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1862. Rep Yv 5º (4). Escuditos 4 diff cancels some uneven margin or minimal thin but the best Concordia cancel. XF signed. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 70.00
24 Argentina
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1864. Rivadavia issue. 5c 10c wmk used, the 5c close short margins indistintive oval cachet. No faults o reverse. Vf margin nice cancel the 10c stamp.
Final value: $ 125.00
25 Argentina - Statione
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1891 (27 March). Marcos Paz - BA 4c red stat. letter sheet. Fine used.
Final value: $ 22.00
26 Argentina - Statione
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1891 (4 Aug). Viscoma - Denmark (11 Sept). 5c / 8c red stat env 2 adtls cds. Scarce comb overseas dest.
Final value: $ 65.00
27 Argentina - Statione
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1892 (12 Nov). BA - Norway / Stavanger (18 Dec). 6c lilac stat card. Better dest usage.
Final value: $ 26.00
28 Argentina - Statione
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1893 (8 Feb). BA - Parana (19 Feb). 2c brown local stat lettersheet adtl 2c on scarce area dest usage. Fine. Arrival Cartero 1 Parana ER.
Final value: $ 28.00
29 Argentina - Statione
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1894 (21 Nov). BA - Germany (22 Dec). 5c red stat env 2 adtls stamps cds. 24c rate.
Final value: $ 28.00
30 Argentina - Statione
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1905 (7 March). Villa Constitucion SF - Germany (31 March). 5c red stat env adtl cds.
Final value: $ 25.00
31 Argentina - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1910 (15 March). Bs As - Switzerland. Multifkd comm issue PPC 14c rate. Most unusual.
Final value: $ 24.00
32 Argentina - Statione
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1912 (14 Sept). BA - Germany. 5c red stat env 6 adtls cds. Fine.
Final value: $ 26.00
33 Argentina - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1913 (26 April). BA - Misiones, Posadas (29 April). Danish Consular mail. Reg AR multifkd env. Fine.
Final value: $ 45.00
34 Argentina - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1913 (21 May). BA - Posadas, Misiones (27 May). Reg AR multifkd env. Danish consular mail.
Final value: $ 40.00
35 Argentina - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1917 (30 March). Coronel Dorrego - Denmark. Perfin BPB multifkd env 12c rate VF appealing scarce item overseas reverse WW I censored.
Final value: $ 60.00
36 Argentina - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1919 (7 Nov). BA - Estacion Vela, FCS (9 Nov). Danish Consulr mail. Reg multifkd env AR. VF.
Final value: $ 55.00
37 Argentina - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1921 (15 March). BA local AR reg multifkd env Danish consular mail incl 2c block of four 32c rate.
Final value: $ 40.00
38 Argentina - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1922 (10 Feb). BA local reg AR multifkd env Danish consular mail. VF.
Final value: $ 70.00
39 Argentina - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1923 (17 Aug). BA - Colmena, FCSF. Local reg fkd env Danish Consular mail. Fine.
Final value: $ 24.00
40 Argentina - Statione
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1932 (6 Ene). Obera - BA. Local reg 10c green stat env 2 adtl R-label. Fine. Danish Consular mail.
Final value: $ 35.00
41 Argentina - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (30 Sept). BA - Macau, asia, PM rate fkd env 3c rate superb dest with arrival date cachet. Most rare.
Final value: $ 48.00
42 Argentina - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (4 Dec). BA - Punilla, Sanpache, FCP. Provincia San Luis (13 Dec). Danish Consular mail. Reg mutifkd local env. All cacheted on reverse. VF.
Final value: $ 50.00
43 Argentina - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (16 Feb). BA - Macau (6 April). Via HK fkd env 15c rarity dest with arrival cachet.
Final value: $ 36.00
44 Argentina - Statione
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (21 Aug). Villa Ballester - Germany. 4c grey cream stat card 3 adtls. Proceres. VF.
Final value: $ 28.00
45 Argentina - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (2 Dic). Vicuña Mackenna - Bs As. Reg multifkd env tienda Barato Argentino. Nice town usage.
Final value: $ 32.00
46 Argentina - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1943 (4 Nov). BA - Sweden. Air multifkd env via British Caribbe Trinidad + Nazi Germany censored. Scarce transited route via Portugal - Spain.
Final value: $ 58.00
47 Argentina - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1944 (13 March). Salta, Tucuman - USA (24 March). Reg air censored multifkd env fwded. Fine.
Final value: $ 22.00
48 Argentina - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1945 (16 July). BA - Sweden. Panagra flown multifkd env via USA censored spectacular cachet.
Final value: $ 28.00
49 Argentina - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1947 (3 March). BA - Switzerland. Air BSAA British airmail multifkd env. 1 peso rate.
Final value: $ 22.00
50 Argentina - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1947 (2 Dic). Mendoza - Sweden. Multifkd registr.env comm stamps. Fine.
Final value: $ 36.00
51 Argentina - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1951 (28 April). Rafaela, S Fe - USA / NY. Multifkd env showing two DISTINTIVE 10c brown Proceres prints. Very rare being same value. Fine.
Final value: $ 40.00
52 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1867 (23 April). NSW. Sydney - France. Fkd env front 2sh 4d rate. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 186.00
53 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1870 (10 Aug). NSW Sydney - France (29 Sept). Fkd env roughly opened. Useful.
Final value: $ 100.00
54 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (13 June). Bosonia, Victoria - Macao, China (17 July 34). Fkd env 1d green x3 cds arrival cachet. VF xrare dest mail.
Final value: $ 160.00
55 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (20 May). Melbourne, Vic - Sweden / Aliupas. Air multifkd enc 13d rte tied air label. Fine scarce dest photo 4 kookaburras.
Final value: $ 45.00
56 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (25 Aug). Sydney, NSW - Czechoslovakia (9 Sept). Air multifkd env 1sh 9d rate. Via Greece / Athens (6 Sept) cds transit on reverse. Fine better item.
Final value: $ 45.00
57 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (10 May). Coonamble / NSW - MAcao, Asia (2 June). FDC circculated to rare dest. unusual so.
Final value: $ 36.00
58 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (19 April). WW II. Melbourne - Sweden. Fkd censored env incl nazi tied label on reverse.
Final value: $ 50.00
59 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (8 Sept). Melbourne - Sweden. Fkd env 3d. Fine.
Final value: $ 50.00
60 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (7 Oct). Melbourne, Vic - Palestine, Tel Aviv. Fkd env 2d depart arrival censored. Sea route. Fine scarce dest at this time. Slogan cancel.
Final value: $ 45.00
61 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1943 (24 May). US Forces / Apo 929. Fkd USA FIA censor cachet addressed to APO 925.
Final value: $ 36.00
62 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1943 (11 Oct). OAT. Sydney - Sweden. Air British depart only censored fkd env VF scarce early usage.
Final value: $ 115.00
63 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1943 (2 Nov). OAT Sydney, NSW - Sweden air doble allied censored British airmail flown env. VF scarce early reopened service.
Final value: $ 91.00
64 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1944 (2 Oct). OAT. Sydney, NSW - Sweden. Air British Service allied censored fkd env better dest.
Final value: $ 71.00
65 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c.1945. Cremorne, North I / NSW - USA / Bala - Cynwyd, PA. Air multifkd cenored + taxed + 5 US postage dues tied on reverse. Fine mixed item. Would display excellent if opened out.
Final value: $ 35.00
66 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1947 (19 Sept). Newcastle, NSW - Czechoslovakia (26 Sept). Air multifkd env. Fine.
Final value: $ 35.00
67 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1947 (28 Nov). Newcastle, NSW - Czechoslovakia. Air multifkd env. Fine.
Final value: $ 35.00
68 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1952. BRISBANE - UUSA / NY. 1 1/2d green stat wrapper 4d adtls slogan cancel. Fine unusual to US.
Final value: $ 28.00
69 Australia - New Guin
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (18 May). Rabaul - USA (17 June). Air reg multifkd env values to 1sh. Insuff paid airmail in Australia only.
Final value: $ 60.00
70 Austria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1853. Newspaper stamps. Yv 1º, 3a(*). Yv 2009 50 euros. Ovely pair of stamps.
Final value: $ 24.00
71 Austria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1850. First issue. Complete d set Yv 1/5º. Yv 2009 278 euros all just complete to VF margins cds.
Final value: $ 100.00
72 Austria - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1908 (24 June). Karlsbad - Switzerland (26 June). Reg massive multifkd env. Values to 5kr. Fine.
Final value: $ 40.00
73 Austria - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (30 April). Wien - Macau, South China (25 May). Via HK. Reg multifkd env Wien fair label. Xtraord rare dest.
Final value: $ 66.00
74 Austria - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (9 July). Wien - Macau, China (3 Aug). Via HK (2 Aug). Reg multikd env. rare dest.
Final value: $ 49.00
75 Austria - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (20 Sept). Wien - Macau, Asia. Via Siberia. PM rate single 8gr fkd env arrival cachet (13 Oct). Unsealed env. v rare dest.
Final value: $ 29.00
76 Austria - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (28 Jan). Wien - Macau, Portuguese Asia. Via Hong Kong (22 Feb). Reg multifkd env rare dest.
Final value: $ 101.00
77 Austria - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (24 July). Innsbruck 7 - Switzerland (25 July). Reg express multifkd env. Fine.
Final value: $ 16.00
78 Austria - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936-53. Mail to Switzerland. Selection of 8 better multifkd env reg air civil censored. Nice opportunity / better issues.
Final value: $ 36.00
79 Austria - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946 (21 Oct). St Velt - Switzerland. Reg multifkd env. VF cond.
Final value: $ 18.00
80 Austrian Levant
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1889 (27 April). London - Constantinople (2 May). Proper reply half 20 para Austrian Levant stat card used back from UK at current rate with depart arrival comercial v scarce item.
Final value: $ 550.00
81 Austrian Levant
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1908 (16 April). Jaffa / Palestine - Seden / Gothenburg. 10c ovptd 10h red stat card tax Swedish cash postage due blue cachet Lose 8. Scarce combination.
Final value: $ 125.00
82 Bahrain
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c.1946. Bahrein - USA, NY. India ovptd stamps. Air fkd env.
Final value: $ 27.00
83 Bangladesh
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1971 (18 May). Mujibarajas local fkd env ovptd Pakistan issue. Nice cond.
Final value: $ 28.00
84 Belgium
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1849. Yv 1/2º. First iue faultless stamps margins close on 10c cancels 105 and 6. Opportunity Yv 2009 170 uros he 20c is a nice stamp.
Final value: $ 40.00
85 Belgium
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1861 (23 July). Bruxelles - Liege. EL fkd 20c blue imperf tied grill complete margins. Fine.
Final value: $ 35.00
86 Belgium
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1863 (8 Aug). Alost - Roulers. EL fkd 20c blue perf tied grill. Fine.
Final value: $ 28.00
87 Belgium
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1865 (10 Dec). Bruxelles Nord - France (11 Dec). EL fkd 20c blue perf pair tied. VF item.
Final value: $ 100.00
88 Belgium
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1895 (5 Oct). Anvers - UK. (7 Oct). Reg multifkd env 50c rate 5 / 5 colors incl 2 diff 2c stamps. XF.
Final value: $ 220.00
89 Belgium
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1896 (18 May). Bruxelles - Denmark (20 May). 5c green stat card + 3 adtls. VF.
Final value: $ 26.00
90 Belgium
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1900 (18 Sept). Bruxelles Nord - USA / Boston (30 Sept). Reg multifkd env 75c rate. XF. 35c strip (x2). Reverse tied Expolabel. Fine transatlantic usage.
Final value: $ 220.00
91 Belgium
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1900 (16 Oct). Bruxelles - USA / Boston (24 Oct). Reg 75c rate fkd env incl 50c green strip tied Expo label on reverse. VF transtlantic usage.
Final value: $ 240.00
92 Belgium
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1900. Bruxelles - Dinant - Bruxelles. Soble 5c green yellow stat card properly used both ways. V scarce.
Final value: $ 100.00
93 Belgium
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1900. Bruxelles - Les Avins - Bruxelles. Doble 5c green cream stat card properly used both ways. Vscarce.
Final value: $ 100.00
94 Belgium
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1901 (19 Feb). Bruxelles / South East - USA, Boston (27 Feb). Reg fkd env single 1fr orange cds + Expo label tied on reverse. Scarce stamp alone.
Final value: $ 311.00
95 Belgium - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1915 (19 MArch). WW I. Breginns temporary Hospital Fkd env to Canada / Montreal (5 April). Cachet maritime Le Havre / France. Rarity dest.
Final value: $ 65.00
96 Belgium
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1915 (20 May). WW I Occup Havre - Especial - France / Paris. Reg multifkd env VF values to 1fr.
Final value: $ 36.00
97 Belgium - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1928 (15 Nov). Gent - Hungary. Fkd env 50c rate slogan bilingual cancel tax( x7) diff. Magyar postage due tied stamps, 58 filler rate. Scarce appealing comb.
Final value: $ 186.00
98 Belgium - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1930-48. Mail to Switzerland. 5 better VF multiple fkd env mixed issues. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 28.00
99 Belgium - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (5 Dec). Brussels Noord - Macao, Asia (13 Jan 34). 1fr red stat card arrival date cachet very rare dest slogan cancel.
Final value: $ 146.00
100 Belgium - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (3 Sept). Brussels - Macau, Asia (3 Oct). 15c single PM rate fkd env Via HK (3 Oct). Arrival cds. VF and scarce.
Final value: $ 91.00
101 Belgium - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (12 March). Chimay - Macau, China, Asia (19 April). Reg multifkd env 4fr 27c rate. Scarce mixed issues arrival via NY - Seattle / USA. Rarity dest rate.
Final value: $ 351.00
102 Belgium - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (29 May). Bruxelles - Macau, China (10 July). PM rate unsealed env 15c with arrival ds. Rare dest.
Final value: $ 75.00
103 Belgium - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (3 June). Lier - Macau (5 July). Via HK (5 July). Fkd env single 50c cds reverse the rare negative black ring less HK cds. XF dest rarity.
Final value: $ 100.00
104 Belgium - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (11 Oct). Chimay - Macao, Portuguese Asia (5 Nov). Reg fkd env 3fr 50c rate. Fine and extremely rare dest arrival cachet.
Final value: $ 326.00
105 Belgium - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (22 Oct). Schaerbeek - Macao (28 Nov). Via HK (28 Nov). Reg multifkd env x9 stamps incl ovptd block of four 3fr 50c rate arrival. VF.
Final value: $ 246.00
106 Belgium - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936. Env fkd 1fr 75c to Port Gentil / French Congo, cancel on board ship fort de Douaumont (xxx/R) stline violet cancel. VF better dest.
Final value: $ 181.00
107 Belgium - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (25 April). Loochristi - Netherlands, De Rips. Registr. insured for 4,000 franken reverse mutlifkd env 7fr 40c rate red wax seals. Fine v-label.
Final value: $ 100.00
108 Belgium - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1943 (14 Dec). Bruxelles . Switzerland. Multifkd Nazi censored env. Fine.
Final value: $ 20.00
109 Belgium - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1945 (2-20 Oct). OAT. Soignies - USA. Via air UK 2 multifkd env with two diff air cachets bilingual labels. Fine pair.
Final value: $ 24.00
110 Belgium - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1952 (5 April). Antwerpen - Switzerland. Air express multifkd env 3fr block of four cds. Nice item.
Final value: $ 24.00
111 Bolivia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935. Oruro - Macau, China portuguesa, asia (9 Feb 35). Reg multifkd env 42c rate tied color cafiaspirina Bayern adv label. Via NY - Seattlel displays great opened. Espectacular.
Final value: $ 125.00
112 Brazil
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1843. Yv 1º, 30rs light used medium paper good filng crease at left. P Alegre cds. Fine appearance. Yv 2009. 600 euros.
Final value: $ 151.00
113 Brazil
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1843. Yv 2º 60rs bulls eyes. A fine used copy Pernambuco dsshied cancel good to huge margins border line guide at left medium thin paper. VF. Yv 2009 250 euros.
Final value: $ 266.00
114 Brazil
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1843. Yv 3º 90rs bulls eye, medium thin paper small thin at top left on reverse cancel CGC doble ring after 1844 with close complete margins. A presentable copy Yv 2009 1,400 euros.
Final value: $ 450.00
115 Brazil
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1886 (14 Feb). Bahia - Sweden (6 MArch). Via London (3 March). Swedish Consular mail 200rs lilac small D Pedro, violet cds. Better early dest. v scarce.
Final value: $ 220.00
116 Brazil -Stationary
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1893 (16 June). Desterro, Sta Catharina - Baden, Germany (9 July). Via France (8 July). 200rs old D Pedro stat lettersheet. Fine late usage.
Final value: $ 48.00
117 Brazil -Stationary
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1896 (24 May). Para, Amazonas - Germany (17 July). 40rs orage stat card adtl 100rs violet red cds. Scarce usage. Via Lisbon (13 July).
Final value: $ 100.00
118 Brazil
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1898 (6 Jan). Curityba - Germany (4 Feb). 200rs stat lettersheet 10adtls 10rs stamps / 300 rs rate. Spectacular and scarce usage.
Final value: $ 160.00
119 Brazil -Stationary
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1898 (3 Dec). Parana - Germany. 200rs orange stat lettersheet taxed. VF scarce used.
Final value: $ 40.00
120 Brazil - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1900 (4 July). Bahia - Austria (27 July). Private PPC multifkd 20rs x5 cds. Fine.
Final value: $ 50.00
121 Brazil -Stationary
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1902 (13 March). Florianopolis- Leipzig, Germany (14 April). 200rs carta billete lettersheet. Fine.
Final value: $ 32.00
122 Brazil - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1911 (6 April). Uruguay - A Annado Livramento - Uruguay. Reply mixed fkd usage. VF comercial business papers. Most unusual.
Final value: $ 60.00
123 Brazil -Stationary
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1912 (1Sept). Taquari / R G Sul - Germany. 20rs green stat wrapper 2 adtls stamps. 50rs rate. VF.
Final value: $ 32.00
124 Brazil - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1915 (18 Feb). Pernambuco - USA. Multifkd env 20rs block of ten cds. Fine.
Final value: $ 35.00
125 Brazil
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1916 (29 Dec). RJ - Spain, Orense. Reg AR ilustrated multifkd env 650rs rate. A better scarce rate dest service.
Final value: $ 75.00
126 Brazil - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (27 Aug). Joinville - S Paulo. Express multifkd env special cachet.
Final value: $ 22.00
127 Bulgaria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1902 (27 June). Routschouck - Switzerland (13 July). Gruss aus tricolor fkd PPC. Fine.
Final value: $ 24.00
128 Bulgaria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (6 Jan). Kustendil - Macao, Portuguese China (12 Feb). Fkd env 50c x2 tied cds. VF rare dest area.
Final value: $ 100.00
129 Burma
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (Feb). Rangoon - HK (21 Feb). Reg air multifkd env 10 annas 6rp rate cds. Via Penang. Fine and scarce air link.
Final value: $ 125.00
130 Burma
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1949 (9 May). Rangoon - Sweden, Stockholm. Air multifkd env comercial usage dest perfin stamps. (RR).
Final value: $ 39.00
131 Burma
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (24 Sept). Rangoon - HK. Air multifkd env via Penang. Ovptd issue high rate better dest.
Final value: $ 36.00
132 Burma
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (5 Oct). Rangoon GPO - HK (19 Oct). Via Penang reg air multifkd env ovptd issue rate 11 annas 8 rupies.
Final value: $ 110.00
133 Burma
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (8 Oct). Rangoon - HK. Via Penang. Air fkd env high rate bookpost ovptd issue. Nice item.
Final value: $ 60.00
134 Burma
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (28 Jan). Rangoon, Merchant Street - HK (1 Feb). Reg airmail fkd via Penang ovptd issue 14 annas 7 rupies. V high rate.
Final value: $ 120.00
135 Canada
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1894 (18 Sept). Peterboro, Ont - USA / NJ (21 Sept). Reg philatelic ilustrated env small queers A Fortune for you in old stamps.
Final value: $ 160.00
136 Canada
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1899 (5 June). Montreal - USA / Ind. Fkd env 1/2c (x4) sent by philatelist AR Magill flag slogan cachet. Fine.
Final value: $ 36.00
137 Canada
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1900 (12 Dec). Killarney, Man - USA, NY (18 Dec). Via St Paul (15 DeC). Reg multifkd env 7c rate. Fine.
Final value: $ 40.00
138 Canada
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1919 (15 Feb). WW I Canadian Contingent in France - Denmark. OAS FM YMCA env censored addressed to a young Danish lady ( did they marry?). VF condition rare forces dest.
Final value: $ 185.00
139 Canada
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1919 (20 Feb). WW I Canadian Contingent in France OAS / FM YMCA env censored addressed to a young lady in Denmark. VF cond rare dest for forces.
Final value: $ 185.00
140 Canada
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (17 March). Alberta, Macleod - Macau (27 April). Via HK (27 April) multifkd env with arrival cachet v rare dest.
Final value: $ 45.00
141 Canada
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934. Montreal, Que - Macau (5 Jan 1935). Fkd env single green as pm rate cds arrival VF rare usage and dest.
Final value: $ 160.00
142 Canada
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (8 April). Quebec pq - Macau, portuguese China (4 May). Via HK xtraord rare fkd env mixed issues 5c rate with arrival. VF.
Final value: $ 160.00
143 Canada
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (14 June). Quebec, PQ - Macau, portuguese China (12 July). Via Montreal - Vancouver - HK. Reg 15c rate fkd env VF rare dest.
Final value: $ 425.00
144 Canada
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (7 Sept). Airmails Newfoundland - UK - Macau, China (15 Oct). Ilustrated world air routing map Imperial airways with depart local customs duty dated cancelled 7 Sept 37 via Manchester (9 Sept) and arrval cachet unsealed PM rate env super original rar Fine
Final value: $ 750.00
145 Canada
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (July). Sarnia, Ont - Macau (23 July 40). Single 1c green complete wrapper fkd rate tied arrical ds. Scarce dest.
Final value: $ 75.00
146 Canada
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c.1943. Toronto - Sweden as per correspondance. Fkd machin env xtra fkg 35 cts applied later uncancelled but by correspondance in Montreal. Via OAT. Most interesting.
Final value: $ 52.00
147 Canada
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1943 (25 Feb). Newfoundland St Johns - Sweden. Fkd env 5d doble censored political economical. T 1/2o mns charge. VF.
Final value: $ 39.00
148 Canada
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1943 (27 July). Toronto - Sweden. Air machine stamps multifkd multicensored env via OAT Montreal (15 Aug) extra fkd cancelled held for further postage rarity airmail.
Final value: $ 180.00
149 Canada
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946 (24 Dec). Montreal - Switzerland. Air multifkd env mixed issues. Nice item.
Final value: $ 34.00
150 Canada
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1947 (6 May). Montreal - Switzerland. Air multifkd taxed aux cachet. Nice cond env.
Final value: $ 20.00
151 Canada
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1950 (10 April). Drummondville - Switzerland. Air multifkd env VF cond.
Final value: $ 24.00
152 Canada
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1954 (19 Dec). Montreal - Sweden (28 Dec). Multifkd PPC taxed aux pmks Swedish p dues (x2) stamps tied cds. Nice comb.
Final value: $ 35.00
153 Canada
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1959 (29 May). Winnipeg - Sweden. Air multifkd PPC red cachet insuf prepaid for airmail (xxx). VF.
Final value: $ 32.00
154 Chile
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1853-6. Colon first original old time coll. selection of 19 stamps al complete margins and no hidden faults, couple 10c are mint, part or no gum. Diff prints and color shades. Incl Siennas, lithos, 1/2 dark brown ones, 10c inverted wmk. Enjoy yo Fine
Final value: $ 326.00
155 Chile
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1861-7. Original group of old time collection 10x 5c 2 10c 2 strips of 3 all used of the later prints diff shades and cancels some uneven margins but no hidden faults. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 110.00
156 Chile - Stationery
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1878 (1 Feb). Linares - Puerto Blanco. 5c lilac stat env Fine early usage via Sant Valp.
Final value: $ 27.00
157 Chile
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1892 (25 April). Valp - Germany (2 June). Provisional issue. 5c blue fiscal stamp pair cds. Fine scarce.
Final value: $ 20.00
158 Chile
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1895. Talcahuano - Germany (28 April). 5c lilac stat env 3 adtls 10c rate. Via Andes. Via Bs As, Andes arrival on reverse. Nice item.
Final value: $ 55.00
159 Chile
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
"1900 (20 Dec). Santiago - Talca. Fkd ilustrated ""Casa Para"" provisional 1c orange fiscal issue."
Final value: $ 32.00
160 Chile - Stationery
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1902 (30 Sept). Limache - Belgium, Liege (12 Nov). Reg 5c blue stat env 2 adtls x2 R-labels. Fine issues combination. Nice item.
Final value: $ 106.00
161 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1910 (14 Oct). Camara Diputados. Free frank env local usage VF reverse PO cds Santiago.
Final value: $ 22.00
162 Chile - Stationery
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1911 (19 Jan). Pisagna - Santiago 2c grey stat env 3 adtl comm issue 5c rate. Fine.
Final value: $ 18.00
163 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1923-4. Santiago - Switzerland. 2 reg env with comm Panamericana issue. VF pair.
Final value: $ 30.00
164 Chile
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1929 (1 Oct). Santiago - Switzerland, Bern. Via France. Air multifkd env via French Air France. 7 peso 10c rate. Fine.
Final value: $ 22.00
165 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (29 April). Lantaro - Macau, China (3 July). 2 months 5 days transit time. Private card fkd 1 peso 10c rate with arrival on front VF rare dest.
Final value: $ 40.00
166 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1945 (27 Nov). Shanghai - Switzerland. Air multifkd ovptd env changed rate. Fine.
Final value: $ 29.00
167 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1911 (13 Nov). German Post Office. Peking - Denmark reg multifkd photo card ovptd Germania issue 14c rate. Fine and V scarce rate.
Final value: $ 400.00
168 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1923 (4 July). Peking 22 - Sweden / Upsala - Kinfska. Reverse via Harbin / Manchuria (8 July) and Moscow cds (23 July). By transiberian railway. Fine Junks issue reg env dest.
Final value: $ 200.00
169 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1930-40. 49 mint stamps many ovptd . VF. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 28.00
170 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1932 (16 April). Hankow - Denmark (4 May). Reg multifkd Via Siberia env mixed issues incl Junks. VF and Scarce.
Final value: $ 175.00
171 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
"1935 (11 May). Via mainland China. Istambul/ Turkey - Macao, China portuguese (5 June). Via Shanghai cds ""4 Kongres Turkey inkard"" fkd private card routed via Mainland China ( RRR) with arrival."
Final value: $ 450.00
172 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (21 June). Shanghai - USA / NY. Reverse air multifkd env. VF.
Final value: $ 28.00
173 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935. Japanese PO. Dairen - Macau, South China (11 Jan). Via HK single 3 sen red fkd env with HK cds. VF Scarce dest usage.
Final value: $ 75.00
174 China - Manchuria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (17 March). Harbin - Switzerland / Wildegg. Reg multifkd env XF. Via USSR.
Final value: $ 40.00
175 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (25 June). Tientsin - Sweden / Ostersund. Reg multifkd env. Via Siberia. XF.
Final value: $ 100.00
176 China
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c.1937-8. 3 sen Japan booklet stamp fkd env addressed to Japanesse Occupied Canton Honglok cds on reverse. VF.
Final value: $ 45.00
177 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (1 March). Via China, Dunedin / New Zealand - Macao (5 April). Multifd env 2 1/2d rate routed via Japanese Occupied Canton on return trip. Exceptionally rare.
Final value: $ 380.00
178 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (21 Aug). Mainland China transit. Turnov 1 / Czech - Macau, Asia (14 Sept). Mulitfkd env via Tientsin - HK. Rarity.
Final value: $ 650.00
179 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (5 Nov). Manchuria. Harbin - Macao, South Chna (6 Jan 36). Printed matter rate single 4 fen greenf env Russian sender xtraord rare dest. opened corner to show.
Final value: $ 280.00
180 China - Manchuria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (7 June). Japane Occup. Dairen - Sweden / Arocka. 10 sen red stat card violet cachet IJPO + red address cachet. Via Siberia. VF scarce dest.
Final value: $ 86.00
181 China
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c.1939-40. Japanese Occupied Manchuria. Ilustrated political uncirculated card. Post Office box carriage with stamp special peace cachet (!). Very rare.
Final value: $ 50.00
182 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939-40. An Nieu Nei / Peking - Switzerland. Single fkd env / British censored KK / 34166 + 4 + 22 / 1160 controls. Rare label.
Final value: $ 125.00
183 China - Manchuria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (3 Dec). Noho - Norway / Trodheim. 2 fen green stat card + 2 adtl. Via Siberia + Nazi censored Germany. Written in Norwegian. XF + rare dest.
Final value: $ 200.00
184 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (4 April). Japanesse Occup. Shanghai - Sweden. Via Siberia. Ovptd issue multifkd env incl three blocks of four. A late uncensored transited Through Soviet Union item.
Final value: $ 86.00
185 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (27 April). Shanghai - USA. Air censored multifkd env label air transit -2 cachet. VF WW II.
Final value: $ 251.00
186 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (29 Sept). Shanghai - USA / NY. Fkd censored env. Scarce period WW II.
Final value: $ 38.00
187 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1945 (22 Nov). US Naval / 13753 BR / China - USA, Mississippi. Fine fkd military mail with contains.
Final value: $ 40.00
188 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946 (17 March). Shanghai - USA / NY. Air fkd issue flag issue ovptd value. Fine.
Final value: $ 24.00
189 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946 (6 May). Shanghai - USA / NY. Multifkd env three stamps all margin border incl flags issue. XF item.
Final value: $ 50.00
190 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946 (6 May). Shanghai - USA / NY. Air multifkd env Fine. Flag issue.
Final value: $ 24.00
191 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946 (27 May). Shanghai - USA / NY. Multifkd env incl flags issue. Fine.
Final value: $ 24.00
192 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946 (5 June). Shanghai - USA / NY. Reverse and front multifkd env incl 50m block of 14 margin border. XF.
Final value: $ 40.00
193 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946 (13 June). Shanghai - USA / NY (20 June). Air multifkd env. VF.
Final value: $ 24.00
194 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946 (4 July). Shanghai - USA / NY (16-17 July). Reg reverse multifkd env. VF.
Final value: $ 40.00
195 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946 (15 July). Shanghai - USA / NY. Reverse single fkd env 200m cds. VF unusually scarce to find so at proper rate.
Final value: $ 32.00
196 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946 (10 Aug). Shangahi - USA / NY. Reverse multifkd env. Fine.
Final value: $ 22.00
197 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c.1947. Shangahi - USA / NY. Air fkd env mixed incl ovptd issue. Fine.
Final value: $ 22.00
198 China
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1948 (2 March). Tientsin - Brazil. multifkd comm stamps ovptd env hugh early inflation rate mixed usages. Lovely appealing item. Dest.
Final value: $ 900.00
199 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1948 (6 May). Shanghai - USA / NY. Reverse fkd reg env incl ovptd issue. Roughly opened.
Final value: $ 24.00
200 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1948. Shanghai - USA, NY. Air multifkd env mixed issues.
Final value: $ 24.00
201 China - Prc
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c.1955. Peking - Sweden. Air multifkd env mixed issues card. Fine.
Final value: $ 28.00
202 China - Prc
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1965 (24 March). Tientsin - Sweden. Air lettersheet red ccachet foreign postage cash paid. Fine.
Final value: $ 28.00
203 China - Prc
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1962 (12 Jan). Royal Swedish Embassy. Beijing - Sweden / Stockholm. Air reg flowers issue multifkd env. VF item.
Final value: $ 160.00
204 China - Prc
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1979 (23 May). Peking - Sweden. Air fkd card. VF.
Final value: $ 24.00
205 China - Prc
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1981 (19 May). Beijing - Sweden. Red cachet postage paid foreign airmail fkd. Fine env.
Final value: $ 26.00
206 China - Prc
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1982 (1 March). Canton - Sweden. Air multifkd PPC Bambies issue. XF Lovely gorgeous item.
Final value: $ 45.00
207 Costa Rica
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1896 (12 March). Atenas - S Jose (13 April). Reverse private hotel printed 2c green stat card with early star town cancel (**). Fine.
Final value: $ 30.00
208 Costa Rica
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1899 (27 Sept). San Jose - USA, CA SF. 10c sta env. VF used.
Final value: $ 18.00
209 Costa Rica
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c.1900. Telegraph local sta env addressed to Santa Ana. Fine and scarce.
Final value: $ 100.00
210 Costa Rica
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1907 (6 Oct). Cartago - USA, Chicago. 10c light brown stat env private print AF Pirie transito stline. VF.
Final value: $ 28.00
211 Costa Rica
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1908. S Jose - USA, Lusiana (17 Nov). Private photo card fkd 2c green x2 box town ds. Scarce.
Final value: $ 16.00
212 Costa Rica
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1909 (11 Jan). San Ramon - USA, Mass, East Lexington 10c blue stat env transito. Fine.
Final value: $ 20.00
213 Costa Rica
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1911 (11 June) - 2 July). 5c + 10c 2 used stat env one to Europe other to USA. Opportunity. Fine pair.
Final value: $ 20.00
214 Costa Rica
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1913 (30 July). S Jose - Germany. 4c brown stat card. Fine used.
Final value: $ 18.00
215 Costa Rica
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1921 (18 July). S Jose - Turrialba. 5c red stat env. VF.
Final value: $ 16.00
216 Costa Rica
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (1 Nov). S Jose - Macau, China (11 Dec). Single ovptd fkd env arrival cachet. Fine rare dest.
Final value: $ 30.00
217 Costa Rica
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (8 Feb). S Jose - USA, SF. 10c intense red private print AFI stat env. fine used with arrival.
Final value: $ 16.00
218 Czechoslovakia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (31 Aug). Bratislava - Macao, Tsien (4 Oct). Private card PPC 50h fkd rate cds. Fine and rare dest with arrival cachet.
Final value: $ 100.00
219 Czechoslovakia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (7 July). Prague - USA, Brooklyn (23 July). Reg air multifkd env special air cachet Via air to North America and NY in German. Via Stuttgart - Lisbon, Portugal Atlantic clipper route. Fine scarce pmk.
Final value: $ 75.00
220 Czechoslovakia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (28 July). Bohemia - Moravia. Prague - USA, Brooklyn (12-13 Aug). Reg air multifkd env. Various censors incl nazi.
Final value: $ 63.00
221 Czechoslovakia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (7 Aug). Bohemia - Moravia. Praga - USA, Brooklyn (25 July). Reg triple censored env incl scarce depart violet cachet. Fine.
Final value: $ 65.00
222 Czechoslovakia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1942 (4 Sept). Czech Forces in UK / Czech Postal Service. Chislehurst - UK. Machine fkd package front. Fine.
Final value: $ 20.00
223 Denmark
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1854-8. Yv 3/6º, 8/9º. 1st issue group of six, irregular margins no hidden faults. Opportunity. Used Yv 2009 620 euros.
Final value: $ 120.00
224 Denmark
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (11 June). WW II. Internee. Red Cross. Danish ship at Canary Isl / Spain. M/S Sleswig. Arrival (18 June 40). Most unusual.
Final value: $ 65.00
225 Denmark
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (21 May). Vanlose - Germany. 25 ovptd red stat card adtl Nazi censored tied air label. VF scarce.
Final value: $ 40.00
226 D.W.I.
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1835 (6 March). St Croix - UK - Madeira. EL full contains with letters in same text one to UK then over to Madeira. Via London (10 April) + red packet letter box + 1/2 fwding agent on front by Thomas Murdoch on way to Portugal. Scarce dest.
Final value: $ 380.00
227 D.W.I.
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1886 (20 April). St Thomas - Chile (8 June). Via Colon / Panama - Colombia. Per Mau. 2 cts blue stat env cds. Fine early better dest arrival cds. Transit before Panama canal was built 48 days.
Final value: $ 440.00
228 D.W.I.
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
"1891 (21 May). St Thomas - Sweden. 2cts blue stat env comercial usage via German Caribbean pqbt reverse ""Aus West Indien - Hamburg - über Coln"" (xxx). Scarce routing and VF. Sent as unsealed rate."
Final value: $ 425.00
229 D.W.I.
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1891 (12 Nov). St Thomas - Brazil / Santos (3 Dec). Addressed to Norwegian ship Amiatia. Via RJ. VF better dest 2cts blue stat env.
Final value: $ 380.00
230 Dominican Rep
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1865. Yv 1 1/2 real black, rose, oval St Doingo cancel. Good margins minimal 1mm clear dot at right edge. VF stamps Yv 2009 750 euros. Extraord rare good condition.
Final value: $ 450.00
231 Dominican Rep
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1865. Yv 2º real black on green almost complete xtra four sides margins proper violet wavy lines cancel faultless rare stamp. Yv 2009 1,550 euro. Rarity.
Final value: $ 1000.00
232 Dominican Rep
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1865*. Yv 3º. Wavy horiz paper. Medio real black on light grey green 3 v good margins two are xtras, with proper central cross line cancel. Minor thins on reverse. Yv 2009. 725 euros.
Final value: $ 240.00
233 Dominican Rep
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1865. Yv 4º. Paper verge. Unreal blck on pla yellow paper cds St Domingo cancel three v good margins. Rare faultless stamp Yv 2009 1,800 euros.
Final value: $ 450.00
234 Dubai
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1963 (21 Oct). Trucial States. Dubai 1 - Sweden. Air reg Red Cross Centenary issue fkd env VF. Scarce esarly mail.
Final value: $ 180.00
235 Dubai
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1963 (14 Nov).Trucial States. GPO - Sweden. Red Cross Cent issue air fkd env. V scarce.
Final value: $ 120.00
236 Dubai
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1964 (18 Aug). Trucial States. GPO 1 - Sweden. Reg air multifkd butterfly env usage. Fine early scarce.
Final value: $ 75.00
237 Ecuador
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1865-72. Yv 1*, 1º (2), 3º. 1/2 red blues 3 shades one int og 1 real yellow. Nice group.
Final value: $ 36.00
238 Ecuador
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (24 May). Quito - Macau, China (13 July). Unsealed pm rate fkd env 15c rate flags issue. Exceptional rate dest with arrival cachet.
Final value: $ 45.00
239 Egypt
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1886 (28 Feb). Port Said - Denmark, Soro (8 March). 20p brown stat card. Fine early usage dest.
Final value: $ 38.00
240 Egypt
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Souvenir Sheet / Used
1941 (30 June, month inverted). Eimala Kairo - USA, NY (6 Oct). Transpacific route reg multifkd env doble censored via Hawai )2 Oct) and NY (5-6 Oct). Scarce usage.
Final value: $ 240.00
241 Egypt
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (16 July). Alexandria - US, NYC 117ms rate. Airmail censored via Transpacific China Clipper. Fine and scarce.
Final value: $ 100.00
242 Egypt
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (25 Oct). Port Said - USA. Air censored multifkd env 107 ms rate. VF.
Final value: $ 41.00
243 Egypt
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (24 Oct). Alexandria - USA, NYC. Air censored multifkd env 52ms rate Route air to Capetown Sea route onwards. Most interesting showing it.
Final value: $ 101.00
244 Egypt
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1942 (12 March). Tukh - USA. Air multifkd env dobl censored env US taxed 3cts. Fine comb.
Final value: $ 45.00
245 Egypt
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1943 (17 Dec). Airmails Sidi Gaber - Sweden. WW II air mail via Turkey, Galata - Istambul (5-6 Jan 44) route sea to Turkey air to London further by air triple censor most unusual dest short transit period. VF.
Final value: $ 71.00
246 Egypt
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1944 (14 June). Cairo - USA (6 July). Via Miami (1 July). Air Express rate cachet multifkd env unusual transatlantic service.
Final value: $ 111.00
247 Egypt
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1945 (28 Nov). Airmails Alexandria - USA, NYC. 52ms rate air fkd env with cachet par Avion till London only. A very rare usage of this cachet in the development of the OAT service.
Final value: $ 110.00
248 Egypt
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946 (22 June). Sultan Husein - USA, NYC (27-28 June). Reg 90ms rate fkd airmail env. nice cond usage.
Final value: $ 38.00
249 Eire
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (13 March). Baile Atha Chiath - Macau, portuguese China (13 April). Via HK transit arrival reverse fkd env v scarce dest usage.
Final value: $ 32.00
250 Eire
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (20 Aug). Baile Atha Chiath - Macau (18 Sept). Via HK fkd env better dest usage with arrival cachet.
Final value: $ 35.00
251 Eire
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1942 (16 Dic). Cathair NA Mari - USA / NY. Fkd env dual censor. 2 1/2d.
Final value: $ 24.00
252 Eire
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1943 (26 March). Cathair Na Mari - USA / Flushing. Air fkd env dual censored. Fine 1sh 3d rate label.
Final value: $ 28.00
253 Eire
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1942 (4 Aug). Baile Atha Cliath - UA / NY. Air multifkd env 15d rate dual censored. Fine.
Final value: $ 30.00
254 Eire
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1945 (14 July). Cathair Na Mart - USA / NY. Multifkd env censor.
Final value: $ 24.00
255 Estonia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (3 May). Valga - Macau, South China portuguese Colony (9 June). Via Rusia - Moscow (9 May). PM rate unsealed fkd env. rarity dest with arrival.
Final value: $ 141.00
256 Estonia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (7 Jan). Rusia Soviet Union. Second soviet Occupation. Tallin - Sweden. Comercial fkd env Rusia 50k former Estonian cancel. VF scarce so.
Final value: $ 120.00
257 Finland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1856. Yv 2º 10k rose large good margins, Wiborg postal cancel. VF Yv 2009 1,100 euros.
Final value: $ 360.00
258 Finland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1856. Yv 3º 5k blue uneven margins large pearls postal cancel. Yv 2009 3,000 euros.
Final value: $ 200.00
259 Finland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (12 July). Kupois - Macau, South China private card rare dest fkd 1 1/2c with arrival cds.
Final value: $ 29.00
260 Finland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (24 Jan). Helsinki - Macau, China (22 Feb). Unsealed pm rate fkd env 50p rate cds. XF scarce rate dest arrival date cachet.
Final value: $ 63.00
261 France
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1850. Yv 1/6º Selection of 6 diff values incl 20c and 1fr in XF cond. Only 40c has minor thin great oportunity. Yv 2009 2,835 euros.
Final value: $ 380.00
262 France
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1871 (16 Oct). Paris - USA / N Orleans. EL fkd 30c brown pair / red star + NY steamship 10c PP in red mns due 10. Fine transatlantic Post Prussian war usage.
Final value: $ 40.00
263 France - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (19 Sept). Paris - Macau, China portuguesa (24 Nov). Book rate fkd complete wrapper 2f 10c rate. Fine.
Final value: $ 32.00
264 France - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (15 Sept). Amiens - Macau, China. Reg book post high fkd complete env wrapper 8fr 60c rate.
Final value: $ 40.00
265 France
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (26 Feb). Paris - Macau, China (25 March). Via HK (24 March). Reg book post multifkd env 10fr 15c rate with arrival.
Final value: $ 50.00
266 Frc - Madagascar
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (6 June). Majunga - Macau, South portuguese China (10 Juky). Via HK (10 July). Multifkd env ovptd issue 2fr 40c rate ds. Exceptional dest rarity with arrival cachet.
Final value: $ 125.00
267 Frc - Martinique
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1909 (5 Dec). Case - Pilo / Fort de France - USA / NY (1 Jan 1910). Reg multifkd env mixed issues General Colonies Sage type. Fine town usage.
Final value: $ 220.00
268 Frc - St. Pierre Miq
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (15 Feb). GPO - USA. Multifkd env. incl ovptd issue.
Final value: $ 33.00
269 French Colonies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1859-71. General issues.Yv 1/3*, 4/6º, 12º. Yv 2009 317 euros. Complete mint and used set, uneven short margins no faults on reverse. The 8c used in India margin border is glorious. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 60.00
270 Georgia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1925 (21 Dec). Rusia - Batum - Austria. Rusian 7k brown fkd harbour view card. VF.
Final value: $ 40.00
271 Germany Stampless
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1861 (5 June). Dusseldorf - USA, NY (30 June). Stampless EL transatlantic usage. Proper charges. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 34.00
272 German States-Baden
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1851-3. Yv 1/8. 8 Values used, 1kr is mint with original gum. Uneven margins. Opportunity. 6kr green is not genuine. High cat value.
Final value: $ 160.00
273 German States-Bayern
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1849-61. 13 values. Yv 2-14. Yv 2009 aprox 841 euros. Mostly faultless fine. 12kr green with foreign cancel. Margins mostly complete. Several signed. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 120.00
274 German States-Bayern
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1875 (22 Aug). Kissingen - France. Part of flap gone fkd env 9kr perf cds.
Final value: $ 180.00
275 German States-Bayern
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1920 (24 Feb). Munich - Switzerland.10pf Germania ovptd 2 taxed Swiss postage due tied. Fine comb.
Final value: $ 32.00
276 German States-Bayern
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1920 (9 March). Munich - Switzerland. 10pf Germania ovptd 10pf adtl taxed Swiss p due 10c tied aux marks. Fine comb.
Final value: $ 32.00
277 German States-Brunsw
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1852-3. Yv 1-4, 6-9, 11. Used stamps nº1 and 6 have thins, others are faultless. Mostly fine Yv 2009 aprox 2,138 euros. Opportunity. Several signed.
Final value: $ 240.00
278 German States-Hambur
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1859. Yv 1-3, 5-6º. All used except 1/2s uneven margins, 4 and 7sh faultless on reverse. Opprotunity hgh cat value.
Final value: $ 100.00
279 German States-Hanove
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1850-3. Yv 1/5Yº. Mostly F-VF group. God margins faultless. Nice group. Yv 2009 420 euros cat.
Final value: $ 100.00
280 German States-Meck-S
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1856. Yv 1/2*. Both stamps mint about complete margins signed.
Final value: $ 25.00
281 German States-Oldenb
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1852-5. Yv 1/3º. Fine faultless trio used complete margins. Yv 2009 121 euros.
Final value: $ 36.00
282 German States-Oldenb
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c.1858. Varel - Edewecht. Local fkd env 1g blue blue box ds. Fine condition.
Final value: $ 45.00
283 German States-Prusia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1850-6. Yv 1-5. All used except 4p green mint about fine mixed cond.
Final value: $ 22.00
284 German States-Saxony
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1851. Yv 3-5. 3 values used fine faultless Yv 2009 110euros.
Final value: $ 28.00
285 German States-T&t
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1852-60. Northern district. Yv 1/14. Mint and used about fine. Mixed condition. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 45.00
286 German States-T&t
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1862-3. Northern district. Yv 15/20. 6 vals, mint and used mixed condition. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 32.00
287 German States-T&t
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1852-3. Southern district. Yv 42/46º. Mixed condition. About fine. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 24.00
288 German States-T&t
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1859-62. Southern District. 9 values mixed cond used and two mint. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 35.00
289 German States-T&t
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1865 (13 Nov). Frankfurt - France (15 Nov). Fkd env with 2x 6kr blue cut out stat tied 220 rings. Most unusual.
Final value: $ 750.00
290 German States-Wurtte
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1851-2. 5 values diff cancels mostly good margins and fine. 1kr signed. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 35.00
291 German States
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1920 (12 FeB). Refsburg - Svendborg (14 Feb). Fkd censored env with label in German violet cachet. Scarce and fine.
Final value: $ 120.00
292 Germany
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1898-1909. North Pole Expedition 2fkd postcards related to issues of this proper circulation. Interesting.
Final value: $ 24.00
293 Germany - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1923. Inflation period mail to Switzerland. 7 diff better fkd env one is reg. VF cond. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 85.00
294 Germany - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1924 (27 Feb). Borna, Leipzig - South Africa. Private print wrapper 15r stat card adtl. Scarce better dest.
Final value: $ 90.00
295 German Levant
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1909 (21 July). Jerusalem - Switzerland (27 July). Fkd color chromolitho Howards Hotel card. XF.
Final value: $ 36.00
296 German Col-East Afri
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1900 (30 Jan). Tanga - Germany - West Prussia. Marienwerden (22 Feb). Early fkd env 5p ovptd stamp cds.
Final value: $ 85.00
297 German Col-East Afri
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1905 (11 Aug). Kibonoto, Kilimandjaro - Moschi - Tanga - Sweden, Boden. Fkd PPC. Fine scarce usage dest.
Final value: $ 135.00
298 Great Britain
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1840. 2d used black MC very good to complete margins.
Final value: $ 250.00
299 Great Britain
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1840. 1d penny black. DG red MC v good margis small thin on reverse at lower part. V nice appearance.
Final value: $ 60.00
300 Great Britain
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1845 (3 June). London, Picadilly, Midland Railway - USA, Boston, America. E fkd single 1d red 1841. Gold margins imperf tied grill + blue Philadelphia July 11 Red return for postage modified charges. Balance paid cash fully prepaid. Via Liverpool (6 June) Fine
Final value: $ 1200.00
301 Great Britain
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1855 (20 July). London - France / Paris. D fkd 2d blue 6d embossed cut out tied grill.
Final value: $ 101.00
302 Great Britain
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1858 (18 Feb). Ireland. Eddeworthstown - USA, NY. Essec Co (7 March). Stampless env unpaid 24c. Via Dublin (18 Feb) and Liverpool (19 Feb) with contains.
Final value: $ 28.00
303 Great Britain
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1858 (3 July). London - Corfu / Greece (12 July). Stampless EL full contains via Triest (7 July) / Prussia. Arrival cds onfront charges would display v well opened.
Final value: $ 40.00
304 Great Britain
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1859 (14 Oct). Manchester - USA. Stampless EL cash paid transatlantic. Via Liverpool (15 Oct).
Final value: $ 15.00
305 Great Britain
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1860 (18 May). London - Canada / Nova Scotia. Printed prices fkd 1d red perf 1841. Via Cunard Arabia. Liverpool 19 May Stopped at Halifax on way to Boston. Tied 25 grill. Fine. Transatlantic usage.
Final value: $ 41.00
306 Great Britain
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1861 (16 Aug). Ireland. Eddeworthstown - USA, Conn Env fkd 1sh green / 206 + NY Br Packet / 24 red large cds (29 Aug) + 5 cts.
Final value: $ 36.00
307 Great Britain
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1861 (21 Nov). Ireland. Eddeworthstown - USA. Env fkd 1sh green / 206. Via NY BR packet / paid 24.
Final value: $ 40.00
308 Great Britain
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1863 (13 Jan). Eddeworthstown - USA (25 Jan). Env full contains fkd 1sh / 206 + 21cts red paid 24.
Final value: $ 40.00
309 Great Britain
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1863 (14 Aug). Ireland. Eddeworthstown - USA (18 Aug). Env with contains fkd single 1sh green pl1, small diamond 206 + cds. Red 2 cts NY BR packet / paid 24. Fine.
Final value: $ 100.00
310 Great Britain
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1863 (11 Oct). Eddesworth (Ireland as per correspondence) - Liverpool (15 Oct) - Usa, Boston. Boston Br Packet 35cts cds (29 Oct). Stampless env with contains. Per packet Canada.
Final value: $ 36.00
311 Great Britain
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1865 (10 Oct). London - Switzerland / Wildegg (12 Oct). Fkd E 10d rate. Fine ompf 2d blue engrave print.
Final value: $ 135.00
312 Great Britain
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1866 (10 April). London - Switzerland / Wildegg (12 April). EL fkd 1d pl 95 (x5).
Final value: $ 60.00
313 Great Britain
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1868 (24 Feb). London - Switzerland (25 Feb). EL fkd 1d pl97 (x7) + 4d pl 9 (x2), 15d rate cds. Fine usage.
Final value: $ 380.00
314 Great Britain
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1868 (13 Oct).Ireland. Eddeworthstown - USA, Warren Co. Aur with contains fkd 6d lilac intense pl6, tied small diamond 206 + cds.
Final value: $ 75.00
315 Great Britain
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1868 (15 Dec). Ireland. Eddeworthstown - USA (21 Dec. Env with contains fkd 6d lilac pl5, small diamond 206, red NY paid all. Fine.
Final value: $ 55.00
316 Great Britain
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1869 (14 Sept). Ireland. Eddeworthstown - USA Warren Co. Env with contains fkd 6d lilac pl 8, tied small diamond 206 + cds. Red NY period (26 Sept).
Final value: $ 55.00
317 Great Britain
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1871 (2 March). Ireland. Eddeworthstown - UA, Warren Co. Env with contains fkd 2 1/2d rose plate 6 / 206 small diamond cds.
Final value: $ 45.00
318 Great Britain
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1871 (8 Jul). Ireland. Eddeworthstown - USA, Warren Co. Env with contains fkd 2 1/2d deep rose pl6 / 206 + cds.
Final value: $ 36.00
319 Great Britain
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1872 (9 Feb). Ireland. Eddeworthtown - USA. Env with contains fkd 2 1/2d rose / 206 pl7 red NY paid tied.
Final value: $ 35.00
320 Great Britain
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1880 (3 April). Ross - USA, Pha (17 April). Via London (5 April). Env fkd 1d dest x3 / 651. Scarce transatlantic town origin.
Final value: $ 65.00
321 Great Britain - Stat
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1880 (3 Sept). London - Netherlands (4 Sept). 1/2d brown stat wrapper 1/2d red engraved plate 13 tied grill fine with arrival.
Final value: $ 100.00
322 Great Britain - Stat
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1886 (4 Sept). London - Denmark (6 Sept). 1/2d brown stat card + 1/2d lilac tied. Fine.
Final value: $ 30.00
323 Great Britain - Stat
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1892 (22 Nov). Bath - Belgium. 1/2d red ilustrated stat env + 2 adtls. VF.
Final value: $ 48.00
324 Great Britain - Stat
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1893 (24 Jan). Bath - Ayr / NB. 1/2d red ilustr stat env adtl. VF.
Final value: $ 36.00
325 Great Britain
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1893 (26 Jan). Salisbury - USA, Mich. Fkd env Philatelic Journal of GB ilustrated env. Nice item.
Final value: $ 100.00
326 Great Britain - Stat
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1893 (22 July). Bath - Belgium / Ostende. 1/2d red ilustrated stat evn + 2 adtls. VF.
Final value: $ 48.00
327 Great Britain - Stat
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1895 (6 Feb). London - Switzerland / Davos (8 Feb). Private stat env 1d adtl perfin U && Cº. Fine usage.
Final value: $ 38.00
328 Great Britain - Stat
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1905 (11 Nov). Egham, Surrey - Denmark (13 Nov). Reg 2d + 1d stat env + 4d adtl stamps. VF item. Nice condition.
Final value: $ 55.00
329 Great Britain - Stat
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1910 (17 Dec). London - Germany (18 Dec). Reg 1/2d green stat wrapper. Comercial book post rate R-label. Unusual rate. Fine.
Final value: $ 50.00
330 Great Britain - Stat
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1912 (20 July). London - Germany (21 July). Reg 1/2d green stat wrapper comercial papers. Unusual rate.
Final value: $ 50.00
331 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (23 Feb). Staines, Middx - Macau, China (30 March). Via HK fkd env 2 1/2d rate rarity dest and fine.
Final value: $ 40.00
332 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (27 Aug). Treeton, Rotherham - Macao, China (29 Sept). Portuguese China. PM rate unsealed env fkd 1/2d green cds. Rare dest.
Final value: $ 28.00
333 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (21 Dec). London - Macau, China (24 Jan 35). Via HK reg fkd env 7d rate VF rarity dest.
Final value: $ 70.00
334 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (11 March). Chiswick - Macau, China (12 April). Via HK fkd env 4d rate with arrival ds a better dest.
Final value: $ 28.00
335 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (12 April). Luton - Switzerland (13 April). Express airmail fkd env 10d rate 2 labels. Unusual.
Final value: $ 50.00
336 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (21 April). Glasgow - Macau, China (24 May). Fkd env 1/2d green (x3) 1 1/2d better dest fine usage.
Final value: $ 38.00
337 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (28 June). London - Macau (2 Aug). Private card silver jubilee fkd with arrival cachet. VF.
Final value: $ 35.00
338 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (29 July). Croydon - Macau (3 Sept). Pm rate fkd env 1/2d green silver Jubilee superb dest arrival cachet. Unsealed env.
Final value: $ 38.00
339 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (13 Sept). Manchester - Macau, China (17 Oct). PM 1 1/2d machine fkd unsealed env with air map for Imperial routing arrival VF unusual item.
Final value: $ 125.00
340 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (2 Oct). Manchester - Macau (25 Oct). Via Siberia stline cachet Imperial Airways color ilustrated air routed machine fkd 1 1/2d rate. Rarity stline vscarce for late PM.
Final value: $ 160.00
341 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (24 Oct). Bournemouth - Macau (28 Nov). PM rate fkd env single 1/2dd dark green tied cds. Better rate dest with arrival date.
Final value: $ 20.00
342 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (4 Sept). London - HK. Air env fkd 4d block of six violet cds. Fine.
Final value: $ 100.00
343 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (16 Oct). London - HK. Air fkd env 6d rate special airmail cachet fkd 3d lilac pair. Better dest. with arrival date.
Final value: $ 38.00
344 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (20 Nov). London - HK. Airmail multifkd env 2sh / 24d multifkd env mixed Kings. v high rate dest.
Final value: $ 180.00
345 Bc - Aden
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1961 (10 April). Crater (Volcano reference) - Sweden. Reg 2sh stamp single usage fkd airmail env. VF. Via GPO.
Final value: $ 32.00
346 Bc - Barbados
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1914 (11 Nov). Belgian Relief Fund. GPO Denmark Comercial fkd env 1d rate taxed special relief label one fraction for Belgian Barbados Fund Interesting and scarce.
Final value: $ 161.00
347 Bc - Barbados
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (4 Nov). GPO - USA, NY. 3d rate fkd env depart green printed censor label. Scarce.
Final value: $ 32.00
348 Bc - Bermuda
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c.1936. Local telegram goldpaper env fkd 1/2d green addressed to Boaz Isl. Confirmation copy. Fine.
Final value: $ 100.00
349 Bc - Bermuda
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c.1940. Local telegram goldpaper env addressed to Boz Isl dkd 1d stamp tied slogan cancel. VF.
Final value: $ 100.00
350 Bc - Bermuda
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c.1940. Mangrove Farm / Maria Hills mews, USA, NY. Air 7 1/2d fkd env + Bermuda censor label c/8152.
Final value: $ 60.00
351 Bc - Bermuda
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1951 (22 Oct). Hamilton - Switzerland. Multifkd env 6d block of 6. VF surf Club.
Final value: $ 24.00
352 Bc - Bermuda
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1951 (26 Oct). Hamilton - Switzerland. Air fkd PPC d rate red cachet insuff prepaid for transmission by airmail (xxx). Lovely strike. VF item.
Final value: $ 48.00
353 Bc - Br. Guiana
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (6 Feb). GPO - Macau, Asia. PM fkd wrapper with arrival ds. 1c green stamps cds.
Final value: $ 28.00
354 Bc - Br. Guiana
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1964 (15 Sept). New Amsterdam, Berbice - Sweden. Reg air multifkd env. 95c rate. Fine.
Final value: $ 36.00
355 Bc - Br. Honduras
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1944 (19 May). Belize - USA. Fitchburg, mass (7-9 June). Reg air OHMS single 50c fkd env + US censored unusual fine.
Final value: $ 100.00
356 Bc - Br. Honduras
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1949 (30 April). Belize - USA, Bellville, Ill. Reg OHMS multifkd env. Nice item.
Final value: $ 26.00
357 Bc - Brunei
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (14 Aug). GPO - Macau, China (30 Aug). 17 days transit. Env with proper arrival date postmark cachet. 12c rate v rare usage.
Final value: $ 240.00
358 Bc - Ceylon
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1857. Wmk star 1d, 2d, 5d and 6d. Group of 4 imperf diff used values uneven margins faultless on reverse. High cat value. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 160.00
359 Bc - Ceylon
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (24 July). Watalla - Macau, South China, portuguese (9 Aug). Via HK (8 Aug). Multifkd env arrival cachet. V rare dest.
Final value: $ 130.00
360 Bc - Cyprus
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c.1949. Famagusta - USA / NYC. Env fkd 3d rate. Fine.
Final value: $ 22.00
361 Bc - Cyprus
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1956 (26 April). Limassol - Sweden. Air reg fkd env 115ms rate. Fine.
Final value: $ 28.00
362 Bc - Cyprus
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1957 (12 Nov). Nicosia - Sweden. Air reg multifkd env 115 ms rate.
Final value: $ 26.00
363 Bc - Cyprus
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1960 (9 Sept). Turkish ovptd issue. Limassol - Sweden. Air reg multifkd env 80m rate. VF.
Final value: $ 30.00
364 Bc - Cyprus
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1962 (27 March). Limassol - Sweden. Turkish ovptd issue Kibris. Reg multifkd air env VF dest.
Final value: $ 30.00
365 Bc - Cyprus
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1964 (15 AuG). Limassol - USA. Air fkd env box political cachet Seff determination for Cyprus (xxx).
Final value: $ 20.00
366 Bc - East Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1911 (3 March). Italian Somaliland - EAP- Belgium, Mons(8 April). Via Kismayu (7 March), Mombassa (16 March). Doble 3c green stat card 3 adtls cds . Exceptional proper usage. Rarity item better dest.
Final value: $ 1411.00
367 Bc - Falkland Island
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1969 (2 Aug). Port Stanley - USA, Bellville, Ill (23 Oct). Reg OHMS airplanes multifkd env with arrival cds. Fine.
Final value: $ 24.00
368 Bc - Gold Coast
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (4 June). Dunkwa - Sweden. 3d rate multifkd env depart censor albel. Scarce dest.
Final value: $ 45.00
369 Bc - Jamaica
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c.1940 (Feb). Lascelles - USA. 1sh air fkd single usage depart censor label D/6383. Fine.
Final value: $ 32.00
370 Bc - Jamaica
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c.1940 (12 Oct). Lascelles - USA, NYC. Fkd env 3d rate depart censor label ID / 8832. Fine usage.
Final value: $ 38.00
371 Bc - Kenya
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (30 Oct). Kakamega - Sweden. Air fkd PPC 35c rate. Fine small town usage + train view photo.
Final value: $ 50.00
372 Bc - Kenya
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (13 Oct). Morogoro - Germany. 15c red airmail stat card 15c adtl cds. Fine. Scarce.
Final value: $ 85.00
373 Bc - Malta
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (31 July). Valetta - Macau, portuguese china (30 Aug 35). PM complete wrapper single 1/2c silver Jubilee usage cds. Rarity.
Final value: $ 450.00
374 Bc - Malta
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (22 Nov). Valetta - Zentun - Macau, Asia (22 Dec). Fkd Coronation issue env 2 1/2d rate. Via Port Said (27 Nov), HK (21 Dec). VF usage. Rare dest.
Final value: $ 110.00
375 Bc - Malta
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1944 (10 Sept). Gozo - USA / NY. Fkd 2 1/2d rate env dual censorship labels.
Final value: $ 100.00
376 Bc - Mauritius
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1848-58. Yv 5º 1p vermilion good margins inland box cancel. Diagonal lines visible only. A fine faultless stamp. Yv 2009 1,500 euros.
Final value: $ 450.00
377 Bc - Mauritius
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1848-58. Yv 6º 2p blue good margins concentric circles cancel. Diagonal lins only visible. A fine faultless stamp. Yv 2009 2,500 euros.
Final value: $ 700.00
378 Bc - Mef
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1944 (31 Aug). Asmara / Eritrea - USA / NYC. Multifkd env 1sh block of four airmail cachet censor ZZ / 37381. Reverse ried label. Interesting cacheted item.
Final value: $ 210.00
379 Bc - Mef
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946 (25 June). Asmara / Eritrea - USA / NY. Multifkd env 24d rate. Fine.
Final value: $ 115.00
380 Bc - Nigeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (9 Cot). Lagos - Dutch Indies (8 Nov). WW II. Air multifkd triple censored env. Superb dest incoming via Egypt. 30d rate.
Final value: $ 380.00
381 Bc - Nigeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1952 (2 June). Orekhie. Benin City - USA, Chicago (7-9 July). Reg multifkd env 45d rate. Fine multiple usage.
Final value: $ 95.00
382 Bc - Nyassaland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1915 (March). Cairo / Egypt - Zomba (1 April). British Central Africa Protectorate. Via Mombassa. Fkd env censor during conflict interesting p history item.
Final value: $ 22.00
383 Bc - Nyassaland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1945 (26 Oct). Zomba - USA, Pitchburg, Mass. Reg OHMS 1sh 6d rate fkd env map stamp. Fine with arrival seamail.
Final value: $ 165.00
384 Bc - Pakistan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (26 March). Lahore, Mall - Austria / Linz (7 April). Air reg fkd env via Athens / Greece (4 April). Fine and scarce early air usage. Imperial routing.
Final value: $ 100.00
385 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1947 (31 July). Luanshy / Lusambo - Germany. Air multifkd env censor 1 sh 9d rate incl 1sh stamp. Fine.
Final value: $ 110.00
386 Bc - St. Helena
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1944 (18 May). GPO - USA, Mass, Fitchbury (3-5 July). Reg multifkd env. high rate.
Final value: $ 36.00
387 Bc - St. Vincent
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1889 (5 Sept). Kingstown - Germany. 1/2d brown stat card. VF used.
Final value: $ 40.00
388 Bc - St. Vincent
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1944 (14 April). Kingstown - USA / NY. Air multifkd env 1sh 9d rate dual censor incl depart RR / 147 label.
Final value: $ 36.00
389 Bc - Trinidad
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1905 (10 March). Srima. Trinidad - Argentina. 1/2d green stat card adtl. Via Barbados - Para / Amazonas / RJ / Brazil. rare dest.
Final value: $ 40.00
390 Bc - Trinidad
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (28 May). Carapichaima - Macau, Portuguese China (17 July). Via HK (17 July). Fkd env Silver jubilee issue 6c cds rarity dest proper usage.
Final value: $ 59.00
391 Greece
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1859. Ionian Isl. British admin. Sc 1/3* complete set mint fine cond with original gum.
Final value: $ 36.00
392 Greece
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1861. Yv 1/6 except 5. Mint and used. No figure on rever. 40l mint minor thn. Others seen 1 and 2l are nice mint. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 125.00
393 Greece
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1914 (Feb). Albania. Chimarra issue. Sc 1/4 Crossbones issue ued with ovptd cachet. An extremely rare genuine set in XF condi.
Final value: $ 450.00
394 Greece
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1863-71. Athens printing less neart. Selection of 9 diff several signed about fine mint and used. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 125.00
395 Greece
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1861-2. Athen printing nrs on back. 5l and 80l are thinned others ok as serbia. Mint and used. Opp
Final value: $ 160.00
396 Greece
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1876-82. Late large Hermes. No figure on reverse. Selection of 12 diff Generally fine. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 48.00
397 Greece
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1876-82. Late large Hermes. Selection of 15 incl black of four and strip. Mostly about fine. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 45.00
398 Greece
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1869-70. Plates retouches. 6 diff mint and used stamps. Generally fine. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 40.00
399 Greece
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1872-6. Late Hermes. Selection of 10 mint and used. Fine. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 51.00
400 Greece
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (27 June). Athens - Macau, Asia (25 July). Multifkd env incl comm issue mixed v rare dest with arrival date.
Final value: $ 35.00
401 Greece
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (24 May). Athnes - UK / London. Reg multifkd reverse front env.
Final value: $ 26.00
402 Greece
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (15 Oct). Pireus - South Africa. Air multifkd env financial control label. Fine dest.
Final value: $ 40.00
403 Greece
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (1 Ago). Athens - Portuguese Mozambique (6 Aug). Air multifkd env. fine better dest with arrival cachet.
Final value: $ 85.00
404 Greece
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (9 Aug). Athens - Portuguese Mozambique, Lorenzo Marques (13 Aug). 4 days transit. Air multifkd env. VF rare dest with arrival cachet.
Final value: $ 100.00
405 Greece
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1945 (21 July). Athens - Sweden, Stockholm. Air multifkd reverse censor OAT large negative red cachet. Fine scarce. 55dr rate. Very early usage.
Final value: $ 115.00
406 Greece
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1945 (13 Sept). Athens - Sweden, Stockholm. Air OAT reverse multifkd env Greek censor label scarce anfine. 570 dr rate.
Final value: $ 115.00
407 Greece
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1945 (21 Sept). Athens - Sweden, Stockholm. Air multifkd OAT via London censored env XF colorful usage comercial 175dr rate.
Final value: $ 110.00
408 Greece
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
"1945 (21 Sept). Athens - Sweden, Stockholm. Multifkd comercial censored air OAT via London dual manuscript UPU cacheted ""par avion au dela du London"". XF usage 100al ramac rate."
Final value: $ 135.00
409 Greenland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1923. Egeasmina - Denmark, Soro (17 Nov). Fkd 20ore env cancelled at Kopenhagen (17 Nov). On way to dest with reverse sender town address origin unusual + Stylesen / Kolonie Greenland small cachet unusual private usage.
Final value: $ 330.00
410 Greenland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c.1925 (July). Near Aarsballa, Tingsted school. Local circulated Greenland peoples photo card with summer celebration label. Proper circulation mail was free at this time. V nice item.
Final value: $ 280.00
411 Greenland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1942 (14 June). Kopenhagen - Holsteinsborg today Sisimut central Western town in the Davis Strait. Fkd air env 100ore rate with Nazi Occup British Bermuda 1C censor labels cachet Greenland via Lisabon New York for the routing. VF showing routing. That wo Fine
Final value: $ 450.00
412 Guatemala
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (1 Aug). GPO - Macau, portuguese Asia (8 Sept). Reg multifkd env written by a Chinese local business with bilingual slogan logo. J Lau W. Via S Fco - Seattle/ USA. VF rarity dest.
Final value: $ 240.00
413 Haiti
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1881. Yv 1*, 2*, 5º. First issue. 3 nice stamps good margins nice cds original gum.
Final value: $ 18.00
414 Haiti
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (14 April). Port Prince - Sweden. Multifkd Swedish MS Kungholm Comm paabt Nice mixed issues item.
Final value: $ 38.00
415 Honduras
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (5 July). La Ceiba - Macau, China (12 Aug). Reg air prefranked. Via NY (4 July), S.Fco (18 July date error), HK (11 Aug) ovptd issue. Espectacular item.
Final value: $ 160.00
416 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1919 (19 June). GPO - Switzerland (5 Nov). Fkd HK card censored 59. Via Paris (5 Aug). VF.
Final value: $ 45.00
417 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1925 (19 MArch). HK - France. Graca & Cº Philately ilustrated fkd env. Nice item.
Final value: $ 48.00
418 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1927 (13 April). GPO - Macau (13 April). Reg fkd env 14c rate with perfin stmaps HSBC. XF better dest.
Final value: $ 240.00
419 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1930 (22 Feb). GPO - C - Macau (22 Feb). Reg multifkd env 14c rate bearing 2c x7 cds. VF.
Final value: $ 125.00
420 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (12 April). GPO - Macau (12 April). PM rate local fkd complete wrapper 6c rate black negative cds. Scarce.
Final value: $ 40.00
421 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (27 April). Victoria - Macau (28 April). Private design postcard 2c green rate fkd with arrival cachet. V scarce.
Final value: $ 100.00
422 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (11 Aug). Victoria - Macau (11 Aug). Local PM book post fkd env. Scarce VF.
Final value: $ 45.00
423 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (7 Nov). Victoria - Macau (7 Nov). Same day delivery. Env fkd 10c high rate for local usage. Fine.
Final value: $ 26.00
424 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (27 Dec). GPO - Macau (28 Dec). Fkd env 25c rate. Fine high rate for scarce dest.
Final value: $ 40.00
425 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (12 April). HK - B - Macau (12 April). Same day reg high fkd env 35c rate rarity dest.
Final value: $ 100.00
426 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (15 May). Victoria - Macau, China (16 May). Complete fkd wrapper comercial package bearing silver Jubilee 45c on stamps. VF scarce usage so ds.
Final value: $ 201.00
427 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (16 May). Victoria - Macau (16 May). Silver Jubilee fkd 10c rate env. Fine comercial usage.
Final value: $ 100.00
428 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (16 May). Victoria - Macau (17 May). Local fkd film Industry env with 5c Silver Jubilee issue cds. Very early presence. Fine item.
Final value: $ 100.00
429 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (17 June). Victoria - Macau, China (17 June). Comercial high fkd comercial env incl 5c silver Jubilee 65c rate. Hugh local rate usage negative black cds.
Final value: $ 136.00
430 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (19 June). GPO / C - Macau (20 June). Local reg high rate multifkd Silver Jubilee issue comercial usage. 38c rate. Fine and V scarce.
Final value: $ 240.00
431 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (31 Oct). Victoria - Macau (31 Oct). Same day arrival Silver Jubilee comercial usage 25c rate high fkd env with arrival cachet. V scarce.
Final value: $ 125.00
432 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (9 Dec). Sheung Wan - Macau (10 Dec). Reg local fkd single 30c stamps cds VF and rare rate usage to this dest.
Final value: $ 180.00
433 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (14 Dec). GPO - Macau (15 Dec). Local fkd env high rate 5c silver Jubilee negative black cds perfect strike (xxx/R). Lovely usage with arrival cachet.
Final value: $ 240.00
434 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (2 Jan). Victoria - Macau (3 Jan). Local fkd 5c Silver Jubilee cds. Better comercial usage.
Final value: $ 85.00
435 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (4 Jan). HK - C - Macau (4 Jan). Same day usage. Reg AR oval cachet (RRR / xxx) Silver Jubilee 5c 35a rate. Rarity usage dest service.
Final value: $ 375.00
436 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (10 Jan). GPO - B - Macau (10 Jan). Reg same day silver Jubilee fkd env 35c rate. VF rarirty.
Final value: $ 200.00
437 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (27 March). First flight. HK - Penang - London - USA, Boston (16 April). Via Imperial airways multifkd env special cachet.
Final value: $ 200.00
438 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (5 Nov). HK - China. First flight China National Air Corporation with Swatow arrival cachet. Multifkd env. XF.
Final value: $ 220.00
439 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (15 Feb). HK - Yanmati - Shanhay, China. Small fkd env 5c lilac via Kowloon - Victoria Japanese Occup in China cachet v scarce.
Final value: $ 125.00
440 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (14 April). Victoria - UK. PM 2c block of four fkd env margin border. VF.
Final value: $ 16.00
441 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (12 May). Victoria - Kowloon. Coronation set FDC circulated control local cachet.
Final value: $ 32.00
442 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (21 April). Victoria - Manila, Philipp (29 April). First flight. USA Panam flight. Return trip. VF.
Final value: $ 150.00
443 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (21 April). HK - Philippines. First flight Panam + air cachet . HK - Laguna / Philippines (29 April).
Final value: $ 85.00
444 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (29 April). First Panam flight. USA return trip HK - SF / USA. Reg mutlifkd lovely usage.
Final value: $ 300.00
445 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (29 April). First flight. USA / SF - Macau - USA / SF. HK - Philipinnes (29 April). Part trip. Panamerican Airways. PAA return flight VF better part. Fkd env.
Final value: $ 240.00
446 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (12 May). GPO local reg Coronation issue fkd env. XF.
Final value: $ 35.00
447 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (12 May). Hk / C - Macau (18 May). Fkd reg env Coronation issue. Scarce local dest. VF.
Final value: $ 38.00
448 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (12 May). Yaumati - Macao (14 May). Reg circulated with arrival coronation issue fkd env XF. Lovey ite scarce cds.
Final value: $ 125.00
449 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (29 July). First flight. HK - Peking. Multifkd env easter air Corporation. Foker - Junker III plane. VF reg multifkd env.
Final value: $ 300.00
450 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (3 Nov). HK - C - Macau (4 Nov). Reg single 50c stamp fkd env an xtraord rare usage for this local dest and rate with arrival cachet. VF.
Final value: $ 160.00
451 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (25 Oct). GPO - B - Macau (26 Oct). Reg comercial package complete wrapper multifkd 45c rate with arrival. Most scarce.
Final value: $ 160.00
452 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (9 May). Victoria - Macao (9 May). PM rate complete wrapper with arrival ds fkd 28c with two diff Kings a unique rate local usage. VF.
Final value: $ 200.00
453 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (28 Jan). Victoria - USA / NY. Air multifkd incl 2$ rate 2,80$ via Pacific clipper. Fine.
Final value: $ 32.00
454 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (24 July). HK - C - Macau (25 July). Reg local fkd env 40c rate. VF scarce dest usage.
Final value: $ 45.00
455 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (7 Oct). GPO - Macau (8 Oct). Reg 25c blue stat env 3 adtls, incl 2 coronation issue values 70c rate arrival. Scarce usage this dest.
Final value: $ 180.00
456 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (28 Nov). GPO - A - Macau (29 Nov). Reg fkd env 30c rate VF scarce dest usage.
Final value: $ 45.00
457 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (12 Feb). Victoria - Macau (13 Feb). 10c violet fkd env. Fine high rate usage.
Final value: $ 28.00
458 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (24 Feb). HK - A - Macau (25 Feb). Multicolor reg uncensored 49c rate. XF with arrival cds. Comercial usage v scarce.
Final value: $ 160.00
459 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (8 April). HK / B - Macau (9 April). Reg multifkd 33c rate with rare censored label tied 27. Fine and v scarce on this dest.
Final value: $ 140.00
460 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1945 (1 Oct). Early days of Liberation from Jaanese Occup.Postal service . Victoria - Macau (3 Oct). Reverse previous Japanese cachet cross out arrival. Mixed issues pre 1941 rate 162 certs (lack of high values). Sent by person in Police Department. Excep Fine
Final value: $ 750.00
461 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1948 (19 Feb). HK - Sweden. Air to London only fkd env by air to office of exchange only cachet (xxx/R). V scarce this later only cancelled.
Final value: $ 120.00
462 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1949 (10 May). HK - Sweden. Air fkd env 1$ stamp perfin HSPC by air through cachet. Fine.
Final value: $ 46.00
463 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1958 (21 Dec). Kowloon - Macao (23 Dec). Fkd env 16th Exhibition slogan cachet (xxx). Lovely usage + arrival dest cds. Scarce.
Final value: $ 40.00
464 Hungary
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1872 (31 Dec). UJ - Szony - Italy, Naples (4 Jan 73). Multifkd env 5kr red x3 two on reverse tied cds. Fine.
Final value: $ 160.00
465 Hungary
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1873 (9 March). Debreazen - Germany. 2kr orange early stat card. Foreign dest. Fine.
Final value: $ 20.00
466 Hungary
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1874 (19 DeC). Sasvar - Malaczaka (20 Dec). Local reg fkd env 10kr blue pair cds. VF.
Final value: $ 265.00
467 Hungary
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1932 (22 Dec). Budapest - Macau, China (3 Feb 33). Private prited fkd card with photo attached with autograph. Rarirty usage dest.
Final value: $ 240.00
468 Hungary
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (28 Feb). Budapest - Macau, China (28 March).private multifkd card with photo attached autogr. Interesting rare dest with arrival on front.
Final value: $ 240.00
469 Hungary
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (28 Aug). Budapest - Macau. Privte fkd card rare dest in Asia.
Final value: $ 24.00
470 Hungary
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1954 (12 May). Budapest - Austria. Air fkd political issue. Fkd env.
Final value: $ 24.00
471 Iceland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1927 (28 July). Reykjavik - Denmark / Randers. Fkd 10 aur town PPC cancelled on transit by Norwegian ship at Bergen (1 Aug 27). VF and scarce.
Final value: $ 75.00
472 Iceland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (28 April). Reykjavik - USA / NYC. Fkd censored USA env. Fine comercial usage.
Final value: $ 24.00
473 Iceland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (8 Aug). US first Marine Brigade provisional 2 made to order usages ncl 1c green first airmail.
Final value: $ 22.00
474 India
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (10 Nov). Madras - HK. Reg air stamps multifkd env comercial A-43. VF dest.
Final value: $ 35.00
475 India
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (12 Aug). Dharamta / Cta - Sweden. Air multifkd env 9 1/2 am. Lovely item better dest.
Final value: $ 35.00
476 India
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1948 (14 April). New Delhi - Sweden. OHMS fkdd env taxed Swedish aux cachet label 60ore cds. Fine scarce.
Final value: $ 50.00
477 India
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1968 (10 DeC). Bombay - Sweden (13 Dec). Fkd express air lettersheet + aux Swedish postal tax cachet. VF reverse fkd.
Final value: $ 28.00
478 Indochina
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (18 Feb). Ninh Giang - Macau, portuguese China (28 Feb). Via Haiphong- Hanoi - HK. Air stamps.
Final value: $ 220.00
479 Indochina
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (9 July). Vanly - Macau, Portuguese China (17 July). Via HK - Haiphong - Nam - Dinn. Reg multifkd air usage. A better dest rarity circulation with arrival.
Final value: $ 160.00
480 Indochina
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1967 (9 March). South Vietnam - Korea / APO 96358. Air fkd env with air cachet. Military addresse. Most unusual.
Final value: $ 41.00
481 Iraq
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1944 (29 April). Baghdad - USA / NYC. Via clipper Atlantic. Air fkd 120f rate censored.
Final value: $ 24.00
482 Iraq
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946 (10 July). Baghdad - USA / NY (14-16 July). Air reg multifkd env air cachet. VF.
Final value: $ 24.00
483 Israel
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1903 (5 Feb). Judaica. Berlin - Denmark (6 Feb. 2pf blue Germanic adtls fkd card with Jewish star label, tied by arrival cachet. VF.
Final value: $ 40.00
484 Israel
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1948 (12 Aug). Jerusalem 1 - Australia, Sydney NSW air multifkd env Incl diff perfs 5c green perce 20c blue horiz imperf unusual dest trilingual cds.
Final value: $ 93.00
485 Israel
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1955 (29 July). Tel Aviv 3, Yafo - Sweden. Reg air multifkd env several margin border stamps with inscription. VF.
Final value: $ 28.00
486 Italy Papal States
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1852. Yv 1-9. Low values. Selection of 25 incl 2x 1/2b pair mint and used diff colors. Mostly fine. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 110.00
487 Italy Papal States
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1852. Yv 10º baj blue good margins grill cancel. A fine faultless stamp. Opportunity. VF. Yv 2009. 1,500 euros.
Final value: $ 300.00
488 Italy - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1916 (15 April). OPM / 12 Army corp - Switzerland (20 April). Censored fkd env Swiss tax pdue 10c tied aux cachets. Military cachet. Fine.
Final value: $ 34.00
489 Italy
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
BRAZIL-ITALY. 1918(Dec 22nd). Italian 10c red postal stationery reply half, used back to Naples franked by Brazil 1918 2x10r orange brown, pair of 20r slate and single 50r green all tied by AMB.MARITIMA-S.PAULO cds’s and by framed Genoa handstamp of trans VF.
Final value: $ 375.00
490 Italy - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1919 (28 March). Bologna - France. Reg fkd philately ilustrated env.
Final value: $ 24.00
491 Italy - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1925 (31 March). Gazzuolo - France, Le Vesibet (2 April). Reg insured for 2,750 lire multifkd env 7 red wax seals reverse 2 lire stamps x6 rate 12 lire 50c cds. VF item high usage.
Final value: $ 450.00
492 Italy - Stationery
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1929 (26 June). Merano - Denmark. 30c brown stat card 6 adtl, mixed issues. Fine aux Danish label from Post Office.
Final value: $ 38.00
493 Italy - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1930-45. Uncensored mail to Switzerland. Selection of 7 better multifkd env commemorative fkd items. Great opportunity. VF.
Final value: $ 100.00
494 Italy - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1932 (28 Oct). Roma / Firenze ambulant - Switzerland (29 Oct). Multifkd comm env Express stamp. Mixed issue. VF.
Final value: $ 49.00
495 Italy - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (19 March). Biella - Macao, China (15 April). Private card fkd 25c green x3 VF rare dest with arrival.
Final value: $ 50.00
496 Italy - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (5 Dec). Milano - Macau, portuguese Asia (6 Jan 34). Multifkd private card comm issue with arrival cachet superb xtremely rare dest.
Final value: $ 135.00
497 Italy - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (20 Dec). Poggibonsi, Siena - Macau, Asia (18 Jan 35). Via Bologna - HK (17 Jan). Reverse transit arrival reg fkd env v scarce dest XF.
Final value: $ 85.00
498 Italy - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (15 MArch). Part air part sea trip. Triest - Macao, China (4 April). Fkd private card 75c rate intended airmail but crossout and routed by sea. Via Bologna - Ancona - Brindisi, then airmail. Most unusual dest arrival cachet.
Final value: $ 106.00
499 Italy - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (10 July). Firenze - Switzerland / Wildegg. Multifkd env incl childrens help issue. VF.
Final value: $ 39.00
500 Italy - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (30 Oct). Pogodibonsi - Macau (4 Dec). Via HK single fkd env 20l wnv with contains scarce PM rate showing corner for printed papers rare dest arrival cachet.
Final value: $ 46.00
501 Italy - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (24 Aug). Torino - Macau, portuguese China (23 Sept). Private fkd crd. Rare dest arrival. VF.
Final value: $ 48.00
502 Italy - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1947 (20 March). Firenze - Switzerland (21 March). Express multifkd env 55 lire rate. VF.
Final value: $ 35.00
503 Italy - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1948 (8 June). Firenze - Switzerland (9 June). Multifkd en express service env. Via Milano. VF.
Final value: $ 38.00
504 Italy - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1953-4. Taormina - USA. 3 better multifkd env with diff issues used from Messina. Nice group.
Final value: $ 35.00
505 Italian Levant
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1910 (16 Aug). Constantinople - Sweden (20 Aug). Reg ovptd mixed issues tiedSwiess 1910 International Exhibition on reverse. Fine Better dest.
Final value: $ 185.00
506 Italian Levant
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1921 (16 Nov). Constantinople - Germany. Italy 10c red stat card three adtl stamps. Fine.
Final value: $ 32.00
507 Italy Lombardy-Venet
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1850-8. Austrian Province. Selection of 9 diff papers colors cancels incl newspaper issue. Mostly fine. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 150.00
508 Italian States - Mod
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1852. Selection of 8 diff papers two are used mint no gum. Mostly fine. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 125.00
509 Italian States - Nap
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1858. Yv 1/7º. First issues set of seven used. Mostly fine. Very high cat value Yv 2009. 3,725 euros.
Final value: $ 480.00
510 Italian States - Nap
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1858. Yv 2-7. First issue. Group of 6 incl 10gr, 20gr and 50gr. All genuine and some signed the higher values in mixed condition huge cat value. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 180.00
511 Italian States - Nap
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1858. Yv 2-7. First issue. Group of 6 incl 20gr and 50gr. All genuine and some signed. The higher values in mixed condition, faults, huge cat. value. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 140.00
512 Italian States - Nap
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1861. Italian Province Yv 10/16 mostly mint one used values to 50gr. Some with gum couple signed. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 100.00
513 Italian States - Nap
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1861. Italian Province. 6 diff mint values mostly with original gum. About fine. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 100.00
514 Italian States - Par
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1852. 4 diff values about fine. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 40.00
515 Italian States - Rom
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1859. Yv 5º 4 Baj used fine margins. Nice stamp.
Final value: $ 40.00
516 Italian States - Rom
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1859. Selection of 9 mint no gum. Mostly fine. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 200.00
517 Italian States - Sar
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1854. Yv 9º 40c rose cds 15 Mar 54. Complete margins signed. Time Yv 2009 2,500 euros.
Final value: $ 361.00
518 Italian States - Sar
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1861. Sass N 15Dc*. 20c blue inverted head horiz gum and signed Sorani v rare variety Yv 2010. 1,000 euros cat value. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 226.00
519 Italian States - Sar
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1851-61. An old time coll of 14 diff stamps mixed condition some are reprints others uneven margins. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 200.00
520 Italian States - Sic
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1859. Yv 18/24. An excellent selection of 11 diff incl the better higher values to 50gr. Almost all are signed. Variety of colors. Great opportunity. Huge cat value. Mostly fine.
Final value: $ 480.00
521 Italian States - Sic
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1859. First issue. Mint an used values to 50gr mostly signed two have uneven margin witn original gum or part. Nice opportunity.
Final value: $ 275.00
522 Italian States - Tus
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1851-2. Lion issue. Old time coll group mixed cond short margins and couple doubtful incl 1q black 1s orange. Opportunity lot.
Final value: $ 450.00
523 Italian Colonies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1905. Eritrea - Swedish Mission. Germany Strassborg - Shebelez Cherren. Via Massawa. Fkd card written in Tigrina language Exceptional earoy usage from Europe. Rarity.
Final value: $ 200.00
524 Italian Colonies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (5 MArch). Eritrea. Addis Abeba - Macau. China (12 April). Fkd env multicolor usage. Except incl dest for this country with arrival date a proper 17c rate.
Final value: $ 136.00
525 Japan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
"1887 (21 June). Yokohama - USA (19 July). Fkd env 5sen blue perf 9-9 1/2 vert strip of three corner perf missing tied aesthetic ""Y"" cork of depart town. Scarce opportunity and attractive."
Final value: $ 120.00
526 Japan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1904 (26 Aug). Sannomiya - Kobe - UK / Birken head. Fkd card. Nice cds.
Final value: $ 24.00
527 Japan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1905 (May). Russian Japanesse War Card fkd 4 sen to Norway / Trondheim (6 July). Arrival on front. Via Tokyo (28 May). Better dest usage.
Final value: $ 100.00
528 Japan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1905 (July). Tokyo - USA, Rockford, Ill (14-18 Aug 1905). Reg spectacular PO env bearing 25sen issue pair, cds. VF scarce usage.
Final value: $ 200.00
529 Japan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1911 (14 May). Nara Park - USA. Multifkd PPC via Yokohama.
Final value: $ 24.00
530 Japan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (8 Jan). Tokyo, Nippon - Sweden, Skara. Reg multifkd via Siberia env. scarce overseas usages on cover air stamp.
Final value: $ 225.00
531 Japan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (12 Nov). Hong - Ku, Tokyo - France (29 Nov). Single air fkd env red cachet bilingual via Siberia (xxx). V scarce and fine.
Final value: $ 40.00
532 Japan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c.1937-8. China 3 sen booklet stamp fkd env addressed to Japanese occupied Canton Honglok. Unusual.
Final value: $ 55.00
533 Japan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (15 Sept). Urawa - Shi - USA. Multifkd env red comm cachet. Per SS Asama - Maru. VF.
Final value: $ 39.00
534 Japan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (10 Nov). Mixed Japanesse + Comm uncirculated fkd card.
Final value: $ 20.00
535 Japan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c.1938-40. Imperial Japan Mount ilustrated 2+3 sen stat card uncirculated violet cachet Examined in the field passed by joint intelligence. V scarce.
Final value: $ 62.00
536 Japan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (15 Jan). Kobe - Macao (4 Feb 40). Brazil Consular mail. Fkd env single 20 sen blue cds arrival date cachet. V scarce period usage.
Final value: $ 55.00
537 Japan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (3 June). Tokyo - Macao (12 June). Yuraku Club single 4 sen cds fkd env with arrival cachet. Rartity dest.
Final value: $ 22.00
538 Japan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (Dec). Japan Royalty. Hraeda private secretary HIH Prince Chickobu fkd reply card. Interesting addressed to USA / DC.
Final value: $ 44.00
539 Japan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1948 (4 July). Kobe - USA, Mass. W Somerville 15s brown stat 2 adtls cds. Fine early view card.
Final value: $ 74.00
540 Japan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1948 (20 July)- Yokohama - Sweden. Gotedorg. Reg air express multifkd env package front. Fine scarce.
Final value: $ 55.00
541 Japan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c.1948-9. Multifkd air env to USA / San Antonio, TX. 70 sen rate. VF.
Final value: $ 126.00
542 Japan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
19250 (20 Oct). Shimonoseki - USA. Fkd card 4sen / blue cds. VF.
Final value: $ 86.00
543 Japan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1954 (8 Jan). Amagasaki - Finland. Private card multifkd. Nice.
Final value: $ 20.00
544 Jordan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1945 (5 July). Amman - USA, NYC (25-26 July). Reg air censored violet cachet multifkd env 140ms rate. Fine.
Final value: $ 36.00
545 Jordan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1945 (28 Sept). Amman - USA, NYC (16 Oct). Via Jerusalem. Air reg multifkd env. 140ms rate censored cachet.
Final value: $ 24.00
546 Korea
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1957 (23 Dec). North Korea. Pyongyang - Sweden / Gothenburg Comercial mail. Fkd imperf issues. Most unusual.
Final value: $ 130.00
547 Laos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (25 Aug). Vientiane - Macao (8 Sept). Via Haiphong (1 Sept) - HK (7 Sept). Reg censored multifkd env VF rarity dest.
Final value: $ 160.00
548 Latvia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1927 (20 Aug). Riga - Wentspils - Switzerland. Multifkd env. Fine.
Final value: $ 20.00
549 Latvia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (18 June). Dangavpils - Switzerland. Multifkd env. Fine used. Invl 3k orange.
Final value: $ 20.00
550 Latvia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (19 Oct). Riga - Switzerland. Color fkd env. V nice.
Final value: $ 22.00
551 Latvia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (6 Feb). Second Soviet Occupation. Riga Sweden. Mixed issues air fkd private card. Rarity scarce 1r on cover.
Final value: $ 180.00
552 Lebanon
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1868 (2 Jan). French Post Office. Beyrouth - Switzerland (17 Jan). EL fkd French 40c orange ver strip of three, tied blue anchor romboids + blue octagonal cachet. Beyrouth / paq Fr nº1 (xxx). Doble letter rate. Fine + better dest. Arrival cachet.
Final value: $ 900.00
553 Liberia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (11 July). WW II. Harper - Sweden. Fkd env via USA doble transatlantic air crossing British + Nazi censorships. Most unusual.
Final value: $ 111.00
554 Lithuania
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (2 Aug). Panevezys - Macao, China (24 Aug). Private card fkd 12c rate cds. Rarity dest with arrival date postmark. Fine.
Final value: $ 70.00
555 Luxembourg
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1852. Yv 1º 10c black complete margins faultless. Fine.
Final value: $ 30.00
556 Malaysia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (22 Nov). Jassin - Macau (27 Nov). Via HK reverse fkd env 6c pair rarity dest.
Final value: $ 22.00
557 Malaysia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (24 Oct). FMS Kuala Lumpur - Macau (1 Nov). Tiger ilustrated PM post fkd env single 4c ds. Scarce dest arrival ds.
Final value: $ 45.00
558 Malaysia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (29 Nov). Seremban - Macau (6 Dec). Fkd env 12c rate VF rare dest.
Final value: $ 110.00
559 Malaysia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (10 Dec). Karangan - USA, Dallas (12-18 Jan 39). Reg package sealed front with several aux pmks+ labels. Most unususal 31c. Kedah stamps.
Final value: $ 100.00
560 Malaysia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (16 Jan). Sarawak. Kuching - Penang. Experimental flight air fkd env Sar. - Singapore.
Final value: $ 169.00
561 Malaysia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (11 Feb). Sing - Denmark. Fkd air KLM tied label PPC river view slogan cancel dest. VF.
Final value: $ 110.00
562 Malaysia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (7 Aug). Ipoh - Sweden. Fkd box censored Singapore (xx/R) scarce type later seal censor label. Slogan cancel.
Final value: $ 100.00
563 Malaysia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (12 March). APO 31 - India (22-24 May). Air fkd env censored Kedah 25c stamp.
Final value: $ 240.00
564 Malaysia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (10 April). Kulim, Kedah - Scotland, UK. Air fkd Kedah stamps, 31c rate censor cachet. Anak Kulim State. Fine.
Final value: $ 220.00
565 Malaysia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (18 Aug). Indian Div Force / FPO 31 - UK. FM / OAS censored env.
Final value: $ 120.00
566 Malaysia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (29 Oct). FPO - 31. Indian Forces - Karachi - India (14 Nov). OAS / FM censored env.
Final value: $ 120.00
567 Malaysia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (21 Nov). FPO - 31 / Indian Forces. Air fkd censored Kedah 25c stamp mns FPO nº31 - Malaya box (xx). Fine.
Final value: $ 380.00
568 Malaysia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1953 (21 March). Taiping - Denmark (2 May). Multifkd env 30c rate.
Final value: $ 30.00
569 Malaysia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1964 (20 Aug). Sabah, Sandakan - Sweden air fkd ovptd issue. 90c rate Fine scarce.
Final value: $ 95.00
570 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1922 (19 Abril). Xauen - Barcelona. Sobre franqueo Medallon 15cts. Bonito.
Final value: $ 28.00
571 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1922. Tetuan - Barcelona. Sobre Ejercito Operaciones / Badajoz nº 73 con franqueo Medallon 15cts. MB.
Final value: $ 32.00
572 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1924 (25 Feb). Tetuan - Barcelona. Sobre Ejerc Exp Badajoz nº 73 franqueo Vaquer 10cts verde oscuro pareja. Bonita.
Final value: $ 32.00
573 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1924 (Feb). Tetuan - Barcelona. Sobre Ejercito Expedicionario Badajoz nº 73, franqueo 20cts Vaquer sobrec.
Final value: $ 32.00
574 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1924. Tetuan - Barcelona. Sobre Ejercito Exp. Badajoz nº73 franqueo 10cts verde Vaquer pareja sobrec.
Final value: $ 32.00
575 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1928 (17 Ago). Larache - Tanger. Sobre franqueo multiple censurado.
Final value: $ 26.00
576 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (7 Aug). Barrio Moro, Tetuan - Italia. TP franqueada censura. MB.
Final value: $ 23.00
577 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (20 Ago). Tetuan - Vitoria (24 Ago). Sobre certificado con censura.
Final value: $ 22.00
578 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (14 Sept). Correo aereo. Larache - Italia (17 Sept). Sobre franqueado via aerea exento de censura, Transito Melilla (15 Sept). Via Melilla - Baleares. Interesante.
Final value: $ 40.00
579 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (30 Sept). Correo aereo via Melilla (1 Oct). Larache - Roma / Italia (2 Oct). Con transito y llegada al dorso. Muy interesante tarifa 1 pta 25c. Rara con marca postal de transito.
Final value: $ 41.00
580 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (29 Oct). Larache - Sevilla (31 Oct). Sobre con franqueo y censura. Via aerea.
Final value: $ 19.00
581 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (24 Dic). Correo Aereo. Tetuan - Baleares (4 Enero). Sobre franqueo con censura. Llegada al dorso (Conexión via aerea de Melilla). Muy temprana.
Final value: $ 16.00
582 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (27 Dic). Larache - Italia. Sobre franqueo censurado.
Final value: $ 18.00
583 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (3 Marzo). Tatuan - Italia. TP franqueada tema nudista local.
Final value: $ 17.00
584 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (20 Marzo). Larache - Italia. TP franqueo censura. Bonita. General Yague.
Final value: $ 16.00
585 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (21 April). Larache - Mallorca (24 Abril). Melilla. Sobre censurado franqueo multiple retenido en oficina de salida y solicitado franqueo adicional. Muy interesante.
Final value: $ 55.00
586 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (10 Mayo). Tetuan - Gijon./ Asturias TP franqueada censura.
Final value: $ 16.00
587 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (24 May). Tetuan - Mallorca (26 Mayo). Sobre franqueo via aerea. Por avion via Melilla. 2 dias transito con llegada. Interesante linea.
Final value: $ 55.00
588 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (9 Junio). Correo Aereo. Tetuan - Mallorca (11 Junio). Sobre franqueo multiple via aerea con censura. Avion de Melilla.
Final value: $ 50.00
589 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (18 Junio). TP patriotica ilustrada J Antonio con locales sin circular.
Final value: $ 22.00
590 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (15 Julio). Tetuan - Mallorca. Via aerea. Sobre franqueo multiple tarifa 1 pta 40c.
Final value: $ 20.00
591 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (21 Julio). Correo aereo. Tetuan - mallorca (23 Juio). Sobre franqueo multiple y censura via Melilla.
Final value: $ 40.00
592 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (9 Ago). Larache - Mallorca (11 Ago). Via Tetuan (11 Ago). Correo aereo via Melilla. Sobre franqueo multiple censura marcar aerea. Transito mismo dia.
Final value: $ 28.00
593 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (11 Ago). Alcazarquivir - Casablanca. Sobre local franqueo zona española con censura. Bonito.
Final value: $ 36.00
594 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (17 Ago). Larache - Mallorca (18 Ago). Via Tetuan (17 Ago). Con franqueo multiple via aerea. Tarifa 1 pta 40c.
Final value: $ 32.00
595 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (13 Sept). Dar - Riffien - Salamanca. Sobre franqueo censurado. Muy escasa marca.
Final value: $ 139.00
596 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (15 Sept). Tetuan - Mallorca (17 Spt). Via Aerea. Tarifa 1 pta 40c. Preciosa. Via aerea. Via Melilla.
Final value: $ 31.00
597 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (1 Oct). Larache - Tanger. Sobre uso local censurado.
Final value: $ 18.00
598 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (6 Oct). Tetuan - Casablanca. Sobre correo español uso local censurado.
Final value: $ 20.00
599 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (1 Julio). Larache - Barcelona. Franquicia militar sello benefico Franco.
Final value: $ 28.00
600 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (28 Dic). Tetuan - Madrid (30 Dic). Sobre franqueo multicolor censura marca via aerea Tarifa 4pta 40c. M bonita.
Final value: $ 38.00
601 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (27 Feb). Tetuan - Suecia. Sobre via aerea compaña italiana Ala Littoria con etiqueta matasellada tarifa 2 pts 20c censura muy escasa via Melilla - Roma - Berlin.
Final value: $ 79.00
602 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1942 (1 April). Tanger - Suecia. Sobre franqueo multiple via aerea. Censura nazi tarifa 3,70 pesetas. Preciosa. Combinacion deff emisiones.
Final value: $ 100.00
603 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1942 (27 April). Tanger - Suecia. Via Madrid (29 Abril). Tarifa via aerea 3,75 pts sobre franqueo via aerea con diff marcas y soble censura. Via Alemania.
Final value: $ 70.00
604 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1942 (29 April). Tanger - Suecia. Sobre franqueo multiple via aerea doble censura 2,40 pesetas. Espectacular y precioso.
Final value: $ 110.00
605 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1944 (1 Marzo). Tanger - Suecia. Sobre franqueo multiple via aerea. Censura nazi etiqueta promocion turismo Malaga Semana Santa. Espectacular tarifa 3,80 pesetas.
Final value: $ 115.00
606 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1945 (18 Julio). OAT Tanger - Suecia. Sobre via aerea inglesa tarifa 3,75 pts con doble censura.
Final value: $ 73.00
607 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1956 (27 Abril). Tetuan - Dinamarca reexpedida (30 April) a Suecia. Via aerea tarifa 5 pesetas con sello sencillo. Escaso franqueo.
Final value: $ 49.00
608 Marruecos - British
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935. Gibraltar - Italy. Originally fkd env ovptd issue tangier posted on board stamps unrecognised at transit charged 2l 50c at Florence Italian p dues tied. Fine comb.
Final value: $ 32.00
609 Marruecos - French
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1929 (30 Nov). Casablanca - Sweden. Air fkd card rated 1fr 50c marked insufficient per avion (xx/RR). Scarce cachet + dest.
Final value: $ 100.00
610 Marruecos - French
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1929 (6 Dec). Casablanca - Sweden. Air fkd card 1fr 50c accepted as correct rate. VF.
Final value: $ 28.00
611 Marruecos - French
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1929 (25 Dec). Casablanca - Sweden. Air fkd primary school card - Islam at 2fr rate. VF.
Final value: $ 55.00
612 Marruecos - French
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1932 (15 Feb). Rabat - Switzerland (17 Feb). Air multifkd env massive via Marseille (15 Feb). T-label on reverse. Fine mixed issues.
Final value: $ 28.00
613 Marruecos - French
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (11 April). Casablanca - Macau, portuguese China (17 May) via HK (16 May). PM rate multifkd env. Superb usage rarity dest.
Final value: $ 160.00
614 Mexico
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1861. Yv 6º 1/2 rl black o brown, Orizava Name cancel. V good margins. Fine.
Final value: $ 35.00
615 Mexico
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1856. Yv 1/5 3a set of 6 icl 2rs emerald districts Queretaro, SLP. Gjto. 2rs green is mint. Fine group. Opportunity. 392 euros. Yv. 2009.
Final value: $ 180.00
616 Mexico
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1867. Provisionals Gothic issue Yv 36º 4rs red yellow central cds 4 May. Good margins. VF.
Final value: $ 28.00
617 Mexico
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1875. Porte de Mar unissued set of 8 black oval yellow paper all VF. Yv 2009. 40 euros. Scarce so.
Final value: $ 28.00
618 Mexico - Stampless
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
"1804 (2 Aug). EARLIEST KNOWN LETTER TO USA. Campeche - Philadelphia / USA. EL. Full text. Red Baltimore cds + ship ""Minerva"". Only recorded letter to USA during colonial Mexico. According to 1799 ship date, the captain collected 2 cents USA + inland ra Fine
Final value: $ 3600.00
619 Mexico - Stampless
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
"1837 (18 Aug). Rancho Santa Rita / near Matamoros - USA. EL. With full contains posted at ""PUERTO DE / MATAMOROS"" (xxx/RRR) + Franco endorsed on reverse ""per Goleta COMANCHA"" / Captain Breda PP. Via NO Oct 2 + ship (both blue). Historical text reads: Fine
Final value: $ 500.00
620 Mexico - Stampless
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1852 (25 June). CUBA transit - Maritime -British BPO. Zacatecas - France / Bayone. EL Fco / Zacatecas carried via British PO at Havana / July 10,1857 + transited UK Colonies Art 13 red box. Rarity transited item through post at this time.
Final value: $ 220.00
621 Mexico
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1860. Hermocillo - Guaymas. E fkd 1856 2rs green name district doble line Franco en Hermocillo (xxx /R). V scarce apd appealling.
Final value: $ 400.00
622 Mexico
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1862 (12 Feb). DF - Puebla. EL fkd 1861 8rj black cds, no name district. Sold as is, even looks ok.
Final value: $ 220.00
623 Mexico
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1892. Actopan - DF. Registr multiple frkd env. VF.
Final value: $ 200.00
624 Mexico
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1892 (28 May). Gjto - Argentina (17 July). Reg ilustrated fkd env 10c vermilion numeral cds. Sent by Eduardo Aguirre, philatelist. Most unusual.
Final value: $ 143.00
625 Mexico - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1902 (21 July). Mazatlan - France (14 Aug). Fkd env ilustrated by philatelist Fco G Vidal. Tied.
Final value: $ 40.00
626 Mexico - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1929 (28 Feb). DF - USA. First flight to NY. Special cachet on reverse. Interesting.
Final value: $ 40.00
627 Mexico - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1929 (12 Dec). DF - France. Air fkd env via NY. Reverse semana aerea cachet.
Final value: $ 38.00
628 Mexico - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1932 (8 Enero). French airmail. DF - Switzerland (21 Jan). Reg air service multifkd env via France / Paris (19 Jan). Airport. Fine.
Final value: $ 40.00
629 Mexico - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (8 Dic). Guadalajara, JAL - Macao (13 Jan 34). Via Nuevo Laredo - HK (12 Jan). Multifkd env. rarity dest.
Final value: $ 28.00
630 Mexico - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (2 March). Monterrey - Macau, China (31 March). Via S Fco - Seattle - HK (31 March). Reg multifkd env. Rarity dest.
Final value: $ 110.00
631 Mexico - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941. La Paz, Baja CA - USA, NY. US Consular mail free frank. Unusual area mail at this WW II period. Cacheted.
Final value: $ 18.00
632 Mexico - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1942 (11 May). Merida, Yuc - USA, NY. Air via Miami fkd env. Better route British Caribbe censored.
Final value: $ 32.00
633 Monaco
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1929 (9 Mayo). GPO - USA. Fkd ovptd issue PPC 90c rate.
Final value: $ 18.00
634 Montenegro
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1890 (14 DeC). Netzec / Niksic (?) - Bosnia, Sarajevo, Bosanske Vile (30 Dec). 3n black stat card proper family text arrival cachet. VF.
Final value: $ 240.00
635 Montenegro
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1891 (14 Nov). Cettigne - Germany (18 Nov). Reg fkd env 15n bister pair cds R-pmk. Arrival cds. VF.
Final value: $ 240.00
636 Montenegro
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1892 (27 Dec). Podgoritza - Triest (2 Jan). Money order stat card backstamped. V scarce.
Final value: $ 135.00
637 Montenegro
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1893 (3 March). Cettigne - Sarajevo (11 March). 3n green stat card with proper text arrival cds alongside. V scarce fine.
Final value: $ 100.00
638 Montenegro
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1893. Cettigne local usage 2n yellow stat card. Fine used.
Final value: $ 28.00
639 Montenegro
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1894 (20 Oct). Cettigne - Turkey / Constantinople (25 Oct). Reg multifkd env bearing 1n bluish grey block of nineteen single on front tied cds. Exhibition item.
Final value: $ 800.00
640 Montenegro
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c.1895 (24 Feb). Cettigne - USA, Mansfield, OH. 3n black stat wrapp cds. Fine used.
Final value: $ 32.00
641 Montenegro
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c.1895 (28 April). Nikshitie - Hungary, Neusatz. 2n yellow bluish stat wrapper. VF used cds v scarce dest.
Final value: $ 160.00
642 Montenegro
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1895 (14 June). Cettigne - Sarajevo, Bosnia (17 June). 3n green stat wrapper backstamped. Fine used.
Final value: $ 36.00
643 Montenegro
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c.1895 (1 Oct). Cettigne - Germany. Darmstadt. 3n yellow green stat wrapper front ds. Proper usage to princess Anna de Battenberg.
Final value: $ 235.00
644 Montenegro
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1895 (9 Nov). Podgoritza - Austria / Wien (14 Nov). 2n yellow stat card fine ds blue arrival alongside comercial text. VF.
Final value: $ 175.00
645 Montenegro
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c.1895. Cettigne - Bosnia, Prijedor. 3n green stat wrapper cds arrival cachet. Fine and scarce.
Final value: $ 115.00
646 Montenegro
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c.1896. Cettigne - Italy. 5n orange blue doble stat card. Philatelic usage.
Final value: $ 26.00
647 Montenegro
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c.1896 (18 Jan). Cettigne - Italy. 5n violet brown stat lettershet. Phlatelic usage. Nice cond.
Final value: $ 25.00
648 Montenegro
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1897 (10 Feb). Cettigne - Italy. 10n stat lettersheet. Monastery issue. Philatelic usage.
Final value: $ 28.00
649 Montenegro
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1897 (3 June). Cettigne - Austria, Wien (7 June). 7n lilac blue stat lettersheet. Fine used. Full text family usage.
Final value: $ 48.00
650 Montenegro
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1897 (10 Feb). Cettigne - Italy. 2n bicolor double stat card. Fine.
Final value: $ 28.00
651 Montenegro
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1897 (7 June). Cettigne - France, Marne (12 June). 5p black stat card. Fine used arrival proper text.
Final value: $ 60.00
652 Montenegro
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1897 (12 Nov). Cettigne - Austria, Gratz (18 Nov). Reg 7n lilac stat env 2 adtls 38n rate R-label with arrival VF scarce usage.
Final value: $ 220.00
653 Montenegro
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1898 (7 Feb). Cettigne - Bosnia, Mostar. 3n pale green stat wrapper perforated type.
Final value: $ 36.00
654 Montenegro
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1899 (11 April). Cettigne - Austria / Wien (20 April). Reg multifkd env 5n orange x4 pairs tied cds with arrival cachet. Fine comercial usage.
Final value: $ 160.00
655 Montenegro
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1900 (5 Feb). Podgoritza - Zagreb, Croatia () Feb 1900). Reply half 2n yellow stat card proper usage. Late usage of old cancel cds. Fine and Scarce. Reply usage.
Final value: $ 220.00
656 Montenegro
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1900 (11 June). Cettigne - Zara / Dalmatia (15 June). Reg multifkd env 5n x4 incl stamp of three orange brown cds R-label. Fine dest.
Final value: $ 380.00
657 Montenegro
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c.1900 (11 July). Cettigne - Offenbury / Germany. 5n red orange stat env 2 adtls cds. Philatelic usage.
Final value: $ 28.00
658 Montenegro
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c.1900. Cettigne local usage. 5n red orange stat env.
Final value: $ 26.00
659 Montenegro
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c.1900. Cettigne - Italy. Reg fkd env bearing 10n blue horiz pair tied cds arrival cachet. Fine circulated item.
Final value: $ 180.00
660 Montenegro
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1901 (10 June). Niegoche - Cettigne. Reply stat letter sheet with proper text usage arrival cds. V scarce 3n black.
Final value: $ 135.00
661 Montenegro
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1901 (6 July). Cettigne - France. Consular mail 3n green stat wrapper cds. Fine ued.
Final value: $ 36.00
662 Montenegro
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1901 (28 Oct). Cettigne - Italy (1 Nov). Reg single 20n fkd env cds red R-label, manuscript modified. Fine and interesting.
Final value: $ 240.00
663 Montenegro
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1902 (9 April). Kolachina - Cettigne. 5n red stat lettersheet. Via Podgoritza cds transit. Proper text v scarce usage.
Final value: $ 160.00
664 Montenegro
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1903 (21 Jan). Wirpazar - Triest (25 Jan). 10 para red stat env cds. Back stamped. Very scarce item.
Final value: $ 180.00
665 Montenegro
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1904 (13 Feb). Cettigne - Bosnia, Sarajevo (16 Feb). 10 para red black stat card. Fine used proper text arrival cds.
Final value: $ 100.00
666 Montenegro
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1905 (14 Jan). Pristane - Romania, Caracal (18 Jan). 25p blue stat env back stamped. V scarce and fine.
Final value: $ 240.00
667 Montenegro
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c.1907. Cettigne - Germany. Reverse fkd env 15p rate cds. Fine.
Final value: $ 24.00
668 Montenegro
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1908 (14 Oct). Cettigne - Sarajevo / Bosnia. 5 para green stat wrapper cds. Backstamped. Scarce.
Final value: $ 100.00
669 Montenegro
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1911. Cettigne - Germany. 5 para green stat card with proper text. Fine used.
Final value: $ 32.00
670 Nepal
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c.1909-29. Local reg mixed issues env incl 1/2a black imperf on native wore paper block of four two tete beche pair mixed usage. VF nice item.
Final value: $ 100.00
671 Nepal
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1947. British Legation. Brihaspati, Wumbahal - USA, Pha (17 June). Reg multifkd env. 16 1/2 annas rate. Stamps front and reverse.
Final value: $ 36.00
672 Netherlands
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1852. Yv 1/3 incl 5c two shades faultless about fine. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 60.00
673 Netherlands
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1924 (12 July). Middelburg - Germany - Rostock (14 July). Reg issue 15 gulden env 40c rate x2 labels. Fine tal service.
Final value: $ 35.00
674 Netherlands
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (1 Nov). Boekelo / Enschede - Macau, China (8 Dic). Private card fkd 7 1/2c rate arrival dest date cachet rarity.
Final value: $ 24.00
675 Netherlands
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (5 Nov). Zwolle - Macau, China (29 Nov). Private fkd card. Childrens issue. Nice arrival cachet. VF.
Final value: $ 100.00
676 Netherlands
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (8 April). Groningen - Macau (28 April). Portuguese Colony in British India (!). Air fkd env via HK (28 April).
Final value: $ 31.00
677 Netherlands
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1945 (12 Aug). Enschede - Macao, Asia (22 Dec). Depart fkd censored private card with arrival date transit time 4 months 10 days due to last War days in Asia. Via Portugal. Very interesting and rare dest period usage.
Final value: $ 130.00
678 Netherlands
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946-54. Mail to Switzerland. Lovely correspondance all VF better multifkd covers incl reg air 11 items. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 80.00
679 Curaçao
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1947 (12 July). S Nicolas, Aruba, NWI - Denmark (19 Aug). Airmail multifkd env incl US 13c special delivery depart tied cds but considered insuff for air postage VF and scarce comb.
Final value: $ 160.00
680 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1902 (2 April). Medan - Galicia, Lemberg, Poland (Austria). Fkd PPC 7c rate with arrival.
Final value: $ 16.00
681 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1930 (3 Feb). Soerabaja - Egypt, Suez, postuguese Taufik. Fkd env fwded arrival postage due 3ms green tied cds. Fine combination.
Final value: $ 85.00
682 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (10 July). Soerabaja - Germany. Air fkd env 45c rate with red cachet luftpost ilustrated cachet. Fine.
Final value: $ 40.00
683 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (20 March). Poerwokerto - Macau (29 March). Via HK fkd env 15c rate lovely usage.
Final value: $ 36.00
684 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (6 July). Palembang - Macau, Asia (14 July). Private card fkd 3c rate with arrival ds. Scarce dest.
Final value: $ 55.00
685 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (26 June). Sinkawang / North Borneo - USA. Missionary mail. PM 3c fkd env unsealed. VF.
Final value: $ 24.00
686 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (16 Feb). Soerabaja - HK. Air fkd env.
Final value: $ 28.00
687 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (18 Feb). Soerabaja - HK. Air PM unsealed env 81c rate VF better dest. air bilingual label AV5.
Final value: $ 40.00
688 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (1 April). Medan - HK, Marine Dept fkd env. Fine dest.
Final value: $ 36.00
689 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (4 May). Soerabaja - HK (11 May). Via Penang (9 May). Reg air multifke env. Fine. Via Malaysia, better routing.
Final value: $ 106.00
690 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (21 Sept). Soerabaja - HK (28 Sept). Via Penang (26 Sept). Reg all airmail to dest. via Malaysia. Fine scarce.
Final value: $ 76.00
691 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (13 May). Soerabaja - HK (19 May). Reg air multifkd env via Bangkok (16 May).
Final value: $ 125.00
692 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (27 May). Soerabaja - HK (2 June). Via Bangkok (30 May). Reg air massive hugh rate fkd env mixed issues transit on reverse. VF and most unusual.
Final value: $ 175.00
693 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (29 Aug). Soerabaja - HK. Via Bangkok (31 Aug). Red multifkd airmail env Thailand routing.
Final value: $ 111.00
694 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 -831 Oct). Soerabaja - USA, Decatur, Ill. Air single fkd env 1,75 gld rate. By JCJL to Manila and onward Pan American Pacific clipper. VF.
Final value: $ 41.00
695 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (24 April). Batavia - USA, NYC. Air multifkd env with doble censor at both transits very unusual via China clipper Singapore HK Manila.
Final value: $ 140.00
696 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (27 April). Soerabaja - USA. Air multifkd env Via HK - Manila Pacific Clipper with HK censor label. VF.
Final value: $ 110.00
697 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (10 June). Batavia - USA, NY. Ozalid & Cº machine fkd 105cts rate env HK censor depart Dutch cachets. Reverse HK (22-26-40).
Final value: $ 55.00
698 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
"1940 (14 June). Soerabaja - USA, NYC. Philips & Cº. Machine fkd env depart censor label with violet cachet in Dutch ""per JCLL boot tot Manila vandaar per Luchtpost naar Amerika"" (xxx) manuscript per China clipper. XF."
Final value: $ 100.00
699 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (17 June). Batavia - USA / NY. Air multifkd env censored. Via Hg Kg (22 June). Pacific Clipper.
Final value: $ 65.00
700 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
"1940 (20 June). Soerabaja - USA, NYC. Air machine Philips & Cº fkd env 105cts rate with depart censor label violet cachet ""transpacific air route via HK and onward transmisssion"" (xxx). VF cond."
Final value: $ 110.00
701 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (9 Aug). Malang - USA / Ohio (1 Oct). Reg multifkd censored customs control env. V nice. Via SF (28 Sept). Sea mail.
Final value: $ 38.00
702 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
"1940 (12 Aug). Batavia - USA, NYC. Air machine Ozalid & Cº fkd env 210 cts with depart censor. Red cachet ""by KNILM - trans Tasmanian - PAA to USA and onward air transmission"" (xxx)."
Final value: $ 66.00
703 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (15 Aug). Malang - USA, NYC. Air multifkd env 105c rate with Dutch Singapore and HK censor and control marks pacific clipper. Fine comb.
Final value: $ 105.00
704 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (13 Sept). Dutch modified air route Batavia - USA, NY. Ozalid & Cº red machine fkd env 475cts rate with mns boxed transpacific air route via Manila for HK and onward air transmission. Fine.
Final value: $ 80.00
705 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (15 Nov). Batavia - USA, NYC. Machine fkd Oxalid & Cº depart censored env Via Knilm trans Tasman / PAA to USA crossed out rest of red cachet. Superb.
Final value: $ 85.00
706 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (17 May). Talangpadang - USA / Ill (3 July). Multifkd reg env censored via sea mail Ca (26 June).
Final value: $ 36.00
707 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (24 Oct). Batavia - USA, NYC. Monroe & Cº. Machine air fkd env depart censored red cachet by KLM to Singapore by PAA to USA and onward air transmission with HK contrl cachets (!). VF.
Final value: $ 121.00
708 Suriname
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (5 Aug). Paramaribo - Macao, South China private fkd card with arrival ds alongside (11 Sept). VF scarce dest area.
Final value: $ 110.00
709 New Zealand
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (22 Nov). Auckland - Macao, China (21 Dec). Via HK. Fkd env slogan cancel 2 1/2d rate 1 month travel Asian transit time (!) with arrival. XF.
Final value: $ 80.00
710 New Zealand
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (25 Nov). Tangowahine - Macau, China (1 Jan 36). Via HK multifkd env 3 1/2d rate. Ilutrated env with arrival date. Scarce dest air stamp.
Final value: $ 60.00
711 New Zealand
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (8 July). Dunedin - Macau, China (18 July). Reg multifkd env. arrival cds. Scarce dest.
Final value: $ 45.00
712 New Zealand
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (18 May). Auckland - Sweden. Air machin fkd stamp depart censored. Fine igh rate 2sh 6d.
Final value: $ 50.00
713 New Zealand
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (2 Aug). Hastings - Sweden. Fkd slogan cancel env dobles censored dest. Fine.
Final value: $ 40.00
714 New Zealand
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (22 Aug). Auckland - Sweden. Multifkd doble censored env dest. VF.
Final value: $ 40.00
715 Nicaragua
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1862. First issue. Cancels incl Momotombo Granada and Corinto.
Final value: $ 24.00
716 Nicaragua
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c.1894-1909. Mosquito Reserve. Fiscal 10cs green imperf die of 10, by Hamilton Bank, NY. V scarce essay in English.
Final value: $ 600.00
717 Nicaragua
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (29 Nov). Managua - Macau, portuguese China (21 Jan 37). Reg multifkd env ovptd issue via HK. Extr rare dest.
Final value: $ 160.00
718 Norway
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1880 (27 July). Frstad - Belgium (31 July). Antwerp 10 ore red intense stat card early usage.
Final value: $ 38.00
719 Norway
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1882 (30 Aug). Christiania - UK (2 Sept). 5 ore grey early stat card + 5 ore cobalt blue adtl stamp cds. Fine v early scarce stat usage.
Final value: $ 100.00
720 Norway
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1884 (26 March). Moss - Denmark (27 March). Via Sweden 5 ore blue green early stat card 1 ore grey adtl stamp cds. VF early usage.
Final value: $ 100.00
721 Norway
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1885 (19 Nov). Christiania - UK (23 Nov). 10 ore red stat card. VF used.
Final value: $ 32.00
722 Norway
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1889 (15 June). Christiania - Belgium (18 June). 10c brown red early stat card cds Fine used. Better dest.
Final value: $ 65.00
723 Norway
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1896 (23 Oct). Stavanger - Belgium (1 Nov). 10 ore red stat cadr. Fine used dest.
Final value: $ 40.00
724 Norway
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1897 (21 Aug). Molde - France / Chatillon par Mirebell fwded 10 ore red stat card. VF used.
Final value: $ 36.00
725 Norway
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1898 (15 Feb). Roros - Belgium / Tongres / Limburg. 5c green stat card 5c adtl fine used dest overseas village usage.
Final value: $ 55.00
726 Norway
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1898 (25 Feb). Roros - Belgium / Tongres (28 Feb). 5 ore grey stat card 5 ire green adtl stamp cds. Fine scarce comb dest.
Final value: $ 48.00
727 Norway
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1898 (2 June). Trondhjem - Belgium (6 June). 5c green stat card 5c adtl cds. Fine used dest.
Final value: $ 40.00
728 Norway
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1899 (18-28 June). Sweden / Brodde - Kirkenaes / Sydwaranger / Norway. 4 ore stat env taxed Norway 2 ore brown stamp tied cds used as early postage due. VF.
Final value: $ 180.00
729 Norway
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1913 (9 Aug). Bergen - Denmark. Maselund (10 Aug). Reg insured for 20 korona multifkd env. Scarce foreign usage 38 ore rate.
Final value: $ 165.00
730 Norway
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1914 (14 Feb). Tjodlang - Sweden (14 Feb). Reg insued for 10 korona mutifkd env 38 ore rate cds. VF foreign dest.
Final value: $ 200.00
731 Norway
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1916 (24 Nov). Trondjem - Stockholm / Sweden (28 Nov). Reg insured for 491.75 korona multifkd env 67 ore rate. Fine foreign multifkd usage.
Final value: $ 200.00
732 Norway
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1918 (15 March). Glomfjord - Grono. Reg 1 korona 45ore multifkd env 25c rate. VF.
Final value: $ 60.00
733 Norway
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1919 (5 Feb).Glomfjord - Nordre Helgeland (5 Feb). Reg insured 10 korona mutifkd env 25 ore rate via Gronoy Fine.
Final value: $ 45.00
734 Norway
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1919 (29 April). Glomfjord - Grana (30 April). Reg insured 70 korona multifkd env 25 ore rate. VF.
Final value: $ 45.00
735 Norway
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1920 (29 Oct). Kristiania - Denmark (30 Oct). Express mail cachet 60 ore rate. Fine.
Final value: $ 55.00
736 Norway
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1921 (5 April). Saltens - Gronoy. Reg insured for 125 korona fkd env 40 ore rate cds. VF.
Final value: $ 65.00
737 Norway
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1921 (20 April). Moss - Sweden, Boras. Reg multifkd env 50 ore rate cds. VF.
Final value: $ 60.00
738 Norway
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (17 Sept). Oslo - Sweden, Boras (18 Sept). Reg insured for 101.85 korona multifkd env 1 korona 40 ore rate 3 diff labels. Fine foreign usage.
Final value: $ 140.00
739 Norway
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (16 Nov). Oslo - Sweden, Boras. Reg insured for 101.85 Korona reinboursement multifkd env 1 korona stamp 40 ore. Scarce foreign usage red wax seals on reverse.
Final value: $ 120.00
740 Norway
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1954 (30 Oct). Sauda - Alaska. Ninilchick / USA. Reg multifkd huge rate postal hagtag of heavy weight. Rate 14kr 15 ore. Superb. Rarity dest.
Final value: $ 450.00
741 Norway
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1961 (24 Sept). Trondheim - UK / Luton. Fkd PPC taxed GB p due 1d tied several aux pmks v nice item. Fun card of bear.
Final value: $ 50.00
742 Palestine
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1921 (4 May). Jerusalem - Sweden, Stockholm. Ovptd multifkd perf issue water carrier PPC. VF nice usage dest.
Final value: $ 45.00
743 Palestine
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (26 April). Tel Aviv - Austria (30 May). Air multifkd 8p red stat card with arrival scarce card service.
Final value: $ 50.00
744 Palestine
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (13 Jan). Tiberias - UK / Hants. Air single fkd env.
Final value: $ 20.00
745 Palestine
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941(20 Oct). Airmails Tel Aviv - USA, NYC. Transpacific China Clipper air censored multifkd env 250c rate doble. VF.
Final value: $ 251.00
746 Palestine
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (5 Nov). Transpacific China clipper. Tel Aviv - USA, NY. Air multifked 125c rate censored. Fine.
Final value: $ 55.00
747 Palestine
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1944 (21 June). Airmails Tel Avivv intended Via London but crossed out triple British censor one is KK / 24936 label tied.
Final value: $ 28.00
748 Palestine
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1945 (6 Sept). Airmails. Tel Aviv - Sweden, Stockholm. Air fkd env carried OAT red box cachet. Insuff prepaid by air to London only (xxx). A very rare combination of both marks.
Final value: $ 116.00
749 Palestine
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1945 (19 Oct). Jerusalem- multifkd e 70c rate dest amended.
Final value: $ 46.00
750 Panama
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1893 (7 July). Panama - Guatemala, San Jose (26 July). German Consuar mail. 2c black stat card scarce Puerto de San Jose cachet cds.
Final value: $ 45.00
751 Panama
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1901-4 (19 Oct). Bocas del Toro - USA, Boston fkd env (unevenly sealed) fkd 1c / 20c red doble unprinted values for pm rate violet cds. Scarce item.
Final value: $ 125.00
752 Panama
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1917 (5 Jan). GPO - Greenland / Frederikshavn. Via Denmark. Official mail New Year card. Free mail. Exceptional dest transited item.
Final value: $ 275.00
753 Persia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (20 Feb). Souniman - Abadan - Australia, Brisbane, Teneriffe. Air multifkd dest env via Basrah / Iraq. Unusual usage.
Final value: $ 45.00
754 Peru
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1858. 1 dinero blue horiz strip of three nice margins one stamp minor thin. Useful item.
Final value: $ 45.00
755 Peru
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1858. Selection of 6 diff cancels diff shades about fine. Nice group.
Final value: $ 75.00
756 Peru
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1887 (June). Callao - Germany (8 Aug). Reverse 3c rate fkd env unreg stamps via Panama.
Final value: $ 61.00
757 Peru
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1888. Lima - France, Lille (9 July 88). Unfkd env sent with newspapers taxed T French transits arrival on reverse. Interesting.
Final value: $ 115.00
758 Peru - Stationery
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1891 (25 Nov). Arequipa - Germany (4 Jan 92). 4c red stat card oval ds. Fine.
Final value: $ 22.00
759 Peru - Stationery
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1896 (30 June). Lima - USA (22 July). 4c blue stat card. Fine used from Hotel Grand Cardinal. Interesting.
Final value: $ 26.00
760 Peru - Stationery
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1897 (18 Jan). Lima - Germany (19 Feb). 4c blue stat card. Fine used.
Final value: $ 24.00
761 Peru
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1901 (5 Feb). Arequipa - Germany (11 March). Reg multifkd env. 22c green x3.
Final value: $ 25.00
762 Peru - Stationery
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1901 (27 Aug). Lima - Germany (21 Sept). 2c / 2c blue overprinted stat card. Via Panama & NY stline cachet.
Final value: $ 38.00
763 Peru - Stationery
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1904 (22 March). Mollendo - Germany (20 April). 2c red stat card red violet cachet recertoria E P%55 II. Scarce.
Final value: $ 26.00
764 Peru - Stationery
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1904 (16 Sept). Mollendo - Arequipa. 2c red ovpt stat card cds. VF.
Final value: $ 28.00
765 Peru
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1904. Mollendo - Germany. Fkd env 22c green violet cachet via Panama by first steamer. VF.
Final value: $ 18.00
766 Peru
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1932 (27 Aug). Lima - Germany. Fkd air env via PAGAI to Brazil (33 Sept) where connected by Zeppelin at Pernambuco. Via RJ. Very interesting.
Final value: $ 40.00
767 Peru
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (7 April). Lima 3 - Germany (22 April). Reg multifkd env 1 sol x5 block of five. VF.
Final value: $ 24.00
768 Peru
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
"1951 (13 Feb). Lima - Italy (18-19 Feb) air multifkd envl ""habilitado 1 congreso Nac turismo 1,35 sol"" stamp. VF."
Final value: $ 24.00
769 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1854. Ed 1º 5c naranja. Preciosos margenes grandes a faultless scarce stamp. VF Ed 2014 365 euros with margin print line at left.
Final value: $ 375.00
770 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1854. Ed 2º 10c carmin oscuro margenes ctos. La tinta del matasellos provoca una rotura en el margen izq. Fine appearance fault at left margin by ink erosion.ed 1014 220 euros.
Final value: $ 85.00
771 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1854. Ed 3º 1rl azul oscuro buenos margenes con linea de color del borde lateral izq mat fechador baeza Manila. 1mm punto claro / thin on reverse. VF stamp nice appearance. Ed 2014. 255 euros.
Final value: $ 160.00
772 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1854. Cd 4º 2rs verde intenso matasellos baeza Manila en rojo. Una esquina inf izq redondeada. Sello muy raro con esta cancelacion. Ed 2014 220 euros.
Final value: $ 100.00
773 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c.1890-5. 5c peso green 5c Alf XII with two diff comercial oval cachets.
Final value: $ 35.00
774 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1863. Ed 5c bermellon, buenos margenes, con matasellos escudo judicial y corona real. Precioso manchita al dorso minima manchita de grasa. Sello sin defecto / faultless stamp.
Final value: $ 100.00
775 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1858. Ed 7º (?). 5c naranja - vermellon plancha diferente con baeza central 8 Oct 1860 tipo pequeños muy bonito.
Final value: $ 75.00
776 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1858. Ed 7º 5c rojo claro tirada seca y primera plancha diferente a la mayoria vista con baezo central 11 Abrl 1860 tipo pequeño, buenos margenes. Sello rarisimo. Para conocedor.
Final value: $ 200.00
777 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1858. Ed 7º 5c bermellon oscuro esquina de pliego superior decha con baeza central 28 Oct 1861 en tipo pequeño. Precioso.
Final value: $ 100.00
778 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1858. Ed 7º 5c bermellon intenso margenes ctos con parrilla central. Sorprendente poco comun en este tipo.
Final value: $ 48.00
779 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1858. Ed 7º 5c vermellon claro con fechador pequeño tipo baezo. Muy escaso tipo y plnacha diff.
Final value: $ 50.00
780 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1858. Ed 7º 5c rojo vermellon, buenos margenes, borde hoja inferior fechador central 31 Oct 1861. Precioso.
Final value: $ 75.00
781 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1858. Ed 7º 5c rojo carmin. Mat baeza 15 Jul 1861 en el centro.
Final value: $ 36.00
782 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1858. Ed 7º 5c bermellon, borde de hoja fechado 31 May 1861. Muy bonito.
Final value: $ 38.00
783 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1858. Ed 7º. 5c bermellon, buenos margenes. Matasellos baeza central 18 Abril - 1862. Precioso.
Final value: $ 45.00
784 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1858. Ed 7º (x2). 5c bermellon. Preciosa pareja horiz usado con grandes margenes. Doble marquilla roig.
Final value: $ 70.00
785 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1858. Ed 7º 5c bermellon usado margen de hoja inferior. Posicion 4 de este reporte. M bonito.
Final value: $ 26.00
786 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1858. Ed 7/8*. 5c y 10c goma original. Bonita serie en buena calidad.
Final value: $ 69.00
787 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1858. Ed 8º 10c rosa lila usado buenos margenes infimo punto claro con baeza nitido 2 Nov 1860. Excelente y muy escaso.
Final value: $ 46.00
788 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1858. Ed 8 (*). 10c rosa lila sello de lujo esquina de pliego.
Final value: $ 50.00
789 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1858. Ed 8º (x3). 10c rosa lila tira horizontal de tres matasellos escudo judicial y militar. Pieza de lujo y exposicion.
Final value: $ 466.00
790 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1858. Ed 8º (x4). 10c rosa lila bloque de cuatro esquina inferior de pliego con baeza central 7 Ago 1861 (xxx). Pieza de exposicion.
Final value: $ 1611.00
791 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1861. Ed 9º 5c bermellon oscuro. Precioso sello usado buenos margenes. Escaso en esta calidad.
Final value: $ 40.00
792 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1861. Ed 9º. 5c vermellon oscuro. Mat fechador baeza central 27 Jul 1862. Pieza de lujo.
Final value: $ 100.00
793 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1862. Ed 10º 5c rojo sello usado color mas fuerte. Muy escaso.
Final value: $ 35.00
794 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1862. Ed 10º 5c rojo claro. La rara plancha mucho mas escasa que reflejada en el catalogo mat pluma cruz.
Final value: $ 100.00
795 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1863. Ed 11º 5c bermellon margenes ctos mat central baeza 18 Ene 1863. Preciosa pieza y muy escasa con fechador.
Final value: $ 136.00
796 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1863. Ed 11º 5c bermellon buenos margenes mat. Precioso.
Final value: $ 26.00
797 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1863. Ed 11(*) x4 5c. bermellon intenso. Bloque de cuatro en nuevo grandes margenes borde hja inferior pieza de exposicion. XF.
Final value: $ 221.00
798 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1863. Ed 12*. 10c carmin margenes ctos con goma original. Escaso sello cuando es original.
Final value: $ 70.00
799 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1863. Ed 15º 1 real verde grisaceo grandes margenes finamente usado. Sello de lujo.
Final value: $ 281.00
800 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1863. Ed 15* 1 real verde grisaceo sello nuevo con goma original y buens margenes. Rarisimo enperfecta calidad.
Final value: $ 850.00
801 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1863. Ed 16*. 1 real verde esmeralda grandes margenes con goma original. Selo de lujo.precioso.
Final value: $ 375.00
802 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1863. Ed 16º. 1 real verde esmeralda intenso grandes margenes matasellos parrilla. Sello de lujo. Mucho mas escaso que reflejado en catalogos, y más en esta calidad.
Final value: $ 160.00
803 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1876. Ed 34º 2c peso mat oval Capidiocan (xxx) con corona. Muy raro.
Final value: $ 51.00
804 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1869-70. HPN. Emisiones Habilitado por la Nacion. Ed 20H(2), 20N (2). 5c bermellon x2 6 2/8 verde x2 pareja en fragmento uso mixto con matasellos central oval. Gobierno Civil de Manila con escudo (xxx /RR) pieza de exposicion.
Final value: $ 1400.00
805 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1905 (25 Dec). Christmas Day. Zamboanga, Mindancio - Manila. 1c US Philippines stat card postcard photo print Hacienda Yeban Colonos. Xtraord rare first one we handle.
Final value: $ 551.00
806 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1905 (31 Dec). Zamboanga - Manila. US 1 cent Philippines stat card with view photocard print Hacienda Yeban. Xtraord rare.
Final value: $ 701.00
807 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (14 Sept). Bacolod - Macau, China (19 Sept). Postage paid cachetd air fee 4c stamp tied cds with arrival ds. Fine usage.
Final value: $ 75.00
808 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (17 June). Manila - Macau, China (21 June). Via HK (21 June). Fkd env 16c with arrival ds. Fine.
Final value: $ 14.00
809 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (12 July). Manila - Macao, China (18 July). Reg multifkd env star ring cancel. Via HK. VF scarce dest usage.
Final value: $ 75.00
810 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (16 Aug). Bacolod, Occidental Negros - Macao, Asia (21 Aug). Fkd FDC env special T-labels president Quezon issue 2 diff color tied also cds. This issue was scheduled to be circulated 3 days later! (19 Aug). Rarity usage dest arrival cachet.
Final value: $ 360.00
811 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (5 March). Manila - Macau. Via HK reg package book post reg opened (9 March) wrapper with transit. V scarce.
Final value: $ 46.00
812 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (16 March). Manila - Macau (19 March). Via HK (18 March). Reg complete book rate package wrapper 1 peso 80c rate. Most unusual better dest area.
Final value: $ 100.00
813 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (28 April). Bacolod Occ, Negros - Macao, Asia (4 May). Reg aimultifkd env icl pmk label of the National Philatelic Club (RRR). Exceptional rarity dest date stamp.
Final value: $ 450.00
814 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (4 Aug). Manila - Macau, China (10 Aug). Via HK (9 Aug). Single 12c fkd env better dest.
Final value: $ 18.00
815 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (5 March). Manila - Macao, China (9 MArch). Via HK comm fkd env better dest arrival cachet. VF.
Final value: $ 32.00
816 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940. Philatelic menu for XV Anniv Philatelic Society bent ilustrated folio, incl Pescado alioli Corros 1854 variety. Mabuhay. V nice At Rizal S Juan del Monte.
Final value: $ 250.00
817 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1942 (4 March). Manila local fkd censor Japanese Occup env. Fine.
Final value: $ 24.00
818 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1943 (23 Jan). Manila comercial fkd env fwded ovptd issue several cachets censor. Unusual.
Final value: $ 41.00
819 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1943 (23 Jan). Manila comercial ovptd Japanese Occup fkd env several aux cachets. Interesting.
Final value: $ 41.00
820 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1943 (23 Jan). Manila fkd env ovptd Japan issue several cachets fwded return. Comercial.
Final value: $ 41.00
821 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1943 (7 May). Manila local fkd returned censor env Bataan. Corregidor comm battle cachet. VF.
Final value: $ 33.00
822 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1943 (10 May). Manila local fkd env several cachets censored stat . VF.
Final value: $ 33.00
823 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1944 (19 June). Manila local fkd circulated card 5c blue comm cachet Japanesse Occup. Scarce type Kapariz.
Final value: $ 40.00
824 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1945 (20 April). Manila / Apo 1007 - USA / Federal Prison censored. Air 6c stat env unusual link.
Final value: $ 40.00
825 Poland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1902. Warsaw - St Petersburg. Reg reverse fkd env 14k margin border. Fine cond.
Final value: $ 45.00
826 Poland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1919 (13 Aug). Ludz - Switzerland (3 Sept). Reg 75f rate unsealed en censored financial.
Final value: $ 32.00
827 Poland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1920 (28 Nov). Lodz - Sweden, Sundswall. 1p stat card Military censor oval cachet nº4 a better dest usage.
Final value: $ 55.00
828 Poland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1921 (10 Oct). Bruizkoco Borek - Brazil. private card fkd 15mk rate. Fine dest.
Final value: $ 28.00
829 Poland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1922 (16 Jan). Lodz - Germany. Philatelic Bureau color ilustrated mutifkd card as PM. VF unusual.
Final value: $ 28.00
830 Poland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1923 (1 Sept). Warsaw - UK, Sutton Coldfield. Airmail Express service multifkd inflation period env UK fee paid 6d aux cachet Via Paris (4 Sept). Fine usage.
Final value: $ 150.00
831 Poland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1923 (25 Oct). Brody - Switzerland. Samples pm rate. Inflation period. Multifkd env bearing 20 stamps 200mk. Massive fine most unusual.
Final value: $ 426.00
832 Poland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1929 (29 March). Lwow - Latvia. Fkd PPC taxed Latvian pdue cachet Riga slogan cachet Polish Exhibition.
Final value: $ 50.00
833 Poland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1930 (26 June). Warsaw, Port Lotniczy - USA. Air fkd env via Paris and over US Consular mail with arrival cachet. VF air mark.
Final value: $ 36.00
834 Poland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (10 March). Lwow - SUA. 20 gr stat card adtl. Fine.
Final value: $ 24.00
835 Poland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (4 June). Via China - Warsaw - Macau, Portuguese China (25 June). Air fkd env with Tientsin on reverse slogan cds cachet on front. Rarity usage transit.
Final value: $ 750.00
836 Poland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (29 Feb), leap day) Luck, Walyn - Macau, portuguese Asia. Reg multifkd env via Alexandria - Port Said - Singapore with arrival cachet. Incl air stars. Xtraord rare dest.
Final value: $ 125.00
837 Poland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (12 MArch). Warsaw - Sweden, Ljungsmed. Fkd tax env 3 x Swedish tied stamps as postage due label 35 ore rate. VF comb.
Final value: $ 60.00
838 Portugal
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1853. Af 1º 5rs chestnut thick paper,CUNHO CANSADO. the granite distintive print. Large margins, cancelled 21 grill of Cintra. A premium and indeed very rare stamp Af 2009. 2,120 euros.
Final value: $ 1000.00
839 Portugal - Stationer
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1892 (23 Dec). Barca d´Alva - Sweden (27-8 Dec). Doble 20rs rose stat card. XF lovely attractive item.
Final value: $ 120.00
840 Portugal
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1901 (30 Nov). Vimieiro do Alentejo - Netherlands (4 Dec). Private ilustrated Mouchon fkd card. Sent by philatelist Angelo C Pinto.
Final value: $ 65.00
841 Portugal - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (16 June). Porto - Macao (22 July). 1st portuguese Colonial Exhibition cover 12 special cachet of a group of 1 to 12 made addressed to this colony special vignette. Interesting with arrival.
Final value: $ 40.00
842 Portugal - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (10 June). Funchal / Madeira - Switzerland. Lusiadas issue multifkd photocard 1 esc rate. VF.
Final value: $ 22.00
843 Portugal - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (12 July). Lisbon - Macau, China (1 Aug). Via HK. Air fkd env crossed out due to timetable. 5 esc 25c rate. Lusiadas issue.
Final value: $ 45.00
844 Portugal - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (5 May). Porto - Sweden. Air multifkd legiao portuguesa issue. Via Lisbon - Madrid - Rome. 2 esc 70c rate. VF.
Final value: $ 40.00
845 Portugal - Stationer
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (29 Oct). Lisbon - Germany. 30c brown - Orange stat card + 6 adtl stamps incl Lusiadas. Air mail service. Fine.
Final value: $ 32.00
846 Portugal - Stationer
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1944 (11 Oct). Porto - USA. 40$ stat card 3 adtls. Caravela issue censored. VF.
Final value: $ 40.00
847 Portugal-Angola
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (29 May). Benguella - Macau (25 July). Via Lorenzo Marques, Mozambique (23 June). Multifkd late Ceres issue ds. Rarity dest 2 months transit time.
Final value: $ 115.00
848 Portugal-Angola
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1949 (28 Jan). Loanda - Sweden. Air fkd env with special airmail Post Office labels. 22 Ags rate cds. VF scarce dest.
Final value: $ 160.00
849 Portugal-Angra
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1895 (14 May). A. do Heroismo - Rio Nunez, French Guinea, Africa. Reg 50rs blue stat env manuscript R-cachet adtl stamp missing replaced by another one. Via blue French pqbt. Rarity.
Final value: $ 180.00
850 Portugal-Cabo Verde
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (31 June). Praia - Macau (5 Sept). Via Lisbon (16 July). 67 days transit. Fkd env 80c rare dest first we see.
Final value: $ 55.00
851 Portugal-Mozambique
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1901 (7 March). GPO - Germany (13 April). 30r green stat card. Sent by philatelist Alfredo Ayres de Barros with cachet. Interesting early.
Final value: $ 22.00
852 Portugal-Mozambique
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (27 Sept). L. Marques - Macau, China (2 Nov). Reg multifkd Lusiadas issue 60c rate.
Final value: $ 100.00
853 Portugal-Mozambique
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (14 March). Beira - Macao (1 April). Via Singapore. Multifkd airmail env bearing eleven stamps incl block of four on reverse 6 esc 75c rare dest.
Final value: $ 110.00
854 Portugal-Mozambique
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (18 March). L Marques - UK / Preston / Lancs. Air multifkd env. V nice item.
Final value: $ 26.00
855 Portugal-Mozambique
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1947 (29 April). LM - Sweden. Air fkd env tax PO labels 6 esc rate.
Final value: $ 38.00
856 Portugal-Mozambique
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1948 (19 Feb). LM - Sweden. Air tax PO labels tied hexagonal ds. Rate 11 esc incl 10$ stamp.
Final value: $ 85.00
857 Portugal-Mozambique
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1948 (28 Feb). Luabo - Sweden. Airmail fkd env via UK airpost tax PO labels rate 6$ violet hexagonal cachets. Better usage dest. via Beira (1 March).
Final value: $ 85.00
858 Portugal-Mozambique
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1949 (11 Jan). L Marques - Sweden. Air multifkd Rua da Gavea card. VF 6 esc rate.
Final value: $ 30.00
859 Portugal-Mozambique
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (3 Oct). Beira - Macau (3 Nov). Via HK reg air issue triangular stamps set of ten. Fine intercolonial usage.
Final value: $ 110.00
860 Portugal-St.Thome E
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1961 (23 Jan). S Thome - Sweden. Air fkd env better dest. VF.
Final value: $ 32.00
861 Portugal-Timor
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1964 (1 Sept). Dili - Sweden. Air multifkd env 7 esc rate. Fine dest.
Final value: $ 28.00
862 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1900 (21 June). GPO - HK. Bisected usage 6 avo / 200 avo left side part fkd env. Fine.
Final value: $ 70.00
863 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1910 (15 April). GPO - HK. Bisected 6 avo left side pert cds. Roughly opened env.
Final value: $ 28.00
864 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1910 (10 Sept). GPO - HK. Fkd env bisected stamps lower pert. Fine used.
Final value: $ 152.00
865 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1910 (13 Sept). GPO - HK. Provisional bisected manuscript red overprinted usage unaccepted charged and returned with HK-DLO cachet prohibited. Fine.
Final value: $ 702.00
866 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (28 June). Airmails. Lisboa, Portugal - Macau (20 July). Air reg multifkd env incl 4 esc 50c Camilo issue Lusiadas 7 esc 25c rate. Via Singapore (11 July). HK (20 July). Exceptionaly transited item air rate.
Final value: $ 200.00
867 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (8 Dec). HK - Macao. Reg multifkd env 25c rate with arrival cachet Ausente (xxx/R) twice for aux pmk searching for the recipient. VF and appealing. Lovely item small size.
Final value: $ 426.00
868 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (7 Dec). Lisbon, Portugal - Macao (27 Dec). Airmail via China, Canton (japanese Occup period). Reg air official mail air rate stamps paid with Lusiadas issue. Rarity and VF.
Final value: $ 1400.00
869 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (25 Aug). Airmails, Portugal, Porto - Macao (3 Sept). Air fkd env 5$ 75c rate via HK (3 Sept) reverse cds and Lisbon (26 Aug). Fine and desirable.
Final value: $ 45.00
870 Romania
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1862-4. Yv 8A / 10A. Mint set incl 3p yellow orange. VF Yv 2009. 605 euros.
Final value: $ 25.00
871 Romania
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1865. Yv 12º, 13*. 5p blue used (RR) minimal thin on reverse, 20p part original gum. Opportunity Yv 2009 300 euros.
Final value: $ 45.00
872 Romania
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1866-7. Yv 14*, 15*, 16º, 17*, 18*, 19º, 20º. Mostly fine. Yv 2009 284.50 euros. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 50.00
873 Romania
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1869-71. Yv 21 / 30º. Complete used pair of sets. Mostly finv 2009.347 euros 10 values.
Final value: $ 70.00
874 Romania
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1947 (20 MArch). Vaslui - Denmark, Hillered. 140l brown stat card 7 adtl stamps postage cds. VF dest.
Final value: $ 24.00
875 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1858. Yv 1º 10k blue and brown good margins all around with postal cancellation. VF faultless stamp.
Final value: $ 750.00
876 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1862-8. Wenden - Cesis - Lithuania. Yv 1*, 2*, 5*. Yv 2009. 381 euros. Nr 2 has upper right corner heavy creased. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 75.00
877 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1871 ((10 April). Reverse fkd env 10k brown blue tied 860 dots. Addressed to Kasanb stline depart pmk bilingual Arab addresing.
Final value: $ 450.00
878 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c.1871-3. Local fkd env bearing 10k brown blue tied 533 dots bilingual addressing in Arab + Russian. Most unusual.
Final value: $ 750.00
879 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1873 (31 March - 6 April). Kasanb - Anakocy. Local fkd env 10k brown blue oval dots via Moscow. Arab reverse anotation fwding.
Final value: $ 450.00
880 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1873 (18 Oct). Latvia. Riga - Norway, Arendal (3 Nov). Via Christania cds on reverse reg cash prepaid Franco env via Prusia. VF rare usage dest for reg incoming mail.
Final value: $ 450.00
881 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1873 (12-16 Nov). Kasanb - Anakocy. Fkd 10k brown blue oval cds. VF better usage.
Final value: $ 450.00
882 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1876 (7 Oct). St Petersburg - Germany (10 Oct). 4k green early stat card. Fine cds early usage.
Final value: $ 36.00
883 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1881 (3 March). Local fkd env bearing 10kop brown blue 67 dots.
Final value: $ 180.00
884 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1881 (14 June). Cronstadt - Norway / Kragero. Single 7k fkd env via St Petersburg. Fine early prepaid usage.
Final value: $ 160.00
885 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1881 (12 Sept). Latvia - Riga - Denmark (27 Sept). Fkd env 7k grey red cds. Fine early usage.
Final value: $ 65.00
886 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1882 (8 March). St Petersburg - USA, Newhaven, Conn (5 June). 7k grey stat card + 2 adtls. Scarce fine transatlantic usage. Via Boston.
Final value: $ 135.00
887 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1883 (20 June). St Petersburg - USA, Chicago (15 July). 7k grey stat env. Fine used transited transatlantic usage.
Final value: $ 28.00
888 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1898 (13 April). Stadt post / City mail. St Petersburg. Fkd reg env 4 kop red vert strip of cds. Fine.
Final value: $ 28.00
889 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1901 (9 March). Donetsk, Ukraine - Hughessofka / South Russia - UK / Suffolk. 3k stat card 1k.
Final value: $ 45.00
890 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1905 (April). Moscow - Switzerland / Willegg (15 April). Reg multifkd env. Comm issue. VF.
Final value: $ 76.00
891 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1906 (8 June). S Petersburg - Germany. 4k red stat card town 29e pto district. Unusual to overseas.
Final value: $ 16.00
892 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
910 (30 Oct). Ekaterinoslaw - Panama. Free frank better dest.
Final value: $ 80.00
893 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1913 (19 Aug). Ctarein / Margepane - Apmarka. Local reverse fkd reg env. Nice cds 28kop rate.
Final value: $ 75.00
894 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1915 (7 Jan). Odessa - Switzerland (16 Feb). Reg multifkd env retained censor mail. Fine.
Final value: $ 28.00
895 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1915 (14 Dec). Petrograd - Egypt. Via London reeg fkd env 15k brown blue horiz pair censored cachet. Red wax seal via around to Western Front. Intereseting.
Final value: $ 185.00
896 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1916 (8 Aug). Serpuchov - USA / Tx, Galvezton (7 Oct). Reg multifkd WW I censored env. high fkg.
Final value: $ 28.00
897 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1917 (18 Aug). Moscow - USA (11 Nov). Reg fkd env addressed to Polish born Abraham stybel. Fine censored.
Final value: $ 38.00
898 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1919 (1 Sepr). Irkutsk / Siberia - USA / NY. 5k brown stat card worm at edge + 2 adtls cancelled (29 Sept). Censored. Rare via Nekytckb (29 Sept).
Final value: $ 100.00
899 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (2 Dec). Sverdlovsk - Macau, China (25 Jan). Via HK. Reg 15k stat env 2 adtls cds. Rarity dest.
Final value: $ 126.00
900 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934. Odessa - USA. Reg multifkd env. fine cond fwded.
Final value: $ 25.00
901 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (27 Aug). Leningrad - Macau, Portuguese China (24 Sept). 3k blue stat card 2 adtls arrival on front. Xtremely rare dest. VF.
Final value: $ 160.00
902 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (14 Nov). Moscow - Switzerland (13 Nov). Diff calendars. Reg air multifkd env + 2 mns air labels. German Luftpost unusual.
Final value: $ 28.00
903 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (17 aug). Moscow - Switzerland (19 Aug). Reg air multifkd env. Fine.
Final value: $ 20.00
904 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (14 July). Moscow - Switzerland. Reg in 50k blue stat env + 1r flag adtl. VF.
Final value: $ 28.00
905 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (28 Aug). Letewsky - Mensk (6 Sept) - Switzerland. 10k stat card + 2 adtls. Nazi censorship. V scarce short transited period.
Final value: $ 65.00
906 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (29 Aug). Moscow - Switzerland. Reg air 50k blue stat env 3 adtls incl comm stamp. VF.
Final value: $ 32.00
907 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (30 Sept). Moscow - Switzerland (7 Oct). Reg air 50k blue stat env + 4 adtls incl comm stamps horse. VF.
Final value: $ 28.00
908 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (11 Oct). Moscow - Switzerland. Reg air 50k blue stat env + 5 adtls incl comm stamps. VF.
Final value: $ 35.00
909 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (22 Oct). Moscow - Switzerland. Reg air 50k blue stat env 1r adtls air ovptd issue. VF.
Final value: $ 28.00
910 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (25 Feb). Moscow - Switzerland. Air multifkd env comm stamps incl sports issue. Fine.
Final value: $ 24.00
911 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (11 March). Moscow - Switzerland. Air multifkd comm issue env. VF.
Final value: $ 24.00
912 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (18 Sept). German front military Russian Occup. 20k red stat card German Feldpost cachet. Contingent 02791 B, addressed to Dresden / Germany.
Final value: $ 100.00
913 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (13 Oct). German front Russian Occup. Contingent 17923. Russian 20k red stat card feldpost cachet + azi censored.
Final value: $ 100.00
914 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1943 (8-16 March). Leningrad - Censored card at key WW II. VF historical item, locally circulated.
Final value: $ 110.00
915 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946 (3 Feb). Samarkand / 43 Bekistan - USA / Brooklyn (28 -29 March). Reg 20k red adtl stat card. Fine and scarce.
Final value: $ 38.00
916 Russian Levant
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1863-5. Yv 1* 6k blue ordinary paper. Good margins faultless stamp Yv 2009, 400 euros scarce stamp.
Final value: $ 200.00
917 Russian Levant
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1914 (23 March). Constantinople - Austria. Reg package front fkd ovptd issue 2 piaster 10 para rate cds. V scarce photo samples.
Final value: $ 110.00
918 Ryukyu Islands
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946. Miyako. 10s red orange. Sc 3x9. Mint OG. VF.
Final value: $ 80.00
919 Ryukyu Islands
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946. Miyako. 2s vermilion, red ovpt. Sc 3 X 2a. OG nh. VF. Ex PK - 2029 / 320.
Final value: $ 60.00
920 Salvador, El
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1867. Fist issue set. Fine cond.
Final value: $ 14.00
921 San Marino
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (24 April). GPO - USA / Dallas, TX (3-4 May). Reg fkd env front and reverse with diff miniature sheets 3l + 5l. Fine.
Final value: $ 24.00
922 Sarre
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (2-3 Oct). Saarbrucken - Sweden / Virbo. Air German Luftpost red stat card + Special red cachet. Fine + scarce + dest.
Final value: $ 85.00
923 Serbia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1900 (22 Jan). Belgrade - USA. Multifkd env 25p rate. Fine.
Final value: $ 28.00
924 Serbia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1903 (24 June). Belgrade - Germany (9 July). Reg multicolor fkd env 75c rate. Nice item.
Final value: $ 476.00
925 Serbia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1906 (8 Oct). Belgrade - UK, London (10 Oct). Fkd env 25p rate cds.VF.
Final value: $ 24.00
926 Serbia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1909 (18 Dec). Belgrade - USA, NY. Fkd PPC 10p red. Fine.
Final value: $ 26.00
927 Serbia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1910 (19 Jan). Belgrade - USA, NY (4 Feb). Monastery PPC fkd 5p pair blue cds. Slogan arrival cancel.
Final value: $ 40.00
928 Serbia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1910 (21 Jan). Belgrade - USA, NY. Fkd env 25c blue cds.
Final value: $ 24.00
929 Serbia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1910 (12 Feb). Belgrade - USA / NY (10 March). Reg fkd env 25c pair blu cds blue R-label. Fine.
Final value: $ 100.00
930 Serbia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1910 (19 March). Belgrade - USA, NY. 10p red stat card. VF used.
Final value: $ 40.00
931 Serbia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1910 (9 April). Belgrade Station - USA, NY. 10p red stat card bilingual cds vert lines.
Final value: $ 38.00
932 Serbia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1910 (20 April). Belgrade - USA, NY. 10 para red stat card station modern depart cds town French type.
Final value: $ 40.00
933 Serbia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1910 (23 April). Belgrade - USA, NY. 10 para red stat card. VF used.
Final value: $ 40.00
934 Serbia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1910 (15 June). Belgrade - USA, NY. 10p red stat card. Fine transatlantic usage.
Final value: $ 42.00
935 Serbia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1910 (2 July). Belgrade - USA, NY (28 July) fwded locally 10p stat card. Fine used aux cachets itm with character.
Final value: $ 48.00
936 Serbia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1910. Belgrade - USA. 10p red stat card. Fine used.
Final value: $ 38.00
937 Serbia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1911 (1 Jan). Belgrade - USA, NY. Stamps 2nd issue embossed issue fkd PPC 5r green pair blue cds. V nice cond item.
Final value: $ 85.00
938 Serbia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1911 (16 March). Belgrade local internal pm usage env fkd 5p blue cds. Fine.
Final value: $ 14.00
939 Serbia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1922 (25 April). Belgrade - Switzerland (28 April). Reg multifkd env 1d (x2) pair cds. Fine comercial usage.
Final value: $ 35.00
940 Siam
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1913 (2 Oct). BKK - Sweden / Gothenburg. 6 Satang ovptd / 4 Satang red stat card + better comercial dest.
Final value: $ 70.00
941 Siam
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1948 (25 Nov). BKK - Hawaii. Air multifkd env. Scarce dest.
Final value: $ 22.00
942 Siam
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1951 (27 Dec). BKK - USA. Diplomatic fkd env cancelled at arrival in Washington DC. Via Diplomatic pouch. VF.
Final value: $ 40.00
943 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1853-5. cGH. Group of 10 stamps from old album diff cond uneven margin used and couple mint huge cat value. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 125.00
944 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1947 (9 March). SWA. Winhoek - Sweden. Air multifkd ovptd issue env 1sh 3d stamp cds. VF dest.
Final value: $ 26.00
945 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1884 (21 March). CGM. Capetown - Sweden / Stockholm (18 April). 1d brown stat card via London (10 Apr). VF dest.
Final value: $ 70.00
946 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1897 (22 May). ZAR. Pretoria - Sweden / Gothenburg (16 June). 1d red stat card adts cds. Fine. Arrival reverse.
Final value: $ 115.00
947 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1905 (1 Oct). Natal. Greytown - Denmark, Nakskov (30 Oct). Fkd PPC Hermansburg Church. VF used item dest.
Final value: $ 45.00
948 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946 (16 Jan). Durban - India. Air fkd env early port war service 1sh 3d rate.
Final value: $ 20.00
949 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1947 (19 MArch). SWA. Winhoek - Sweden. Air multifkd ovptd 1sh 3d tied cds. Fine air rate.
Final value: $ 24.00
950 E-Isabel Ii
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1869 (25 Julio). 98º. Alicante - Valencia. HPN sobre circulado con 50ms violeta sobrecargado. Bonito.
Final value: $ 140.00
951 E-Alfonso Xiii
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1896 (5 Julio). 215º Colunga / Oviedo - Suecia. Banda periodicos completa tarifa 5cts. M bonita.
Final value: $ 27.00
952 E-Alfonso Xiii
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1901 (12 Sept). 242º. San Sebastian - Belgica. Faja impresos filatelico ilustrado tarifa impresos. Preciosa y rar. El Progresista filatelico.
Final value: $ 111.00
953 E-Alfonso Xiii
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1914 (3 Dec). 271, 277. Barcelona - Alemania. Bonito sobre certificado. Tarifa 65c.
Final value: $ 45.00
954 E-Alfonso Xiii
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1920 (4 Nov). 290, 269, 271, 268 (2). Las Palmas / Canarias - Alemania (23 Nov). Sobre ceritif multicolor. Enviado por Jose Rivero Rodriguez filatelista. Censura financiera. Preciosa e interesante.
Final value: $ 180.00
955 E-Alfonso Xiii
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1920 (11 Oct). 290 (2), 269. Barcelona - Alemania (15 Oct). Bonito sobre certificado. Al dorso etiqueta E Pont Filatelista. M bonita.
Final value: $ 181.00
956 E- Ii Republica
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (13 Feb). Almeria - Bulgaria (20 Feb). Sobre certif franqueo multiple tarifa 80c con etiqueta matasellada al dorso Catedral Santiago. Via Italia.
Final value: $ 28.00
957 E- Ii Republica
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (11Junio). Granada - Macao (11 Julio). Sobre tarifa impresos con contenido dirigido a esta colonia portuguesa en China con llegada y enviado por error a Portugal. Rarisimo destino.
Final value: $ 32.00
958 E- Ii Republica
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (28 Oct). Euzkadi. Bilbao - USA. Sobre ilustrado Partido Nacionalista. Tarifa 30c. ETA bilingüe.
Final value: $ 40.00
959 E-Guerra Civil
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (3 Feb). Belgium. International Brigades. Murcia - Hospital / Paseo Malecon. Dirigido a Belgica. Escasa marca.
Final value: $ 240.00
960 E-Guerra Civil
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
"c.1937-8. Madrid - Perales de Tajuña. EP 18c 10c adtl dirigida a ""defensa aereo contra aeronaves fuerza aerea Republicana"". Interesante."
Final value: $ 38.00
961 E-Guerra Civil
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938. Barcelona - Londres. Via aerea emision Sagunto Servicio amigos Cuqueros. Bonita.
Final value: $ 29.00
962 E-Guerra Civil
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (3 Marzo).Murcia. TP Prision. Casa de Reforma Cehegin con censura. Excepcionalmente rara y ultimos dias antes de la liberacion.
Final value: $ 750.00
963 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (12 Oct). Legion Condor / German Condor Legion. Mexico DF - Alemania, Reexpedida a San Sebastian Nacional y a Leon Hotel Pilarica ciudad sede de la Legion Condor fuerza aerea Alemana. Pieza para estudio.
Final value: $ 120.00
964 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (28 Mayo). Villagarcia / Pontevedra - USA. Sobre franqueo multiple via aerea matasellos provisional tarifa 4pts 65cts.
Final value: $ 36.00
965 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1948 (4 Oct). Manzanares - Suecia. Sobre certificado tasa Suecia matasellada a la llegada. Preciosa combinacion.
Final value: $ 55.00
966 E- Ii Centenario
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1951 (25 Mayo). Madrid - Suecia. Sobre certificado franqueo sellos Isabel La Catolica. Via aerea tarifa 3pts 60c.
Final value: $ 18.00
967 E- Ii Centenario
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1951 (14 Ago). Barcelona - Suecia (18 Ago). TP certificada tarifa 95cts (5 cts al dorso) incl Isabel La Catolica. Bonita.
Final value: $ 20.00
968 E- Ii Centenario
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1957 (21 Sept). Palencia - Suecia (25 Sept). Bonito sobre franqueo via aerea urgente tarifa 9 pts.
Final value: $ 20.00
969 E- Ii Centenario
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1957 (24 Sept). Bermeo / Vizcaya - Suecia (28 Sept). Sobre franqueo multiple via aerea urgente, con tres etiquetas tarifa 13 pts. Preciosa.
Final value: $ 26.00
970 E-Correo Aereo
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c.1906-7. Dirigible Torres - Quevedo español en Guadalajara. TP fotografica sin circular. Interesante.
Final value: $ 24.00
971 E-Correo Aereo
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c.1908-10. Dirigible España. TP photographic sin circular. Rara.
Final value: $ 24.00
972 E-Correo Aereo
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c.1908-10. Dirigible español Astra - Torres TP fotografica sin circular.
Final value: $ 24.00
973 E-Correo Aereo
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c.1920´s. 3 TP fotografia de los aviadores Costes Rignot Coste, Doret y Le Brix, relacionados con la aviacion española. Na de ellas se observa el motor Hispano Suiza.
Final value: $ 55.00
974 E-Correo Aereo
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (3 Oct). Madrid. Fuerza aerea Republicana. EP sobrec con censura dirigida a base republicana en Manzanares.
Final value: $ 40.00
975 E-Correo Aereo
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (9 Sept). Villajuan, Pontevedra - USA. Sobre franqueo multiple via aerea, tarifa 8pts 90c. Bonito.
Final value: $ 45.00
976 E-Correo Aereo
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1944 (25 Nov). AOT. Castellon de la Plana - Suecia. Sobre franqueo multiple doble censura incl 75c. Milenario de Castilla (x4). Tarifa 7,20 pts.
Final value: $ 75.00
977 E-Correo Aereo
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946 (4 Enero). S Feliu Guixols / Gerona - Checoslovakia. Sobre franqueado via OAT Servicio britanico tipo rectangular en rojo.
Final value: $ 58.00
978 E-Enteros Postales
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (1 Sept). Alicante - Madrid (llegado dorso). Sobre EP privado 30c / A740138. Industrias textiles Alicantinas (Laiz 1236, 220 euros).
Final value: $ 160.00
979 E-Perforados
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1953 (18 April). Sevilla - USA. Sobre certificado tarifa 30 pts. BHA Sevilla altisimo franqueo.
Final value: $ 36.00
980 E-Provincias
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c.1905. Burgos. Rarisima TP panoramica de Burgos sin circular.
Final value: $ 65.00
981 E-Antillas
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1864. Ed 1lº (x9) 1rl usado bloque 9 con matasellos fechador Cienfuegos. Pieza espectacular de exposicion. Buenos margenes.
Final value: $ 145.00
982 E-Antillas
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1855-7. Ed 1º, 3º, 4º, 5º, 7º/ 9º. Ed 2014 48 euros.
Final value: $ 20.00
983 E-Antillas
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1855. Yv 2(*). 1 real verde filgr lazos buenos margenes nuevo sin goma. Ed 2014 65 euros. Escaso sello m bonito.
Final value: $ 45.00
984 E-Antillas
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1855. Ed 3º (x4). 2rs rojo ladrillo buenos margenes bloque de cuatro matasellos pluma y parrilla (prepago periodicos). Escaso.
Final value: $ 100.00
985 E-Antillas
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1855. Ed 3º (x4). Filipinas. 2rs carmin oscuro. Precioso bloque de 4 con margen hoja inferior y amplios margenes. Una joya.
Final value: $ 120.00
986 E-Antillas
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1857. Ed 7º (x19) 1/2rl azul. Exceptional selección de 19 sellos absolutamente todos escogidos por su calidad variedades plancha color matasellos. Gran oportunidad.
Final value: $ 175.00
987 E-Antillas
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1857. Ed 7º. 1/2rl azul sin filigrana. Espectacular sello con impresión multiple totalmente encharcada y en usado. Muy raro.
Final value: $ 125.00
988 E-Antillas
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1857. Ed 7º (x7) 1/2rl azul sin filigrana. Muy interesante selección de 7 sellos con matasellos diff planchas variedades. Planchas gastada y lavada. Que disfruten! Escogidos.
Final value: $ 32.00
989 E-Antillas
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1857. Ed 7º (x20). 1/2rl azul palido. Bloque de 20 esquina inferior dcha de hoja borde en dos lados con matasellos pluma vertical. Plancha gastada y con primeros lavados. Pieza interesante.
Final value: $ 185.00
990 E-Antillas
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1857. Ed 7º. 1/2rl azul pareja sin fil borde hoja impresión gastada sobre plancha lavada pareja en lineas verticales. Interesante.
Final value: $ 45.00
991 E-Antillas
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1857. Ed 8º. 1rl verderones. 5 escogidos sellos absolutamente todos por algo especial el falso postal con matasellos fechador (RR) diff planchas y colores. Que disfruten!
Final value: $ 40.00
992 E-Antillas
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1857. Ed 9º (x10). 2rs rojo vivo bloque de 10 vertical marques. Precioso.
Final value: $ 110.00
993 E-Antillas
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1857. Ed 9º (x8). 2rs rojo palido. Bloque de 8 con matasellos pluma vertical Franco por prepago periodicos. Preciosa pareja e interesante.
Final value: $ 200.00
994 E-Antillas
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1857. Ed 9 (8). 2rs rojo bloque 8 grandes margenes matasellos linea pluma y parrilla lineas anchas prepago periodicos. Espectacular.
Final value: $ 185.00
995 E-Antillas
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1857. Ed 9º (x10). 2rs rojo palido bloque horizontal de 10. Impresión encharcada a la izq. Interesante y espectacular.
Final value: $ 120.00
996 E-Antillas
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1857. Ed 9º (x8). 2 reales rojo algo vivo. Buenos margenes. Muy bonito bloque de 8. Pieza exposicion.
Final value: $ 100.00
997 E-Antillas
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1857. Ed 9º 2 reales rojo vivo intenso. Espectacular bloque de 6 buenos margenes. Preciosidad.
Final value: $ 85.00
998 E-Antillas
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1864. D 10/12*. Serie de 3 valores con goma original y buenos margenes. Preciosa calidad.
Final value: $ 50.00
999 E-Antillas
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1868. Ed 15º (x2). 40c rosa palido. Pareja horizontal matasellos central certif. muy bien centrado preciosa.
Final value: $ 40.00
1000 E-Antillas
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1968. Ed 15º (x4, 2 parejas). Rosa palido. 2 pares horiz con diff matasellos. Oportunidad y bonitas.
Final value: $ 55.00
1001 E-Antillas
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1868. Ed 15º 40cts rosa intensisimo bloque de 4 en usado matasellos certificado. Espectacular. Pieza exposicion.
Final value: $ 100.00
1002 E-Antillas
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1869. Ed 18º (x2). 40c violeta pareja horizontal con matasellos certificado. Muy escasa.
Final value: $ 75.00
1003 E-Antillas
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1869. Ed (18º (x4). 40c violeta bloque 4 usado bien centrado con matasellos certificado. Espectacular y muy raro multiple. Pieza exposicion.
Final value: $ 200.00
1004 E-Antillas
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1871. Ed 24. 1 peseta castaño amarillento. Sello bien centrado con matasellos oval de Alcaldia. Preciosa calidad.
Final value: $ 28.00
1005 E-Antillas
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1873. Ed 27º 1 pst, bien centrado matasellos central en azul Alcaldia cordero con bandera. Pieza de capricho. XF.
Final value: $ 60.00
1006 Cuba
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1855. Ed 1 (*). 1/2 real verde negruzco. Sello nuevo sin goma y buenos margenes. Muy raro. ED 2014. 105 euros. Se adjunta uno usado normal para distinguir esta impresión.
Final value: $ 125.00
1007 Cuba
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1860. Ed 10º. Y 1/4 / 2rs con variedad 1. Invertido en usado una de las pocas posiciones por hoja asi.
Final value: $ 115.00
1008 Cuba
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1862. Ed 11 XX. 1/4 rl negro tira de 3 en nuevo. Buenos margenes. Precioso y escaso multiple sin goma original sin charnela y variedad cinta en el moño alargado en el sello derecho. Precioso.
Final value: $ 160.00
1009 Cuba
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1862. Ed 11 (xx). 1/4rl negro bloque 4 con margenes ctos. Precioso y muy escaso.
Final value: $ 175.00
1010 Cuba
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1862. Ed 11 (*). 1/4 rl plata negro pareja horizontal nueva. Bonita.
Final value: $ 50.00
1011 Cuba
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1864. Ed 12**. 1/4 rl negro bloque 6 grandes margenes con goma original sin charnela. Gran Lujo. Soberbio.
Final value: $ 185.00
1012 Cuba
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1866. Ed 14º (x9). 10c 66 azul. Espectacular bloque de 9, grandes margenes matasellos fechador Santiago. Pieza exposicion.
Final value: $ 145.00
1013 Cuba
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1866. Ed 14/16*. 10c, 20c y 40c nuevos con buenos margenes. Bonitos sellos cat 2014 - 27 euros.
Final value: $ 20.00
1014 Cuba
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1875. Ed 24º (x9). 1 pta bloque de nueve usado. Precioso y espectacular multiplo. Pieza de exposicion el clave de la serie. Sin defecto.
Final value: $ 125.00
1015 Cuba
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1874. Ed 30**. 1 peseta carmin. Sello bien centrado con goma original y sin charnela. Lujo. Ed 2014. 380 euros Gran pieza.
Final value: $ 450.00
1016 Cuba
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1875. Ed 34º (x4). 1 pta bloque 4 usado. Bonito y escaso multiple sin defectos.
Final value: $ 50.00
1017 Cuba
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
"1871-80´s. Fantastica selección de matasellos ""on the nose"" mayoria ciudades pequeñas auxiliares. Piezas escogidas. Total 32 sellos en 2 fichas. Oportunidad."
Final value: $ 240.00
1018 Cuba
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1834 (1 April). Havana - France (13 May). E Carried pqbt nº3 boxed pays taxed. Unusual.
Final value: $ 40.00
1019 Cuba
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1837 (5 Sept). Havana - France (28 Sept). EL via French pqbt Bordelais nº3. Taxed. Interesting.
Final value: $ 40.00
1020 Cuba
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1841 (5 May). Habana - UK (22 June). E via Graveseng ship letter + 8 charge. Uncommon maritime entry.
Final value: $ 48.00
1021 Cuba
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1849 (20 May). Havana - USA / New Hampshise. EL via Philadepphia ship (12 July) entry 12cts. VF.
Final value: $ 40.00
1022 Cuba
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1899 (27 Sept). Bejucal. Local reg 1c ovptd stat card + 10c ovptd US stline cancel manuscript printed designed card. Exceptional rarity.
Final value: $ 425.00
1023 E-Guinea
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1962 (1 Mayo). Sta Isabel - Suecia. Sobre comercial via aerea tarifa 7,20 pts con sellos de F Poo combinados. Bonita.
Final value: $ 20.00
1024 E-Ifni
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1959 (23 Sept). Sidi - SUA. TP vista Plaza España con Iglesia franqueada tarifa 1pta 05c.
Final value: $ 20.00
1025 E-Marianas Islands
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1899. Ed 5º. 8c castaño oscuro udo sobrecarga posicion abajo -arriba, mat oval Gobierno PM. M bonito, en buena calidad.
Final value: $ 141.00
1026 E-Marianas Islands
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1899. Ed 6º 15 cent oliva grisaceo mat oval Gobierno PM sobrecarga posicion abajo - arriba. Muy ben centrado para este valor. Rarisimo en esta calidad.Ed 2014. 1,190 euros.
Final value: $ 1350.00
1027 Puerto Rico
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1873. Ed 3º. 1 pta Amadeo sobrecargado. Pareja horizontal con matasellos escudo y puma en cruz. Preciosa y escaso multiple.
Final value: $ 150.00
1028 Puerto Rico
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1875. Ed (x4). 25c azul. Tira horizontal de matasellos parrilla. Preciosa pieza de exposicion.
Final value: $ 120.00
1029 Puerto Rico
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1876. Ed 3º (x3). 25c gris azul, tira horizontal de tres matasellos parrilla azul. Precioso pieza de exposicion.
Final value: $ 125.00
1030 Puerto Rico
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1875. Ed 6º (x4). 50c verde bloque de cuatro sobrecargado matasellos parilla. Escaso multiple pieza de exposicion.
Final value: $ 125.00
1031 Puerto Rico
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1876. Ed 8º (x5). 25cts violeta claro sobrecargado tira horizontal de cinco con matasellos parrilla. Preciosa calidad y escaso multiple. Pieza de exposicion.
Final value: $ 125.00
1032 Puerto Rico
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1876. Ed 8º (x4). 25c gris sobrecargado bloque de cuatro usado. Precioso y muy escaso.
Final value: $ 135.00
1033 Slovakia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (6 June). Secovce - USA, Yonkers (25-26 June). Air censored multifkd env. Only allied label not control by nazi. Roughly opened but scarce.
Final value: $ 48.00
1034 Straits Settlements
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1906-24. 3 early photo view postcards circulated to Denmark. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 70.00
1035 Straits Settlements
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1921 (16 June). Tanjong - Pagan - Phillippines (27 June). 8c fkd env taxed. Via Singapore. Fine.
Final value: $ 86.00
1036 Straits Settlements
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (11 July). Singapore - UK. Scotland fwded to Denmark. Air fkd mixxed issues env GB 1/2d green pair. Fine and Scarce combination via Amsterdam - London KLM.
Final value: $ 240.00
1037 Straits Settlements
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (9 Jan). Singapore - Macau, Asia (14 Jan). PM unsealed env fkd single 2c cds. Scarce dest.
Final value: $ 100.00
1038 Straits Settlements
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (17 Jan). Singapore / D - Denmark (28 Jan). Air multifkd mixed issues env. Fine 57c rate.
Final value: $ 85.00
1039 Straits Settlements
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (19 Aug). Singapore - Macau (30 Aug). Fkd silver Jubilee 12c cds env VF rare proper comercial usage.
Final value: $ 120.00
1040 Straits Settlements
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (10 Dec). Singapore - Macau (22 Dec). Fkd wrapper 6c rate incl 5c silver Jubilee. V scarce.
Final value: $ 85.00
1041 Straits Settlements
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (15 Aug). Singapore W - HK (18 Aug). Reg air multifkd env 41c rate. Fine usage.
Final value: $ 65.00
1042 Straits Settlements
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (19 Dec). Singapore B - HK (22 Dec). Reg fkd env 51c rate. VF.
Final value: $ 50.00
1043 Straits Settlements
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (4 Jan). Singapore / J - Denmark (16 Jan). Rate 42c fkd env via Air France, Paris (15 Jan). Unusual routing to this dest.
Final value: $ 50.00
1044 Straits Settlements
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (13 Feb). Singapore D - HK (19 Feb). Reg airmail multifkd env 51c rate. Fine.
Final value: $ 45.00
1045 Straits Settlements
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (30 Jan). Sing A - HK (2 Feb). Reg multifkd env 38c rate VF with arrival date cachet.
Final value: $ 70.00
1046 Straits Settlements
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (17 April). Sing - HK. Reg package front bearing 18 stamps comercial usage. 3$ 39c rate mixed Kings. Airmail. Exceptional incl 2$ stamp.
Final value: $ 280.00
1047 Straits Settlements
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (25 Sept). Sing E - HK (28 Sept). Reg air multifkd incl Coronation issue 63c rate a bit roughly opened but a charming usage. Scarce stamps.
Final value: $ 75.00
1048 Straits Settlements
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (6 Nov). Singapore E - HK (10 Nov). Re airmail fkd env incl Coronation issue rate 1$ 23c cds. Fine with arrival.
Final value: $ 115.00
1049 Straits Settlements
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (13 Nov). Singapore C - HK (16 Nov). Reg air multifkd env incl Coronation issue comercial usage. Very nice 1$01c rate.
Final value: $ 140.00
1050 Straits Settlements
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (20 Nov). Sing 1 - HK (23 Nov). Reg air multifkd env 63c rate coronation issue.
Final value: $ 32.00
1051 Straits Settlements
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (31 Dec). Sing I - HK (4 Jan 38). Reg air fkd env 51c rate. Scarce link.
Final value: $ 70.00
1052 Straits Settlements
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (27 June). Singapore 1 - HK (30 June). Reg air multifkd env 75c rate. Premium item.
Final value: $ 95.00
1053 Straits Settlements
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (13 Dec). Singapore M - HK. Reg mutifkd env 47c incl 8c block of four. V nice usage.
Final value: $ 110.00
1054 Straits Settlements
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (10 Aug). Singapore - USA. Libbys machine fkd env Sing censored label. Fine. Sea route.
Final value: $ 55.00
1055 Straits Settlements
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946 (29 June). BMA. Sing - Denmark. Nykorbing. Air multifkd env doble ring imperf cds type.
Final value: $ 39.00
1056 Straits Settlements
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1948 (10 April). BMA Singapore / G - Sweden. Stockholm. Air multicolor fkd env 70c rate. VF.
Final value: $ 31.00
1057 Straits Settlements
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1948 (15 April). Sing - Sweden. Air fkd env 60c rate air label cachet. VF.
Final value: $ 23.00
1058 Straits Settlements
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1948 (8 Dec). BMA Singapore - Sweden, Stockhom. Air multicolor fkd env air label cds. VF. Ovptd issue.
Final value: $ 27.00
1059 Straits Settlements
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1950 (24 Jan). Singapore - Sweden, Stockholm. Fkd view PPC airmail label VF Raffles Hotel.
Final value: $ 25.00
1060 Straits Settlements
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1951 (11 Feb). Singapore - Sweden. Air fkd view card Southern Hotel. VF.
Final value: $ 27.00
1061 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1962 (11 Jan). Khartoum - Sweden / Gothenburg. Air multifkd env incl 50 years of girls education issue. VF.
Final value: $ 18.00
1062 Sweden
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1870 (1 Aug). Stockholm - Rostock / Mecklenburg (4 Aug) - Schwerin. Multifkd EL 27 ore rate cd + franco reverse via Wandrup - Flensburg (2 Aug). A better early German State dest.
Final value: $ 480.00
1063 Sweden
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1900 (28 Aug). Germany / Breman - Sweden / Upsala (29-30 Aug). Reply half 10ore red used back proper usage v scarce.
Final value: $ 85.00
1064 Sweden
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1921 (13 Nov). Gothenburg - Italy. 10 ore green + 2 adtl mixed issues Italia p due tied aux cachet spectacular combination. Manuscript cachet reverse.
Final value: $ 110.00
1065 Sweden
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1922 (16 MArch). Germany - Gothenburg. Reply 7 ore green stat card used from Halle 2 adtls tied. Proper usage v scarce and attractive.
Final value: $ 176.00
1066 Sweden
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1924 (6 Oct). Stockholm - Switzerland (12 Oct). Reg fkd env 60 ore rate. Fine.
Final value: $ 22.00
1067 Sweden
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (22 Nov). Lidingol - Macau, China (17 Dec). Via HK fkd env 25c rate rarity dest with arrival date.
Final value: $ 38.00
1068 Sweden
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (25 Dec). Moscow / Russia - Sweden / Stockholm. Reply half 15 ore lilac stat card proper usage. Fine and v scarce.
Final value: $ 131.00
1069 Sweden
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1948 (22 Aug). Amal - NYC / SUA. Air multifkd env T 33 1/3 c (xxx/ RR). Swedish tax mark US P due 7c p due stamps. Scarce env.
Final value: $ 35.00
1070 Switzerland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1850. Orts Post. 2 1/2 rp. Cross around line Yv 2009 1,400 euros complete margins faultless. Fine.
Final value: $ 220.00
1071 Switzerland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1851. Yv 7º. Timbre de Neuchatel. 5c lack d red good to large margins grill lines. Faultless stamp. Fine a fine stamp. Yv 2009. 4000 .
Final value: $ 1000.00
1072 Switzerland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1850-1. Federal Post Yv 14º, 15º, 20º (2 diff color shades) a useful about fine group al diff from old time collection no hidden faults. Opportunity. Yv 2009 880 euros.
Final value: $ 100.00
1073 Switzerland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1854. Sc 18º (Zumstein 26Aa) 40rp pale yellow green black diamond bars cancel very good margins. E Rellstab certificate. Sc 2004 U$ 1,100. VF.
Final value: $ 226.00
1074 Switzerland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1851. Rajn I. Yv 20º. VF used.
Final value: $ 40.00
1075 Switzerland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1852. Rayon III. Yv 22/23º. Yv 2009. 750 euros. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 100.00
1076 Switzerland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1854-62. Sitzende Helvetia. Yv 25/31. Selection of 8 from old time coll., mostly fine.
Final value: $ 160.00
1077 Switzerland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1849-50. Vaud Canton. 5c porte locale close margins and minor thin used red rosette. Opportunity. V 2009. 1,700 euros.
Final value: $ 126.00
1078 Switzerland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
150-62. 7 classics. Mixed condition. Nice appearance. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 50.00
1079 Switzerland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1851 (17 Nov). Local fkd env to Zurich. E fkd 5rp dark blue red black cancelled central PP. No cross line, lower ink area under address edge. Fine appearance.
Final value: $ 240.00
1080 Switzerland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1852 (8 March). Endelfingen - local fkd EL 5rp blue red no cross line tied grill. Cover some moister damage at right (Yv 20).
Final value: $ 75.00
1081 Switzerland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1853 (12 March). Zweisinmen . Schwarzenbourg. Reg E fkd 15rp pair good margins mns cancel grill tied cds. Charge alongside. Some ink at lower high edge.
Final value: $ 600.00
1082 Switzerland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1854 (21 April). Hutwyl local fkd E 10rp black red on yellow paper (Yv 15). Good margins tied grill. Fine.
Final value: $ 100.00
1083 Switzerland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1863-81. Selection of perf Sitzende Helvetia 6 diff fkd env rates towns. One is a private color printed card. Opportunity group.
Final value: $ 40.00
1084 Switzerland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1875 (20 April). Razaz - Wildegg (21 April). EL PM rate fkd single 2c bister sealed Helvetia cds. VF complete with contains.
Final value: $ 15.00
1085 Switzerland - Statio
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1879 (25 June). Laussane - Vlassuau. Reg local 5c brown stat env 10c rose adtl. VF.
Final value: $ 28.00
1086 Switzerland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1891 (24 July). Lausanne - France (25 July). Private card H Kirchofer philatelist fkd 5 lilac. Unusual interestingt.
Final value: $ 48.00
1087 Switzerland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1895 (27 Feb). Davos Dorf - Denmark (2 March). 25c green stat env Vnice usage.
Final value: $ 30.00
1088 Switzerland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1898 (25 Grbro). Germany, Frankfurt - Wildegg Switzerland. Fkd private postcard taxed 5c x3 Swiss postage dues tied cds. VF comb.
Final value: $ 30.00
1089 Switzerland - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1907 (30 Jan). Aarau - France / Cannes. Multifkd env railway ambulant cancel. Lovely multicolor usage. VF.
Final value: $ 42.00
1090 Switzerland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1907 (13 April). Mannheim, Germany - Switzerland. Fkd Germania issue env single 3pf brown 5pm rate taxed Swiss postage due x5 1c tied Wildegg cds. VF multiple comb.
Final value: $ 60.00
1091 Switzerland - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1909 (5 May). Wildegg - Nyon. Multifkd env mixed issues usage. VF.
Final value: $ 37.00
1092 Switzerland - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1918 (1 June). Wildegg - Italy / Florence. Express censored multifkd env. VF. Appealing usage.
Final value: $ 41.00
1093 Switzerland - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1932 (22 July). Bern - Wildegg (23 July). Local reg multifkd env incl 3c bister block of 10. XF nice item.
Final value: $ 36.00
1094 Switzerland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (12 Jan). Sion, Sitten - Macau, portuguese China (5 Feb) via HK (5 Feb). Single fkd env 30c cds. VF xtraord rare dest.
Final value: $ 35.00
1095 Switzerland - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (10 March). First Winter flight. Davos - Wildegg fkd env special cachet. Nice item.
Final value: $ 20.00
1096 Switzerland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (16 Sept). Childrens Day. Special flight multifkd env red cds special cachet. VF. Meiringen cds.
Final value: $ 19.00
1097 Switzerland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (15 Feb). Bern - Macau, portuguese China via HK (9 Feb). Swiss expo issue fkd env 30c rate VF rare dest arrival date time. Slogan cancel.
Final value: $ 75.00
1098 Switzerland - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939-47. 3 special internal flights. Fkd envs. nice trio cachets.
Final value: $ 24.00
1099 Switzerland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939-54. Local mail incl reg express air multiple fkg. Selection of 7 better usages.
Final value: $ 35.00
1100 Switzerland - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (28 May). Special postal flight. 2 fkd envs. originated in Payerne and Buochs both to Wildegg. Fine pair. Diff cachet language.
Final value: $ 16.00
1101 Switzerland - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946-50. 6 special internal flights fkd env with cachets. All diff origins. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 28.00
1102 Switzerland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1961 (12Sept). Gallarate - Sweden, Linkoping. Reg service. Multifkd usage. Olympics issue 320 lire rte dest.
Final value: $ 28.00
1103 Taiwan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1965 (22 Sept). Kaohsing - Sweden / Malmo air stat lettersheet cds. VF dest.
Final value: $ 35.00
1104 Turkey
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1863. Yv 2º, 2Aº, 3º, 4º. VF 4f values good margin Yv 2009 287.50 euros. Scarce in this cond.
Final value: $ 150.00
1105 Turkey
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1908 (9 Aug). Macedonia. Skopje, Uskub - Serbia (10 Aug). Military ilustrated color flags card fkd 20p red cds arrival.
Final value: $ 70.00
1106 Ukraine
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1898 (10 Nov). Donetsk, Hughesoffka, South Russia - UK fkd 3k red stat cards adtl. VF.
Final value: $ 45.00
1107 Usa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1862 (19 Aug). Oxford, PA - Aire, Ireland, Aidernay Boyle PO, Country Rose common (30 Aug). Civil War Patriotic Union flag color fkd env 12c x2 cds. Via NY Br packet pair 19c (19 Aug) with arrival despite some foring an overseas usage to Eire with its cha Fine
Final value: $ 375.00
1108 Usa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1865 (29 Aug). NY - Switzerland (13 Sept). EL kd 10c green (x2) further fkg missing. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 35.00
1109 Usa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1877 (12 April). NY - Switzerland - Wildegg (25 April). Fkd env 5c blue pair black NY- paid only. Fine.
Final value: $ 26.00
1110 Usa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1877 (9 Sept). NY - Switzerland, Wildegg (27 Sept). Env fkd 5c blue large ABN pair red NY paid cds. Fine.
Final value: $ 226.00
1111 Usa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1880 (11 Dec). NY Supplementary - Switzerland, Wildegg (23 Nov). Fkd e large ABN 10c brown x2 cds fine cancel overseas usage.
Final value: $ 40.00
1112 Usa - Inland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c.1880. Titsville, PA - Brooklyn, NY. 5fr France ilustrated fkd env keystone stamp Cº. VF scarce. Interesting philatelic item.
Final value: $ 110.00
1113 Usa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1894. NY - Switzerland, Wildegg (4 Nov). Multifkd env 30c rate. Fine.
Final value: $ 25.00
1114 Usa - Inland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1902 (2 Oct). Boston - Eaton Rpds, Michigan. Reg 5p GB color ilustrated philatelic env. VF. New England Cº.
Final value: $ 60.00
1115 Usa - Stationery
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1920 (4 April). SF, CA - Australia, Sydney (25 May). 1c green stat card taxed arrival Aussi postage due 2d bicolor tied arrival cds v nice cond combination slogan cancel aux pmk join the Navy. Danish Consul.
Final value: $ 100.00
1116 Usa - Stationery
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (1 Feb). Fort Morgan, Col - Macau, China (12 MArch) 1c green stat card + 2c adtl cds with date arrival cachet alongside. XF.
Final value: $ 102.00
1117 Usa - Stationery
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (15 MArch). Charleroi, PA - Macao, China (13 April). 1c green stat adtl with arrival cachet alongside. V rare dest.
Final value: $ 70.00
1118 Usa - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (8 Sept). East Boston, Mass - Macau, Portuguese China (8 Oct). Official labor dept env adtl 5c stamps crossed out service rare dest arrival cachet.
Final value: $ 28.00
1119 Usa - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934. Atlantic GA - Macau, China portuguese (8 Jan 35). Rare dest.
Final value: $ 22.00
1120 Usa - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934. Multifkd wrapper to Macau, China (30 March 34) bearing 1/2c x3. Rare dest.
Final value: $ 20.00
1121 Usa - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (12 Nov). Jemean, Alaska - Macao, Portuguese China (11 Dec). Most uusual comm cachet circulation with arrival date stamp. Fine.
Final value: $ 22.00
1122 Usa - Stationery
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (2 Feb). NYC - Macao, China (10 March). 1c green stat card 2 adtls tied cds with date arriva alongside. XF lovely cond.
Final value: $ 196.00
1123 Usa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (23 Nov). Oakland, CA - Spain. Reg fkd env addressed to philatelist Eugenio Llach with fee paid cachet Republican censor arrival. Most interesting historical item for Spanish philately.
Final value: $ 60.00
1124 Usa - Stationery
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (9 April). Chicago, Ill - Macau, Asia (14 May 41). 1c green stat card + 2 adtl red Cross issue cds with arrival date cachet po reverse VF uncensored at WW II tiem post unususal.
Final value: $ 160.00
1125 Usa - Stationery
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946 (23 Jan - 4 Feb). Russia, Samardan, Taskent - USA. Reply half 3c red stat card written in German. WW II Nazi POW ? Interesting item.
Final value: $ 141.00
1126 Usa-Canal Zone
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1932 (12 Dec). Balboa Heights - Macau, Asia (19 Jan). Fkd env PM book rate ovptd 1/2c brown vert pair VF with arrival ds. Great dest rarity.
Final value: $ 111.00
1127 Usa - Hawaii
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1863. Yv 11º 1c black on li grey paper pen cancelled good margins faultless.fine and v scarce Yv 2009 750 euros.
Final value: $ 400.00
1128 Usa - Virgin Isl.
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (15 Dec). Charlotte Amalie VI - Macao, Asia (13 Jan 38). Via HK comm fkd env circulated to most unusual area with arrival date cachet.
Final value: $ 28.00
1129 Uruguay
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c.1880-90. 15 diff early mint couple precancelled stat cards. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 75.00
1130 Vatican
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1930 (7 Feb). Citta - Denmark / Vallo. Multifkd env. Scarce dest. VF.
Final value: $ 35.00
1131 Vatican
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1930 (6 March). Citta - Denmark / Vallo. Multicolor fkd PPC. Fine early scarce dest.
Final value: $ 28.00
1132 Venezuela
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1859-60. Yv 1(*), 1º, 2º. 1st issue, three stamps mixed cond. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 20.00
1133 Venezuela
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
"1879 (29 July). DWI - St Thomas - UPU. Caracas - Germany, Halberstadt (31 Aug). Via St Thomas (8 Aug) and London/ Shipletter (30 Aug). Stampless env taxed Southampton ship letter as well with violet cachet ""Sourtaxe sous tabl. C:40 ctes"". Berna convent Fine
Final value: $ 1200.00
1134 Venezuela
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1889 (March). Ciudad Bolivar - Germany 10c blue early stat card. Via Trinidad BPO inv A. Scarce.
Final value: $ 55.00
1135 Venezuela
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1892 (1 Oct). Ciudad Bolivar - Germany (12 Oct). 10c blue grey stat card. Fine used.
Final value: $ 40.00
1136 Venezuela
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (8 April). Caracas - Macau (23 May). Private card multifkd via NY with arrival on front VF rare dest.
Final value: $ 65.00
1137 Venezuela
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936. Maracaibo - Macau (7 Dec 36). PM complete wrapper rate fkd ovptd issue env single 7 1/2c rate.
Final value: $ 40.00
1138 Yugoslavia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1923 (16 Nov). Slovenia, Croatia, Krajina. Carevo Selo- Macedonia - Switzerland (24 Nov). Reg multifkd env with arrival. Rare town5 dinars rate.
Final value: $ 45.00
1139 Yugoslavia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (21 June). Split, Croatia - Macau, portuguese China (16 July). Tricolor private card fkd 1.75d rate v rare dest rate furthermore with arrival cachet.
Final value: $ 200.00
1140 Yugoslavia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (11 April). Dubrovnik - Switzerland. Red Cross issue. Multifkd env. Nice item.
Final value: $ 32.00
1141 Yemen
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1968 (17 Aug). South Arabia protectorate. Independ issue. Mukalla - Sweden. Air reg multifkd env. Fine scarce.
Final value: $ 48.00
1142 Forgeries Of The Wor
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
BOLIVIA. 100c blues fake condor.
Final value: $ 8.00
1143 Forgeries Of The Wor
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
JAPAN. First issue old time coll set of 4.
Final value: $ 40.00
Total lots: 1143