Auctioneer Antonio M Torres
Antonio Torres Worldwide February Postal History Selection
Closed auction #60 - 395 lots - Closed 2017-02-12 18:00:00
1 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (31 Dec) Portugal - Brazil, Manaos (15 Jan 35) Special combination air flown envelope via French mails Casablanca / Marruecos. Reverse cds (5 Jan) Rarity combination usage.
Final value: $ 300.00
2 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1944 (8 June) Ivory Corst - French Cols. Bassanura - USA, NYC. Air multifkd multicensored OAT. Red oval cachet. Very scarce air cachet origin usage.
Final value: $ 110.00
3 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1960 (19 Aug) BANGLADESH - CANADA, Niagara Falls (Canadian side) Fkd pre - independence East Pakistan envelope with "OAT / FS" oval cachet. Fine + rare usage from this origin country.
Final value: $ 125.00
4 Albania
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1946 - 7 (1 Sept) Tirana - USA, Palos Verdes, CA. Cash paid (no stamps) with special "Per Avion" international mail cachet, on the very short period of lack of stamps.
Final value: $ 125.00
5 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1859 (13 Sept) Gibraltar - Algeria, Oran (16-17 Sept) EL stampless full contains via Espagne - Oran direct link + French Algerian censorship opening (decachetee) + signed by controller. Fiirst we see. Very rare. Shows great opened. Held by arrival post of Fine
Final value: $ 300.00
6 Argentina
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1870 (Sept 1) Buenos Aires - Dublin, Ireland (2 Oct) "Per Montego" Fkd env 10c (+2) pair via maritima + 3sh. Maritime charge. Fine scarce overseas usage.
Final value: $ 220.00
7 Argentina
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1876 (20 Sept) Buenos Aires, oficina maritima - Dublin, Ireland (21 Oct), Derrymore, Dalkay. Fkd EL 5c vermilion + France 80c Empire, with French Marseille (19 Oct) Etranger entry cachet "Per Savoie" overprinted carried by this route. Rarity combination.
Final value: $ 1200.00
8 Argentina
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1886 (4 Nov) Buenos Aires - USA, Me, Ellsworth multicolor fkd comercial envelope, early mixed issues at 12c rate, cds. Via NY (10 Dec). Gorgeous usage.
Final value: $ 516.00
9 Argentina - Statione
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1889 (Apr 13) Bs As. Buzonistas - Germany, Hamburg (13 May) Local 2c blue stat lettersheet + 3 adtls at 12 cents rate, cds. Very rare proper overseas usage for this card.
Final value: $ 160.00
10 Argentina
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1894 (22 Dic) Estacion Nueva Roma - Buenos Aires. Registered AR TPO reverse multifkd envelope with superb R-cachet, at 32c rate. Great usage.
Final value: $ 101.00
11 Argentina - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1924 (11 July) Comodoro Rivadavia - Germany, Leipzig (18 Ago) Registered multifkd envelope including (x2) block, of four + R-label very entry village usage. Scarce
Final value: $ 121.00
12 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1846 (15 Apr) NSW - UK, London, fwded locally (15 Nov 1846) with 1d red pl. 1840 - 1, tied grill. Mns maritime charges + doble usage inside locally "ship letter SYDNEY" red oval cachet on front + two diff. 1d GB.
Final value: $ 1200.00
13 Austria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1857 (29 May) Triest - Galatz, Romania (3 June) Stampless complete EL full text in Greek depart cds + triple "NACH ABGANG / DE POST" (after descriptive of the mails) mns tax. Fine scarce usage + Vapor.
Final value: $ 125.00
14 Austria - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (18 Oct) Wien - Macau (13 Nov) via HK. Multicolor local people issue registered fkd envelope VF. Very rare destination. Proper transits.
Final value: $ 150.00
15 Austria - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (15 Jan) Wien - Macau (11 Feb) Via HK. Registered multifkd env. VF usage + rare destination.
Final value: $ 150.00
16 Austria - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (14 Jan) Nazi Occupation. Wien - Macau, Portuguese China (27 Jan) Registered air multifkd envelope via Italy - Napoli (20 Jn) Hong Kong. Imperial airways via India.
Final value: $ 275.00
17 Austria - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (7 March) German Nazi Occup. Wien - Macao (17 March) Via Athens (9 March) - Hong Kong (16 March) Air multifkd env. Fine + rare routing (not via Siberia)
Final value: $ 240.00
18 Austrian Levant
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1908 (3 Dec) Jerusalem - Philippines, Manila (7 Jan 1910). Registered reverse 2 piaster rate fkd env. Via Port Said - Singapore (25 Dec, Christmas Day) Extraordinary rare destination usage.
Final value: $ 425.00
19 Bangladesh
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1961 (9 March) Tejgain - USA, Collage Park, Maryland. East Pakistan period reverse official multifkd env + taxed + "T" special due cachet "TEJGAON DACCA" Scarce and VF.
Final value: $ 100.00
20 Belgium
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1841 (10 Febr) Anvers - Portugal, Lisbon. Via forwarding agent on front "Shaw & Caffary, London" EL full text red cds + depart + PF + 5sh 4d British Maritime + 18 + Reverse 3.80 + 1.00 + 3.70 8.50. Interesting maritime over usage.
Final value: $ 100.00
21 Belgium
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1874 (19 Aug) Liege - USA, St. Louis, MO (1 sept) Fkd env at 30c rate insuff Due 8c via Ostende and New York (Aug 30) Fine transatlantic previous usage + pmks comb.
Final value: $ 161.00
22 Belgium
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1870-1 (28 Dec) Bruxelles - Spain, Madrid (1 Jan) E. fkd 40c rose + 20c blue cobalt + MIXED issues tied 60" romboid, cds alongside. A lovely and rare combination of two diff issues at in between period. XF.
Final value: $ 900.00
23 Belgium
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1884 (31 July) Anvers - HAITI, Port Prince (18 Aug) Via London (Aug 2), Southampton. EL full text fkd 25c bister, tied cds. VF used + destination.
Final value: $ 376.00
24 Belgium - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1919 (21 May) Bruxelles - Eritrea, Asmara. Fkd card + Via Mombassa, British East Africa (31 Aug) with Belgium + ERITREAN censorship cachets. Comercial + very scarce destination mails + transition.
Final value: $ 131.00
25 Belgium - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (17 July) Schaerbeck - Macao, Portuguese Asia (20 August) Registered multifkd env mixed issues incl. Universal Exposition + via Hong Kong + arrival reverse. VF Rarity destination usage.
Final value: $ 240.00
26 Belgian Congo
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1898 (26 Sept) Banana - Libreville, French Congo (1 Oct) - Banana. Doble 10c stationary card with correct coplet ont and returned trip usage.
Final value: $ 601.00
27 Belgian Congo
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1904 (12 March) Hbemko (29 March) Switzerland, Geneve (24 May) Via Leopold ville (10 Apr) 15c orange stat card, fine used.
Final value: $ 100.00
28 Belgian Congo
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1918 (10 Jan) Lisala, Kinshasa - France - Belgium / officer in Belgian Army. Manuscript "SM" F. Military service. Extraordinary rare usage proper military service + rate + usage by soldiers.
Final value: $ 100.00
29 Belgian Congo
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1926 (29 June) Boma - Belgium, Anvers. Registered air multifkd envelope via Casablanca. French Morocco (17 July) Fine French air routed item. Unusual showing route.
Final value: $ 125.00
30 Belgian Congo
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1942 (2 May) RUANDA - URUNDI. Usumbura - Egypt, Le Caire. (25 May) Registered multifkd (front and reverse) ovptd issue. Mixed URSS incl p. dues as regular postage, on addressed to MEF. Headquarters. VF.
Final value: $ 181.00
31 Belgian Congo
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1944 (7 Aug) OAT service. Blukwa, Djugu - Switzerland, Les Trembles. Air single 15fr fkd env with triple censorship labels. Via Stanlyville (17 Aug) with Belgian Congo St. Cirole text. XF + lovely usage.
Final value: $ 220.00
32 Bolivia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (18 July) Sucre - Macao, Asia (19 Sept) Via Hong Kong Bolivia - Paraguay Chaco War censor. Reverse red cachet. Estado mayor. Rarity + destination.
Final value: $ 475.00
33 Bolivia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939. Oruro - Macao, Asia, Portuguese Colony (20 Apr) via HK. Registered multifkd envelope, reverse color ilustratd label (ideal for singers . Speakers chatting Gum Sen sen + Justicia Social stamp issue on front. Rarity destination usage.
Final value: $ 275.00
34 Bosnia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1903 (9 Sept) Sarajevo - USA, ALASKA, Treadwill (Oct 5) Reverse 25c fkd censored usage envelope. Outrageous unique destination with arrival cachet.
Final value: $ 241.00
35 Brazil
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1888 (Sept) Curityba - Austria, Bohemia (14 Oct) Reichenberg. Registered D. Pedro 200 rs black stat env + 200 m lilac sml D. Pedro tied pair, oval violet town village cancel + R-cachets. VF.
Final value: $ 225.00
36 Bulgaria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1892 (11 Nov) Philippople - UK, London (27 Nov) Registered multifkd env 15c / 30c stamp horiz. strip of five tied blue cds + R cachet. VF.
Final value: $ 110.00
37 Burma
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1882 (Apr 13) Rangoon - USA, Brooklyn, NY (30 May) Registered 1/2a blue stat env + 4 adtl stamps on reverse. Fine and scarce usage. Appealing.
Final value: $ 300.00
38 Burma
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (7 Feb) Kenmenchine - MACAU. East Asia (26 Febr) Via Hong Kong. Registered multifkd env at 30 annas rate. Overprinted issue. Very rare destination postal link.
Final value: $ 220.00
39 Burma
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (8 Nov) Maymyo - UK, Hunts. Single fkd env + taxed + doble censor + special due cachet. Very scarce.
Final value: $ 125.00
40 Burma
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (10 Oct) Rangoon - Thailand, Bangkok. Air multifkd env, depart censor + arrival cachet. Better destination usage. Air link.
Final value: $ 160.00
41 Burma
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (March 15) Rangoon - Shanghai, China (Japanese Occup) Multifkd env + depart censored, envelope Missionary mail. VF.
Final value: $ 180.00
42 Burma
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (17 June) Rangoon - Shanghai, China (Japanese Occupation. Mission mail. Multifkd env + depart censor green cachet. VF.
Final value: $ 160.00
43 Chile
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1851 (May 1st) Gold Rush, Valp - USA, Upper California, San Francisco (8 July) EL full text with Panama forwarding ovtd reverse (shows great) "Smith & Lewis" + red "30" cents dep. By American steamer "Sea Bird" to Panama. VF.
Final value: $ 240.00
44 Chile
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1874 (4 Apr) Le Serena - USA, NYC (Dec 30) British PO Coquimbo C-40. Early EL with full text delayed 6 months without a reason for departure by Chilean Post Office (see cds + GB 6d grey large letters pl 10 + Chilean stamp + US/NY/US currency 10cts due + a Fine
Final value: $ 150.00
45 Chile
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1890 (8 Oct) Valp - Canada, Toronto (14 Nov) Registered via NY fkd env single 20c, cds + R-label.
Final value: $ 100.00
46 Chile - Stationery
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1891 (8 Ago) Nantuco - Valparaiso. Carta Tarjeta fkd second design stamp issue bearing 1c orange (x2) tied Tierra Amarilla. VF rare and desivable item
Final value: $ 180.00
47 Chile
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1896 (31 March) Santiago - USA, CA, S.Fco. Via NY (1 May) Registered AR multifkd env at 45c rate incl 20c pair. AR + R - Labels. Fine.
Final value: $ 160.00
48 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1931 (22 May) Stgo - Germany, Hamburg (5 June) Registered air multifkd env via "CANALZONE" (26 May) and NY (29 May) VF showing routing. Scarce.
Final value: $ 100.00
49 China
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1878. Sc 1/3º Dragon issue. First issue complete set FINE used. 1 candarin dark gren. Sc 1,325.
Final value: $ 1325.00
50 China
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1878. Sc 1º. 1 candarin green, mint no gum, well centrated, medium paper. VF Sc $ 600.
Final value: $ 600.00
51 China
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1878. 1 candarin green. VF used on thin paper well centred,cachet blue "Customs - Chinkiang" (Jan-16-82) (xxx) Lovely item.
Final value: $ 750.00
52 China
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1878. Sc 1º. 1 Candarin dark green fine used well centrated thin paper. SC $550
Final value: $ 500.00
53 China
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1878. Sc 2º. 3 candarins vermilion on thin paper well centered, cancelled customs SHANGHAI. Fine item Sc $450
Final value: $ 450.00
54 China
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1882. Sc 5º 3 candarin brown and red wid margins. Five cancelled Sc $350
Final value: $ 350.00
55 China
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1882. Sc 6º. 5 candarins yellow wide margins. Well centered, trivial minimal label paper flows on reverse, PEIPING cds. Very rare Sc $ 1,400
Final value: $ 1400.00
56 China
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1885. Sc 10/12º. Small Dragons. Complete used set with 103. Faltless fine opportunity Sc 350 $
Final value: $ 350.00
57 China
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1885. Sc 10º 1c green full OG well centered. Fine better stamp. SC $ 175.
Final value: $ 175.00
58 China
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1885. Sc 11º. 3 candarins lilac, blue cancel well centered. Fine Sc $120.
Final value: $ 120.00
59 China
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1894. 1c orange red VF used well colour. Sc $47,50. Premium stamp.
Final value: $ 50.00
60 China
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1897. Sc 47º 1/2c /3c. Fine used Shanghai. SC 40.
Final value: $ 40.00
61 China
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1897. Sc 49º 2c / 2c olive green fall OG. VF.
Final value: $ 50.00
62 China
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1897. Postal revenue ovptd issue. 5c 78º ibe cebt /3c Well centered, fine used 5c $275. Lovely stamp.
Final value: $ 275.00
63 China
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1897. Revenue ovptd issue SC 79º 2c/3c nicelly cancelled. SC $400. Lovely stamp.
Final value: $ 400.00
64 China
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1897. Postal revenue fiscal ovpt issue. Sc 80º 2c /3c used very well centered. Sc $350. Nice item.
Final value: $ 350.00
65 China
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1894. Japanese P.O. 2 Sen red Japan comm stamp with central "IJPO - SHANGHAI - MEIJI- 27" (xxx) Superb "on the rose" strike. Usual paper flow (1 1/2r at lower charge) Lovely item.
Final value: $ 150.00
66 China
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1900. Japanese PO Japan ovptd China issue. SC 19º central "SHANGHAI - IJPO - 10-May-10" Fine item.
Final value: $ 25.00
67 China
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1900 Japanese PO Japan ovptd China issue. SC 19º central Shanghai (IJPO) 10 MAY 00. VF.
Final value: $ 25.00
68 China
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1890 (22 June) Hong Kong Treaty Ports Hankow - Germany, Coburg (8 Aug) HK 3c brown stat card. Via Shanghai + HK BPO + arrival on front. Fine long interesting descriptive China text.
Final value: $ 200.00
69 China
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1904 (24 July) Hong Kong, China Treaty Ports. Woosung, Baosyan, River Mouth - Norway, Christiania (3 Sept 04) German China Germania card used from maritimal drive circulated with added HK 4c red cancelled Shanghai (30 July). Fine and scarce usage.
Final value: $ 750.00
70 China
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1907 (10 July) German PO. Tschinking - Tsingtau Military FM envelope, Komando "SMS Vorwaris" A very scarce Marine post local China usage with interesting ship reverse cachet. Fine.
Final value: $ 300.00
71 China
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1907 (24 July) Kharberie - Belgium, Louvain (9 Aug) China, Charbin photo view postcard, Russian franked + 4 kop + airmail cds. VF.
Final value: $ 300.00
72 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1907 (1 Oct) French PO, Chienfou - Germany, Dresden. Registered ovptd CHINA 10c sage France stationary card + 2 adtls, mixed issues. Fine scarce item. Via Shanghai French PO (25 Oct)
Final value: $ 180.00
73 China
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1910 (20 May) Hong Kong. Treaty Ports in China, Shanghai - Hong Kong. Registered 10c lilac stationary envelope, 4c adtls, oval cds. R - Label. Fine.
Final value: $ 240.00
74 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1916 (27 March) 1 Apr, 14 Apr - Tientsin - Austria (July, Aug 16) Exceptional trio of WWI POW Siberian covers to Wien, circulated before and after US enters the conflict. Via US Shanghai PO government postal history during WWI. A unique group carried by n Fine
Final value: $ 5000.00
75 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1917 (9 July) Taishan - Sweden, Stockholm Fkd ppc 4c junk via Peking - Moukden TPO + YUINAN + margin censor cachet. VF.
Final value: $ 185.00
76 China
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1919 (30 May) Japanese PO, Shanghai - USA, Rochester, NY. Japan 10sen China ovprinted issue, bilingual IJPO cds + Hoyokwan Hotel cover envelope. VF.
Final value: $ 100.00
77 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1921 (23 June) Chungking, South China Mission 1 1/2c blue junk stat + 2 adtls, cds. Via Shanghai + depart red mission cachet. Circulated to France, Sorgues. VF and appealing item.
Final value: $ 450.00
78 China
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1922 (1 Aug - 18 Sept) Japanese PO, ANTUNG - USA, OH, Loraine 1 1/2 sen blue stat card + 5 sen adtl, tied bilingual IJPO + taxed + Japanese + US auxiliary cachets + US auxiliary cachets + US to charge 6 cts VF + Rare item.
Final value: $ 1200.00
79 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1925. Chengton - France, Paris. Via Harbin (30 Jan 25) - Siberia. French Consular mail. Registered fkd env + R - label ovptd. VF.
Final value: $ 425.00
80 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1927 (22 Sept) Shanghai Uprssing. APO,British OHM GB fkd env to London, UK, Deptford. 1 1/2d China nali. Nice item + scarce.
Final value: $ 101.00
81 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1930s. Manchuria, Fushun - HAWAII, Honolulu, Catholic Mission 20 fm rate fkd env. Fine used + very rare destination mail.
Final value: $ 100.00
82 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (24 March) China, Macau - Germany, Berlin. Kityang, Swatow Baptist Mission, fwded to Macau where locally posted with Padroes issue. VF censored usage.
Final value: $ 160.00
83 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (2 Dec) Manchuria, Dairen - USA, Yonkers, NY. Registered parcel post Japan - USA (Japanesse Occup period) with R-Label + Chinese red cachet. Very scarce.
Final value: $ 375.00
84 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (5 May) Manchuria. Yenki, Chientao - USA. Willoughby OH. Fkd pm missionary envelope single 4c green cds fwded + bilingual violet cachet. Via Japan - USA" (xxx/R)
Final value: $ 100.00
85 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (28 March) Shanghai - France, POW Camp (23 June 41) fwded + via USA. Registered reverse + fm vichy regime fkd + censored envelope + returned via transpacific clipper. San Francisco 22.09.41 Shanghai. Exceptional historical postal document.
Final value: $ 1000.00
86 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (26 May) Shanghai (Japanese Occupation) - Poland, Krakau. German occupation via Siberia + Nazi censorship + retour (31 Aug) Fine and rare twice Asian + crossing mail. Jewish link.
Final value: $ 240.00
87 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1942 (7 Feb) Tientsin (Japanese Occup) - Switzerland, Geneve (28 Apr) Registered single 1 $ fkd env. Via Turkey, New British censored env. Rare item.
Final value: $ 240.00
88 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1942 (26 Oct) Johannenburg, South Africa - China, Chunking (15 Jan 1943) Air single fkd 2sh 6d env + South Africa censored label + derouted to Washington DC, USA. With reverse US consular China cachet + special CHINESE cachet. Via South Hemisphere. Very s Fine
Final value: $ 600.00
89 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1948. Octung. Shanghai - USA, CA, San Francisco (20 Sept) Registered arrival front + reverse ovptd multifkd envelope. VF.
Final value: $ 380.00
90 Colombia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1894 (Apr) La Antioquia Dept, Medellin - Switzerland, Fribourg (15 May) Multicolor fkd env oval lilac cachet. VF + scarce. Rarity usage.
Final value: $ 116.00
91 Costa Rica
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (17 March) San Jose - Macao, Asia (1 May) Complete wrapper single official 5c issue tied cds on pm rate to rarity destination with arrival. VF,
Final value: $ 140.00
92 Croatia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1863 (19 Feb) Austria - Ragusa, Dubrovik (Adriatic Sea) - USA, Cloutier Villa, Lousiana. Via Triest - Prusia (26 Febr) - New York (March 1) by British Packet. E fkd 15kr brown shield issue. (x4) stline town name + pen special cancel + tied NY. Fine and Fine
Final value: $ 1201.00
93 Czechoslovakia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (22 July) Gablonz - MACAU, Portuguese China (14 Aug) Via HK. VF multifkd envelope. Rarity destination.
Final value: $ 180.00
94 Denmark
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1895 (29 July) Christranso via Svaneke (30 July) - Germany, Berlin (1 aug) 5 ore green + adtl stationary card used from this TINY island between DK and SWEDEN, posted locally + cancelled transits on very fine destination. Very interesting postal history i Fine
Final value: $ 275.00
95 D.W.I.
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1904 (17 Dec) St. Thomas - Antigua, St. Johns Friars Hell(interesting place!). British Caribbe. Fkd view postal 2c + arrival cachet on front. VF Rare connection.
Final value: $ 275.00
96 D.W.I.
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1915 (26 May) Kingshill - St. Thomas (27 May) Local fkd env with addressee name and his details alt Frederik sted. 10b red date.
Final value: $ 200.00
97 Dominican Rep
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1887 (7 June) Pto Plata - Venezuela, Caracas. Via Sto Domingo - CURAÇAO (17 June) 10c orange fkd env, oval cachet. Scarce and rare destination.
Final value: $ 120.00
98 Egypt
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1912 (19 Sept) Pyramid, Port Taufiq - Switzerland, Bern (26 Sept) Fkd ppc + German sea post cachet + taxed + (2x) Swiss p. dues tied. Scarce combination.
Final value: $ 100.00
99 Egypt
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1916 (19 Dec) WWI POW Ras el Tui Camp. Alexandria to Camp POW nº 523. Ovptd stat card + censor blue oval cachet. Fine + scarce.
Final value: $ 220.00
100 Faroe Isl.
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1895 (18 Oct) Trangisvaag, Kralbo - Denmark, Kopenhagen (20 Oct) Fkd env 8 ore bicolor. VF and early scarce usage.
Final value: $ 550.00
101 France
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1795 (germinal 8) (30 Brumaire) Military mail. Marseille - Lambere. EL military cachets F + R + stline. Ordineauter de la 8eme Div Militar. M Lambert du Jura. Rare.
Final value: $ 120.00
102 France
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1795 (Germinal 12) (a 25 Brumaire) Villieres - Beaune. EL full text with 20 Army sur arroux + "20 saulieu" Revolutionary cachet. Very rare and XF.
Final value: $ 326.00
103 France
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1840 (23 Aug) Lyon - USA, New Orleans, LA. EL full text, red "New York ship 30 sep" Three cacheted + PP. Fine transatlantic usage + NY transit mail cachet.
Final value: $ 100.00
104 France
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1869 (25 June) Divonne - USA, NYC, Fkd env 20c empire 4500 romboid + cds + red NY paid (Jul 6) Nice small village origin of transatlantic usage via Paris (26 June)
Final value: $ 120.00
105 France
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1874 (11 Sept) Paris - Chile, Santiago. EL fkd 40c + 80c pair "1" star + ovals + Chilean "25c" rate and cheque. French and PP. Lovely usage.
Final value: $ 425.00
106 France - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (29 March) Paris - Macau, China (27 Apr) Via Hong Kong (27 Apr) Multifkd tricolor envelope usage + arrived. VF.
Final value: $ 100.00
107 France - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (12 July) Alex Cabbane - Macao, Portuguese China (25 July) Via Karachi - Hong Kong. Air multifkd envelope. Very fast trip. Fine rarity.
Final value: $ 180.00
108 French Levant
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1915 (14 Nov) Colodorf - USA, Lockpart, NY. Complete + reverse ovptd issue. Multifkd env. VF.
Final value: $ 70.00
109 Frc - Djibouti
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1901 (17-25 Febr) Djibouti photo view card Obock 5c (x2) blue cds. Addressed to Belgium (13 March) Very rare usage + destination. Hotel de France photo.
Final value: $ 240.00
110 Frc - Djibouti
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1901 (19-25 Febr). Djibouti - Belgium, Teluny (13 March) 10c Obock franked photo view ppc, blue cds + arrival. Camels photo. Very early card.
Final value: $ 220.00
111 Frc - Djibouti
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1944 (Apr 17) Cote de Somalis - Palestine, Jerusalem. Air depart censor + cds + British label KK / 34152 + French + cachet + A rare WWII postal history link
Final value: $ 160.00
112 Frc - Guinea
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1907 (15 July) Conakry - Switzerland, Berne (24 Aug) Multifkd env at 25c rate, cds + French octogonal paquebot.
Final value: $ 125.00
113 Frc - Madagascar
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (12 March) Majunga - Macau, South China (Portuguese Colony) 24 March 35 via Canton (2 March) Rarity postal link multifkd env + Via China connection. Superb.
Final value: $ 375.00
114 Frc - Martinique
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1880 (11 Oct) St. Pierre - USA, Gloucester, Mass. 4c lilac imperf pair Sage issue large margins, tied cds on unsealed pm rate envelope usage. Lovely usage.
Final value: $ 300.00
115 Frc - Somali Coast
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1916 (13 June) Djibouti - USA, NYC, Watertown (12-13 July) Registered multifkd censored WWII usage. VF + R-label.
Final value: $ 160.00
116 Georgia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1902 (28 Apr). RUSSIA - Georgia, Tiflis - South Africa, Natal, Durban - Registered reverse + front (x5) multifkd envelope carried via London (19 May)
Final value: $ 240.00
117 Germany
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1860 (24 Jan) Adelsheim - USA, Terre Haute, Indiana. Registered complete envelope fully transited via Bremen, charge + paid 20 + PD + further transits + registration cachets. A rare cash paid "2/32" registration transatlantic usage.
Final value: $ 1200.00
118 German States-N.G.Co
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1869 (16 July) Bremen - USA, NYC (Aug 1) EL full text fkd 2 kr blue BLOCK OF FOUR tied cds + red New York paid all + Franco + "2" steamer Hermann. VF . Lovely condition item.
Final value: $ 576.00
119 Germany
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1872 (4 Oct) Hamburg - Portugal, Lisbon (10 Oct) Complete prices list full text unsealed p. matter rate usage at 1/2 + 1/4 violet rate = 3/4 gr red steamer Norden + oval small "Franca" (xxx) scarce type + red PO (fully prepaid) VF.
Final value: $ 750.00
120 Germany
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1916 (12 Apr) Schiffspost. WWI. Sweden, Oskarhavn - Letirte, Hannover, Germany, German ship /topedoboat in Sweden waters. Interesting mail.
Final value: $ 110.00
121 Germany - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1925 (16 Apr) Munich - Macau (7 May) PM rate single 5 pf fkd env with arrival. Maritime mat. Scarce and fine with arrival.
Final value: $ 125.00
122 Germany - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (5 Apl) Pforzheim - Macau (28 Apr) via HK. Registered air multifkd env at 55 pf. Rate. Fine.
Final value: $ 125.00
123 German Col-East Afri
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1894 (23 Febr) Lindi - Dar en Salaenis (4 March) Germany 5pf green early precursor stationary card used at this lovely transit . Family related text. VF.
Final value: $ 85.00
124 Gibraltar
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (6 May) Gibraltar transit. Cleveland, OH, USA - Germany, Berlin. Giibraltar censor label + Nazi censorship. Fkd env incl 10c + 25 green pair. Air clipper.
Final value: $ 125.00
125 Great Britain
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1900s. Telephone stamps. 2 diff complete sheets of (12x) 1shilling stamps. Fine mint with margins.
Final value: $ 100.00
126 Great Britain
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1853 (Sept 3) London - Kirkaldy (3 Sept) E fkd 1841 2d blue letters I-J, very good margins, tied "10" grill. VF item.
Final value: $ 180.00
127 Great Britain
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1853 (11 Oct) Londonderry, Nortown, Ireland - USA, PA. East Fallowfield Chester Co (Nov) EL full text fkd 1841 GB 2d nueven margin, tied grill with squeezed doble "G" print via Boston - British pckt + 5c +5 cts red. Scarce.
Final value: $ 300.00
128 Great Britain
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1854 (Dec 29) Glasgow, Scotland - USA, San Francisco, CA, EL Via U States fkd single 1d 1840 plate perf 16, tied 159 grill + box name cds alongside + PAD maritime + 2sh 5d charge VF single 1d transatlantic + TRANSCONTINENTAL usage.
Final value: $ 501.00
129 Great Britain
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1868 (8 Oct) Liverpool - USA, Boston (22 Oct) Stampless envelope with depart "DD" ads + London red cds (9 Oct) + "Boston US Notes /22 Oct /21c" (xxx/R) on front. VF used transatlantic usage.
Final value: $ 150.00
130 Great Britain
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1872 (17 June) Exeter - USA, Chicago, Ill. (11 July) Fkd env 3d intense rose pl 8, grill 285 + cds + red Chicago aux packet. Lovely item.
Final value: $ 150.00
131 Great Britain
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1875 (July 1) West Bromwich - USA (July 13) Buffalo, NYS. Registered transatlantic fkd usage envelope bearing 3d rose pl 17 + 6d grey large colored corner letters pl 14, tied 868 + cds + red New York registered transatlantic usage.
Final value: $ 426.00
132 Great Britain
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1881 (25 Nov) Dublin - USA, Lock port. Via NYC (8 Dec) Fkd env 1/2d green (x2) 1d lilac 7 pearls type pair. Cds. Fine better scarce on transatlantic usage.
Final value: $ 115.00
133 Great Britain
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1882 (17 July) Cockermouth - USA, Chicago, Ill - Clifton. Fkd env QV 2 1/2d blue pl 23 "209" grill + US large ABN 3 cts green tied "9" grill. VF + combination.
Final value: $ 450.00
134 Great Britain
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1885 (31 Dec) Liverpool - USA, California, Stockton, San Joaquin County. Registered envelope fkd 2 1/2d lilac (x2), tied grills + registered "N.D." oval ds. Fine.
Final value: $ 126.00
135 Great Britain - Stat
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1890 (24 Oct) Paddington - USA, Elisabeth, NJ (1 Nov) Registered VR UPP 1d bluels. Illustrated commemorative + 2 adtls, incl 1 1/2 + 2d. Fine transatlantic usage.
Final value: $ 160.00
136 Great Britain - Stat
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1893 (25 March) Bradford, Yorkshire - Germany, Saxony, Bernstadt (27 March) Wine red 2d embossed QV stat env + adtls, cds. Lovely usage.
Final value: $ 100.00
137 Great Britain - Stat
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1893 (25 March) Bradford, Yorkshire - Belgium, Bruxelles (26 March) 3 1/2d yellow embossed stat envelope 3 adtls, lovely cds. Beautiful item.
Final value: $ 100.00
138 Great Britain - Stat
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1893 (June 2) Bradford, Yorkshire - Germany, Dresden (4 June) 1d rose embossed stat env + 3 adtls. VF.
Final value: $ 100.00
139 Great Britain - Stat
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1895 (21 March) Croydon, George St. - USA, CA, Francisco (Apr 8) Via NY (1 Apr) 2d blue registered stat env + 2 adtls incl 4 1/2d stamp. Cds.
Final value: $ 110.00
140 Great Britain - Stat
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1895 (22 Aug) Strand - India, Quetta, Baluchistan. Registered 2d blue QV stat env + 3 adtls, incl 6d, cds. VF used.
Final value: $ 100.00
141 Great Britain - Stat
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1896 (6 Jan) Bedford - Porto Novo, Dahomey, French Africa. 1d red stat adtl via Paris + Cotonou, Benin (28 Jan 96) Reverse transits. Better destination comercial usage.
Final value: $ 95.00
142 Great Britain - Stat
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1896 (14 May) Bradford, Yorkshire - Germany, Saxony, Lousigta. (16 May) 1d rose embossed stat env + 2 adtls, cds. Lovely usage.
Final value: $ 100.00
143 Great Britain - Stat
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1907 (3 Dec) Leeds, Ben Rhyddin - USA, Boston (12 Dec) Mass. Registered 2+1d brown stat env + 2 adtls + R-Label, tied cds. Lovely transatlantic usage from this neighbourhood.
Final value: $ 100.00
144 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (19 June) Treeton, Rotherdham - MACAU, Asia (20 July) Silver Jubilee single 1/2 d tied cds franked envelope at pm rate with arrival cachet. Very fine and better destination.
Final value: $ 110.00
145 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (30 Aug) Merton - Switzerland, Geneva. Air fkd, British + Italian censored. Early WWII derouted airmail via Peninsula - Italy. Short lived way + scarce.
Final value: $ 101.00
146 GrB - Britisth Levan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1920 (14 Febr) Constantinople - Malta, Copiscua (5 March) Fkd env 2 1/2d GB blue, cds + MALTA censor cachet. A better usage + destination.
Final value: $ 95.00
147 Grb - British Levant
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1923 (26 March) Constantinople - Switzerland, Geneve (31 March) Registered multifkd env 7 1/2p horiz strip of three ovpt issue, cds + R-label. Fine.
Final value: $ 100.00
148 Bc - Aden
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1892 (July 29) Aden - Hawai, Honolulu (21 Sept) Via Australia, Sydney (Sept 2) Extraordinary trans Indian + Trans South Pacific Ocean mail. India stat ovptd envelope + 2 adtl on 4 ammes, 6 piastes rate. Pmk + too late a likely unique route for Aden and th Fine
Final value: $ 750.00
149 Bc - Barbados
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1798 (24 Nov) War time. Bridgetown - French Martinique (British Occupation period) St Pierre EL full text endorsed "per Captain Odlen" (A British ship) Fine and most scarce XVIII inter-caribbean international occupation cover.
Final value: $ 1600.00
150 Bc - Barbados
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1912 (28 March GPO - Brazil, Porto Velho, Amazonas (2 May) Fkd view early color card 1d + routed via Maranhao + RED arrival cachet. Very rare destination inside river basin.
Final value: $ 160.00
151 Bc - Brunei
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (14 Oct) Brunei - Macau, Portuguese-Chinese Asia (30 Oct) With revivial cachet. Correct 12c rate multifkd envelope. VF + rare destination.
Final value: $ 300.00
152 Bc - Cameroun
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1951 (3 Oct) Nigeria used at Karumba - USA, Chicago, Ill. Registered air multifkd env (19 Oct) incl 1sh 3d + 1 1/2d (x6) + R-cachet. VF.
Final value: $ 161.00
153 Bc - Ceylon
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1891 (25 Sept) Kandy - New Zealand, Wellington (26 Oct) Invercargill. Rubber business 3c lilac stat card + ovptd 2c adtl grill + cds. Fine + destination.
Final value: $ 110.00
154 Bc - Ceylon
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1896 (2 Apr) Kandy - France, Montauban (24-26 Apr) Registered 5c blue stationary envelope 6 adlts, tied grill "C". VF nice item.
Final value: $ 330.00
155 Bc - Ceylon
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1902 (21 May) POW Boer War mail camp. Welikada - USA, NY city (23 June) Registered 6c red stat card + 2 adtls. Via London (13 June) + oval censor cacheet. XF item.
Final value: $ 1250.00
156 Bc - Cook Is.
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1893 (7 June) Rarotonga - UK, Wales, Cardiff. (20 July) Registered. Government envelope four color fkd usage envelope. Via Auckland (16 June) London (19 June). VF.
Final value: $ 480.00
157 Bc - East Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1905 (6 Nov) Mombasa - South Africa, Natal (23 Nov) 1d red stat card. Via Schroeders - Pietermantzburg - Noodsberg. All transits on front. Fine item.
Final value: $ 100.00
158 Bc - Gold Coast
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1894 (23 Dec) Akropong - Ada (28 Dec) 1/2d green early stat card. Well transited. VF.
Final value: $ 160.00
159 Bc - Gold Coast
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1895 (13 Sept) Odumasie - Switzerland, Zurich (12 Oct) 1/2d green stat card + adtl. Via Accra - Liverpool (11 Oct) VF proper early mail.
Final value: $ 200.00
160 Bc - Gold Coast
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1898 (9 Sept) Ada - Switzerland, Zurich (12 Oct) 1/2d green stat card + adtll. Via Accra - Liverpool (11 Oct). VF proper early mail.
Final value: $ 140.00
161 BC - Gold coast
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1899 (9 May) Ada - Switzerland, Zurich. Via Accra (May 11) 1d red stat card. Fine used. Scarce origin.
Final value: $ 160.00
162 Bc - New Guinea
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (6 Jan) Wau - Patts Point, Sydney. Australia Air single 5d bird fkd env. This village was much the WWII battle point. VF item.
Final value: $ 180.00
163 Bc - Nyassaland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1941 - 2- WWII On service free mail, stampless Unit US 88 addressed to Zomba Nyassaland + C of S mission. Blantyre. Interesting scarce postal history item.
Final value: $ 100.00
164 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1902 (7 Apr) Qwelo, Matabeleland - Capetown OHMS fkd 2d rate env + Cape censor. Fine used.
Final value: $ 300.00
165 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1904 (22 Jan) Luatele. Masohsland - Switzerland, Geneve (13 March) 1d red stat card via Lealui - Livingstone - Bulawayo (20 Febr) - South Africa. Early Missionary stablishment. Rare and fine.
Final value: $ 1600.00
166 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1910 (3 June) Umvuma - UK, Bath (25 June) Via Southampton, Qvelo (4 June) Ovptd issue 2 1/2d fkd env. Fine village usage.
Final value: $ 100.00
167 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (14 June) Salisbury - China, Shanghai. Air multifkd env incl Waterfall issue at 11d rate. Via Hong Kong (23 June) + arrival Japanese occupation China cachet. Fine + better destination very scarce seals. WWII routing usage.
Final value: $ 180.00
168 Bc - Somaliland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1948. MEF / EAF. Mogadisho - BTE / MELF. Air forces airmail. Fkd envelope. 2d ovptd + blue cds + censor cachet BM. Fine + scarce.
Final value: $ 140.00
169 Bc - Swa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1917 (14 Apr) German POW mail. Comander Camp POW cachet, doble depart censor cachet addressed card to Germany, Tagenkerben. Fine card usage showing all cachets.
Final value: $ 300.00
170 Bc - Swa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1919 (29 Sept) Outjo - Germany, Siegmar. 1d red stat card, cds + doble censor cachet, VF family related long text usage. Great appeal.
Final value: $ 300.00
171 Bc - Trinidad
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1904 (Apr - May) MEXICO - Port Spain - CANADA, Montreal. Via British Guyana (13 May) - New York (15 Apr) Comercial fkd env + forwarded with new 1d red, cds. Lovely rarity combination.
Final value: $ 400.00
172 Greece
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1896 (19 Nov) Piree - Spain, Madrid (8 Dic) Registered 5 lepta black + 5l + 20l adtl on 30l rate, cds + via Paris + retour label + aux one. Very rare rate + destination with retur Spanish cachet.
Final value: $ 600.00
173 Greece
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1900 (10 Nov) Peiraiege - Denmark (28 June) Multifkd view ppc with rare franking 2lepta small Hermes perforated STRIP OF FIVE, tied cds. Very rare item.
Final value: $ 360.00
174 Guatemala
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1913 (30 Sept) Early postage due cachet charge. "30c" US fkd env. USA,Clinton, Iowa - Guatemala City 2c US + taxed + arrival cachet (RRR) Very rare so. Shows very nice. Rarity seen.
Final value: $ 100.00
175 Haiti
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1897 (30 March) Jeremie - Port au Prince. Local fkd envelope bearing perf Palms issue 1c lilac horiz pair, tied cds. VF.
Final value: $ 100.00
176 Honduras
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1891 (Nov) Yuscaran - Germany, Sachsen, Dohlen. Via NO - NY. Early 3c red stationary card Very rare used.
Final value: $ 115.00
177 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1890. Hong Kong 1cent green stat card, SPECIMEN ovpt. Scarce and fine.
Final value: $ 120.00
178 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1905. Victoria - USA, Redlands, CA. Bilingual used cacheted multifkd env at 30c rate. Spectacular.
Final value: $ 125.00
179 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1910 (Sept 3) Macau - Hong Kong (5 Sept) Bisected 6 avo 4 avo. Not valid + taxed + Hong Kong cachet. "DLO-Hong Kong" (Dead letter office + PROHIBITED. Both on front. Very scarce marks.
Final value: $ 551.00
180 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (21 Dec) GPO - Macau (21 Dec) Local fkd env sig 10c lilac / yellow with black type cds depart cachet.
Final value: $ 145.00
181 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (17 Jan) GPO - Macau (17 Jan) Local fkd env 5c lilac, cds. Fine usage.
Final value: $ 110.00
182 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (3 March) GPO - Macau (3 March) Illustrated registered fkd envelope, circulated ar arrival fkd 25c violet + R-label (type C) imperforated VF.
Final value: $ 160.00
183 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (7 May) HK-A (post office branch) - Macau (8 May) Registered 30c yellow fkd single stamp, cds + R-label perf type A. 4 red wax seals on reverse. VF.
Final value: $ 425.00
184 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (5 Sept) GPO - A - Macau (6 Sept) Registered multifkd env at 25c rate with arrival + early R-label type A.
Final value: $ 275.00
185 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (19 Nov) GPO - MACAU (20 Nov) Registered local multiple env at 60c rate incl 50c yellow. Very unusual local high rate usage and VF.
Final value: $ 150.00
186 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935. GPO - Macau. Jubilee 10c single fkd env. Local comercial rate. Fine.
Final value: $ 110.00
187 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (23 Dec) Victoria - Macao (24 Dec) Local small envelope reverse single Jubilee 5c stamp, cds. VF and scarce 50.
Final value: $ 220.00
188 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (22 May) GPO - Macau (23 May) Coronation illustrated fkd env 4c + 1c x/R with violet stamps margin border with sheet number. A fine rare usage.
Final value: $ 160.00
189 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (17 Dec) Kowloon Tong - Wuchow, China. First flight. CNAC. Airways tied, Multifkd envelope + 12 cachet. VF.
Final value: $ 270.00
190 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (17 Dec) Kowloon Tong - Kwenliu, China. First flight CNAC. Airways direct. Multifkd registered envelope. Coronation issue + 12 cachets. VF.
Final value: $ 270.00
191 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (7 Jan) GPO - MACAU (7 Jan). Registered tied envelope at 55c rate incl 50c. Very unusual local high rate.
Final value: $ 150.00
192 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (5 Aug) GPO - Macau (5 Aug) 2 diff King issues mixed franking. George VI + Edward VIII. Registered fkd env at 45ct rate. Very rare. Complete cover.
Final value: $ 300.00
193 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (28 Aug) GPO - MACAU (29 Aug) Registered local multifkd env 15c (x3) at 45c rate. A late usage for a non-censored pre-WWII usage to a foreign destination. Fine.
Final value: $ 140.00
194 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1945 (5 Oct) Victoria - Macau (6 Oct) The Early post WWII. General post office opening a single 8c fkd envelope, with arival cachet with reverse extraordinary rare Japanese central (crossed out or censored) cachet. Fine early mail. Very rare.
Final value: $ 500.00
195 Hungary
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1859 (7 Sept) PEST - Salzungen, near Leipzig. Sachsen, Germany. Registered front + reverse fkd Austria 10 + 15kr, cds with proper registration depart + Prusian transit cachets. VF.
Final value: $ 275.00
196 Hungary
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1920 (Nov 2) Nagy - Varad - Wien, Austria. Registered 10 fkd stat card + four adtls pre cancelled + tied R-Label. Fine used. Censored + Occupation issue.
Final value: $ 100.00
197 Hungary
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (3 June) Hungary, Budapest - Macau, Portuguese China, Asia (26 June) Via Shanghai (20 June) Hong Kong (25 June) Registered multifkd env via rare air China routing with transits on front. RRR.
Final value: $ 300.00
198 Hungary
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (30 Nov) Budapest - Macau, Portuguese China, Asia (8 Jan 33) Registered multifkd env. Very rare destination. Fine.
Final value: $ 180.00
199 Iceland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1911 (11 Aug) Akureyri - Germany, Berlin. Tricolor mixed issue fkd private Nsakap trip visitor.
Final value: $ 100.00
200 Iceland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946 (14 Sept) WWII. Germany, Hannover - Reykjavik, Eystei - Garosanka. Condemned censored envelope with allied special cachets. Addressed to Oskar Sarmundssen. Rarity postal history.
Final value: $ 220.00
201 India
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1843 (3 - 23 March) French India. Pondichery - France, Bordeaux (6 May) EL full text. Reverse red box Pondichery + proper charges + transit British India. Shows very well opened.
Final value: $ 300.00
202 India
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1912 (21 March) Mhow, Central India - UK, England, London (8 April) 1 anna blue stat card. Reply half used. Fine.
Final value: $ 100.00
203 India
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (2 Aug) Rabal Babti Agra - Macau, Portuguese China (27 Aug) Romantic illustrated colored multifkd. Silver Jubilee fkd envelope at 4 anna rate. VF + rare destination with arrival cachet.
Final value: $ 140.00
204 India
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946 (14 Dec) Bombay - Macau, Portuguese Asia Chinese Cologna (12 Febr 47) Single 9 piaster Xmas card Victory issue fkd env. Scarce single usage rate + destination.
Final value: $ 125.00
205 Indochina
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1867 (8-28 Febr) Saigon - Netherlands, Rotterdam (5 April) EL full text via French Maritimes paquebot + 3 mns charges + arrival "18" in red at reverse (***R) same ink as Rotterdam cds. A rare destination + origin mail link at this time.
Final value: $ 750.00
206 Iraq
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1922 (25 Apr) Bagdagh - UK, Kent. OAS airmail British Iraq Occup ovprinted issue + air label. Scarce item.
Final value: $ 140.00
207 Italy - Prephilately
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1794 (25 Sept) French Revolution. Sardinia Occupation. Nice - Aix. EL with full contains stline "Armer d´Italie" + "10" charge. Around Napoleon period of imprisoment in this town. Very interesting.
Final value: $ 240.00
208 Italian States - Sar
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1856 (18 August) USA, Washington DC - Spezial Kingdom of Sardinia. Stampless envelope carried by Ship Asia. Via NY - Prussian mail - Switzerland, all transited charges to destination with the extraordinary rare tied "Poste Sarde" postal tax label, tied to Fine
Final value: $ 4500.00
209 ITALY Papal States
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1858 (13 Feb) Roma - USA, NYC (March 7) Via Paris (17 Feb) Fkd env by 8 baj strip of four, complete fillets all around + several double tied red "New York 15c" cds + romboid + grill. Fine transatlantic usage.
Final value: $ 1600.00
210 Italian States - Sar
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1862 (3 Dic) Bergamo - Austria, Wien. Fkd EL by 5c green imperf + 20c dark blue perf. Tied cds + "insuf" box + "debito trintano centl." Stline. Very scarce.
Final value: $ 240.00
211 Italy Papal States
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1868 (16 Dec) Roma - USA, Baltimore. Maryland transatlantic multifkd tricolor usage, with "insufficient" + perf + imperf 80c (margin borders, 6 diff all three chalky paper, at 105 cent rate. Depart cds mns PO completed date (xxx/RRR) Via NY (6 Jan) a rare Fine
Final value: $ 2400.00
212 Italy Papal States
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1868 (24 Dec) Roma - USA, Baltimore, Maryland via NY (11 Jan) Four colour multifkd env incl perfs + imperf 80c, five fillets, tied romboid + dots "imperf rate" + French St. Michael entry at 115 cents rate + "Due 46" (US) Fine transatlantic usage.
Final value: $ 2401.00
213 Italy Papal States
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1859 (29 Jan) Roma - USA, Ohio, Yellow Springs via Paris (2 Febr) and New York (22 Febr) Fkd env 8 baj (x2 pairs) at 32 baj rate. Tied "British service" with aux + "NY 15cts" + "Marseille" cds.
Final value: $ 1600.00
214 Italy Papal States
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1863 (12 Oct) Napoli - Constantinople, Turkey (17 Oct) arrival French post office cds. Fkd EL full text with 40c red intense (x6) at 240c, tied cds + PD "Via Maritime Col Francese" Fine + scarce multiple usage.
Final value: $ 1400.00
215 Italy Papal States
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1867 (16 May) Roma - USA, Topeka Kansas. Fkd env 6 baj strip of three + 5 baj, all good margins (23 baj rate) tied grills + red PD + French transits. US "6" cts charge maritime. VF + scarce combination.
Final value: $ 1750.00
216 Italy - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1901 (15 Sept) London, UK - Roma (15 Sept) - Switzerland, Luzerne (16 Sept) GB fkd 5d perfin "A, B & C" + Italy 5c green BLOCK OF FIVE, cds on registration with countries combination usage + Kingdom. VF.
Final value: $ 100.00
217 Italy - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1903 (16 Feb) Mestre, Venezia - Rusia, Tiflis, Georgia. Registered early postcard with children smoking. Very fine and very rare destination.
Final value: $ 125.00
218 Italy - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1927 (5 May) Roma - USA, NYC (16 May) Registered multifkd env at 4,75 lire rate incl 2,50 lire stamp. Tied cds. Fine multiple usage.
Final value: $ 110.00
219 Italy - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (16 Feb) Bimillenario Angusteo. Torino, Rivoli - Macau, Asia (17 March) Single 25c green fkd env. VF + arrival cachet,
Final value: $ 160.00
220 Italian Levant
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1922 (14 Dec) Constantinople - Switzerland, Geneve (19 Dec) Registered Italy fkd overprinted multifkd envelope, mixed issues incl 1 lire, cds. VF + destination.
Final value: $ 150.00
221 Italian Levant
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1923 (14 March) Constantinople - Switzerland, Geneve. Overprinted large red 7 1/2 piastre Stamp, tied cds + better destination. Scarce on cover.
Final value: $ 100.00
222 Italian Levant
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1923 (13 June) Constantinople - Switzerland, Geneve. Multifkd env. Small name letters type a 30 iaster red 30 para on 40c brown (x2), tied cds. Very scarce + better destination usage.
Final value: $ 100.00
223 Italian Levant
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1923 (1 Aug) Constantinople - Switzerland, Geneva (6 Aug) Fkd envelope 7 piaster, 20 para overprinted issue, cds + taxed (x2) Swiss p. dues, tied arrival cds. Fine + scarce combination.
Final value: $ 160.00
224 Italian Colonies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (4 July) Eritrea. Addis Abeba. Macau South China (17 Aug) Via Masawa (17 July, Hong Kong (16 Aug) Multifkd env at 15c rate. Rarity destination + showing transits.
Final value: $ 160.00
225 Japan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1905 (Dec) Japan - USA, Brooklyn, NY. Exceptionally, illustrated + decorated color flags etc inside military Intervention. Russian - Japan War. Fkd envelope.
Final value: $ 160.00
226 Japan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936. Kobe, Japanese Navy Destroyer Murakumo - USA, CA, Bautista (13-14 Feb 1936) Naval on board registered fkd envelope special Navy label via Kobe + aux cachet.
Final value: $ 480.00
227 Japan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (16 June) Nippon Period. Osaka, Nishiku - Macau (3 July) Fkd env, 20s rate pair OUT of British censorship. Direct route ship. Rarity so anyway destination.
Final value: $ 241.00
228 Japan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1947 (8 Oct) Osaka - USA, LA, Hollywood. Multifkd commemorative fkd ppc, censored, better usage.
Final value: $ 121.00
229 Japan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1947 (18 Oct) Osaka - USA, LA, Hollywood. Multifkd comm issue ppc. Fine + better.
Final value: $ 133.00
230 Korea
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1897. Tae Han ovptd SC 10/33 5p + 10p used 25 pt + 50p mint. Sc $225. Very fine set.
Final value: $ 150.00
231 Korea
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1910 (5 Aug) KOREA - CHINA - SIBERIA. Seoul - Italy, Aguila (28 Aug) Via Siberia, IJPO Chanding / China (9 Aug). VF + better Siberian routing.
Final value: $ 221.00
232 Laos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (30 May) Vientiane - Macao, Portuguese China (8 June) Registered envelope multifkd. Via Saige (3 June) Hong Kong (8 June) at 38 cts rate. A likely unique postal destination by airmail at this time.
Final value: $ 300.00
233 Latvia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1920 (30 July) Leepaja - USA, CA, Bekele (27-28 Aug) Registered reverse multifkd massive 16 stamps (bid of 10 + stamp of 4 + pair) cds. VF.
Final value: $ 100.00
234 Lebanon
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1920 (11 Sept) French Admin. Beyrouth - USA, Brooklyn, NY (7 Oct) Registered ovptd issues incl some use. Multifkd env. VF American Garrage / Syria Auto Cº.
Final value: $ 150.00
235 Liberia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1870 (July) Monrovia - USA, Boston, Mass (Aug 11) 7d British cash prepaid enveloope via Liverpool Br Packet (30 July) + US 2 cents tied. VF and rare manuscript cash British prepaid.
Final value: $ 750.00
236 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Lot / Mint O.Gum (LH)
1900 D. Carlos "PROVISORIO" complete set. Exceptional group of 4 full sheets, complete/large blocks. 28 sets superb fine mint. Show exhibition item of the highest rarity.
Final value: $ 1500.00
237 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1920. Tax stamp Ovptd 2 avo pencil cancelled (fiscal). Fine used (Yang 1978 HK 7,000 mint) Very scarce.
Final value: $ 500.00
238 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1926. Exposiçao Industrial. 1926 12 avo Ceres very well centered mint no gum (as usual) local overprinted. VF and rarity value. (Sc 223 variety).
Final value: $ 1600.00
239 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1910 (15 July) GPO - Hong. Superb multibisected franked small envelope (x36!) front and reverse. Very rare so as all seen with this huge frankings are large covers. VF.
Final value: $ 300.00
240 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1910 (29 July) GPO - Hong Kong (29 July) Local fkd env 3 avo vertical bisected tied cds with steamer indicated endorsed "per SS Sui Tai" (xxx/R) Very few actually seen with steamer endorsement to HK.
Final value: $ 76.00
241 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1910 (13 Sept) Macau - Hong Kong (13 Sept) Lower part bisected 6 avo stamp, tied cds + unaccepted + taxed + arrival cachet "DLO - Hong Kong" (Dead letter office) + PROHIBITED. Fine + scarce cachet.
Final value: $ 611.00
242 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1911 (23 Sept) GPO - Hong Kong. Registered multiple envelope incl ovptd fiscal 1avo /5a stamp (x2), showing, 2 distintive tyes of "red bar" (sheet plating). VF.
Final value: $ 240.00
243 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1931 (26 June) Macau - Portugal, Leiria (13 July) Official Postal Macao Post office reception receipt franked Ceres 1 avo + 6 avo different issue, tied hexagonal ds. Very few postal document of this known circulated. Dots not affecting stamps.
Final value: $ 451.00
244 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (27 Apr) GPO local reverse fkd envelope bearing Ceres 1 AVO ovptd / 24 avo green issue . Strip of four, the central two stamps with BROKEN four point stats varieties. Fine and most unusual.
Final value: $ 300.00
245 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (27 Apr) GPO local fkd envelope, Ceres issues three diff together on same cover, including unique combination of 1/2 SAME half avo. Extraordinary rare and the only we have seen.
Final value: $ 500.00
246 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (27 Apr) GPO local fkd correct circulation with Ceres two different issues on cover 1/2 avo (x2) are perf 15x14 with 1 avo perf 12x11 1/2. Scarce combination even of diff values.
Final value: $ 366.00
247 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (12 Sept) Macau - Quelimane, Africa (3 Nov) via HK (13 Sept) and Goa, India (22 Sept) Special commemorative registered multifkd env / Ceres issue. 1 pataca. Special flight. One of 4 covers flown to this destination in this trip. Extraodinary and rare Fine
Final value: $ 1002.00
248 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (26 Nov) MACAU - INDIA, Portuguese Goa (Dec 3) First air trip MACAO - GOA. Fkd env manuscript signed by Pilot / Avion Dily. One of 102 covers flown with arrival cachet. VF and rare.
Final value: $ 1001.00
249 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (2 March) GPO - Austria, Wien. Registered multifkd Assistence ilustrated envelope via Hong Kong (4 March) 36avo rate. Front + reverse.
Final value: $ 141.00
250 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (27 Apr) Hong Kong - Macau (28 Apr) Registered multifkd env at 25c rate + arrival postal mark "AUSENTE" (xxx/RR) XF strike and very rare so.
Final value: $ 550.00
251 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (8 Nov) Hong Kong - MACAO (9 Nov) Registered Jubilee issue at 25c rate fkd env arrival cachet "AUSENTE" (xxx/RR) A rare postmark in SUPERB quality reading. VF (not available)
Final value: $ 500.00
252 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (Apr 16) USA, Cualinga, CA - Macau (28 Apr) Via San Francisco (21 Apr) Pacific Clipper First flight. Special cachet SAN FRANCISCO . MACAO. Fine and rare.
Final value: $ 240.00
253 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (28 Apr) Macau - USA. First flight three diff multifkd envelope usages with three diff parts of airtrip to Hong Kong, Manila, Philippines and USP. XF trio, in finest condition.
Final value: $ 125.00
254 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (28 April) Panam 1st flight MACAU - MANILA (25 Apr) on manuscript censored on modified envelope special cachets + multifkd env with proper arrival.
Final value: $ 125.00
255 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (16 Oct) GPO - USA, SF, CA. Reverse multifkd env at 20avo rate. VF.
Final value: $ 150.00
256 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1942 (15 Nov) GPO local Chinese fkd envelope local production + local Padroes print. 3 avo lilac. Very scarce WWII period mail, even internal.
Final value: $ 161.00
257 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1947 (7 June) GPO - Brazil, Sao Paulo. Air multifkd F+R incl local print with special early air cachet "Par avion de Hong Kong a London" (xxx/R) a very early usage cachet for this + "The office of exchange only" (xxx/RRR) Great post WWII early extraordina Fine
Final value: $ 300.00
258 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1947 (11 Aug) GPO - Brazil, Sao Paulo (19 Aug) Registered air multifkd reverse env incl local print via Hong Kong - Brazil air cachet (xxx/R) San Francisco - New York great early post WWII pacific air link. Via USA. VF. 8 days fast transit.
Final value: $ 300.00
259 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1951 (29 Jan) GPO - Brazil, Sao Paulo via Hong Kong. Reverse registered multifkd envelope. VF.
Final value: $ 140.00
260 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1951 (13 Dec) Macao - Brazil, Sao Paulo. Autografo Christams BF. 2 A pre variety postal format of air letter sheet with added, including franking at 80avo / rate + "PAR AVION - VIA HONG KONG" Very rare with long appealing usage.
Final value: $ 251.00
261 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1957 (19 Dec) GPO - local circulated 2 avo censored envelope. Rolling cancel with Christmas blue cachet "Help poor at Christmas". VF.
Final value: $ 76.00
262 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1959 (25 Jan) GPO local fkd env /flowers. Special Tuberculosis postal advertising cachet "to erradicate Leprosy" XF this type is very rare.
Final value: $ 125.00
263 Malaysia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1893. Penang - UK, London, Camberwell (10 July) Fwded rail cachet over to Paris, France. Multifkd QV ovptd stamp at 10c rate.
Final value: $ 375.00
264 Malaysia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1902 (10 July) LABUAN, Borneo. GPO - USA, Mass. South Lincoln. 3c green stat card + adtl ovptd stamp. VF rare. Proper circulation.
Final value: $ 600.00
265 Malaysia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1908 (3 Oct) North Borneo. Sandakan - USA, Chicago, Ill (9-10 Nov) Rgistered multifkd env at 20c rate, ovptd issue. Via Hong Kong (9 Oct)
Final value: $ 450.00
266 Malaysia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (17 May) Penang - Macau, Portuguese China (26 May) Single 12c blue fkd env slogan rolling cancel. VF + rare destination, route via Hong Kong.
Final value: $ 125.00
267 Malaysia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (8 March) Johore. J. Bahru - USA, Washington, Seattle. Multifkd envelope at 26c rate. VF appealing multiple usage.
Final value: $ 100.00
268 Malaysia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (20 Nov) North Borneo. Sandakan - Sandy Port, Newfoundland, Canada (Jan 12) multifkd envelope + depart label + censor cachet violet (RRR) which shows great. Ex Chris Miller. Complete censor label, previous reported only half.
Final value: $ 950.00
269 Malaysia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (20 March) Johore. J. Bahru - Ceylon, Rakwana. Registered multifkd censored in transit + envelope. VF.
Final value: $ 240.00
270 Malaysia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (10 Oct) Sarawak. Kuching - CANADA, Quebec. Single fkd env + doble Sarawak + Singapore censor cachets (different) Very fice + scarce item.
Final value: $ 160.00
271 Mexico - Stationery
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1884 (21 Febr) Matamoros - DF. Foreign numeral 3c red stat card + late Medalin 2c green oval blue cds on late usage at 5c internal rate. Fine scarce comercial usage.
Final value: $ 225.00
272 Mexico - Stationery
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1892 (14 July) Zacatecas - Germany, Gladbrach (4 Aug) Registered 5c 1.8c numeral stationary + 20c adtls, R - Label + cachet on 25c rate. Fine and scarce usage.
Final value: $ 180.00
273 Military Mail
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (4 Sept) GB Golders Green - Switzerland, Zurich, WWII early fkd env with GB + Itallian censor mail short lived routed via Peninsula - Italy.
Final value: $ 100.00
274 Mongolia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1910 (19/31 July) KIACHTA - Denmark, Svendborg. Fkd Russia 4 kop view photo card (Maimachin) written at this village inside. Mongolia close to the Russian border. Variety of potal history. Cancel Troitakosavsk.Extraord rare item.
Final value: $ 750.00
275 Netherlands
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1822 (18 Oct) Amsterdam - USA, Boston, Mas. El full text by paquebot of 24 Oct with reverse forwarding agent box "Maney Lathanm of Liverpool" on front red "ship-6c" Displays. Great opened.
Final value: $ 275.00
276 Netherlands
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (30 Nov) Amsterdan - Macau, Portuguese China (27 Dec) Via Hong Kong. Registered multifkd env at 42 1/2c rate.
Final value: $ 180.00
277 Curaçao
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1860 (7 Aug) GPO - Belgium, Bruxelles (29 Aug) Via British steamer. EL reverse red 15c charge + cds on front + 3 other mns postal charges. Fine with J. Van Linden certificate.
Final value: $ 272.00
278 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1869 (6 Sept) Anjer - France. EL full text red octagonal "Indian Neer." French paquebot. Fine.
Final value: $ 375.00
279 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1898 (19 Nov) Bahilang, Tebing Tinggi - AFRICA DJIBOUTI (20 Jan - 22 March 1899) 7 1/2 red stat card + outrougous rarity destination + "DJIBOUTI RETOUR" blue cachet (xxx) Via Aden `French paquebot.
Final value: $ 300.00
280 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1904 (July) Tui Badak - Gravenhague, Netherlands. Multifkd 10c ovptd to lilac stationary envelope blue box stline town cancel, fwded times. Fine + better.
Final value: $ 175.00
281 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1919 (28 Aug) Soerabaja - Ceylon, Colombo (31 Aug) Air multifkd env by KLM to Calcutta forward air transmission + Colombo censor label. VF + dest.
Final value: $ 167.00
282 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (22 June) Poerwokerto, Bajoemas - Macau, Asia (5 July) Via Hong Kong. Registered single 35c fkd env. Rare destination.
Final value: $ 110.00
283 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (9 Oct) Batavia - USA, NYC (8 Nov) Registered air mail censor machine fkd air aux cachet via Singapore + Transpacific clipper with Hawaii Honululu (Nov 1) reverse cds. One of last trips days before Pearl Harbour (?!) (6-7 Nov 41)
Final value: $ 240.00
284 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1947 (11 Aug) Batavia - Macau, Portuguese China (27 August) forwarded to Brazil, Sao Paulo. Private Chinese business card Tio Wie Goan. 10c rate multifkd with arrival transit + 2 / 3 round the world transit. Rarity usage destination.
Final value: $ 75.00
285 Nicaragua
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1870 (23 Sept) Leon - USA, NYC (Oct 18) EL full contains with great drawing + "US NY 10c" entry charge + repeat blue comercial cachet. VF.
Final value: $ 175.00
286 Nicaragua
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1873 (26 May) Grenada - USA, NYC (25 June) EL full text with US "NY Steampship 10c" entry cachet. Fine + early scarce with comercial addressee name on front (blue)
Final value: $ 185.00
287 Nicaragua
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1905 (6 June) Bluefields - USA, N. O, LA "B / Dpto ZELAYA" 2c red ovtpd tricolor card + taxed "T" Very rare proper usage + comercial.
Final value: $ 330.00
288 Nicaragua
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1906 (Sept) Cape Gracias - USA, NYC (13-14 Sept) "CABO" lilac ovptd at 25c rate multifkd envelope with depart comer addressed. Comercial fine and very rare usage.
Final value: $ 426.00
289 Nicaragua
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1907 (11 Ago) Metapa - USA, NY State, Buffalo 10c lilac "1907" overprinted + 2 aditionals, including telegraph stamp, oval lilac ds. Via Corinto. Fine and scarce used circulated provisional item.
Final value: $ 341.00
290 Nicaragua
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1908 (20-22 August) Prinzafolca - USA, San Francisco CA. Via Bluefields (24 Aug) and New Orleans (2 Sept) "B / Dept Zelaya / 5 cent" (x4) ovptd provisional issue, oval blue cds. VF + rare proper usage.
Final value: $ 361.00
291 Nicaragua
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1909 (22 Ene) Bluefields - UK, London. Via New Orleans (28 Jan) "Costa Atlantica B" provisional issue + "B" ovpt on 5c rate multifkd ppc. Comercial VF.
Final value: $ 332.00
292 Nicaragua
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1909 (11 Feb) Granada - Italy, Milano. Via France, Paris (12 March) Registered censored fkd env bearing 1 peso oficial provisional ovpt single fkd env. Fine and scarce item.
Final value: $ 291.00
293 Nicaragua
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1909 (14 Feb) Managua - USA, Buffalo, NY. Via Corinto fkd env provisional fiscal habilitado 75c blue 1c tied oval blue ds. Fine + scarce proper usage.
Final value: $ 280.00
294 Nicaragua
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1911 (23 Dic) Managua - Germany, Leipzig. Registered provisional fiscals ovptd 50c (x2) at 1 peso rate stamps pair. Tied cds + R-cachet + R-label. Fine and scarce habilitado issue.
Final value: $ 186.00
295 Norway
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1915 (15 May) Torvikbygdi - Alaska, Teeadwell, USA. Fkd env, 20ore blue cds. A fine better destination mail.
Final value: $ 101.00
296 Palestine
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1924 (30 Dec) Haifa, Carmel Avenue - Nebik, Syria (3 Jan) Ovptd trilingual issue fkd card. VF.
Final value: $ 100.00
297 Palestine
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (6 May) Petah Tigra - Germany, Berlin (15 May) Registered fkd env at 28 p rate, cds. VF.
Final value: $ 100.00
298 Palestine
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (23 Feb) Nahalal - Haifa (23 Feb) Atllitih (24 Feb). Local 3p fkd env + Palestine Government censor label + tied violet cachet. Not listed cancellation. Rarity.
Final value: $ 450.00
299 Palestine
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (20 May) Karkur - USA, Washington DC (28 June) Registered 8p red stationary card + BP adtl + censored + R-label + via NY. VF in Jewish language.
Final value: $ 220.00
300 Peru
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1875 (16 Oct) Tacna - Lima (21 Oct) Official Gubernativo envelope, depart + arrival cds. VF + scarce.
Final value: $ 125.00
301 Peru
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1877 (27 Apr) Lima - Puerto Rico, Spanish Caribbe, Guayama. Via St. Thomas (May 15) BPO exceptional illustrated envelope fkd Peru 10c green tied cork + Panama BPO (5 May 77) + red insuff. Extraordinary destination + rarity usage. A likely unique destinati Fine
Final value: $ 1800.00
302 Peru
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1886 (28 Jan) Germany, Goldberg - USA, Greenville. OH - Perú, Tula. Fkd env 10 pf red pair, cds. Taxed, Fwded with scarce postage due 10c ovtpd + validated tied oval blue "CONTADORIA" Despite its travelling wear a rarity combination.
Final value: $ 250.00
303 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1899 (13 July) Manila - USA, Kansas, Fort Heavenworth. US soldier letter 1c green stat env. Militar sta nº1. Fine.
Final value: $ 100.00
304 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (18 Dec) Manila - Macau, Portuguese China (23 Dec) Via HK. Registered multifkd env. Better destination + transits on reverse.
Final value: $ 125.00
305 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (20 Junio) Manila - Spain, Madrid (8 July) Air Transpacific Clipper single fkd envelope with arrival + TRANSATLANTIC CROSSING. Very scarce half round the world WWII trip,furthermore at 1 peso single franking rate.
Final value: $ 135.00
306 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1944 (28 Aug) Japanese Occup Period. Overprinted issues. Envelope locally Manila - Malolos with 15 diff stamps. VF.
Final value: $ 100.00
307 Poland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1916 (15 July) Germania Occupied Turek - Czarnowska. Ovptd 5 pf green stat card + censored + Polish 6gr p. due, tied special cachet. VF + better combination comercial and proper usage.
Final value: $ 160.00
308 Poland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (30 March) Krakow - Aden - China, Shanghai (5 Apr). Blue stat env + adtl on forwarded air sea mail usage with Port Said, Aden, Hong Kong (7 Apr) Shanghai (Japanese Occupation) Well transited on reverse. VF
Final value: $ 380.00
309 Poland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (6 Nov) Czenstochowa - USA, New York. Via Lisbon + Atlantic Clipper Nazi + British (Bermuda) censored. Fine postal history item, key historical period.
Final value: $ 100.00
310 Portugal - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (16 July) Anadia - Macau (18 Aug) China Portuguesa. Registered multifkd envelope including Luisiadas issue + Camilo comm. Stamp VF.
Final value: $ 240.00
311 Portugal - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (7 Sept) Ericeira - Macau (30 Sept) Via Hong Kong. Air multifkd envelope. Fine.
Final value: $ 110.00
312 Portugal-Inhambane
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1917 (15 Jan) GPO - USA, Olympia, Wash. Fkd env + Wartax, tied hexagonal ds + LM censura violet cachet. Fine and very scarce.
Final value: $ 225.00
313 Portugal-Mozambique
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1903 (14 Nov) L. Marqués - Switzerland, Ponts (7 Dec) 25r red stat lettersheet + 2 "provisiorio" adtls, tied cancels + transits. Fine usage.
Final value: $ 240.00
314 Portugal-Mozambique
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (28 Dec) Beira - Macau (1 Feb) Air reverse multifkd env. Via Bombay, India (11 Jan) mixed insuff 8,75 escydis rate, Very scarce + delayat INDIA.
Final value: $ 180.00
315 Portugal-Mozambique
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1953 - 71. Fauna airmail mutifkd complete envelopes to Essen, Germany. Tied cds. Registered + (2x) "ULTIMA HORA" (xxx/RR) 10 very nice multiple usages XF group.
Final value: $ 110.00
316 Portugal-Timor
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (21 Jan) Dili local circulated envelope official Education mail / escola artes y oficios with 2avos 5 avos INSTRUCCIÓN PUBLICA Education DLA ovptd values, tied cds. Extraordinary rare and very fine item.
Final value: $ 1500.00
317 Romanian Levant
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1896 (15 May) Constatinople - Bucarest, Romania (16 May) 20 para ovptd stationary card 3 adtl stamp ovptd, depart cds + arrival alongside. Very scarce item.
Final value: $ 480.00
318 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1909 (5 Febr) Vladivostok, Siberia. Fine East - USA, Northampton, Mass (14 March) Registered multifkd env. 3 kop red samp of four, tied cds + (x2) R - Labels.
Final value: $ 100.00
319 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1920 (6 May) Vladivostok - USA, Washington 2 double rate fkd env. Royal Danish Legation. Fine + most unusual.
Final value: $ 150.00
320 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1922 (20 June) Vladivostok - Denmark (21 July 1922) Reverse registered multifkd env in 35 / 2kop overprinted special region via London. Rarity usage + (2x) bilingual labels.
Final value: $ 675.00
321 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (15 July) Moscow - Macau, Portuguese China, Asia (11 Aug) 3 kop, blue stat card + 2 adtls + arrival cachet. Fine + rare destination usage.
Final value: $ 180.00
322 Ryukyu Islands
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1945. Kuma Shima 7 sen provisional stamp most with red control cachet. XF. bilingüal. Sc $1500.
Final value: $ 1101.00
323 Ryukyu Islands
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1952. Sc. 16B. 10y / 50s type III. Complete mint NH sheet of 100 incl all varieties + special positions 56 no star + pos 71 no kai + 17 special better postions. Net U$ 10,000. 83x50 = 4,150 + 17 better = 2650 (6,800 U$) + XTRAS not recorded RRR. Pos. 54. Fine
Final value: $ 5000.00
324 Ryukyu Islands
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1961. Scott c19axx, position 95. VF, mint NH WITH Maeki - Schoberlin reference. Margin border overprint. Only one sheet exists. This the only one with margin inscription. The greatest on existance.
Final value: $ 4751.00
325 Saudi Arabia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1892 (1 June) Yedda - Netherlands, Utrecht (20 June) Via Suez (12 June). Turkey 8 adtl Advertisement 20 para brown stationary card. Very rare usage with familiar text.
Final value: $ 1200.00
326 Saudi Arabia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1952 (15 Oct) Djeddah - USA, Marion, DH. Mosque color illustrated multifkd airmail envelope, bilingual cds. VF.
Final value: $ 120.00
327 Saudi Arabia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1952 (18 Dec) Djeddah - USA, Marion, DH. Mosque color illustrated air multifkd env with Christmas card celebration contains. VF.
Final value: $ 120.00
328 Saudi Arabia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1954 (11 Sept) Dahran - USA, Tampa, Fla. Air lettersheet + 3 adtls stamps. Comercially used. Fine + scarce.
Final value: $ 100.00
329 Saudi Arabia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1958 (15 Sept) Mecca - USA, Noth River, Ill. Air multifkd illustrated envelope with Arab cachet cds + bilingual air aux postmark. VF.
Final value: $ 160.00
330 Serbia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1909. Grahovo - USA, California, Angels Camp. Calaveras County (quite an encouraging address for an emigrant !) registered single 50 para lilac fkd env. Lilac bilingual ad + R-bilingual label. Printed address "Posadas de Grahovo" (Hotel INN) Superb usage. Fine
Final value: $ 360.00
331 Siam
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1892 (13 Apr) Bangkok - Germany, Aschersleben (16 May) 12 att rate multifkd envelope, cds. VF.
Final value: $ 551.00
332 Slovakia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 / 44. Correspondence WWII to Switzerland, Lausanne. Air multifkd selection of 8 covers, censored. Lovely group.
Final value: $ 115.00
333 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1875 (Dec 14) Orange State. Mixed combination fkd with CGH stamps (2 further OS stamps missing in ntransit clearly so as charged before destination. Scarce useful rarity usage.
Final value: $ 451.00
334 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1894 (12 March) DRC, Philippines - Netherlands, Rotterdam (3 Apr) Via Cape (in March) Double weight multifkd env at 8d rate, grill "10" cancels. Fine.
Final value: $ 145.00
335 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1900 (28 Febr) Boer War. Multifkd Natal / Irasa at 3d rate, addressed to Somerset. VF.
Final value: $ 110.00
336 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1900 (Aug 3) DRC. Boer war. Bultfontein - UK, York, Slingsby (26 Aug) fwded. Multifkd env official crossed ont envelope. Fine.
Final value: $ 85.00
337 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1902 (28 March) APO, East London - Capetown registered GB 2d blue stat env + (2x) 2d lilac cds + censored. Fine military usage. Boer War.
Final value: $ 160.00
338 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (1 July) Capetown - Philippines, Manila. Machine cachet fkd env + South Africa censor label + Singapore, censored transit. Fine early WWII South Hemisphere routed item. Rare.
Final value: $ 115.00
339 E-Prefilatelia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1848 (11 Nov) Conocimiento de Buque. Santander - Cuba, Habana. Escaso sobre completo circulado con tarifa "21 reales" reverso prepago / FRANCO y matasellos frente y reverso. Pieza de gran calidad.
Final value: $ 201.00
340 E-Isabel Ii
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1859 (5-6 Abr) 42º (x2 pareja) Cadiz - USA, Nueva York (29 Ago) Via London. Carta con texto completa pareja 2rs filigr lagos mat RC 3. Temprana via propaganda por transatlantico. Bonita.
Final value: $ 361.00
341 E-Isabel Ii
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1860 (10 Dic) 52º. Lerida - Francia, Libourne (13 Dec) Sobre franqueo 4c naranja mat RC 32 + insuficiente. Raro sello circulado suelto a Francia. MB.
Final value: $ 175.00
342 E-Isabel Ii
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1861 (25 Julo) 53º (x3) tira horizontal. Barcelona - USA, NY (14 Ago) Via Inglesa (29 Julio) Barco Americano credito 21 centavos. Rarísima carta completa con franqueo firmado por 3 sellos 12c rojo (=36 cuartos = 4 reales + 2c). Carta sello en circulo en t Fine
Final value: $ 1251.00
343 E-Isabel Ii
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1864 (2 Ago) 68º (x2) Barcelona - Mexico, Guadalajara. Via Inglesa prepago de 4 reales. Coste cta franqueo 2 rs ovptd buenos margenes, "parrilla 2" 2x5 cargo llegada. Preciosa. Lujo.
Final value: $ 550.00
344 E-Isabel Ii
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1865 (29 Marzo) 73º (x2) (x2 pareja) Barcelona - USA Nueva York (7 April) Carta con texto completa con franqueo prepago 2rs. 1865 violeta, buenos margenes mat parrila 2. Via London - NY - 5 cts paid. British Packet.
Final value: $ 450.00
345 E-Isabel Ii
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1868 (23 Aug) 92 (x2) San Feliu Guixols, Gerona - USA, Nueva York (7 Sept) Via Londres (26 Aug) Carta cta con tarifa 40c via Inglesa. Preciosa.
Final value: $ 180.00
346 E-Gobierno Provision
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1870 (21 Oct) 109º. Palma de Mallorca - Filipinas, Manila (16 Nov) Rarisima carta via francesa. Con sello 200rs con tarifa buque español y llegada al dorso.
Final value: $ 240.00
347 E-Alfonso Xii
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1877 (13 Junio) 179º (2) Cadiz - Mexico, Guadalajara (28 Julio) via Santander (20-22 Junio) con encomienda al frente y buque francés, reverso "Ligne B / Paq fr nº 4" Tarifa 1 pta y 20 centimos con sellos. Imp guerra (ilegal) formada con 2 sellos 50c. fili Fine
Final value: $ 752.00
348 E-Guerra Civil
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (2 Junio) Badalona - Guadalajara. Sobre antinazi propagandistico con sello defensa EEUU y marcas y censuras, todas de origen filatélico.
Final value: $ 152.00
349 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1944 (26 Sept) Torremolinos, Malaga - Alemania, Hamburgo (20 Oct 44) Precioso sobre certificado. Año Santo + Milenario Castillo con doble censura + via aerea. Via servicio especial Sevilla (ver reverso). Muy interesante y preciosa.
Final value: $ 126.00
350 Cuba
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1860 (2 Feb) ED 10º. Habana uso local. Frente de carta con sello de Y 1/4 y mat parrilla. Primeros dias de uso de este sello (19 Enero).
Final value: $ 300.00
351 Cuba
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1870 (28 Dic) Habana - USA, NY (2 Enero 75) Carta completa con pareja sellos 2 1/2c de peseta color marron, mat fecha. Preciosa.
Final value: $ 200.00
352 Marruecos - British
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1932 (18 Febr) BPO Casablanca - UK, London. Multifkd comercial usage envelope French currency ovpt at 2,40 fr rate, cds. Fine and better usage.
Final value: $ 125.00
353 Marruecos - British
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1932 (13 Sept) BPO Casablanca - London, UK. Multifkd env, French currency at 2 fr 40c rate by 40c (x2) strips three. Lovely and better item.
Final value: $ 140.00
354 Marruecos - British
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1932 (14 Sept) VPO. Casablanca - London, UK multifkd env. French currency ovpt 2fr 40c rate. VF.
Final value: $ 180.00
355 Marruecos - British
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1932 (14 Oct) BPO Casablanca - London, UK. Registered multifkd env, French currency at 1fr5c rate, cds + oval registration cachet. VF and better usage.
Final value: $ 125.00
356 Marruecos - British
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1932 (23 Nov) BPO Casablanca - London, UK. Multifkd envelope. French currency ovptd at 1 fr 90c rate incl 75c green (x3) + 15c. Better usage.
Final value: $ 140.00
357 Marruecos - British
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (7 Apr) BPO Casablanca - UK, London. Comercial usage multifkd envelope French currency ovpt at 2 fr 40c rate, cds. VF + better usage.
Final value: $ 115.00
358 Marruecos - British
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (20 July) BPO Casablanca - London, UK. Air multifkd envelope at 4fr 25c rate, french company ovpt. Scarce comercial usage incl 3fr seahorse.
Final value: $ 180.00
359 Marruecos - British
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (13 June) BPO Casablanca - UK, London. Fkd envelope, French currency ovptd at 85c rate. Incl Silver jubilee issue. Fine.
Final value: $ 125.00
360 Marruecos - British
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (22 June) BPO. Casablanca - UK, London. Registered multifkd env, ovptd issue in French currency including Silver Jubilee issue + sea horse. Better usage.
Final value: $ 160.00
361 Marruecos - British
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (27 June) BPO Casablanca - UK, London. Registered multifkd env incl Silver Jubilee + Seahorse. Ovptd issue French currency better usage.
Final value: $ 160.00
362 Marruecos - British
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (30 Aug) BPO Casablanca - London, UK. Multifkd env, comercial usage, French company ovpt incl silver jubilee 25c. 85cts franc rate. VF.
Final value: $ 180.00
363 Marruecos - British
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1943 (19 Oct) BPO Tangier - Switzerland, Geneve (8 Nov) Via Gibraltar (20 Oct) Madrid (25 Oct) with Gibraltar censor label + Nazi labels. Fine rare proper usage. Rare transit.
Final value: $ 300.00
364 Marruecos - British
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1944 (18 Jan) Tangier - Switzerland, Geneve. Via Gibraltar (19 Jan) Madrid (24 Jan) with Gibraltar censorship + Nazi censorship. Registered ovptd. Coronation issue. Very scarce proper period usage. Rare transit.
Final value: $ 300.00
365 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1957 (22 Ago) Tetuan - Rabat. Rarísima carta con sello 1 pta 50c. Revalidado 1,20 pts y sobrecarga BILINGÜE. Es la primera que tenemos con este sello en carta. Uso periodo muy corto.
Final value: $ 275.00
366 Puerto Rico
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1861 (16 March) Ponce - Isla de Corsica, Francia. Ajaccio (15 Mayo) Carta completa con franqueo 1/2 R azul Antillas (x2) mat parrilla y fechador al lado. Tasa francesa "6" decimas. Muy bonita.
Final value: $ 242.00
367 Puerto Rico
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1900 (21 Dec) Utuado - Arecibo US 1c black stationary card sobrecarga "PUERTO RICO". Rarísimo uso apropiado.
Final value: $ 240.00
368 E-Rio De Oro
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1942 (13 Nov) Rio de Oro - Ronda, Malaga. Frente de carta circulado con la pareja 40c marron emision Franco y marca censura de salida. Pieza muy rara.
Final value: $ 136.00
369 Straits Settlements
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1918 (13 Febr) Singapore - USA, Silver Indian single fkd WWI censor label. Via Hong Kong. Reverse transit. Fine.
Final value: $ 125.00
370 Singapore
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1926 (March 10) USA, Venice, LA - Singapore - Italy. US fkd env + doble forwarded taxed Singapore (x2) postage dues, tied aux mark + Italian p. dues (x3 strip of three) tied cds. Very rare 3 Countries early combination + all stamps of front.
Final value: $ 550.00
371 Sweden
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1857 (17 Jan) Gothenburg - USA, New York. Cash paid E. via Hamburg red paid (Jan 22) Aachen, Prussia (23 Jan) and Boston British Packet (feb 16) PAID. Fine scarce fully prepaid transatlantic usage.
Final value: $ 650.00
372 Sweden
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1878 (18 March) Stockholm - USA, Trade Lake, Burrett Cº, Wisconsin. Fkd env 20ore red, cds. Fine transatlantic prepaid usage.
Final value: $ 100.00
373 Sweden
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1884 (24 March) Smedjepacken - USA, Trade Lake, Burtnett Cº, Wis. Single 20ore red - orange fkd envelope. VF + transatlantic usage from tiny origin.
Final value: $ 225.00
374 Sweden
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (5 Jan) Nykoping - Macau, China (2 Febr) Single complete wrapper 5 ore grey fkd as pm rate via Hong Kong (2 Feb) with arrival. VF + rarity destination.
Final value: $ 110.00
375 Sweden
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (12 Sept) REPLY HALF 10ore lilac stat card + adtl. Used back from Moscow - Stockhom. VF + scarce.
Final value: $ 100.00
376 Sweden
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (27 May) Reply half stationary 10ore lilac card used back. Moscow, Russia - Stockholm + adtl stamps. Fine.
Final value: $ 100.00
377 Switzerland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1896 (16 Nov) St. Gallen - Guatemala (12 Dic) Central America. Registered 25c green embossed stat mns envelope + adtl (x2) cds via US with depart + RARE US registration label type (RRR!) reverse N + N. Orleans transit.
Final value: $ 400.00
378 Syria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1932 (17 Apr) Deir Al Oumura / Deir El Qamar. Gotheburg 4,50 f red stat card on very scarce destination usage + village cancellation.
Final value: $ 110.00
379 Syria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1945 (6 Apr) Mechta - Mexico, Orizava, Veracruz (15 July) Front and reverse fkd env incl ovptd issue + depart French admin. Censor control + destination rarity.
Final value: $ 100.00
380 Turkey
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1912 (20 June) Constantinople - Switzerland, Biel (29 June) Registered insured 20 frances ovpd issue fkd env + 5 red wax seals + several central cachets. Fine item. Scarce rare service.
Final value: $ 115.00
381 Usa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1821 (11 Aug) New Orleans - France. EL full contains watermark proper Louis XVIII (!!!) with forwarding manuscrupt reverse endorsement at Falmouth over to Calais and Rouen. French "Anglaterre par Calais" + modified 61 Calais (!!) as internal forwafing occ Fine
Final value: $ 300.00
382 Usa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1893 (21 Nov) NYC - Dominican Republic, Puerto Plata (1 Dec) Colon 5c fkd env + arrival on front. Per "SS Gas W. Clyde" Fine and better rare destination.
Final value: $ 100.00
383 Usa - Stationery
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1894 (14 Feb) Maritime TPO US - Germany Sea PO one cent block stat card + 4 adtl incl Colon issue addressed to Berlin, Germany (18 Febr) VF condition usage on this unique format.
Final value: $ 126.00
384 Usa - Stationery
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (4 Febr) Portland, Oregon - MACAU (6 March) Portuguese China. 1c green stat card + 3 adtl + arrival on front. Lovely itemm
Final value: $ 110.00
385 Usa - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (12-13 Oct) Eugene, Oregon - MACAU, Portuguese Asia (4 Nov) Via Hong Kong (3 Nov) NRA Membership. Air mutlfkd + comm issues + registered + 3 labels membership. A very fine illustrated + tied labels usage.
Final value: $ 275.00
386 Usa - Stationery
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (Oct 23) Boston, Mass - Macao, Portuguese Chinese Asia. 1c green stat card + adtl. Arrival cachet on front. Raarity destination. VF.
Final value: $ 100.00
387 Usa Airmails
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (13 May) Dollar lines, President SS. Willson. San Francisco - Hong Kong (28 May) Registered airmail multifkd env. Comercial usage. Pacific Clipper Bilingual address. Proper cachets + arrival. VF.
Final value: $ 275.00
388 Usa - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (5 March) Cleveland, OH - Macau, Portuguese Asia (29 Apr). Slogan philatelia labels anual convention. Single 1 1/2c fkd env. Front + reverse tied cds. Unsealed pm rate envelope. Rare destination.
Final value: $ 140.00
389 Usa - Prexies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1955 (9 Dec) Millersville, PA - Germany, Munich. Air multifkd envelope red $1 (2x) 50 ct. $2,10 rd. VF high franking.
Final value: $ 125.00
390 Usa - Hawaii
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1945 (13 Dec) Honolulu - MACAO. Portuguese Asia, forwarded to Brazil, Sao Paulo. Private single 3c fkd card rarity destination + forwarded to South Africa. Round the world + proper usage (12 April 40). Early post WWII. Fine.
Final value: $ 145.00
391 Venezuela
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1905 (13 Oct) Puerto Cabello - Belgium, Bruxelles (31 Oct) Via NYC (24 Oct) Registered AR multifkd env at 1peso 25c rate. Gorgeous usage.
Final value: $ 150.00
392 Venezuela
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1908 (24 May) Valencia - Austria, Wien. Registered multicolored envelope at 1 peso rate by 5 diff stamps 4 colors. Lovely condition. XF.
Final value: $ 150.00
393 Venezuela
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1910 (27 Febr) Registered mail cdover from Maturin to New York with 2x 1904 50c tied by cds with boxed "certificado" markings and fine. La Guaira TRANSITO regn. Re-addressed on arrival. Attractive.
Final value: $ 180.00
394 Venezuela
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (23 Oct) Maracaibo - Macau, Asia (3 Dec) Complete wraper pm rate fkd single 7 1/2c ovptd, tied cds with arrival. Superb and rarity rate + arrival.
Final value: $ 100.00
395 Venezuela
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (14 Enero) Maracaibo - Macao, Asia (6 March) Via NY (30 Jan) San Francisco (3 Febr) Registered multifkd env. Rarity destination + VF.
Final value: $ 160.00
Total lots: 395