Auctioneer Antonio M Torres
2015 Worldwide Postal History Selection
Closed auction #48 - 551 lots - Closed 2015-09-07 18:00:00

1 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1929 (22 March) Zeppelin Middle East. Austria, Wien - Alexandrie, Egypt, Africa. Fkd postcard, 184 gr + red "Pyramids" Zepp - cachet. Via Friedrikshafen. VF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 240.00

2 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1932 (3 June) Remscheld - Sao Paulo. Germany - Brazil - France Aeropostale. Air Multifkd env. Fine high rate. Via Marseille. 2.85 mark rate.      Fine
Final value:  $ 125.00

3 Albania
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1854 (30 Sept) CRIMEA WAR. Scutari Hospital - UK, Bromley, Kent. (10 Oct) Blue British Army, BPO. Transits. EL with full text "The bull dog courage of the British soldier". VF usage + shows well on front origin. 3d taxed. Great historical item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 900.00

4 Albania
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1854 (9 Oct) CRIMEA WAR. Cholera outbreak. Scutari Hospital - UK, Bromley, Kent (21 Oct) EL full contains "Every day one hears of a fried dying of the Cholera" via British Army Blue BPO cachet. Shows origin well at front. NOTE: "Florence Nightingale arriv     Fine
Final value:  $ 1102.00

5 Albania
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1937 (4 Jan) Tirana - Czechoslovakia, Bruo (6-7 Jan) Via Wien. Air registered multifkd envelope. 155 qnd rate. Via Alla Vitoria. Italian Company. Rare. High usage.      Fine
Final value:  $ 243.00

6 Algeria
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1790 (22 Sept) France, Marseille - Oran (26 Jan 1791) Spanish postal Administration period 1509 - 1792. Complete EL full text, depart stline + 7 r(eale)s Spanish maritime rate charge. Route via Spain Barcelona - Cartagena, Navy port for routing to final d     Fine
Final value:  $ 2401.00

7 Andorra
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1940 (30 Aug) Correo Español. La Massana - Austria. WWII. Carta con franqueo multiple. Tarifa 75c y censura nazi al dorso. Muy escasa.      Fine
Final value:  $ 375.00

8 Argentina
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1864 (Feb 5) Escuditos issue. San Pedro - BA. E frkd 5c red huge margings, tied ponchito cancel. Lovely item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 191.00

9 Argentina
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1869 (12 Jan) Buenos Aires - Belgium, Liege (21 Febr) EL fkd 80c + 40c, tied anchor romboid. Excellent even none to Belgium rare destination for anchor mail. Red P.D. Via French PO + Ligne K nº1.      Fine
Final value:  $ 550.00

10 Argentina
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1877 (24 May) Gualeguaychu, Entrerios - UK, North Wales, Dolgelly. Fkd env. 8c/10c, tied town cds + 1sh maritime charge. Roughly opened on reverse, otherwise a genuine early rarity usage with a good charm. Exceptional.      Fine
Final value:  $ 580.00

11 Argentina - Statione
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1887 (10 June) Arroyo Corto, FCS - Buenos Aires (11 June) 2c black stat card + 2cts green tied cds. Fine + scarce origin.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

12 Argentina - Statione
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1891 (June 10) Tandil local 5c/8c red stationary envelope, cds, with rare SHIFT PRINT on overprint. VF+.      Fine
Final value:  $ 110.00

13 Argentina - Statione
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1891 (22 Enero) Parana, ER - Buenos Aires. 5c / 8c ovptd red stationary envelope. Cancelled town ds box. VF + "6" in fleuron. Lovely item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

14 Argentina - Statione
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1891 (July 30) E2 (Entrerios) - Germany, Bremen (26 Aug) 8c red registered stationary envelope + 2adtl, 18c. Rate cds. Scarce overseas registered mail usage.      Fine
Final value:  $ 285.00

15 Argentina - Statione
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1892 (18 June) CHILE POR MAR. Buenos Aires - Punta Arenas, Chile. Via Estrecho de Magallanes. 4c blue stat wrapper routed by sea + straight extraordinary rare, as most mail crossed the Cordillera. First we see this way in the stamps period.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

16 Argentina
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1892 (Sept 15-16) Buenos Aires local fkd envelope with 10c red TELEGRAPH stamp, tied cds. Fine + unusual.      Fine
Final value:  $ 115.00

17 Argentina
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1892 (Oct 12) Rosario - Denmark, Copehagen. Registered multifkd cover front. 2c (x4) + 5c (x4) blue ship issues + R-cachet. This issues way not authorised for overseas mail. Very rare item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 140.00

18 Argentina
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1892 (24 July) Rosario - Buenas Aires. Registered local fkd env 10c brown pair, tied cds + R-box. VF. Arrival cachet.      Fine
Final value:  $ 240.00

19 Argentina - Statione
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1892 (3 March) Buenos Aires - Germany, Stettin (4 Apirl) 5c/8c red stationary envelope + 4 adtls, including 1/2c blue vertical pair, cds. Very unusual stamp of this overseas usage.      Fine
Final value:  $ 110.00

20 Argentina - Statione
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1892 (17 April) Estancia. Carlos Paz - Buenos Aires (18 April) Registered 15c blue stat env + R-cachet. Unusual this early. Fine.      Fine
Final value:  $ 260.00

21 Argentina - Statione
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1893 (14 April) Rosario - Santa Fe (16 - 17 April) 2cts brown stationary lettersheet, held by postal clerk + taxed + 6cts rate on Argentina stamps applied on arrival, tied oval cds + proper aux cachet. Shows superb + Postal officer signature. Outstanding      Fine
Final value:  $ 450.00

22 Argentina - Statione
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1894 (25 Sept) Santa Fe - Germany, Hemer, Westfalia. Registered air. 6c red stat card + 12c blue adtl pair + "AR" box + mixed issues. Extraordinary rare postal service for a postal card.      Fine
Final value:  $ 220.00

23 Argentina - Statione
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1895 (1 Ago). Buenos Aires, B. Comercio B - Germany, Hannover (26 Ago) Registered 5c red stationary envelope + 3 adtls mixed issues on 40c rate cds. Fine item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 125.00

24 Argentina - Statione
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1899 (25 May) Buenos Aires - Punta Arenas, Magallanes. Double 6c blue stationary card on one way usage to this rare early usage area + scarce item. Per steamer "SAKKARAH". VF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

25 Argentina - Statione
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1905 (6 July) Buenos Aires - Switzerland, Zurich (30 July) 1/2c red stat wrapper + 2c adtl, tied + tax at arrival (x2) Swiss postage dues, 15c rate tied cds. VF condition.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

26 Argentina - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1926 (1 Aug) Puerto Mineral, Bro Verde, Miisiones - Switzerland, Bern (6 Sept) Fkd + taxed env, with Swiss p. due tied at arrival. Fine combination + rare origin.      Fine
Final value:  $ 115.00

27 Argentina - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
c. 1930 (June 9) Buenos Aires - Germany, Berihtesgaden. Fkd window view ilustrated + adtl stamps seal - envelope, fkd postcard to cover text. VF + original document + contains. RARITY.      Fine
Final value:  $ 125.00

28 Argentina - Statione
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1934 (12 June) Via Condor. Bs As - Germany, Dusseldorf (19 June) with 24.55 pesos rate, incl 5 pesos stamps (x4). Exceptionally high frkg with arrival Zeppelin cachet.      Fine
Final value:  $ 280.00

29 Argentina - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1934 (29 June) "Via Zeppelin" BsAs - Germany, Dussendolrf. Multifkd env incl 1 peso (x4) + 5 pesos. 9.35 pesos rate reverse. Zeppelin Friedrichshafen (6 July) arrival cachet. VF airmail item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 180.00

30 Australia
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1855 (15 Feb) Sydney, NSW - Scotland, Edinburgh (24 May) Per "Maydy Sailah" steamer. Fkd env 3d green (x2), tied grill, red London paid May 23 + reverse ship letter Plymouth + red charge "3".      Fine
Final value:  $ 220.00

31 Australia
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1899 (Dec 30) Sydney, NSW - Brazil, Porto Alegre (11 March). Via Rio de Janeiro (2 March). Registered QV 3d red stationary envelope + 3 adtls, cds on 8d rate to South America. VF + scarce destination area.      Fine
Final value:  $ 275.00

32 Australia
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1914 (29 Dec) Port Said - Sweden, Lundebrunn. Fkd 1d cangaroo stamp ppc, tied "Paquebot Port - Said / Egypt / 30 Dec" Fine + scarce. Nice condition.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

33 Australia
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1940 (29 Dec) PALESTINE. Australian Fores WWII. Gaza - Strathfield, NSW, Australia. "3B de HQPO. P3" OAS, FM + air postage paid by 9d lilac Cangaroo issue, tied cds + censor cachet. Fine + scarce item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 285.00

34 Austrian Levant
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1913 (6 Jan) MIXED CURRENCIES. Instambul, Constantinople - Germany, Rheydt. Fkd 10c green pair + 10p green, cds. VF + scarce item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 750.00

35 Belgium
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1868 (18 Sept) Dieppe - UK, London (10 Sept) Envelope with contains written at Belgium, forwarded to London by US Consul, red cachet on front + posted locally 1d red pl 92. VF + unusual.      Fine
Final value:  $ 280.00

36 Belgium
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1892 (26 Aug). PANAMA. Liege - Colon, Colombia (6 October) Registered 10c green stationary envelope + 5 adtl stamp, mixed issues, cds on 60c rate usage. VF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 850.00

37 Belgium
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1893 (8 Dec) Bruges - Denmark, Aalborg (10 Dec) 10c brown stat env + 2 adtls, cds. XF attractive item + dest.      Fine
Final value:  $ 50.00

38 Belgium
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1896 (30 June) Tongres - Denmark, Friedrikshaun (2 July) 10c brown stat env + 5 adtlns, town cds + destination from this village. Fine.      Fine
Final value:  $ 45.00

39 Belgium
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1898 (7 Nov) Bruges - Denmark, Alborg (9 Nov) 10c green stat env + 2 adtls, cds. Fine usage.      Fine
Final value:  $ 50.00

40 Belgium
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1903 (13 Oct) Seraing - Colombia, Bogota (23 Nov) Registered 50c grey green with tah fkd env. Via Namur - NYC. Better destination from this village + service.      Fine
Final value:  $ 400.00

41 Belgium
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1904 (26 Jan) Spa - Colombia, Bogota (12 March) 10c red stationary envelope + 3 adtls. Via Bruxelles - NYC. A better destination + from this village.      Fine
Final value:  $ 600.00

42 Belgium - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1905 (23 Dec) MIXED ISSUES. Haire St. Pierre - Germany, Koln (24 Dec). Registered fkd env 75c rate with diff issues, cds. Particulary scarcely seen + village R- Service usage.      Fine
Final value:  $ 230.00

43 Belgium
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1932 (January) Liege - Colombia, Bogota (29 Jan) Scadta airmail fkd air, stamps applied at Belgium includes 1c+4c+30c blue foreign issue. Scadta air gold currency issue, tied Barranquilla (26 Jan). Printed cº cover envelope + Muller air label type 24. Mai     Fine
Final value:  $ 125.00

44 Belgium - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1941 (24 Nov) POW mail. Auvelais - USA, Washington. Air fkd env. Via Lisbon + Clipper. Nazi censored 6.75 fr rate.      Fine
Final value:  $ 125.00

45 Belgian Congo
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1886 (10 March) Banana - Belgiun, Bruxeilles (9 April) 15c brown early stationary card. VF used. Scarce.      Fine
Final value:  $ 111.00

46 Belgian Congo
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1888 (11 Dec) Banana - Belgium, Anvers (31 Dec 88) "Per Afrikaan" 15c blue early stationary card VF early usage + steamer.      Fine
Final value:  $ 85.00

47 Belgian Congo
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1897. Stanley Falls - Sweden, Filipstad via Boma - Leopoldville (8-10 Dec) Anvers (18 Jan 98 env) Fkd env 50c, blue cds. Fine + destination.      Fine
Final value:  $ 200.00

48 Belgian Congo
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1904 (13 Oct) Matadi - Sweden, Jonkoping (9 Nov) Fkd env 50c cds + dest. Fine.      Fine
Final value:  $ 110.00

49 Belgian Congo
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1909 (24 Sept) Batempas, Lusambo - Belgium, Bruges (6 Nov) Via Leopoldville. Ovptd doble 15cblue stationary card on one way usage. Long family text VF + scarce.      Fine
Final value:  $ 152.00

50 Belgian Congo
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1913 (23 Aug) Luliefurwankurij - Germany, Darmstadt. Via Kinshasa (8 Sept) 5c 15c brown ovptd stationary card + 5c adtl. Fine.      Fine
Final value:  $ 115.00

51 Belgian Congo
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1917 (19 April) NICARAGUA Neutral Judicial comision envelope. DOA, Belgian occup. BPOVRK n.6 OAS ovptd issue multifkd env + British censor on way to Scotland, Dundee. Most unusual.      Fine
Final value:  $ 450.00

52 Belgian Congo
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1940 (4 Dec) Irumu - Switzerland, Nen datel. Via ABA (12 Dec) + SUDAN airmail. Multifkd env + "IRUMU censure" red cachet (xxx/RR) + Sudan British green cds or label, tied Nr. 18 Gorgeous exhibition rarity at beginning of WWII.      Fine
Final value:  $ 1400.00

53 Belgian Congo
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1949 (27 July) Masisi, Kivu - Sweden, Stockholm (6 Aug 45). Air fkd env + taxed + aux cachets + label + reverse tied 55 one stamps applied as postage dues, tied arrival cds. Via Boma (29 July). Attractive + Scarce combination. Can be opened out for displa     Fine
Final value:  $ 187.00

54 Brazil
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1848 (25 Oct) BRAZIL - CZECHOSLOVAKIA - BRITISH POST OFFICES. SOUTH AMERICAN MAIL. Znaim - Brazil, Rio de Janeiro (10 Feb 1849) Via Possack (2 Nov), London (8 Nov), Falmouth (10 Nov). Registered cash paid envelope via South American Falmonth packet for th     Fine
Final value:  $ 7500.00

55 Brazil -Stationary
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1887 (8 Dec) Sorocaba - Germany, Dresden (4 Jan) 200 rs green stationary lettersheet via S. Paulo, Rio + French blue paquebot. Fine + very scarce item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 120.00

56 Brazil
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
c. 1890 - 900. Post office seals. Mint unused selection of 8 different. Most interesting and inusual material.      Fine
Final value:  $ 160.00

57 Brazil -Stationary
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1891 (20 Feb) Novo Hamburgo - Germany, Heilbronn, Wuttemberg. 200rs black registered stationary envelope + 100s lilac pair, cds. VF + scarce usage.      Fine
Final value:  $ 300.00

58 Brazil
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1893 (10 April) S. Xeoviya(?) - France, Amiens (1 May) Via Pernambuco. Multifkd hand made envelope at 400 rs rate + taxed + 3 diff French postage dues tied cds + aux cachets. Very scarce combination item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 650.00

59 Brazil -Stationary
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1893 (10 July) Rio de Janeiro - Germany, Postdam (30 only) Doble 40rs blue stat + adtl on one way usage. Fine + scarce. Per "SS MAGDALENA".      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

60 Brazil - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1905. Italy, Firenze - Brazil, Sao Paulo (15 Junio) Fkd ppc via Buenos Aires, where forwarded + 3 diff Brazilian p. dues, taxed + tied at arrival. VF. Percé + perforate mixed issues combination. Scarce.      Fine
Final value:  $ 285.00

61 Brazil
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1907 (10 March) Castro Alve, Bahia - USA, NY. 300rs multifkd env, MP blue cacheted + blue cds alongside. VF + attractive.      Fine
Final value:  $ 180.00

62 Brazil - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1941. Curitiba - Germany, Karlsruhe (16 May) German nazi consular service, carried by one of last Lati trips by diplomatic pouch to Berlin, where posted (16 May 41) RARITY and VF. Reverse Curitiba nazi seal.      Fine
Final value:  $ 280.00

63 Canada
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1899 (Jan 10) Berlin, ONT - Germany, Schoneberg. 3 cents red 9 v stat card + 2c map issue cds. Lovely condition item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 130.00

64 Canada
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1926 (27 Sept) Vancouver - UK, London, fwded to Italy, Florence (15 Oct). Multifkd env 1c (x3) slogan cancel + GB 2 1/2d rate, wavy lines cancel. VF multiple frkd combination.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

65 Canada
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1926 (9 Sept) Montreal - Norway, Oslo. Fkd env at correct 8c rate, fwded by 2c green BLOCK OF FOUR, tied "D" grill cds. VF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

66 Canada
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1930 (14 June) Montreal - Norway, Oslo (30 June) Fkd envelope 4c rate + taxed + reverse Norway postage dues 15c pair tied cds. Opened great for display. Very scarce combination.      Fine
Final value:  $ 180.00

67 Canada
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1930 (15 Jan) Kindersley, Sask - Denmark, Cph. (4 March). Registered 10c brown stat env + 6 adtl stamps, mixed issues. R-cachet. VF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 140.00

68 Canada
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1850 (18 May) Montreal - UK, Woolwich, Kent. 1d red, good margins, tied to FL by encircled 53 grid cancel, headlined Montreal, May 18th, 1850 mailed/carried outside the mails to England where it was posted on Ju 5, 1850.      Fine
Final value:  $ 240.00

69 Chile - Stationery
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1892 (31 July) Santiago - Argentina, BA (8 Aug) Registered AR 10c grey blue embossed stationary envelope + 2 adtl stamps, tied cds + AR + R-labels, mns town name. Fine.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

70 Chile - Stationery
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1894 (16 Nov) TPO. Concepcion, Curanilahue 5c lilac stationary envelope on light bluish paper with lines at 340º degrees. Very rare + lovely.      Fine
Final value:  $ 110.00

71 China
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1895 (16 July) Chinkiang - Shanghai (18 July) Fkd local env. 1c blue local post. Lovely condition item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 650.00

72 China
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1895 (16 July) Chinkiang - Shanghai (18 July) Local post fkd env, single 15c red cds. VF with dated arrival cachet.      Fine
Final value:  $ 650.00

73 China
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1896 (12 April) French P.O. Shanghai - Germany, Crefeld. Unsealed pm rate envelope fkd single sage 5c green, tied cds.      Fine
Final value:  $ 75.00

74 China
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1896 (14 Nov) French P.O. Shanghai - Germany, Crefeld. Unsealed pm rate fkd sage 5c intense bluish green ovpt envelope, cds.      Fine
Final value:  $ 110.00

75 China
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1901 (Sept) German ship Bahia, Boxer rebelion war in China, ship cachet, addressed to Wiesbaden, Germany (24 Oct 1901) VF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 240.00

76 China
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1902 (14 May) French P.O. Shanghai - Germany, Crefeld. Fkd unsealed envelope single Sage 5c yellow green, ovptd CHINE, tied cds. VF pm rate.      Fine
Final value:  $ 125.00

77 China
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1907 (20 March) French P.O ovptd 20/5c issue P matter unsealed comercial envelope. Shanghai - Austria, Wien. VF (Senf 31I)      Fine
Final value:  $ 135.00

78 China
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1910 (10 Oct) French Post Office. Canton - India, Indone (26 Oct) house camp. Ovptd issue. 75c rate registered multifkd envelope. Via Tuticorim (23 Oct). VF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 280.00

79 China
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1911 (17 Feb) Japanese Post Office. Tientsin - Germany, Hannover (5 March 1911) Via Chan chun (20 Feb) Doble 1 1/2 sen pink color registered doble card + 3 adtl of the ovptd issue of Japanese office in China, tied cds + 2 diff registration China - Japanes     Fine
Final value:  $ 2200.00

80 China
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1912 (7 Sept) French Post office. Tientsin - London, UK. Registered tricolor ovptd issue envelope. XF condition. Lovely item + 20cts on cover.      Fine
Final value:  $ 1200.00

81 China - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1916 (8 Jan) Chinkiang - Sweden, Synnerly. 4c fkd ppc + Russian Siberian transit + WWI censorship. Via Shanghai (10 Jun), Manchouli (11 Jan) and St. Petersburg (1 March) Russia.      Fine
Final value:  $ 220.00

82 China
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1928 (16 April) Local Uprisings. Canton - Deiku (28 June) Via Saigon - Rangoon, Burma. Canton office clousure at troubles time. Ovptd stamp 20c, cancelled in transit at Vietnam, on Burmese transit to Deiku. Extraordinary item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 240.00

83 China - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1931. Sven Hedin Expedition. Urumtsi - Sweden, Stockholm. Via Siberia. Registered air multifkd ovptd issue envelope. Double rate. Inc 20c + 50c + reverse Chinese censorship. Tied label. Rarity+ Berlin, Germany transit. TPO (4 Dec 31) Extraordinary item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 1600.00

84 China - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1935 (30 Dic) Tientsin - Denmark, Copenhagen. Via Siberia. Reverse multifkd env bearing 1ct red ovpted junk issue. Block of twenty, tied cds. VF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 280.00

85 China - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1939 (Dec) Sushiva, Hunan - Norway, Stavanger. Via Kweilin - Hong Kong (21 Dec), on wards by airmail to London. Special air cachet + early HK Nº2 transit censor. From free China area incl $1 flag stamp. VF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 480.00

86 China - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1940 (1 May) Kunming - Hong Kong. Queens Rd. Registered air France Fkd env, arrival "RG" violet cachet. 45c rate. VF + special R-label. Scarce item + destination.      Fine
Final value:  $ 220.00

87 China - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1941 (Nov), 1942 (8Jan) PEARL HARBOUR. Round the world pair of travelled covers. Shangai Japanese occupation. Denmark, Copenhagen. 2fkd envelope. Fist via Transpacific Clipper - Hawaii + second derouted via Transatlantic + Turkish opening link. A faboulou     Fine
Final value:  $ 1800.00

88 China - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1941 (28 March) Shanghai - UK, Berks, Herries. WWI. Japanese occupied China. Via Usa or Canada (!) enclosed + arrival British censor + UK cds on stamp. Very interesting.      Fine
Final value:  $ 110.00

89 China - Manchuria
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1941 (8 April) Manchuria Japanese Ocup. Harbin - Switzerland, Freidorf (29 April). Registered multifkd + Via Siberia + "Chinese red cachet /998". VF + unusual WWII item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 200.00

90 China - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1944 (15 Feb) Tsinan, Japanesse occupied - Sweden, Stockholm (Neutral country). Via Turkish airmail + Siberia, Ont of Western allies control on front Instambul (6 April 1944) Registered air multifkd env, ovptd issues. VF. Rare item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 1400.00

91 China - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1946 (Jan) Single fkd envelope 30y imperf to Denmark, Glostrap (28 Jan), fwded reverse Canton (11 Jan) Fine airmail cachet. Early post war rate. VF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

92 China - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1947. Cheng - Chow, Honan - Norway, Oslo (6 Feb 47) Registered multifkd mixed issues env with contains of comm set of stamp as gift of local family with 3 children. Lovely historical items.      Fine
Final value:  $ 311.00

93 China - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1950 (19 July) Shanghai - Germany, Hamburg. Machine fkd airmail envelope. Early revolution days. 145y rate. VF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 181.00

94 China - Prc
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1958 (22 Sept) Peking - Norway, Oslo. Air multifkd, high rate early usage. VF. Rate 54y. Unusual usage, tied cds.      Fine
Final value:  $ 400.00

95 Colombia
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1940 (4 Oct) WWII. Barranquilla - Philippines, Manila (Oct 15) Air multifkd + TRANSPACIFIC Clipper route. Extraordinary rare origin from South America.      Fine
Final value:  $ 180.00

96 Costa Rica
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1899 (16 Oct) Matina - Pacuarito. 3c red stat card. Local usage with depart double ring town cachet. Very rare origin usage.      Fine
Final value:  $ 115.00

97 Denmark
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1861 (2 Dec) Copenhagen - Switzerland, Geneve (6 Dec) Via Hamburg. T&T (3 Dec). Extraordinary registered cash paid envelope properly transited through for front + reverse. Via Danish PO in Hamburg - Basel (4 Dec) Stuck 2 days in Switzerland before destina     Fine
Final value:  $ 1400.00

98 Denmark
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1942 (25 Feb) Algeria, Arzew - Switzerland, Geneve - Denmark (2 March) Addressed to Danish consul, who FORWARDED item to Copenhage, reverse Danish cachet of forwarding at Geneve + Nazi arrival censor cachet at Denmark. Exceptional item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 650.00

99 D.W.I.
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1903 (31 Jan) St. Thomas - China, Shanghai. Via NY-SFCº. (7-18 Feb) Registered multifkd envelope incl provisional ovptd issue. 13 cents rate + R- cachets. Rarity destination. The only registered incoming DWI cover into China that we are aware. Exhibition      Fine
Final value:  $ 2200.00

100 Ecuador
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1878 (17 Jan) BPO. Guayaquil - France, Paris. (12-13 Feb). Via London. Three color fkd env. GB 1 1/2d plate 8 + surface printed, 6d grey incl 16 + 1sh green pl. 13, tied "C-41". Rare combination + usage in good condition. Scarce three color to France.      Fine
Final value:  $ 1400.00

101 Egypt
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1941 (2 Sept) TRANSPACIFIC route. Amalakanazo - USA, NYC (6 Oct 41) Via Hawaii (2 Oct) Registered multifkd via Pacific Clipper + censored envelope. Only 34 days transit. Very scarce and fine.      Fine
Final value:  $ 260.00

102 EIRE
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1943 (2 July) Bale Atha Claith - Switzerland, Basel (30 July) Fkd + triple censored envelope, Irish, British + nazi + arrival cds, where taxed + Swiss p. due + Swiss postal receipt due to lack of post box nr. VF + Scarce multiple combination. WWII.      Fine
Final value:  $ 110.00

103 Estonia
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1934 (27 July) Tallinn - Finland, Helsinfors (18 Aug). Fkd ppc + taxed + tax arrival label + Suomi 15c red stamp paying as postage due, tied cds. VF + scarce combination.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

104 Estonia
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1935 (26 Oct) Delgava (Latvia) - Tallinn. Reply half stationary card. 5s red. Proper return usage. Fine + scarce.      Fine
Final value:  $ 126.00

105 Estonia
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1942 (1 May) Nazi Occupation Reval - Finland, Helsinki. Ovptd Hitler issue, tied cds + Nazi censor label at Estonia + Finish censor label at arrival. Great item with short doble control + neutral country.      Fine
Final value:  $ 160.00

106 Ethiopia
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1931 (28 Sept) Addis Abeba - Czechoslovakia, Prague (18 Oct). Registered multikfd (front and reverse) envelope. R red bilingual label, cds. Via Marseille - Port Said + mixed issues + ovptd. Fine item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

107 Ethiopia
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1935 (29 Jan) Addis Abeba - Germany, Greiz (14 Feb) Registered multifkd envelope + Ethiopian censor label, tied "Empire" brolet cachet + "5" number, fwded. Extraordinary rate short war period censorship + VF condition + Austrian destination.      Fine
Final value:  $ 360.00

108 Finland
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1891 (21 March) Double stat card usage. Wakiaroski, Wiburg (23 March) - Wakaroski. A proper double undetached card reply card usage used out and back. 10p red stationary card with complete country map corner printed. Fine and very rare.      Fine
Final value:  $ 220.00

109 Finland
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1892 (22 Dec) Knopio - USA, California, Monterrey (14 Jan, 1893) Fkd env 25 per rate, cds. VF blue cds. Via St. Petersburg (11 Dec, Gregorial Calendar) Fine.      Fine
Final value:  $ 140.00

110 Finland
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1931 (17 Feb) Kuopio - Sweden - Knopio. Double stationary card 1.25 mark orange. Proper usage both ways. Rarity.      Fine
Final value:  $ 375.00

111 Finland
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1934 (9 Oct) REPLY half. 1 1/2 red stationary card. Proper usage from Liechestein. Vaduz hack to Kuopio. Scarce in all forms.      Fine
Final value:  $ 110.00

112 France
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1584. Paris - Champeret. Dated E which shows great. Very rare early letter in excellent condition.      Fine
Final value:  $ 280.00

113 France
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1704 (7 Jan) Paris - Genova, Italy. A lovely complete text EL with reverse Royal oval P.O. seal (xxx/R) + 3 red wax seals fwded. Superior exhibition item that shows great.      Fine
Final value:  $ 780.00

114 France
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1780 (16 Aug) Briandon - Marseille. EL full contains with oval "PP a DIJON" ornamental cachet of front (xxx/R) + mns charge on reverse. Lovely condition item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 650.00

115 France
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1855 (21 Aug) Paris - USA, NYC (5 Sept) EL fkd 2fr 60c rate incl 80c stamp of 3 + 20c tied romboids + arrival cds. 5cts US boat mns. Via Eufet + Britishh pachet entry + red PO.      Fine
Final value:  $ 280.00

116 France
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1862 (3 June) Paris - Tair, Drome (4 June) Fkd env 20c blue, PRIVATE PERCE; tied star cancel. Fine and scarce.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

117 France
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1870 (17 Sept) Baloon Monte to Switzerland. Complete EL fkd 30c, tied romboid numeral + depart + arrival cds on front (24 Sept) Lovely condition + Scarce so.      Fine
Final value:  $ 375.00

118 France
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1870 (7 Aug) FRANCO - PRUSSIAN War. FM envelope. German troops at Munster, addressed to Saumur, Maine et Loire (19 Mar 1871) with arrival cachet. Envelope mail retained till end of war. Interesting item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 125.00

119 France
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1871 (17 April) Marseille - USA, Pha, US naval Asylum. Fkd fron 40c + 30c / 2240. Bordeaux issuee. Via London (21 April) + PD + red 2cts.      Fine
Final value:  $ 136.00

120 France
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1871 (27 June) Franco - Prussian War. Paris - Best. Ambulances speciales de la Garde Nationale. Fkd env 25c blue with contains. French explanation about 1870.      Fine
Final value:  $ 326.00

121 France
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1872 (20 Oct) Lyon - Switzerland, Hellbuhl (22 Oct) Fkd env. 15c bister pair "2145" tied + red "PD". Via Luzern.      Fine
Final value:  $ 125.00

122 France
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1873 (11 March) Le Havre - DENMARK, Copenhagen (arrival cachet on reverse). Carte private fkd 5c + 10c, tied "1769" romboids. VF + rare overseas type usage.      Fine
Final value:  $ 600.00

123 France
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
c. 1874 - 6 (19 Sept) Lyon - St. Etienne, Loire. Yellow Carte Postale, 10c price + adtl 5c green (x3) tied "214" romboid. Lovely item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 200.00

124 France
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1875 (6 May) Routat - Rouen (7 May). Carte Postale 15 cts fkd 5c green (x3), romboid, tied. VF usage in nice condition.      Fine
Final value:  $ 160.00

125 French Levant
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1863 (26 Sept) TREBIZONDE - Italy, Lombardia, Ponte Valtellina. Stampless taxed envelope with depart cds, Turquie de Asia (xxx) + red "Piroscafi Postali Francesi" Reverse via French Constantinople rate + Genova, rarity destination usage provenance, as all     Fine
Final value:  $ 1400.00

126 French Levant
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1865 (20 June) Salonique - Italy, Milan (29 June). Via Dardanelles - Napoli. EL full text fkd 40c orange pair "5095" + "Piroscafi postali Francesi" box + cds. Reverse French "Dardanelles" cachet. Fine + scarce to Italy.      Fine
Final value:  $ 375.00

127 French Levant
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1922 (22 April) Constantinople - USA, Easton, PA ovptd issue Semeuse 20 paras / 4 piastres /30c cds. Fine + scarce comercial proper usage.      Fine
Final value:  $ 75.00

128 Frc - Equatorial Afr
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1942 (6 July) AEF. Dolisie - Pointe Noire (9 May) Registered issue for 5000 francos multifkd envelope. Evangelic mission mail. VF + high value. 6 wax seals reverse.      Fine
Final value:  $ 402.00

129 Frc - Guinea
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1943 (2 Nov) Conakry - Lebanon, Damour (26 Nov) Via Beyrouth (25 Nov) Air multifkd envelope on front + reverse censored + scarce destination area.      Fine
Final value:  $ 70.00

130 Frc - Guinea
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1952 (4 Dec) Kankan - France, Frejus (10 Dec) multifkd envelope + taxed + French (x3) postage dues, tied arrival cds + several aux cachets.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

131 Frc - India
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1902 (16 April) Pondichery - France, Paris (2 March) Registered 15c blue stationary envelope + 25c adtl cds. VF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 137.00

132 Frc - India
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1904 (22 Sept) Chandednagor - France, Paris 15 c blue stat env. Scarce usage. VF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

133 Frc - Madagascar
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1912 (28 Dec) Malaimbandy - France, Cherbourg (21 Feb 13) Military multifkd envelope, blue cds, mixed issues, 10c rate. Superb.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

134 Frc - Madagascar
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1934 (11 Aug) Tananarive - Norway, Kristianssand (24 Ago) Registered multifkd (front and reverse) 9 stamps inc ovptd 1fr general issue) + red "PAR AVION MADAGASCAR serie EN-131//PTT"      Fine
Final value:  $ 240.00

135 Frc - Martinique
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1900 (Septiembre) GPO - Denmark, Copenhagen (3 Oct) 10c French col. Sage block stat card + US 2cts red to circulate via US tied + cancelled in transit at Philadelphia (Sept 24) Card is hand ilustrated of black ladies of the Island. Very scarce combination     Fine
Final value:  $ 220.00

136 Frc - Niger
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1940 (22 Oct) Maradi - Switzerland, Trunstein. Single fkd 5fr, vds + depart censor label + cachet. Fine + scarce.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

137 Frc - Senegal
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1865 (28 Oct) St. Lewis - France, Rochefort (16 Nov) Military envelope fkd 10c brown eagle general issue pair, tied dots + blue "Corr. D ' Armes" + French paquebot / Bordeaux entry (15 Nov) + red PD. XF item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 950.00

138 Frc - Somali Coast
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1913 (2 June) Djibouti - Germany, Munich (15 June) Registered 40c fkd postcard + R - grey label. Fine + very scarce.      Fine
Final value:  $ 180.00

139 Frc - Somali Coast
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1924 (11 Oct) Djibouti - Aden Camp (14 Oct) Reverse multifkd env. 25c (x3) Via Malla (14 Oct).      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

140 Frc - Somali Coast
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1929. Djibouti - USA, NYC (7 March) Registered multifkd pouchette samples, 3fr rate + Customs central. Very rare item in excellent condition for this.      Fine
Final value:  $ 220.00

141 Frc - St. Pierre Miq
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1942 (11 July) St. Pierre - Canada, Laviolette. (17 - 18 July) Registered ovptd multifkd envelope + 5 transits on reverse. VF + better valuable stamps + on cover + censored.      Fine
Final value:  $ 220.00

142 Frc - Sudan
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1926 (17 April) Kayes - France, Barlac. Registered airmail multifkd ovptd issue envelope. R-label + pink air. Reverse transited. Scarce.      Fine
Final value:  $ 110.00

143 Frc - Sudan
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1931 (2 Sept) Kayes - France, Parame (8 Sept) Air multifkd ovptd issue, tied cds envelope. Fine.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

144 Frc - Sudan
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1945 (Feb) MIXED COLONIES franking. Kayes - France, Paris. Air multifkd envelope, bearing air ovptd SENEGAL + (3x) Soudan stamps, cds. Fine + unusual.      Fine
Final value:  $ 160.00

145 Georgia
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1923 (22 March) Tiffia - Moscow (3 April) Via Odessa (31 March) Reverse multifkd ovptd issue inflation period envelope, all well transited. Fine oportunity.      Fine
Final value:  $ 180.00

146 German States-N.G.Co
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1869 (7 Nov) Elberfeld - USA, Carlisle, PA. PM wrapper fkd 1/3 gr green hong stamp of three, cds. Very scarce. Complete fine usage. Scarce rate.      Fine
Final value:  $ 301.00

147 German States-Wurtte
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1873 (7 Sept) Steimheim a Aalbuch - USA, Buffalo, NY. 9kr brown stationary envelope + red Franco + "NY paid all /Sept 23" with contains. VF + Scarce usage.      Fine
Final value:  $ 300.00

148 German States-Wurtte
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1873 (21 Aug) Ellwangen - USA, NYC. 9kr brown stationary envelope + Franco + cds + NY paid all Sept 4. Fine + scarce transatlantic usage.      Fine
Final value:  $ 380.00

149 Germany
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1872 (13 Aug) Cassel - USA, NYC (Aug 21) Fkd env 1 gr (x3) single and pair, cds. Red "Franco" box + NY paid all.      Fine
Final value:  $ 180.00

150 Germany
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1872 (16 May) Potsdam - USA, NYC (June 1) Fkd env; Sgr. Brown on registered envelope + FRANCO + R-cachet.      Fine
Final value:  $ 380.00

151 Germany
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1881 (24 Nov) Nidda - USA, SF. (Dec 19) Registered fkd envelope 20 pf blue (x2) box ds + R-label. Fine used. Envelope with full contains.      Fine
Final value:  $ 180.00

152 Germany
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1886 (16 Sept) Dresden - USA, Chicago, Ill. Multifkd envelope, 80 pf. Rate, cds. Via England. Fine.      Fine
Final value:  $ 180.00

153 Germany
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1889 (17 March) Hamburg - NORWAY, Arendal PM prices list unsealed fkd 5 pf lilac, oval ds. Fine + dest.      Fine
Final value:  $ 70.00

154 Germany - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1921 (2 July) Flensburg - Denmark, Aarnp (3 July). Multifkd env, early inflation period + taxed + 3 adtl oval Danish p dues, tied cds. Fine multiple combination.      Fine
Final value:  $ 120.00

155 Germany - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1934 (30 Jan) Darmstadt - Tanganika, East Africa, Lushoto via Tonga (9 Feb). Airmail Hitler ilustrated stationary card + adtl on 36m rate. Scarce propaganda card to African British territory.      Fine
Final value:  $ 140.00

156 Germany - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1935 (30 July) Frankfurt - Tanganika, East Africa, Lushoto (1 Ago) Via Tanga (6 Aug) Air multifkd diff issues envelope. Stamps front + reverse via Brindisi - Cairo. Lovely multiple usage + dest. Almost all stamps greens.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

157 Germany - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1935 (16 July) Frankfurt - East Africa, Tanganika, Lushoto (25 July) Via Tanga (23 July) Air multifkd env. Via Brindisi - Cairo. Lovely multifkd env, almost all stamps greens. VF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

158 Germany - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1935 (24 March) Frankfurt - Tanganika, East Africa, Lushoto (3 April) Via Moshi (30 March) Fwded Tanga (6 Aprll) Air multifkd envelope. Almost all stamps reds. Lovely multiple usage + dest.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

159 Germany - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1936 (6 Oct) Frankfurt - Tanganika, East Africa, Lushoto (16 Oct). Via Moshi (12 Oct). Air multifkd env, almost all stamps red. Lovely usage + dest mail. Sport issue.      Fine
Final value:  $ 125.00

160 Germany - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1937 (10 Feb) Koln - Tanganika, East Africa, Lushoto, Lunga Plantation, via Tanga. Hitler stationary propaganda highways 6 rnk brown ilustrated air card + adtl, 36m rate for airmail usage. Rare destination to Africa for this card / British territory.      Fine
Final value:  $ 180.00

161 Great Britain
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
c. 1840-45. Scotland, Dundee - Edinburgh local ilustrated envelope usage. S. Valentine, Dundee series VF. No war, Isaiah 11.4.      Fine
Final value:  $ 145.00

162 Great Britain
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1843 (Sept 11) Blandford, Dorset - Switzerland, Geneva (16 Sept). Small envelope fkd 1d red 1841 issue, tied French - Anglo transit + red London PAID (12 Sept) + Red PD alongside. Mns 1sh frd rate. Most scarce 1d usage to Switzerland.      Fine
Final value:  $ 901.00

163 Great Britain
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1868 (Nov 6) MORMON mail. Faversham,Leeds - Great SALT LAKE City, Utah territorial US, North America. Fkd env. 6d lilac,plate 6, 301 grill VF + scarce pre-state.      Fine
Final value:  $ 750.00

164 Great Britain
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1878 (Nov 8) Mark Lane, BOEC - Norway (12 Nov) Registered 2d blue stat envelope + 2x1d + 1/2d adtls. Tied "R" cachet. Fine item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

165 Great Britain - Stat
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1880 (16 March) Bury St. Edmunds - Germany, Nuremberg (18 March). Private post bicolor 1/2d rose stationery card + 1/2d stamp adtl. Lovely item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 176.00

166 Great Britain
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1880 (4 Sept) Leith, Scotland - Germany, Stratsund. Privated prices list fkd single 1/2d red pl 13, tied "221". XF. Lovely condition.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

167 Great Britain - Stat
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1896 (Oct 1) Swanage - Denmark, Cph. (3 Oct). Registered 6d lilac stationery envelope + 2 adtls, fkd 9 1/2d rate. Manuscript "fee 2d paid" VF. Tied cds.      Fine
Final value:  $ 145.00

168 Great Britain - Stat
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1898 (May 16) Watford - Denmark, Cph. Registered 1sh green embossed stationery env + 5d adtl rate + R - 2d fee paid label. Fine + Scarce.      Fine
Final value:  $ 110.00

169 Great Britain - Stat
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1900 (Dec 1) Ipswich - Denmark, Cph (3 Dec) Registered doble print stationery envelope 6d + 1sh embossed + 1 1/2d in stamps. Scarce and fine.      Fine
Final value:  $ 150.00

170 Great Britain - Stat
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1901 (11 June) London - Germany, Leipziz (12 June) 6d lilac + 3 1/2d yellow embossed stationary envelope + 2 1/2d adtl stamp. VF lovely condition item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 70.00

171 Great Britain - Stat
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1902 (27 Oct) Lombard St, London - Germany, Viersen (28 Oct) Registered 1d KG V stationery envelope + 3 adtls, 12sh rate + "Late fee 6d" cachet. VF item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

172 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1902 (Sept 24) Norwood - Belgium, Anvers (25 Sept) 2 1/2d grey KG V Registered stationary envelope + 5 adtls 7d rate. VF and scarce usage.      Fine
Final value:  $ 180.00

173 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1902 (19 Dec) Glasgow - Norway, Christiania (23 Dec) Fkd color ilust card + taxed + arrival (x2) Norwegian postage due, tied cds. VF combination + scarce in this condition.      Fine
Final value:  $ 285.00

174 Great Britain - Stat
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1905 (4 May) Colchester - France, Paris. Via London. Registered double print 2d + 3d FG V + 4 adtls incl cut out 1/2d stat. Tohl 9 1/2d rate. Fine and very scarce.      Fine
Final value:  $ 200.00

175 Great Britain - Stat
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1909 (13 Nov) Maida Hill, Elgin Avenue - Germany, Munich. Registered KG V 1d red stationary card + 2d adtl, cds + R - label. VF + Paddington transit cachet. Scarce rate usage.      Fine
Final value:  $ 110.00

176 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1936 (20 June) Richmond - Denmark, Jyderup. (23 June). Fkd env 2 1/2d rate + taxed + aux cachet + arrival Danish postage due 31 ore rate. Tied cds. Lovely multiple combination item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 125.00

177 Grb - British Levant
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1894 (16 June) BPO. Smyrna - UK, London EC. GB 1d red stationary card, F-87 grill + cds (xxx) alongside VF used item + clear p mark strikes.      Fine
Final value:  $ 160.00

178 Grb - British Levant
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1897 (March 23) Constantinople - USA, Mass, Lowell (April 5). Via Boston (April 3). Registered multifkd env 40 pair ovptd (x2). Via London red cds. (27 March). VF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 85.00

179 Grb - British Levant
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1889 (20 Sept) Constantinople - Denmark, CPh (25 Sept) Imperial Ottoman early postal card, fkd GB 1/2d orange (x2), tied "S" grill of Smyrna BPO. Reverse BBO cds. Lovely exceptional usage + destination.      Fine
Final value:  $ 1200.00

180 Grb - British Levant
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1900 (27 Oct) Smyrna - Switzerland, Glarus. Pouch tag fkd 40 paras ovptd + 1/2d orange GB, cds. Fine + very scarce usage + mixed. Lovely item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 275.00

181 Grb - British Levant
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1910 (April) Constantinople. A complete doble set of value to 5 piasten ovptd. K. Ed VII on multifkd envelope. VF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 75.00

182 Bc - Brunei
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1910 (23 March) Brunei, Goverment office - Denmark, Copenhagen. Registered 6c blue stationary card with 5 adtl stamps on PROPER circulation, cds Brunei 24 March + R-Brunei box cachet. Via Labuan (24 March) and Singapore (28 March) R-label German entry cac     Fine
Final value:  $ 1652.00

183 Bc - Cameroun
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1933 (19 June) Cameroun, British Mandate, Victoria - UK, Huddersfield. Fkd env Nigeria 2d, cds, ad on reverse. VF + scarce usage.      Fine
Final value:  $ 115.00

184 Bc - Cameroun
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1938 (26 July) British Mandate. Camerouns, Bamenda, British Mandate - UK, Huddersfield. Via Enugu, Nigeria (2 Aug) Fkd env. 1 1/2d. Nigeria stamp, cds. Fine + scarce usage.      Fine
Final value:  $ 115.00

185 Bc - Ceylon
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1930 (9 July) Colombo - Norway, Oslo (28 July) Fkd env 9c stamp + taxed + 32 or + Norweigan 32 ore postage dues tied on reverse. Shows great if opened and very scarce combination.      Fine
Final value:  $ 185.00

186 Bc - Cyprus
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1940 (14 June) Limassol - Switzerland, Montreaux. Fkd 2 1/2 p. Blue envelope with cds + slogan cachet + doble censor labels, From Cyprus + Palestine. All cachets XF applied. VF item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 220.00

187 Bc - Cyprus
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1940 (10 June) Nicosia - Alexandria, Egypt (13 June) Multifkd cds + slogan cachet depart censored label envelope. Red cachet "passed censor / 7 / Cyprus" + signature. 3/4 piaster stamps pair corner of sheet. VF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 125.00

188 Bc - Cyprus
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1941 (3 Jan) POW mail. Platres - Switzerland, Durrenroth. Free censored mail addressed to Polish Internee in Sirnach - Thurgau, Switzerland censor cachet 23. XF + most unusual mail between internees for different reasons.      Fine
Final value:  $ 750.00

189 Bc - Cyprus
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1944 (13 Nov) KG VI Nicosia - Greece, Athens. Liberation 2 piaster red stationary card with dual censorship depart + arrival VF written in Greek. Familiar re-engagement.      Fine
Final value:  $ 125.00

190 Bc - Cyprus
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1944 (13 Nov) KG VI Nicosia - Greece, Athens. Early liberation. 2p red stationary card with doble depart + arrival censorship. Very scarce familiar usage.      Fine
Final value:  $ 125.00

191 Bc - Cyprus
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1944 (20 Nov) KG VI Nicosia - Greece, Athens. Liberation. 2p piastres red stationery card, dual depart + arrival censorship cachet + Familiar re-engagement. VF. Written in Greek.      Fine
Final value:  $ 125.00

192 Bc - Cyprus
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1944 (27 Nov) Nicosia - Greece, Athens. Liberation. 2 piastres red stationery card with doble censorship depart + arrival. Very scarce and fine condition.      Fine
Final value:  $ 125.00

193 Bc - Cyprus
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1944 (26 Dec) KG VI Nicosia - Athens, Greece. 2 piastres red stat card, censored + arrival. Very scarce.      Fine
Final value:  $ 125.00

194 Bc - East Africa
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1921 (Nov) GEA. Moshi - India, Nilgris, Coonoor. Fkd env 3c + 6c, provissional cds cachet. Ovptd issue. Fine.      Fine
Final value:  $ 125.00

195 Bc - East Africa
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1944 (17 Jan) POW mail. Paid red cachet- Nairobi - Palestine, Tel Aviv. Uganda Camp. Hand made censor envelope. German - Jewish link. Unusual destination mail.      Fine
Final value:  $ 240.00

196 Bc - Falkland Island
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1983 (9 Nov) Port Stanley - Switzerland, Geneva. 1sh single stamp bird issue on comercial delivery usage to Rolex company. Unusual.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

197 Bc - Gold Coast
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1954 (28 Jan) Tokonadi - USA, NYC (2-3 Feb 54) Registered air multifkd env, mixed kingdoms issues incl 2sh stamp, cds with air cachet.      Fine
Final value:  $ 300.00

198 Bc - Gold Coast
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1955 (11 March) Accra - USA, NYC (15-16 March) Registered air mail QE II multifkd env incl 2sh stamp rate 2sh 7d cds. VF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 150.00

199 Bc - Jamaica
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1872 (Aug 10) PANAMA, Kingston - PERU, Callao. EL full text, via Colon, ss Carcuelle. Fkd 1d blue + 1sh brown A01 grill + cds on reverse. Exceptional item + rare destination.      Fine
Final value:  $ 1600.00

200 Bc - Kenya
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1931 (21 Oct) Feeder Service. Dar es Salaam - England, Rochester, Kent. Via Airmail Tanganika multifkd envelope, 85c rate + oval lilac cachet (xxx) Via Tanga, Mombassa. Fine.      Fine
Final value:  $ 125.00

201 Bc - Kenya
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1934 (25 Oct) Tanganika territory. Tanga - Germany, Frankfurt. Airmail, FEEDER SERVICE. Via Brindisi. Multifkd env + violet special cachet incl "by Air to Brindisi" + "FEEDER SERVICE" (xxx) VF + nice appeal shows well.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

202 Bc - Kenya
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1954 (1 June) MNYUSI - Germany, Ludwigshagen. Air registered multifkd envelope. Values to 10sh and 1 pound stamp. Transited on reverse. Scarce so.      Fine
Final value:  $ 140.00

203 Bc - Malta
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1900 (3 Sept) GPO - Netherlands, Haag(The Hague) (6-7 Sept) OHMS registered envelope at 5 1/2d rate, with R-Cachet + "PO Malta" (xxx/R) a better item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 160.00

204 Bc - Malta
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1900 (4 Jan) Copiscua - Germany, Dresden (9 Jan) Registered 2d blue stat env + 3 adtls at 4 1/2d QV rates cds. VF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 120.00

205 Bc - Malta
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1901 (12 Jan) Valetta - Dedeagalech (27 Jan 01) /Austrian Levant, Turkish Greece occup period 1/2d green QV stat card + 2 adtls, cds + arrival on front. Rare destination + arrival cds.      Fine
Final value:  $ 140.00

206 Bc - Malta
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1911 (26 July) GPO - USA, Mineapolis, Minn. Registered multifkd env incl 1d/ 1 1/2d blue block of four + 1/4d pair, tied cross ring cancel. VF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 110.00

207 Bc - Malta
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1935 (3 Dec) Sliema, Valetta - Germany, Munich (6 Dec) Registered multifkd mixed issues incl. Jubilee 1/2d, tied cds. VF comb.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

208 Bc - Malta
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1935 (Ju 1) GPO - Germany, Munich (4 June) Registered multifkd mixed issues incl jubilee issue, cds. VF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

209 Bc - Malta
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1937 (12 Dec) GPO - Germany, Munich (16 Dec) Registered multifkd mixed issues env, incl Coxmartim 2 1/2d blue, oval ds. VF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 176.00

210 Bc - Malta
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1944 (13 May) GPO - Bristol, UK . Air censored 1 1/2d red KG VI stationary card + 3d (x2) adtl stamps, at 7 1/2d rate. Fine + scarce usage.      Fine
Final value:  $ 125.00

211 Bc - Malta
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1947 (30 April) GPO - Hungary, Nyiregyhaza, Primarius Hospital. 2d red KG VI stat card + 2 adtl. Airmail rate. VF + scarce short lived usage.      Fine
Final value:  $ 115.00

212 Bc - Malta
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1947 (4 July) Valetta - USA, Whitefish Bay, Milwankee (8-9 July). Registered air multifkd env incl top values 2sh 6d + 5sh stamps, tied cds. VF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 180.00

213 Bc - Malta
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1953 (9 Apr) Valetta - Australia, Ballarat, Vic. Air multifkd env incl 2sh 6d stamps rate 3 shillings.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

214 Bc - Malta
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1954 (14 April) Valetta - Australia, Sydney. Multifkd env on front + reverse 1 1/2d pair + 6shilling including better 5sh. Stamp hig value. Fine and very scarce item. Self Gov ovptd.      Fine
Final value:  $ 425.00

215 Bc - Malta
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1955 (4 Nov) Valletta - New Zealand, Auckland. Air multifkd env incl 2sh 6d stamp rate 3 shillings. VF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

216 Bc - Mauritius
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1898 (6 Dec) The Queen of the Stamps. Scarce German chromoliho card despicting the 1d orange QV. Post office legendary stamp. Circulated from Milano, Italy to Switzerland, Laussare. Lovely heading for a Mauritious collection.      Fine
Final value:  $ 140.00

217 Bc - Mauritius
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1898 (27 July) GPO - Sweden, Rodeby (19 Aug) Registered 20c lilac QV stationary envelope. Via French pqbt + Paris (18 Aug). Fine used.      Fine
Final value:  $ 125.00

218 Bc - Mauritius
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1947 (20 Jan) GPO - France, Paris. Air multifkd envelope, perfin stamp. "MCB &". Mauritius commercial Bank. Very scarce. Tied cds.      Fine
Final value:  $ 75.00

219 Bc - Mef
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1948 (6 Nov) IRAQ, Habbaniya - Switzerland, Geneve. Via UK. A fabulous reply package coupon postal card fkd GB 6d (x3) + "Field PO / 171" (xxx/R) Expectional rarity usage from this country at post war. Fine.      Fine
Final value:  $ 900.00

220 Bc - Mef
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1949 (16 March) Somalia. Mogadishu - Italy, Genoa (22 March) Registered air multifkd + OVERPRINTED EAF. 3d green stationery envelope. Scarce.      Fine
Final value:  $ 200.00

221 Bc - New Hebrides
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1912 (9 Feb) Port Vila - Germany, Um (25 March) Via Sydney (19 Febr) Registered ovptd issue fkd envelope 50c rate. Fine.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

222 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
c. 1896 (23 July) Mashonaland, The Llandasa Bank, Zª(Zambezia) - South Africa, Capetown (28 July) Doble 1d red stationary card + 1/2d BSAC adtl stamp on one way out usage. VF + scarce item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 470.00

223 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1897 (25 Nov) Mashonaland. Melseter - Denmark, Copenhagen (10 Jan 98) 1d blue-grey inland stationery card, uprated 1d pair of stamps for the 3d card rate, cds. VF with family message in Prestige condition + dest. Rarity.      Fine
Final value:  $ 850.00

224 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1899 (10 Oct) Mashonaland. Sebanga Poort - Germany, Hamburg (2 Nov). Via Bulawayo. 1d blue stationary card + 2d adtl BSAC stamp tied cds 3d card rate. VF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 700.00

225 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1910 (4 Oct) Cape Colony, Ocean Post office - Abercorn, NE Rhodesia (17 Nov 1910). Via Broken Hill (NWR) (23 Oct). Scarce 1d fkd ppc transited this early. VF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 185.00

226 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1906 (26 July) NR. Fife - Sweden, Stockholm (25 Sept). Via Fort Jameson (NER) (10 Aug 1906) fwded to UK (29 Sept) BNAC. 5d rate fkd env, cds. VF + dest.      Fine
Final value:  $ 230.00

227 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1909 (4 Feb) Donaneschingen, Germany - Rhodesia, Gwelo - Bulawayo Station - Broken Hill - Kasama, N. East Rhodesia - Fort Rosebery, N.E. Rhodesia - Fort Jameston - Livingstone, wher "DEAD LETTER BRANCH - LIVINGSTONE" (xxx/RRR) + retourned. Recipient deces     Fine
Final value:  $ 1400.00

228 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1909 (17 Jan) Germany, Donanesdringen - Kasama, N.E. Rhodesia. Via Fort. Rosebery. Fkd card + returned + cachet "DECEASED/DECEDE" (xxx/RR). Extraordinary rare item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 1200.00

229 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1915 (2 May) Enkeldony - UK, England. 1d fkd env. VF. Scarce town usage.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

230 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1920 (24 April) BSAC. Arcturus, SR - Denmark, Bruband. Via Salisbury (25 Apr) 1d red stationary envelope + 1 1/2d adtl. KG V admiral issue VF + origin town + dest.      Fine
Final value:  $ 185.00

231 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1929 (8 June) Penhalonga - Switzerland, Alstetten (2 Aug) Multifkd env 1d (x3) cds + arrival cachet. VF and scarce overseas origin.      Fine
Final value:  $ 175.00

232 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
C. 1932 Belingwe - Sweden, Upsala. Air fkd env single 1sh stamp KG V cds VF      Fine
Final value:  $ 115.00

233 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1942 (16 Nov) Ndola - India, Bombay (23 Nov) Registered air depart censored multifkd envelope including 1sh stamp rate 1sh 7d. Fine.      Fine
Final value:  $ 240.00

234 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1954 (1 July) QE II Salisbury - USA (28-29 July). Air multifkd env with complete set including better high values. Top 10sh and 1 pound. Arrival + transit cachet. VF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 140.00

235 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1961 (1 June) SR Umta Pi - Switzerland, Geneve (5 June) Registered air comercial envelope single 2$ 6d fkg. VF + dest cds. Fine used.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

236 Bc - Samoa
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1895 (4 Dec) Apia - Germany, Altona (3 Jan 96) 1d blue stationary card + 1/2d lilac adtl, cds. VF + rare private comercial usage.      Fine
Final value:  $ 300.00

237 Bc - Samoa
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1943 (25 Feb) Western Samoa, Apia - USA, Albany, NY. Fkd env; 3d rate + depart censor label. DDA / 190. Fine + scarce small size envelope.      Fine
Final value:  $ 125.00

238 Bc - Solomon Is.
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1964 (21 Apr) Honiara - Switzerland, Geneve. Air multifkd envelope. 1sh (x2) and 2sh stamps. Rate 4sh6d. Fine.      Fine
Final value:  $ 110.00

239 Bc - Somaliland
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1948 (25 Oct) MEF BMI. Mogadishio - Switzerland, Weggis. Fkd private ppc ovptd British Somalia issue, blue cds. Very scarce proper usage. 30c rate.      Fine
Final value:  $ 185.00

240 Bc - St. Christopher
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1944 (Oct) St. Kitts GPO - Brazil, Porto Alegre (2 Nov 44) Air fkd env, mixed Leeward 2s + St Kitts stamp, tied cds. Depart local St. Kitts. Censor label (BB/198) Brazil censorship red cachet on reverse. Rare usage + destination.      Fine
Final value:  $ 200.00

241 Bc - St. Helena
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1879 (Sept 29) GPO - British Levant, Constantinople, TURKEY (October 26) Via London (Oct 21) Official mail manuscript envelope at 7 1/2d rate. Written to the attention of the Egyptian Post Office at destination. Even further rarity so + superb early desti     Fine
Final value:  $ 2400.00

242 Bc - St. Helena
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1900 (May 17) The Guardian newspaper front. Fkd 1/2d QV ovptd issue tied grill addressed to England, Salisbury.      Fine
Final value:  $ 376.00

243 Bc - St. Helena
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1904 (26 April). GPO - Switzerland, Zurich (17 May). A fabolous REPLY SWISS stationary card written locally and poperly circulated back to origin outstanding exhibition item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 1600.00

244 Bc - St. Helena
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1926 (11 Nov) GPO - Germany, Berlin. Union Castle line ship envelope fkd 1d + 4d on 5d rate, cds, tied. VF + Scarce.      Fine
Final value:  $ 115.00

245 Bc - St. Helena
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1928 (8 Dec) GPO - Sweden, Djuisholm. Via London (28 Dec) Registered env fkd 6d., cd, VF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 145.00

246 Bc - St. Lucia
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1831 (8 March) Pigeon Island - Scotland, Edinburgh (May 23rd) fwded. Stampless EL full text with depart fleuron + "Postage to Edinburgh NOT PAID" cachet. + several transit + modified charges. Show 5 well opened. Fine.      Fine
Final value:  $ 550.00

247 Bc - Swaziland
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1961 (3 Aug) Mbabane - Germany, DDR, Rostock. 1 1/2c ovptd 1 1/2d green QEII stat card + 2c adtl cds. VF + scarce used + East Germany.      Fine
Final value:  $ 160.00

248 Bc - Tonga
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1912 (19-20 Jan) Nukualofa - France, Paris. 1d red stationery view photo card (hospital) cds. Rarity usage + destination.      Fine
Final value:  $ 300.00

249 Bc - Zanzibar
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1894 (16 Nov) French Post Office. GPO - Germany, Baden. France Sage 10c black stationery card, cds + red French entry (1 Dec 94) with long seaman comercial text. VF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 210.00

250 Greece
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1893 (9/21 Nov, Gregorian Calendar) Athens - Puerto Rico, Aguada Spanish period. 10lepta red Hermes stationary card. Rarity early destination usage.      Fine
Final value:  $ 125.00

251 Greece
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1899 (Nov) Patras - Argentina, Buenos Aires (3 Dic) Via Bordeaux, France (18 Nov) Reverse fkd 25 lepta small Hermes pair on registered envelope to early South America destination + Scarce service.      Fine
Final value:  $ 160.00

252 Greece
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1900 (11 Febr) An extremely rare combination. Athens - Germany, Dortmund (18 Feb) Registered fkd env small Hermes head 25 leptc lilac PERF + IMPERF stamps, tied cds. The same value both perf + imperf is unseen on same envelope usage. VF exhibition item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 300.00

253 Greece
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1906 (15 April) Athens - Norway. Christiania (5 May) Olympic stadium photo card multifkd + tied Olimpya label. Used right connect time week before Games opening.      Fine
Final value:  $ 161.00

254 Greece
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1912 (9 June) Karystias - Panama. Registered fkd env "334" cachet. Via Athens (10 June) + NYC (3 July). Mns registered cachet + box registered. Rare destination.      Fine
Final value:  $ 161.00

255 Greece
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1914 (Nov) Erseka - Athen (12 Nov) Imperf flag issue, stline philatelia usage. 7 diff values with arrival rolling cachet. Fine.      Fine
Final value:  $ 120.00

256 Greece
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1917 (22 May) Syria - Switzerland, Geneve, fwded Piotta (6-8 Sept 1917) ARMEE DE ORIENT. French Military censor cachet. 10 le red stationary card with diff cachets + censors + transit. VF postal history item. WWI in good condition.      Fine
Final value:  $ 285.00

257 Greece
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1917 (31 Aug) WWI. Fkd env. Including social provisional charity stamp. KP 5 leipton / 50 lepta red ovptd stamp, tied + 4 times censored on cover usage to Switzerland via Italy. Unusual overseas usage of this charity stamp.      Fine
Final value:  $ 160.00

258 Greece
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1920 (14 May) Samos - Denmark, Cph. 5 leptc blue stat card + 4 adtl stamps, tied cds. Scarce + better destination.      Fine
Final value:  $ 175.00

259 Greece
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1943 (1 Oct) Athens local Greek. 120 dr multiple ovptd doble stationary envelope + 4 adtls + special control cachet. Most unsual circulated.      Fine
Final value:  $ 161.00

260 Greece
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1945 (21-22) Athens - Africa, Nigeria, Lagos, British Colony. Air multifkd + censored 2 dracma blue stationary and + 4 adtls. Fine. Rare destination usage.      Fine
Final value:  $ 180.00

261 Guatemala
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
c. 1797. GPO - Llanos de Sta. Rosa. Colonial front / Tabaco Factory, know cachet + stline GUATEMALA + 12 mins colege. Appearly item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

262 Guatemala
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
c. 1808 Guatemala - Ciudad Real. With superb red cachet crowned "VIVA F. VII / GUATEMALA" (XXX/R) Exceptionally rare 100% perfect strike. Large leters type. Lovely.      Fine
Final value:  $ 240.00

263 Guatemala
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1862 (6 May) Guatemala - France, Reims (13-14 June). Stampless EL depart red cds + "4" reales charge. Via Steamer/Panama BPO + charges. Reverse London (June 12) cds. Fine.      Fine
Final value:  $ 160.00

264 Guatemala
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
c. 1892 - 5. Guatemala local envelope, unfranked + taxed "2" with aux cachets + (2x). 1 centavo pair, tied violet ds. As postage dues. Very rare usage.      Fine
Final value:  $ 180.00

265 Guatemala
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1892 (29 Sept) Hacienda El Volcan - Germany Ravensburg (3 Oct) Reply half 3c stationary card used. Via TPO / FCC ambulante. VF usage.      Fine
Final value:  $ 110.00

266 Guatemala
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1895 (Jan) Local multifkd env, unseal p. rate + 1c used as due. Rare usage.      Fine
Final value:  $ 125.00

267 Guatemala
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1898 (23 Julio) GPO - Germany, Hilburghasen. 6c ovptd stationary env + adtl block of pair 1c + 5c TAX Stamp used tied. VF + rare for postal usage.      Fine
Final value:  $ 300.00

268 Haiti
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
c. 1930 Airmail Yv. 4a (x4) Overprinted 60c/20c red, all with diff varieties. Columbia - NY flight. Boyd - Lydn. Old Stanley Gibbons 240 pounds. Stamps original gum light hinge. Opportunity.      Fine
Final value:  $ 125.00

269 Haiti
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1899 (20 April) Aux Cayes - Suriname, Dutch Col. Benema Commewijne (19 May) Via Port au Prince - Jacmel - Curaçao + Paramaribo (18 May) with Caribbean cachet maritime addressing (x/RR). Very rare. West Indian usage.      Fine
Final value:  $ 115.00

270 Haiti
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1903 (15 April) DWI. Port au Prince - France, Paris (14-15 May). Via St. Thomas, DW (26 April) and Le Haure. 3c green stationary card. Transited on front. VF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 125.00

271 Haiti
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1916 (11 Dec) Port au Prince - USA, NYC. Registered mutifkd large package front bearing 5c (x13) tied cds, block of four. An spectacular item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

272 Haiti
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1942 (6 April) Haiti - Jamaica (18 May, 42) Dual censor. Air fkd envelope + visame intercaribbean destination.      Fine
Final value:  $ 110.00

273 Haiti
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1943 (28 Aug). P. Prince - USA, Grenada, Mississippi. Color illustrated politica envelope. Multifkd + dual censored. "United in defense for Freedom" slogan. Very scarce.      Fine
Final value:  $ 160.00

274 Haiti
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1943 (20 Oct) P. Prince - USA, Grenada, Mississippi. 15c orange fkd doble censored color illustrated political envelope + British tied label "Clear the Track" slogan. Very scarce.      Fine
Final value:  $ 180.00

275 Holyland
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1915 (2 June) Turkish period. Jaffa - Germany, Stettin. Fkd private card, bilingual cds + "Star Jaffa 5" cachet (xxx) in superb complete strike condition. Very rare so.      Fine
Final value:  $ 135.00

276 Iceland
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1912 (23 July) Reykjavik - France, Foucarmony (4 Aug) Registered multifkd envelope, well fwded. Reverse official seal of the Iceland Reykjavik postal services. Tied cds. Via Uk, London (29 July) 35aur rate. Great postal history item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 436.00

277 Iceland
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1943 (8 Feb) WWII mail from occupied Denmark, Copenhagen - Reykjavik. Air multifkd env with Nazi censor + label + invisible ink + British Bermuda K-1642. Mail via Berlin - Lisbon. Air Clipper Atlantic US and destination. Superb and very rate.      Fine
Final value:  $ 851.00

278 India
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1884 (1-2 June) Kashimir, Jammu - England, Liverpool. Via Brindisi - Bombay. Fkd Kashimir tied grill of bars + multifkd Bitin India 4 1/2 anna rate for international postage. All stamps on front of cover. Show item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 1600.00

279 India
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1931 (11 Dec) Simla - Denmark, Svenobo (21 Dec) 7 1/2 a / 3a lilac arrival ovptd stationary envelope + adtl, taxed with (x6). Danish postage dues, tied cds, in pairs + aux cachet. Lovely combination.      Fine
Final value:  $ 161.00

280 Indochina
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1897 (2 Nov) Sontay - Sweden, Upsala. Fkd env 25c. Sage. Via Hanoi + Ligue N. French paquebot. Fine + unusual village origin to this destination.      Fine
Final value:  $ 180.00

281 Iraq
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1944. Baghdad, advance base P.O nº 7 - USA, Conn. Fkd censor air envelope. Via Panam Clipper. Reverse "125" in double ring. High Franking.      Fine
Final value:  $ 125.00

282 Italy - Prephilately
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1810 (5 Jan) Bobbio - Casal Monferalo. EL double line "87 / BOBBIO" + charge. French annexation Ducato de Savoie / Sardinia Kingdom". Great item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 220.00

283 Italy - Prephilately
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1845 (26 April) Torino - Portugal, Lisbon (17 May) Extraordinary Genova ilustrated EL with full contains, all properly transited through. Via Madrid. VF + plenty postmarks. Scarce item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 750.00

284 Italy Lombardy - Ven
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1854 (11 Aug) Roveretto - Verona. EL fkd 3kr red, tied stiline date + "1" grill alongside. Fine.      Fine
Final value:  $ 40.00

285 Italy Papal States
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1856 (7 Dec) Bologna - Roma. Registered EL full contains. Fkd 6 bay block on bluish (x3) all three super complete margins, tied grill. XF. Luxury cover.      Fine
Final value:  $ 450.00

286 Italy Papal States
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1860 (24 Jan) Civita Vechia - Naples (25 Jan) E fkd 5 baj with rare rough print, tied grill, cds + transit + charges alongside. VF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 240.00

287 Italy - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1927 (30 Aug) Gardone Riviera - Germany, Kotznhenbroda, Dresden. Via Switzerland Chiasso (31 Ago). Registered insured air stamps. 1 lire + 5 lire, cds. Reverse 6 wax seals, including (2x) "Office de la posta - Gardone Riviera" (xxx) due to Swiss + oversea     Fine
Final value:  $ 600.00

288 Italy - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1933 (2 Nov) Putney, UK - Pesaro, Italy. Multifkd GB envelope + 1.25 lire blue Anno Santo, tied cds. Lovely + rare combination.      Fine
Final value:  $ 160.00

289 Italy - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1942 (16 July) WWII. POW mail Padova - Sudan, Khantown (29 Aug 42), fwded EL Obeid. Multifkd envelope, with air cachet "posta aerea per internatto via Sofia - Instanbul" (xxx/RR) + Sudanese censor label, cachet nº 3. Extraordinary rare item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 700.00

290 Italy - Stationery
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1944 (10 Oct) Lettere - Napoli. Registered 30c brown stationary card + 5 adtl stages, cds + ACS violet cachet. Fine.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

291 Italian Levant
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1920 (28 Oct) Const - Hungary, Gijor (9 Nov 20). Fkd env military "15" cachet, 25 c rate, with Swiss postal central (x2) labels, tied by arrival cachet. VF + most unusual usage. Bilingual writing. Arab + Hungarian.      Fine
Final value:  $ 120.00

292 Italy - Egeo
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1942 (25 Sept) Ionian Islands. Argorosios - Athens. 10c brown (x5) red ovptd multifkd env, cds. Fine usage. Arrival cachet.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

293 Italian Colonies
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1908 (16 March) ERITREA. Adi Caiei - Switzerland, Zurich (26 March) Fkd env, ovptd Italian issue + village cds. VF + destination.      Fine
Final value:  $ 300.00

294 Italian Colonies
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1908 (10 Nov) ERITREA. Assab - Denmark, Cph. 10c Italyl ovptd stationary card, cds village usage (xxx) + dest. Lovely item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 300.00

295 Italian Colonies
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1915 (16 Dec) ERITREA. Adi Ugri - Denmark, Kph. Ovptd stationary card. Italy censored + cds small village usage + better destination.      Fine
Final value:  $ 300.00

296 Italian Colonies
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1916 (1-2 Feb) ERITREA. Adi Ugri - Denmark, Kph. Ovptd Italian 10c stationary card + "ERITREA censor nº1" + village cds depart+ Italian Bologna transit + better destination.      Fine
Final value:  $ 425.00

297 Italian Colonies
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1935 (6 Dec). ERITREA. Mai Dandera - Venezia, Italy 30c brown ovptd card + 3 adtls "posta militare nº55" cds. VF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 135.00

298 Japan
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1918 (7 Jan) Kobe - Denmark, Hellerup (23 March). Registered multifkd env, British censor + "Via America" enclosed. Fine.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

299 Japan
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
c.1946 (22 Oct). Multifkd airmail envelope with full contain addressed to USA, CA, Los angeles. 10yen brown block of six + 4yen blue tied cds + manuscript "VIA AIR MAIL" bilingual. VF. Spectacular.      Fine
Final value:  $ 185.00

300 Jordan
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1956 (8 Dec) Jerusalem - Sweden, Tyringe. Air multifkd envelope, bilingual cachet. Fine used.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

301 Lebanon
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1864 (22 Nov) Beyrouth - France, Marseille (2 Dec) EL full text, French PO cds + red "Paquebot Med" + "10" charge. VF + attractive item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

302 Lebanon
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1868 (18 June - !5 July) FRANCE - TURKEY - LEBANON - EGYPT - ITALY. Marseille - Messina, Silicy. A faboulous ROUTED maritime French ligne X transited through all Mediterranean, lasting 28 days trip. Fkd E on board ship 40c anchor romboid + taxed + routed      Fine
Final value:  $ 1600.00

303 Lebanon
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1893 (2 Sept) Baalbek - Beyrouth. Local 20p lilac stationary card. Turkish period. VF. Used.      Fine
Final value:  $ 175.00

304 Lebanon
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1895 (17 May) British PO, Beyrouth - USA, NYC. (12 June) GB 1d red stationary card, with neat cds of the BPO usage + arrival alongside. Lovely item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 160.00

305 Lebanon
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1932 (28 Sept) Balbeck - Malakal (29 Oct) - Saida. Local fkd env 7.50 single fkd with all bilingual cds. Lovely and appearly usage. Reverse shellal - Haifa TPO, Cairo, etc.      Fine
Final value:  $ 180.00

306 Lebanon
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1932 (14 June) Saida, Liban - Austria, Vocklabruck. 4 piasters brown stationary envelope + 1 piater green block of four, tied, nice cds. Via Beyrouth (15 June) and Wien (22 June). Lovely item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 210.00

307 Lebanon
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1934 (13 Oct) Jouk El Gharb - Saida (14 Oct). Via Beyrouth. 4 pianter rate fkd env, hexagonal cachet. Lovely item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

308 Lebanon
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1934 (10 July) Dibbie - Sidon, Syria. (12 July) Via Beyporth. Multifkd envelope, 4 pialer rate, hexagonal bilingual cds. Lovely town usage.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

309 Lebanon
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1935 (24 April) Beyrouth - Austria, Vocklabruck. Via Athens (27 April) Air to Greece, multifkd envelope incl block of four with varieties ovprt issues.      Fine
Final value:  $ 95.00

310 Lebanon
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1937 (28 June - 7 July) London, UK - SIDON (5 July) 1 1/2 d brown stat env, taxed + arrival 5 piaster postage due, tied bilingual cds. VF + scarce combination. Via Alep - Saida - Beyrouth.      Fine
Final value:  $ 160.00

311 Lebanon
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1942 (6-8 April) WWII Beyrouth - France, Port de Auberas, Ardeche. 4.50 piaster red stationary card WWII censor + via Instambul to destination. Out of direct nazi control. Written in Armenian. Rarity through circulated at this time.      Fine
Final value:  $ 160.00

312 Libia
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1950 (20 Nov - 2 Dec) London, UK - Cyrenaica, Benghazi. Fkd env + taxed + arrival red Cyrenaica postage dues 12 ms acte. Very rare usage + combination.      Fine
Final value:  $ 750.00

313 Libia
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1951 (22 Feb) CYRENAICA, Derna - USA, NY, Lake Success. Via Benghazi. Air fkd env 52 ms rate, bilingual cds. Fine + very scarce.      Fine
Final value:  $ 110.00

314 Luxembourg
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1885 (12 March) Dudelange, Bettembdech - Dommeloditagen forwarded with new franking to France / Paris (14 March). 5c grey stationary card on local usage + 5cts extra for overseas forwared complementary rate to 10cts. Most unusual combination on RARITY.      Fine
Final value:  $ 200.00

315 Luxembourg
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1899 (25 July) Ville - Denmark, Nakskov (27 July) Multifkd early ppc, photo city view via NYKJOBING. VF + attractive combination for the 10c rate + destination small village.      Fine
Final value:  $ 95.00

316 Luxembourg
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1920 (29 Oct) Dudelange - Germany, Coln. Registered multifkd envelope + (x2) R-cachets. Fine.      Fine
Final value:  $ 120.00

317 Macau
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
c. 1884-5. Crown issues. Fournier set of 10 diff forgeries, including overprints + cancels. Very scarce group so complet. Opportunity.      Fine
Final value:  $ 180.00

318 Malaysia
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1902 (16 Dec) Straits Stl most used in LABUAN. GPO - Germany, Apolda. Via Singapore (Dec 20) Fkd card. Viatonc Harbour view Labuan, n1. Superb condition and comercial circulation.      Fine
Final value:  $ 375.00

319 Malaysia
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1918 (28 Aug) WWI. Penang - Switzerland, Locarno (12 Oct) Multifkd censor at Penang WWI violet cachet + St. St label, tied. Fkd env. Very scarce usage to neutral destination country. 10c rate.      Fine
Final value:  $ 875.00

320 Malaysia
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1925 (July) North Borneo, Jesselton - Germany, Nuremberg. Via Singapore (13 July 25) Fkd envelope. 12c blue bird stamp single usage, cds. Commercial. Fine.      Fine
Final value:  $ 120.00

321 Malaysia
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1935 (22 June) Penang - Denmark, Copenhagen (1 July 35) Air multifkd env incl silver wedding values. 47c rate. VF. Via Paris-avion (1 July).      Fine
Final value:  $ 200.00

322 Malaysia
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1936 (1 June) NEGRI SEMBILAN. Serambam - Denmark, Copenhagen (29 June). Fkd ppc + "insuf prepaid" cachet (xxx/R) + arrival Danish postage due tied. Scarce compination item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 300.00

323 Malaysia
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1938 (30 Jan) Johore. Batu Pahat - Switzerland, Zurich (26 Feb) Via Singapore (1 Feb) Registered multifkd envelope, at 27 cents rate + R-label, tied cds. VF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 180.00

324 Malaysia
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1941 (25 Nov) North Borneo, Jesselton - England, Crown East. Fkd front of cover, incl war tax + "North Borneo / 8" censor cachet. Still very scarce and useful postal history item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 130.00

325 Malaysia
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1941 (5 May) FMS, Perak, Sabah, Taipina - India, Karaikuli (17 May). Reverse airmail fkd 55c rate + tied cds + depart PERAK nº 88 censor label, tied x4 violet cachets. Very scarce.      Fine
Final value:  $ 290.00

326 Sarawak
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1951 (Sept) Sarawak, Limbang - USA, CA, La Mesa (24 Sept). Via Labnan - Singapore. Registered multifkd envelope, incl 1$ (x3) +. Fine usage + high values on cover.      Fine
Final value:  $ 85.00

327 Marruecos
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1913 (4 Oct) Correo local Mogador - Marrakech. Carta con franqueo multiple de esta emision; 6 valores diff y matasellos bilingüe. Muy escaso uso en carta.      Fine
Final value:  $ 360.00

328 Marruecos - French
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1913 (12 May) Rabat - France (22 May) WWI. FM ocupation troops with military cachet. Fine.      Fine
Final value:  $ 75.00

329 Marruecos - French
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1931 (28 Sept) Mesquita - Germany, Hammer. French Legion. German member on FM + taxed as going third country + "T" + German cash paid red cachet. Scarce.      Fine
Final value:  $ 75.00

330 Marruecos - French
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1932 (29 Febr, leap year) French Morocco airmails. Casablanca - Spain, Madrid (2 March) 10c blue ovptd stat card + 2 adtl, on scarce airmail rate usage.      Fine
Final value:  $ 70.00

331 Marruecos - British
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1949 (17 Nov) BPO. OAT mail. Tangier - Switzerland, Basel. Registered airmail ovptd issues incl UPU 6d lilac VF + item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 81.00

332 Mexico
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1855 (Dic 15) Cuernavaca - Puebla. E. Fkd 1 real yellow, district name + town cancel. Large margins. 1856 issue. XF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

333 Mexico
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1861 (19 March) Puebla - USA, NYC (1 April) EL full text fkd 1856 issue 4rs red, district name. Complete margins, tied double line town ds + "steamship 10" alongside. VF. Lovely maritime item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 480.00

334 Mexico
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1876 (3 Feb) San Blas - Tepic. E multifkd 10c (x2) + 5c, oval ds, 55-75, Tepic name. VF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 110.00

335 Mexico
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1892 (4 Oct) DF - USA, NYC (7 Oct). Via Laredo. Official, illustrated envelope + Medallion oficial stamp, tied cds, on overseas usage. Fine red cds.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

336 Mexico
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1892 (20 Dic) Acapulco - UK, Bolton (23 Jan) Registered 25c large usual fkd envelope + 3x R-label. Via NY (11 Jan)      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

337 Mexico
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
C. 1895. Fiscals postal usage. Ojo Caliente. Local multifkd front of envelope bearing 6 diff fiscals used as postage + 3 stamps, oval town cancels. Espectacular rarity.      Fine
Final value:  $ 280.00

338 Mexico - Stationery
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1895 (25 March) Jalapa, Ver - DF - Germany, Knefeld (11 April) Via NYC (2 April) Registered 10c green Medalion issue stationary envelope + 2 adtls, tied + (3x) registration labels. VF + comb usages.      Fine
Final value:  $ 500.00

339 Nepal
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1944 (21 Dec) British Legation - Bombay, India (23-25 Dec) Registered reverse + front multifkd stationary envelope with tied cds + stline. Manuscript R - cachet + arrival cds. VF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 115.00

340 Netherlands
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1841 (24 Jan) Vilsenden - Italy, Naples, Kingdom of Napoli - Sardinia (11 Feb) EL full contains, depart blue Haarlem (27 Jan) "crossed out" "FRANCO" + "PER Pont de Beauvoisir" + cachet + oval red arrival + French entry 29 Jan.      Fine
Final value:  $ 175.00

341 Netherlands
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
c. 1850 (24 Feb) Purmerend - Batavia, Dutch Indies, fwded. E depart red cds + blue box "Via Marseille" + "Landmail / Port" several mns charges. Scarce small village origin + marks combination. Fine.      Fine
Final value:  $ 375.00

342 Netherlands
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1852 (2 April) Rotterdam - Austria, Insbruck (7 - 8 April) Via Berlin - Leipzig - Nurenberg + return. Cash paid fee printed matter wrapper with full contains + 5 tying cds on reverse. VF + scarce.      Fine
Final value:  $ 450.00

343 Netherlands
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1864 (25 Feb) Rotterdam - Semarang, Dutch Indies. Cash paid Franco. Via French mails Marseille. Reverse 10c charge acct + Fine item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 160.00

344 Netherlands
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1892 (11 Oct) Roermond - USA, Cincinnat. DH. Via NY (19 Oct 92) 5c blue stat env + 10c rare pair QW tied 06/90 dots. Via Southampton. VF. Mixed kingdoms usage.      Fine
Final value:  $ 145.00

345 Netherlands
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1895 (5 Dec) Dieren - London, UK. 5c blue stationary card + 15c brown QW adtl cds + oval lilac EXPRESS + yellow EXPRESSE label + arrival violet cachet "Express fee paid 3d". Scarce better one including UK mail. Excellent item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 180.00

346 Netherlands
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1896 (21 Nov) Amsterdam - Colombia, Bogota (21 Dec) Via NYC (3 Dec). Registered 5c QW stationary envelope + 4 adtls (x2) R-labels. Arrival on front rarity destination. Fine.      Fine
Final value:  $ 700.00

347 Netherlands
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1934 (18 May Eindhoven - Colombia, Bogota (29 May) Air fkd envelope 6,775 golden rate + Colombian air Scadta gold currency issue registration stamps 20c tied "R" x3, tied depart cds. Late usage applied at origin. Reverse KNILM tied label. Exceptional usag     Fine
Final value:  $ 460.00

348 Curaçao
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1897 (19 June) GPO - Switzerland, Thun (8 July) Via NYC (27 June) Registered envelope fkd single 60c on cover (RRR) cds. VF condition + (x2) R-labels. Excellent item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 300.00

349 Curaçao
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1936. Venezuela, Caracas - Aruba, Dutch West Indies. Fkd envelope, taxed + arrival. Dutch 15 c. (23-27 April 36) p due, tied cds. Very rare cover combination.      Fine
Final value:  $ 750.00

350 Curaçao
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1946 (19 May) St. Eustatius, Dutch W I - St. Martin, Marigot. 5c rd stat card + 4 adtl red cds. Very scarce to FRENCH SIDE of Island. Ex our friends Scott and Shirley Gallagher of Ohio.      Fine
Final value:  $ 220.00

351 Suriname
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1931 (26 Feb) Paramaribo - CANAL ZONE, Cristobal (7 March). Airmail special cachet registered multifkd envelope. Stamps applied in two diff moments at post office (claim for further postage) Total rate 175 ct + 30ct = 210 ct. VF + rare dest + R. pink labe     Fine
Final value:  $ 136.00

352 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1823 (15 April) Amsterdam - Batavia, Dutch Indies. EL with full contains, oval red "zee brief" (xxx) + manuscript endrresement "Captain Luitjel / DGG" Excellent condition.      Fine
Final value:  $ 231.00

353 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1879 (18 Nov) Wonosebo - Samurang (21 Nov) 5c / 12 1/2c grey stat card, cds + Blue green ovptd type. Provisional issue.      Fine
Final value:  $ 110.00

354 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1888 (1 Dec) Soerabaja - Yambany. Provisional ovptd 5c/ 12 1/2c grey stat card, cds. VF +      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

355 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1909 (20 May) REPLY HALF. Pandji - Randoeblatoeng 5c / 7 1/2c red stationary card. Provisional ovptd issue / New value, cds on proper reply half card usage. Rarity.      Fine
Final value:  $ 145.00

356 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1938 (17 March) Solo - France, Mendon. Air fkd env, printed label on cover + taxed (4x) French postage due. 2fr 80c rate, all tied cds, incl 1fr beige pair. VF combination + Scarce.      Fine
Final value:  $ 160.00

357 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1940 (29 Nov) Batavia - USA, NYC. Machine fkd. Airmail envelope. Censored. Via Transtasman. Fine early WWII. Manuscrit + marked.      Fine
Final value:  $ 150.00

358 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1940 (16 Nov) Medan - USA, NYC. Transpacific airmail. Multifkd envelope. Censor. F23. Manuscrit.Via Hong Kong - Singapore censored. Very scarce. Early Hong Kong - Singapore derouting.      Fine
Final value:  $ 200.00

359 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1940 (8 June) Batavia - USA, NYC. Air multifkd envelope depart censored + "9" green Hong Kong transit censored on route Pacific clipper. VF. Reverse. Hong Kong (12 June 40) cds.      Fine
Final value:  $ 110.00

360 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1940 (8 Oct) Batavia - USA, NYC. Via Transpacific. Airmail machine fkd envelope. Route Manila, Philipinnes Islands. Fine early WWII derouting of the Pacific Clipper.      Fine
Final value:  $ 180.00

361 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1940 (7 June) Batavia - USA, NYC (26 June) Via Hong Kong - Transpacific HK censor. Registered air multifkd envelope. Hawaii transit (23 June)      Fine
Final value:  $ 480.00

362 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1940 (10 Oct) Bandoeng - USA, NYC. Multifkd envelope. Airmail via Manila. Censored Batavia. Fkd 2.50 golden pair. Huge rate. 5 golden 5c.      Fine
Final value:  $ 120.00

363 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1940 (8 June) Batavia - USA, NYC. Air multifkd envelope. Via Hong Kong censored (9) + depart red cachet. Reverse (12 June 40). XF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 200.00

364 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1940 (30 June) Semarang - USA, NYC. Air 2 golden rate fkd, ilustrated envelope (toothpaste) route HK - Pacific clipper, but derouted via Singapore with rare type censor cachet. VF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 450.00

365 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1940 (23 July) Batavia - Australia, Perth, W.A. Air via KNILM single fkd departs amvl doble censored envelope + special air cachet (xxx/r)      Fine
Final value:  $ 140.00

366 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1940 (9 Nov) Batavia - USA, NYC (29 Nov 1940) Transpacific air route via Manila. Machine Fkd. Manuscrit and marked + provisional mns. Cachet derouting.      Fine
Final value:  $ 175.00

367 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
c.1940 (July) Batavia - USA, NYC. Censored Singapore. Posted on board direct link to Singapore. See pm rate.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

368 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1941 (21 March) Djokjakarta - USA, Los Angeles. Censored. Airmail multifkd envelope (F+R). 7 stamps. Route: KNILM - Transtasman - PAA to USA + award air.      Fine
Final value:  $ 135.00

369 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1941 (8 Sept) Batavia - USA, NYC. Air multifkd envelope + censored. Route: KNILM to Australia - Transtasman - PAA + USA. On board Transpacific. VF + late Pacific link connection.      Fine
Final value:  $ 115.00

370 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1941 (2 April) Buitenzorg - USA, NYC. (18 Apr) Via Transpacific Clipper - Hawaii (14 April) Depart censored + single 1gld rate. Fine. Scarce.      Fine
Final value:  $ 160.00

371 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1941 (9 Aug) Batavia - USA, NYC. Air multifkd envelope via KNILM Pan America. Censor.      Fine
Final value:  $ 130.00

372 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1947 (7 Feb) Malang - Moojokanto. Fkd ppc 2c Dutch Indies pair, cds + 3sen Republic pair, cds + aux cachet. Fine scarce comb. Early independence period.      Fine
Final value:  $ 95.00

373 New Zealand
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1895 (8-9 Jan) Hastings - UK, London. Via Napier (9 Jan) 1d blue QV stat card + 1/2d rose newspapers stamps adtl, tied cds. VF. Nice condition.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

374 New Zealand
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1914 (26 June) Wellington - Paramaribo, Dutch Guiana, Suriname, South America. Fkd official envelope via Singapore - Dutch Indies + NIT agent. Rare destination + transited usage.      Fine
Final value:  $ 185.00

375 New Zealand
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1944 (1 Aug) Wellington - Eire, Limerick. Fkd env with cancel censorship at depart + arrival. Scarce countries combination. VF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1887 (23 June) Corinto - USA, Montalair, New Jersey. Fkd envelope 10c lilac early issue + ink cancel + violet cds. A rare issue on cover via Managua (25 June) New York City (13 July). VF condition.      Fine
Final value:  $ 650.00

377 Nicaragua
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1890 (3 Nov) San Juan del Norte - Finland, Brahestad (9 Dec). Rare 3c blue stationary card properly used + better destination. Via London red cds transit alongside.      Fine
Final value:  $ 210.00

378 Nicaragua
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1890 (4 Nov) San Juan del Norte - Finland, Brahestad (9 Dec) Via London (4 Dec) 5c blue stationary env + adtl. Scarce usage + destination. VF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 360.00

379 Nicaragua
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1893 (9 March) Corinto - USA, S Fco, CA (24 March) 3 cent blue early stationary card. Very scarce early used item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

380 Nicaragua
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1895 (Oct 12) Chichicaipa - La Libertad 5c blue stationary envelope. Via Corinto (Oct 14) + "Domicilio ignorado" box (xxx/R) + "Devuelto / sobrante". Muy escaso uso y marcas.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

381 Nicaragua
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1898 (9 July) Matagalpa - Germany, Kempten, Bayern (22 Aug). 10c orange/bluish stat env + 5c rose adtl pair, tied cds. Via Paris (20 Aug) VF great item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 175.00

382 Nicaragua
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1905 (April 3) Leon - Panama (17 April) - Costa Rica, San Jose (17 April). 5c blue stationary envelope + 2 adtls. Oval cachet + arrival cds on front San Jose. Scarce destination routed Central America mail.      Fine
Final value:  $ 135.00

383 Nicaragua
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1906 (28 Feb) Lianagna - Mexico, DF (16 March) 5c/10c lilac overprinted issue stationary envelope + 4 adtls, tied town ds. Via Pacific - Acapulco. Scarce maritime Pacific early XX link (12 March)      Fine
Final value:  $ 191.00

384 Nicaragua
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1906 (June 15) Samly Bay, Bluefields - Germany, Berlin (11 July) "B" overprinted 5c green stat card, oval blue ds. VF usage. + rare.      Fine
Final value:  $ 270.00

385 Nicaragua
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1906 (4 May) Corinto - Managua (5 May) 2 centavos lilac/provisional ovptd 6c blue stationary card + oval lilac ds. VF + scarce usage.      Fine
Final value:  $ 115.00

386 Nicaragua
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1908 (14 Ene) Managua - Italy, Sicily, Palermo (28 Feb). Registered multifkd incl ovptd issue, oval ds + red wax seal. VF + appearly.      Fine
Final value:  $ 211.00

387 Nicaragua
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1911 (23 Dic) La Concordia - Germany, Berlin 2c red stationary card + provisional 15 cts label tied cds. Some vert crease not affecting stamps, otherwise rarity postal history item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 200.00

388 Norway
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1845 (20 May) Londonderry, Northern Ireland, Moville (23 May) - Norway, Tronhjem. Via London (25 May) - France - Hamburg TT (1 June) Manuscript "Franco Hamburg" Very fine incoming transited item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 280.00

389 Norway
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1868 (5 Sept) Bergen - Portugal, Lisbon (17 Sept) Via Sandsund (10 Sept) + France. Stampless. EL full text + "FR 45" cachet + Franch Norway entry cachet (13 Sept) + 230 reis postage charge. XF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 550.00

390 Norway
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1902 (6 July) France - Kristiania - fwded Gardermoen. French Versailles card fkd 10c red + new Norway 5c dark green, cds. Fine scarce combination.      Fine
Final value:  $ 240.00

391 Oman
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1970 (15 Dec) GPO - Greece, Thessalonik (7 Jan) Via airmail to Athens (5 Jan) Registered multifkd nudes issue, classic art paintings, tied blue cds + reverse arrival cachets. Extraordinary rare circulated item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 425.00

392 Panama
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1904 (11 Nov) Colon - Hungary, Budapest (2 Dec) Panama Rail Road Company registered AR + Retardo manuscript provisional REPUBLICA PANAMA lilac overprinted issue. Part of flag gone, otherwise a fine complete rarity usage.      Fine
Final value:  $ 231.00

393 Panama
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1942 (11 July) Changuinola F-5 - Jamaica, BW Indies (Oct 7) Registered AR censored + official seal. Tied label, on front + reverse + mixed issues + via USA, New Orleans, Cristobal Canal Zone etc. Great usage.      Fine
Final value:  $ 180.00

394 Palestine
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1920 (15 Nov) EEA. CILICIE. Jaffa - Austria, Wien. Via Port Said. Registered multifkd ovptd issue 20c CILICIE red stationary Turkish envelope VF + R-label. Transits reverse.      Fine
Final value:  $ 161.00

395 Palestine
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
c. 1922 - 3. Jaffa - Austria, Wien. PM - rate unsealed multifkd env, triangular "JA" cachets. Ovptd issue. VF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

396 Palestine
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1922 (20 May) Nazareth - Austria, Graz Via Haifa - Gerusalem (23 May) Registered multifkd ovptd issue envelope + R- label, mns town.      Fine
Final value:  $ 161.00

397 Palestine
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1922 (11 Nov) EEF. Ajami B.O. Jaffa - Germany, Nuremberg (28 Nov) Registered multifkd ovptd envelope + finanz censorship at arrival. Fine and desirable. Better neighbourhood usage.      Fine
Final value:  $ 300.00

398 Palestine
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1927 (31 March) Jaffa - Austria, Graz. Republic multifkd "PALESTINE" ovptd issue. Reverse via "Kantana / P.O Schief 31 March" (xxx/ RRR) A great transit, short lived usage.      Fine
Final value:  $ 220.00

399 Palestine
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1936 (21 Apr) Mea Searim, Jerusalem - Austria, Wien (28-29 Apr) Via Ucine. Registered insured 13 ms brown stationary envelope + 4adtls + red label + R - label + 3 red wax seal cachets /bilingual text. Great item + neighbourhood. Reverse all transited thro     Fine
Final value:  $ 300.00

400 Palestine
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1941 (21 Oct) Tel - Aviv - USA, NYC. Air censored multifkd envelope. Via Transpacific.      Fine
Final value:  $ 160.00

401 Palestine
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1941 (10 June) Tel - Aviv - USA, NYC. Multifkd envelope. 7 stamps. Airmail. Censored. Via Transpacific.      Fine
Final value:  $ 191.00

402 Palestine
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1941 (15 June) Tel-Aviv - USA, NYC. Air multifkd envelope. Via Transpacific. Censored.      Fine
Final value:  $ 130.00

403 Palestine
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1942 (24 Nov) Tel Aviv - USA, NYC (9 March 43). 4 months transit. Censored multifkd envelope.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

404 Palestine
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1943 (3 Jan) Nusseirat, Gaza, Palestine - Egypt, Alexandrie (10 Jan) fkd env + depart censor label "KK/37143", tied arrival cds. Via Cairo. Fine origen + usage.      Fine
Final value:  $ 303.00

405 Palestine
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1944 (21 Ago) Tel Aviv - Switzerland, Zurich. Fkd env +depart dual censor labels, KK-38129 + British. Fine.      Fine
Final value:  $ 110.00

406 Palestine
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1947 (25 Jan) Bamley, Haifa - Greece, Naxos. Via Tragaia (1 March) Fkd env, 20p rate, cds. Scarce origin + destination + link. Fine envelope with contains.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

407 Persia
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1928 (16-18 Sept) Teheran - Germany, Berlin (21 Sept) Air multifkd card + special overprinted air stamp + German air cachet. German service. VF + scarce item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 141.00

408 Peru
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1852 (23 June) Lima - Guayaquil, Ecuador. EL full text manuscrit "FRANCA" + "Callao Vapor" ILLUSTRATED CACHET (xxx/R). Nice item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

409 Peru
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1881. Postage due 10c orange (Yvert 8x), overprinted "PLATA/UPU" Block of 25, incl National Bank margin. Cat 2004, 375 euros ++. Lovely exhibition item XF condition.      Fine
Final value:  $ 150.00

410 Peru
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1882. Arequipa provisionals. Complet mint sheet of 50 ovptd 25c red (Yvert rr.2x) including position 4 1st row "centavos" + inverted "2" of 2p (not catalogued, position 2 row 2). Yv 2004 335 euros ++. Very scarce item. Signed on reverse. V. Perron. Exhibi     Fine
Final value:  $ 256.00

411 Philippines
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1854. Edifil 1º. 5c naranja, margenes completos y sin defecto. Faultless complete margins nr 1. Matasellos puntos. Muy raro en esta calidad. Scarcely found in perfect condition.      Fine
Final value:  $ 300.00

412 Philippines
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1855. Edifil 6* (x2). Isabel 5 cuartos vermilion COMPLETE CIRCLE, mint, horizontal pair,complete margins, full original gum and faultless and VF. LARGEST MULTIPLE OF RAREST FILIPINAS STAMP. 2 mint pairs are known, this one is the only with full original g     Fine
Final value:  $ 45000.00

413 Philippines
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1845 (15 July) Manila - London, UK (24 Nov) EL full contains, forwarded to India with oval Agent's cachet reverse + red "INDIA" on front + 4sh 1d charge. Displays great openeed. VF condition + scarce.      Fine
Final value:  $ 280.00

414 Philippines
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1853 (4 Aug) HONG KONG, Manila - Germany, Limbach. Via Hong Kong (18 Sept) Forwded EL full text by "Wn Pustau /HK" (xxx) red cachet on front + "Paid at Hong Kong" red crowned circle + diff mns charges. VF. Routed circulated cover. Exhibition rarity.      Fine
Final value:  $ 3600.00

415 Philippines
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1859 (20 Sept) Manila local multifkd letter front bearing 5c vermelion strip of three full margin, blue cds with superb INTERPANNEAU between 2nd and 3rd stamps. Exhibition rarity.      Fine
Final value:  $ 2101.00

416 Philippines
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1898 (Aug 20) US Military Soldier's letter. Manila - USA, Ohio. Garrettsvielle (27 Sept) Sent by Post Chaplain violet cachet + cds + arrival p. due tied 2 cts. Interesting.      Fine
Final value:  $ 180.00

417 Philippines
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1921 (25 May) Lal-Loc, Cagayan - Switzerland, Spiez (18-20 July) Registered multifkd env; 26c rate. Scarce town area origin +.      Fine
Final value:  $ 200.00

418 Poland
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1928. Yv B1. 1st used block, Cheszyn cds (24 Jan) Fine. 2010 cat edition. Euros 400. Fine.      Fine
Final value:  $ 115.00

419 Poland
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1906 (23 July) Warsaw - Switzerland, Chaux de Fonds (25 July). Watch ilustrated private cº card fkd 4 kop (1k + 3k). Appearly item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

420 Poland
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1929 (5 Aug) Mochy - Germany, Berlin (7 Aug) 15s blue stationary card + 5 adtl stamps fkgs for express service, red label tied cd + arrival. Fine + scarce on stationary.      Fine
Final value:  $ 95.00

421 Portugal
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1855 (16 Nov) BRAZIL - PORTUGAL - SWITZERLAND AF Rio Janeiro - Lisboa - Switzerland, Zurich (29 Dec). EL written at RJ, forwarded to Lisbon, steamer Doña Maria II, where posted with D. Luis 25 rs dark blue stamp, good margins, tied "1" + Via Spain, Badajo     Fine
Final value:  $ 900.00

422 Portugal - Stationer
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1889 (3 Dec) Porto - Russia, Estonia, Schloss Keblas (8-13 Dec Gregorian Calendar) 50 rs red embossed D. Luis fita direita stationary envelope + 50 rs adtl, tied cds. Better destination.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

423 Portugal - Stationer
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1892 (11 June) REPLY HALF stationery card 20 rs rare proper usage. Germany, Hamburg - Lisboa (15 June) VF + Scarce.      Fine
Final value:  $ 200.00

424 Portugal - Stationer
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1896 (6 April) Reply Half. 30rs blue stationery card on proper half usage Lisboa - Porto (7 April) usage. VF + scarce item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 135.00

425 Portugal - Stationer
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1899 (6 April) Lisboa - Lisboa - Lisboa. A doble complete stationary card on both ways local usage, with full text. Very interesting and front unusual.      Fine
Final value:  $ 180.00

426 Portugal - Stationer
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1915. Oporto - Switzerland. Bale (30 Ago 15) 5c blue dark green JW Burmester stationary envelope. Private print. Fine + scarce.      Fine
Final value:  $ 180.00

427 Portugal - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1926 (8 June) TPO. Lisboa - Germany, Munich. Ceres multifkd env, 11 diff + cds + better scarce values on cover. Lovely item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 125.00

428 Portugal - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1934 (14 Dec) Lisboa - Germany, Munich (17 Dec) Registered multifkd diff comm issues incl Castelo Branco + colonial issues. VF mixed usage.      Fine
Final value:  $ 110.00

429 Portugal - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1934 (17 Nov) Lisboa - Germany, Munich (19 Nov) Registered multifkd comm + provisional + Azores usage on cover. VF. Nice item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 95.00

430 Portugal - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1935 (28 Sept) Lisboa - Germany, Munich (30 Sept) Registered multifkd provisionals + Ceres + Luisiadas mixed usages on cover. Lovely item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 95.00

431 Portugal - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1937 (3 April) Lisboa - Germany, Munich. Air multifkd env + ship S. America Portuguese live colar label reverse. By air via LUFTHANSA uncl. Luisiadas 30c bloc of 10 + TUDO PELA NAÇAO. VF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

432 Portugal - Stationer
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1938 (12 April) Leiria - Germany, Munich (19 April) 25c blue TUDO PELA NAÇAO stationary card + 3 adtl. Medicine stamps, tied cds. Lovely multifkd usage. Great appeal.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

433 Portugal - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1946 (1 Oct) Lisboa - Czechoslovaquia; Praha Air multifkd front + reverse envelope, including rare single 15 escudo air orange stamp on front, tied cds. Fine + dest.      Fine
Final value:  $ 125.00

434 Portugal - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1952 (20 Sept) Santarem - USA, Gromby, CONN. Air multifkd env incl Caravelas + NATO 1 esc block of four. VF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

435 Portugal - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1958. Lisboa - Germany (all arrival cds) 4 registered Rey D. Dinis issue, including the rare 50 escudo on single frkd usage airmail express. Superb group and very rare on proper circulation arrival cds.      Fine
Final value:  $ 200.00

436 Portugal-Azores
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1895 (1 Oct) Ponta Delgada - Montenegro. India centenary 10rs lilac stationary card + 3 adtls incl ovptd issue, cds + VF + scarce with proper text usage + dest.      Fine
Final value:  $ 125.00

437 Portugal-Funchal
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1896 (6 May) Funchal - Switzerland, Zurich (13-14 May) 10rs green stat card + 10rs lilac adtl. Fine + scarce usage in good condition.      Fine
Final value:  $ 95.00

438 Portugal-Angola
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1911 (19 May) Lobito - Germany. Hamburg. Per steamer "ANVERS" violet stline. Multifkd ceres issue x10 diff values, tied rate 1 esc 40c which is corret but charge manuscript for 1 escudo x/R signed by Lobito postal clerk. Interesting.      Fine
Final value:  $ 140.00

439 Portugal-Angola
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1941 (13 June) BELGIAN CONGO. Portugali, Diamang, Dundo - South Africa, East Cliff, Hermanus. Via Chikapa, Luluabourg & Elisabethville. Air fkd env (f+r) + Belgian Congo transits + censor + special air cachet. Scarce out mail via Congo.      Fine
Final value:  $ 285.00

440 Portugal-Cabo Verde
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1912 (4 March) S. Vicente - Switzerland, Moudon (13 March) 10rs Republica Mouchon ovptd doble stationary card + 10c adtl cds. VF + scarce used in all forms. Via Lisboa (15 March)      Fine
Final value:  $ 101.00

441 Portugal-Cabo Verde
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1942 (18-19 Nov) Lisboa, Restauradores - TARRAFAL, Cabo Verde. Santiago Island. Prissioners interl camp. Registered fkd envelope + arrival special "CENSURADO" cachet. The Portuguese regime kept a political prison at this remote place for opposition. Oport     Fine
Final value:  $ 375.00

442 Portugal-India
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1902 (18 Dec) Nova Goa - Denmark, Copenhagen (4 Jan 03) 1 Tanga lilac Centenary India stationary card + 1t blue adtl cds. Fine + scarce used + dest.      Fine
Final value:  $ 220.00

443 Portugal-Mozambique
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1910 (10 Oct) Caes Borjao - Germany, Wreschen, Posen. 20rs lilac stat card. VF + scarce comercial usage from this village.      Fine
Final value:  $ 110.00

444 Portugal-Mozambique
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1916 (10 May) L Marques - Netherlands, Rotterdam (13 June 16) Fkd envelope + double depart censor L. Marqués red label + "Quarter general/16 mai 1916 - 00001E/LM" (xx/R) Very scarce.      Fine
Final value:  $ 570.00

445 Portugal-Mozambique
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1899 (22 May) Beira "SS Herzog" - Germany, Lircheim (18 June). Mozambique company early 10 rs blue overprinted stationery card + adtl, cds. Very rare used + good condition.      Fine
Final value:  $ 160.00

446 Portugal-Mozambique
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1902 (21 June) Beira - Austria, Wien. Via Capetown Ovptd Cº Mozambique on India Centenary 20rs lilac stationary card + 2 adtls. Tied hexagonal ds. XF + scarce usage.      Fine
Final value:  $ 240.00

447 Portugal-Mozambique
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1912. Beira - Switzerland, Mondon (6 May) Ovptd 20rs lilac double stationary card arrival cds. Scarce used in all forms. Fine.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

448 Portugal-Mozambique
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1912. Beira - Switzerland, Mondon (6 May) Doble Republic ovptd stat card 20rs lilac. Very scarce used in all forms. Fine.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

449 Portugal-Mozambique
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1913 (15 Sept) Beira - Germany, Lubeck 50 rs brown ilustrated Club Sport photo stationary lettersheet. VF and scarce used.      Fine
Final value:  $ 130.00

450 Portugal-Mozambique
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1916 (4 Aug) L. Marques - Netherlands, Rotterdam (11 Oct) Multifkd envelope + depart L. Marque doble censor red cachet on front + rare "GUARTEL GENERAL / LM / 5 Sept 1916 - 01814A" (xxx/R) + South Africa triple censor: label + 2 cachets (15 Sept 16). Fine     Fine
Final value:  $ 600.00

451 Portugal-Mozambique
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1920 (21 July) Mozambique - Denmark. Braband 1c Ceres green stat card + 6adtl stamps (5 on reverse) tied incl. India discovery issue ovptd used on time. VF +.      Fine
Final value:  $ 115.00

452 Portugal-Mozambique
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1922 (28 Dec) Beira - Quelimane, Zambezia (3 Jan 1923) Local fkd env 4c., lilac hexagonal ds. Scarce internal intercolonial Mozambique rate. Comercial usage. VF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

453 Portugal-Mozambique
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1930 (23 Nov) Manjacaza, Swiss Mission - Switzerland. St Gall. Via L. Marques. Fkd private card. 85c rate. Scarce village cancel + Interesting.      Fine
Final value:  $ 175.00

454 Portugal-Mozambique
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1936 (15 May) Beira - Germany, Solingen (9 June) Registered multifkd envelope, 3esc 75c rate, incl 3x1 escudo stamps, tied cds. XF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 160.00

455 Portugal-Mozambique
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1936 (25 Ago) Deira - USA, NY, Syracuse (29-30 Sept). Registered multifkd envelope at 3.75 esc rate. Incl 1.40 + 2.00 escudo stamps. Tied hexag ds "CHINESE business in Mozambique" XF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 160.00

456 Portugal-Mozambique
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1941 (19 April) Beira - S. Rhodesia, Umtali (21-24 Apr) Fkd arrival censored envelope, 80 cts rate, with label + triagular "8" violet cachet. VF+.      Fine
Final value:  $ 85.00

457 Portugal-St.Thome E
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1930 (31 March) GPO - Switzerland, Amriswil (29 April) Registered multifkd Ceres issue env + (x2) T-labels used at St., Tied cds. Via Lisboa (26 April) Lovely condition and most unusual item. Exhibition condition.      Fine
Final value:  $ 900.00

458 Portugal-St.Thome E
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1930 (9 April) S. Thome - Switzerland, Amriswil (29 April) Registered multifkd front + reverse envelope bearing Ceres + Multa S. Thome as regular postage + "Registrada" ovptd issues. Outstanding rarity in prestige conditon. Most mail from ST is often dama     Fine
Final value:  $ 900.00

459 Russia
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1895 (7-10 April) ZEMSTOS. Belebei - Gorod Wolsk. Regional Post. Fkd env Russia 7 kop blue on reverse + 2 kopec blue Belebejewskaja Sdanaja Semskaja Post. Both tied cds. Fine combination in good condition.      Fine
Final value:  $ 451.00

460 Russia
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1899 (20/28 April) Zemstos. Saratow - Astrachan (21 April) Local regional post. Fkd env. 7 kop blue + krasnoufimskaja Semskaja post 2 2kopec both tied cds. VF combination. Stamps on front of cover.      Fine
Final value:  $ 451.00

461 Russia
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1904 (31 July) Reverse fkd envelope addresed to Pakistan, Ungur, Shikarpur. Sind Pronne. Okop blue rate. Envelope address written in 4 languages: English, Sindhi, urdu and russian. Most unusual with four writings.      Fine
Final value:  $ 220.00

462 Russia
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1905 (3-16 January) Moscow - Ethiopia, Addis Abeba. Via Marseille (21 January) Registered multifkd printed with proper message. Via Djibouti, Africa. 14k rate. Extraordinary item. Fine destination. Rarity.      Fine
Final value:  $ 1600.00

463 Russia
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1906 (20 Nov) Registrated local multifkd envelope. Beauty stamp of 7 of 3 kop red, tied cds + arrival. 21 kop rate inc. Registrated free VF item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 360.00

464 Russia
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1910 (1 Feb) 8 Kop rose rate (4kx2) . Benekarepeetobeva groang. VF local usage. Arrival cds.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

465 Russia
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1913 (16 Jan) Kapemkoh - Pokoonkony. Registrated reverse multifkd 1kop orange (x14) includes block of 12, tied cds. Espectacular multiple franking.      Fine
Final value:  $ 140.00

466 Saudi Arabia
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1949 (4 April) Dhahran - Denmark, Copenhagen. "Via BOAC" (xxx/R) Air multifkd env, bilingual cds. VF scarce early air cachet for this service in the country.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

467 South Africa
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1900 (29 Jan) L Marques - ZAR (30 Jan - 2 Feb) Boer War Durban - Amersfoort. Fkd used from neutral Portuguese Mozambique with ZAR censorship pink label.      Fine
Final value:  $ 180.00

468 South Africa
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1901 (November 17) Boer War. Ceylon POW camp. Swedish internee. Ragama - Stockholm photo view card. Written in Svenska local lady, Western dressed. VF + scarce.      Fine
Final value:  $ 260.00

469 South Africa
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1930 (11 July) Durban - Norway, Oslo (7 Aug). Elephant ilustrated fkd env frd rate + taxed 15c + reverse. Norwegian postage due (x3), tied arrival cds. Great rarity combination, which will show great if opened out.      Fine
Final value:  $ 180.00

470 South Africa
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1933 (June) Joburg - DSWA, Windhoek (9 June 33) Multifkd env, ct 4d rate. TPO auxiliary cachet. "RAILWAY letter Post" VF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 240.00

471 E-Prefilatelia
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1813 (3 Aug) Figueras - Perpignan. Ocupación Francesa. Marca en Rojo "132-FIGUERES" (xxx) Bonita y completa. Escasa.      Fine
Final value:  $ 300.00

472 E-Prefilatelia
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
c. 1823. P. A bis P. / Arm d'Espagne - Francia. Envuelto de carta S/F con marca de origen y "6L" cargo al dorso. Preciosa.      Fine
Final value:  $ 110.00

473 E-Prefilatelia
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1823 (23 April) Invasion de 100.000 hijos de San Luis. Burgos - Francia. Arm d'Espagne / 1er CORPS. Carta completa con texto con cargo. Escasa de esta ciudad.      Fine
Final value:  $ 375.00

474 E-Isabel Ii
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1851. 8º 2rs naranja. Tarjeta postal original del XIX cromolito de Alemania mostrando un 2rs siendo cuidado por una enfermera en una cama de hospital. TP circulada en Italia. Rara en buen estado.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

475 E-Alfonso Xiii
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1893 (27 Sept) 227º Salamanca - Alemania, Freiberg (30 Sept) Bonito sobre certificado con rarísimo franqueo isolado del 1 peseta pelon matasello certificado. El último que subasto hace 16 años realizó 2000$!      Fine
Final value:  $ 480.00

476 E-Alfonso Xiii
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1905 (29 Julio) 242º Las Palmas, Canarias - Alemania, Munster (9 Ago) E postal de Togo, Colonia Alemana con envio certificado desde España y con transitos por Nigeria Tanganica y Cameroun. Pieza espectacular circulada.      Fine
Final value:  $ 211.00

477 E-Enteros Postales
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1918 (1 May) Barcelona - Suiza. Reexpedida a Danzig. EP 10 cts naranja; num. d 776 644 con nuevo sello suizo de 10c rojo para envio a destino final. Bonita y rara combinación.      Fine
Final value:  $ 360.00

478 E-Alfonso Xiii
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1923 (2 Oct) 276º (x2) Eibar, Vizcaya - Alemania, Speyer (70 ct) Precioso sobre certificado, matasello violeta. Lujo.      Fine
Final value:  $ 85.00

479 E-Correo Aereo
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1930 (22 Aug) Madrid - Colombia. Franquicia postal Panamericana. Correo consular + sellos, Colombia Gold currency foreign issue 15c verde pareja. Aplicado en Madrid. Pieza rarísima. Al dorso etiqueta Muller tipo 24. La tarifa 30c pagaba el transporte de c     Fine
Final value:  $ 150.00

480 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
c. 1937 - 8. Soria - Italia. Sobre con franquicia con etiqueta censura SORIA + Via aerea. Escasa y bonita.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

481 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1940 (12 Junio) Madrid - Francia. WWII. Carta con franquicia militar (?!) circulada al frente frances en Alemania con censura de salida (exiliado republicano?) Julio Tardieu. Muy interesante.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

482 E-Correo Aereo
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1941 (15 Nov) Tenerife, Canarias - Alemania via Madrid (20 Nov) Sobre con franqueo y doble censura con rarisima etiqueta "IBERIA/POR AVION/TENERIFE" (xxx/RRR) impresaazul, blanca y negra. NOTA: Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, el servicio aleman a Sudam     Fine
Final value:  $ 220.00

483 Cuba
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1834 (31 Oct) Habana - Madrid (15 Dic) EL full text stline tied "DE YNDIAS" + "5rs". Muy bonita.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

484 Cuba
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1899 (22 Sept) Sancti Spiritus - Bejucal. Via Habana. US administration period. Cuba ovptd fkd envelope. Addressed to General Maximo Gomez, Libertador.      Fine
Final value:  $ 220.00

485 Cuba
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1901 (19 July) Havana local fkd env, taxed with US period p due ovptd 1c de peso + fax mark. Addressed to General Maximo Gomez. Very scarce.      Fine
Final value:  $ 220.00

486 Cuba
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1930. Special Airmail Cuba - USA - Salvador. Mixed air fkd env. Habana - Salvador (7 Dec) Via Miami. Rare comercial combination cover      Fine
Final value:  $ 140.00

487 E-Fernando Poo
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1906 (28 Marzo) Santa Isabel - Germany, Wiesbaden. Sobre certificado con envio de valores declarados por 200 pesetas, pero no aceptado en esta colonia y con franqueo multiple. Sellos de Elobey - Guinea y Fernando Poo. Muy rara. Via Liverpool (28 Abril).      Fine
Final value:  $ 950.00

488 Puerto Rico
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1900 (5 May) San Juan P.R. Correo oficial. Carta sin franqueo con postage dues sobrecargados. 2c. Adjuntas. Nice.      Fine
Final value:  $ 226.00

489 Puerto Rico
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1900 (9 May) Sales Correo oficial. Carta sin franqueo con postage dues sobrecargados. Dos 2c pareja vertical. Matasello corcho provisional. Manati. 5 min. Muy bonito.      Fine
Final value:  $ 226.00

490 Straits Settlements
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1932 (21 Dec) Sing - Denmark, Odense (2 Jan 33) Fkd airmail env; comercial PERFIN E.A.G, at 62 cents rate. Via Alor Star - Amsterdam / KLM. Lovely item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 110.00

491 Straits Settlements
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1933 (20 July) Sing - Germany, Lübeck (14 Aug) 2c green KG V stationary card + 4c adtl, with diff arrival cachets. Fine.      Fine
Final value:  $ 135.00

492 Straits Settlements
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1937 (10 Aug) Sing - Switzerland, Davos. Via Marseille (18 Aug) Air multifkd inc 1937 coronation issue, mixed. Comercial. Fine 42c rate. Attractive.      Fine
Final value:  $ 140.00

493 Straits Settlements
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1939 (9 Nov) Singapore - Norway, Oslo (24 Nov) Via Imperial Airways. Air multifkd, censored at origin + GB. Late flight for this air Company and quick trip. Stamp ase PERFIN B&Cº. Fine item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 71.00

494 Sudan
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1931 (11 March) Juba - Austria, Salzburg. First flight JUBA - London. Via Cairo - Wien. Special cachet. Multifkd registered envelope.      Fine
Final value:  $ 140.00

495 Sudan
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1939 (13 Sept) El Gineina Fort - France, Bourgoin (13 Nov) Via Khantourn - Shellal - Haifa TPO. Registered multifkd env + Sudan censored green label + "2" triangle. Well transited + village usage. VF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 350.00

496 Sudan
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1942 (21 May) POW mail. Sudan Internee multifkd air envelope. Red Cross + air red cachets "Posta Aerea, POW, Via Chiasso - Sofia - Gerusaleme" (xxx/RR) + arrival Sudan green label, tied "6" triangle extraordinary exhibition item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 900.00

497 Sweden
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1879 (16 May) Stockholm - Uddevalla. Fkd pim prices last. 3 ore bister, cds. VF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 160.00

498 Sweden
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1940 (29 Aug) Stockholm - Australia, Sydney pm papers, air multifkd envelope. Routed via Cairo, Egypt ont of Nazi control. Scarce way.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

499 Sweden
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1940 (29 Oct) Stockholm - Australia, Sydney. Air pm papers. Multifkd envelope, transit + arrival. Routed via Cairo, Egypt. Rare routing not controlled by nazis.      Fine
Final value:  $ 145.00

500 Sweden
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1941 (10 Feb) Via Egypt airmail. Stockholm - Australia, Sydney. Air p.m papers multifkd envelope, arrival censor. Routed air via Cairo (2 March 41) Egypt. Not controlled by nazis.      Fine
Final value:  $ 145.00

501 Sweden
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1943 (9 Sept) OAT Djusholm - Belgian Congo, Matadi (7-8 Dec 43) Air single 90 me fkd env + arrival censored envelope. Early days of British Air opening of African routes / OAT, after North African winnings.      Fine
Final value:  $ 425.00

502 Switzerland - Statio
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1894 (2 June) REPLY HALF. Netherlands, Arthem - Brünnen (3 June) 10c red reply half stationary card + 5c blue Netherlands Q.W, cds. XF + scarce usage.      Fine
Final value:  $ 360.00

503 Switzerland - Statio
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1931 (17 Dec) Basel - Mahé, French India, Malabar, British India, Chombala (4 Jan 32) 20c red ilustrated stationary card with arrival cachet on front alongside. Rarity. Tiny destination.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

504 Switzerland - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1935 (16 Aug) Zug - USA, Washington DC (Aug 23) Express mail single 90c fkd envelope. Reverse anual cachet. Very rare late non airmail service for Express. RARITY.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

505 Switzerland - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1937 (4 August). Geneve - China, Shanghai. Air multifkd envelope 2fr. 90c rate. Censured by AIR FRANCE. 10gr rate. Mixed issues + 2 arrival cachets. VF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 200.00

506 Switzerland - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1939 (6 April) Basel - China, Laolung, South (18 April) Free China. Air multifkd env via London - Singapore - Brisbane - Brindisi. + Hong Kong - Swatow. Transits on reverse + arrival. VF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 2001.00

507 Switzerland - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1939 (24 Aug) Chaux de Fonds - Cameroon, Krubi. Via Donala (30 Aug). Air multifkd envelope. Better destination + dual censorship.      Fine
Final value:  $ 110.00

508 Switzerland - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1939 (8 Dec) Chaux de Fonds - Africa, Cameroun, Kribi. Via Donala (17 Dec). Air multifkd, 70c rate. Air auxiliar cachet + French Cameroun censor mark. VF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 110.00

509 Switzerland - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1940 (16 Febr) Chaux de Fonds - Cameroun, Kribi (25 Febr) Air multifkd envelope. Via Air France-Geneva. Including block of four. Arrival censored. Nice item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 110.00

510 Switzerland - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1943 (25 Oct) Zurich - Colombia, Bogota (21 Dec) Via Clipper - NY (13 Dec) with German nazi + Bermuda censorship labels. Most interesting + fast trip.      Fine
Final value:  $ 101.00

511 Switzerland - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
c. 1943-4 WWII internee camp at Switzerland. Fkd mail envelope, addressed to USA, NYC. Via Lisbone. Very scarce overseas usage. Unusual accepted without further franking depart + arrival censored.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

512 Switzerland - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
c. 1944. Romania. Internee WWII in Switzerland. Free mail. Camp. Niederrohndorf. Fine and rare.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

513 Switzerland - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1945 (3 July) Le Locle - French Cameroon, Africa, M´Balmayo. Air single fkd 80c. Pax issue envelope + French arrival censured. Interesting.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

514 Switzerland - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1954 (18 Jan) Zurich - Egypt, Alexandria (24 Jan) Registered air 1fr 10c rate + Arab censored envelope. Fine. Last short war period of postal. Middle East censor ship.      Fine
Final value:  $ 110.00

515 Syria
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1868 (Aug) French Post Office at ALEP, doble line blue postal cachet on fkd envelope 40c pair addressed to Smyrna. Turkey (25 Aug). Also on front straightline "ALEPPO" (xxx/R). Very scarce comb item + destination between overseas French post offices.      Fine
Final value:  $ 1400.00

516 Syria
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1920 (6 Sept) EEF. Halep - Yougoslavia, Jesenice, SHS. Registered fkd env 2p stamp, bilingual former Turkish cachet. Fine + rare destination + forwarding to Gorensko.      Fine
Final value:  $ 120.00

517 Syria
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1920 (1 Jan) Palestine issues. EEF. Damas - Egypt, Caire (4 Jan) National Armenia Union. Multifkd envelope biliingual Turkish period tied cds. Fine +      Fine
Final value:  $ 125.00

518 Syria
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1935 (24 May) Hama (Epicphanie) - Denmark, Hellrup. 4 piaster orange stationary envelope + 7 adtl stamp incl block of six on reverse, cancelled bilingual cds. Very scarce.      Fine
Final value:  $ 180.00

519 Syria
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1936 (22 Dec) LATTAQUIE. Fareed, Awad. GPO, USA, Quinter, Kansas. Ovptd issued multifkd ppc. Very scarce usage.      Fine
Final value:  $ 110.00

520 Syria
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1942 (1 July) WWII. Lattaquie - Deir Ez Zor. 30r. Military mail /OAS. Syrian South territories. Fkd env + "V" type censorship + several transits on reverse. Fine + scarce military internal usage.      Fine
Final value:  $ 165.00

521 Taiwan
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1939 (18 Jan) Taihoku - Germany, Berlin. Via Siberia. Hotel ilustrated Japan occup multifkd env, western type cancel. VF + scarce.      Fine
Final value:  $ 220.00

522 Taiwan
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1951 (8 Apr) Kaohsinng - Spain, Lerida. Fkd env incl Telegraph 0,40 c. Special stamp. Very rare detination + usage.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

523 Tunisia
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1926 (5 Feb) Bab - Buenara - Switzerland, Wintherthur (17 Feb) Registered value declared postal package receipt bearing high values Colix Postaux + fiscal postal usage. Incl 5fr pair. Rate 13 fr 80c.      Fine
Final value:  $ 220.00

524 Turkey
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1876 (Octob) Uayseri - Constantinople (29 Oct) Fkd env 4 1/2 piaster rate postage. Arrival in Constantinople a futher 2 1/2 piaster postage due also tied applied. Armenian comercial business, bilingual envelope written. Includes German rates explanation n     Fine
Final value:  $ 1400.00

525 Turkey
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1941 (15 May) IRAQ - HAWAII - CALIFORNIA, Pacific Clipper. Instambul - USA, NYC (5 July) Route: Baghdad (19 May 41), Transpacific Clipper Hawaii to San Francisco (July 1) and Transcontinental. Registered air multifkd envelope. Exceptional.      Fine
Final value:  $ 300.00

526 Turkey
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1941 (11 July) Yolcu Solonu - USA, Detroit, Mich (7 Sept) Registered air multifkd envelope, note "FIRST AIR MAIL" routed via IRAQ, Baghdad (17 July), Basrah (18 July) Durban, Natal (25 July), NYC (6 Sept) with South Africa censor. Exceptionally transited      Fine
Final value:  $ 375.00

527 Turkey
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1942 (14 March) Instambul - USA, NYC. Airmail multifkd envelope via Iraq - South Africa (instead of intended Via Egypt - Cairo route). At peak of North Africa German Campaign Libia advance eastwrds, it was unsafe for comercial aircraft. With Iraq + South      Fine
Final value:  $ 375.00

528 Turkey
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1942 (19 Sept) Instambul - USA, NYC (3-5 Jan 1943). Registered airmail envelope. India censor / double DHC-21 + DHC -350. Transit time 104 days as Pearl Harbour happened in between. Great WWII postal history item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 180.00

529 Turkey
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1943 (1-7 Oct) IRAQ AIR ROUTE. Instanbul - USA, NYC. Multifkd airmail envelope carried via Free French Lebanon (5122520 mns) censorship Iraq - India on wards with proper transits cachets. Exceptional WWII item.      Fine
Final value:  $ 220.00

530 Turkey
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1944 (13 April) Instambul - USA, NYC. Fkd air envelope via IRAQ - French free Lebanon - USA via Africa - Natal. With quadruple censorship: IRAQ + Lebanon (382645) + US (+ depart).      Fine
Final value:  $ 230.00

531 U.A.E.
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1969 (5 Jan) Fujeira, GPO - Greece, Athens (10 Jan) Air fkd env, Efimex 68 ovpt usage (The Olympics Mexico stamp exhibition) Superb proper rarity usage, proper circulation. Arrival cds.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

532 U.A.E.
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1971 (30 Jan) FUJEIRA. GPO - Greece, Athens (30 March). Registered multifkd front + reverse. Astronomy issue. Via Safat, Kuwait (27 March) Superb + transited.      Fine
Final value:  $ 160.00

533 U.A.E.
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1971 (28 Feb) FUJEIRA. GPO - Greece, Athens (30 March). Via Safat, Kuwait (27 March). Air multifkd registered envelope. De gaulle issue + Kennedy + Q E II + Rarity transit.      Fine
Final value:  $ 160.00

534 U.A.E.
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1971 (28 June) FUJEIRA. GPO - Greece, Athens (19 July) Via Safat, Kuwait (17 July) Multifkd envelope / Holy Virgin issue. Proper circulation + transit + arrival.      Fine
Final value:  $ 160.00

535 U.A.E.
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1971 (28 June) FUJEIRA. GPO - Greece, Athens (12 Aug) Via Safat, Kuwait (17 July) Air registered multifkd. Mohamed Ali boxing issue. VF. Rarity circulation, proper usage.      Fine
Final value:  $ 160.00

536 Uruguay
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1890 (8 Feb) Montevideo - Triest, Austria (2 March) Registered air multifkd envelope. VF. Commemorative issue.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

537 Usa - Inland
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1857 (May 18) Boxborough - Sharon, Mass. Fkd envelope 3 cts, good margins. Control Mans field / 22 May / Superb with full contains.      Fine
Final value:  $ 160.00

538 Usa
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1868 (7 Sept) MORMON mail. UK,Faversham,Leeds - USA, Great SALT LAKE City. Territorial period. Fkd env 6d lilac pl 6, tied 301 grill.      Fine
Final value:  $ 750.00

539 Usa
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1882 (10 Feb) Pascagula, Mississippi - Finland of Rusia, Abo (2 March). Via St. Petersburg. Transits reverse. 5c blue fkd envelope + village usage. VF.      Fine
Final value:  $ 101.00

540 Uruguay - Stationery
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1886 (11 Nov) Conton, Minnesota - Norway, Vestfjorddalen, 2c brown stationary envelope + 3 large ABN cdtls, 10 cts rate. VF usage.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

541 Usa - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1907 (28 Sept) Hecker, Ill - Germany. Transit reverse 2c red stat env + 1c green Franklin IMPERF vertical strip of three, tied cds. A very rare variety multiple on cover. High catalogue value.      Fine
Final value:  $ 110.00

542 Usa - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1915 (16 Sept) WWI Alaska. Wrangel - Finland, Helsinki (15 Oct) Fkd postcard via Russia - Siberia where censored. Very interesting routing.      Fine
Final value:  $ 110.00

543 Usa - Stationery
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1929 (Dec 6) COLOMBIA - ECUADOR. NYC - Ecuador, Guayaquil (20 Dec) Via Barranquilla (18 Dec) US 2c red private Procter & Gamble stationary envelope + Colombia Scadta 25c blue gold issue. Used. Fine. Scarce combination + addressed to third destination. Rar     Fine
Final value:  $ 120.00

544 Usa - Xx
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1938 (28 March) San Diego, CA - Denmark, Kristiansfeld (18 April) Fkd 1 1/2 c. Ppc, taxed + (x6) Danish postage dues, tied arrival cds in 2 stamps of three; 18c rate. Lovely multiple usage combination.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

545 Usa Airmails
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1929 (Dec 27) NYC - Colombia (6 Jan) London fkd 3c envelope + Colombia Scadta gold currency issue 25c + 50c tied Via Colon, CZ. (3 Jan). Colombia stamps applied in US. Very scarce item multiple usage.      Fine
Final value:  $ 100.00

546 Usa Airmails
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1930 (29 Apr) North Harnsburg - Colombia, Bogota (6 May) Via Barranquilla (5 May) Air multifkd envelope, 30c rate includes Muller air label type 18, MAIR CLM-B-7a (Berlin point) + Colombia Scadta 25c. Rate, tied gold issue. VF. Multiple air combination.      Fine
Final value:  $ 110.00

547 Usa Airmails
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1930 (April 15) NYC - Colombia, Medellin. Via Colon, CZ (21 April) and Barranquilla (22 April) air multifkd 30c rate usage + Colombia air Scadta foreign issue gold currency 25c (10c+15c). Cancelled in transit + Muller label air type 21, tied addressed via     Fine
Final value:  $ 115.00

548 Usa Airmails
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1930 (30 July) NYC - Colombia, Bogota (9 Aug). Via Colon, CZ (7 Aug). Air flown inside Colombia via Scadta. Muller label type 17. Gold currency issue 50c. Fine combination.      Fine
Final value:  $ 125.00

549 Usa - Hawaii
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1887 (25 June) Hamakuapoko - Norway 3c green stationary card. Via Honolulu. Fine usage + dest + village origin.      Fine
Final value:  $ 140.00

550 Usa-Canal Zone
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1929 (3 June) Cristobal - Bogota (12 June) Registrated air 17c. Overprinted franked envelope + taxed out + 30c. Colombia gold currency air issue. Registration fee 20c unpaid and charge at airmail. Very rare combination large legal size cover.      Fine
Final value:  $ 480.00

551 Venezuela
Cat. Nr:      Cat.Value:      Single / Used
1844 (3 May) La Guayra - UK, London (5 June) E depart red cds + 2sh 3d charge. + BPO red "La - Guaira" reverse ds. Very well.      Fine
Final value:  $ 125.00

Total lots: 551