Auctioneer Antonio M Torres
Antonio Torres Winter 2020 Postal History Sale
Closed auction #72 - 1571 lots - Closed 2021-02-12 18:00:00
1 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1930 (10 March) PANAMA - COSTA RICA. First flight. Fkd env. Special cachet.
Final value: $ 18.00
2 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1931. Zeppelin. Return trip. Brazil - Germany, Kunzslsand. Fkd ppc. Special cachet.
Final value: $ 40.00
3 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1931 (28 Apr) Dresden - Australia, Melbourne (19 May) Via Amsterdam - Batavia. Air multifkd envelope + special Batavia air cachet + retour. VF.
Final value: $ 110.00
4 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1932 (Oct) Zeppelin. Brazil - Switzerland. Return transatlantic trip. Arrives 4 Nov 32. Special cachet. Fkd p. card. VF.
Final value: $ 45.00
5 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (4 May) Zepp. Frankfurt - USA, Milton, Mass (9 May) Special flown cachet fkd ppc + arrival cachet. Carried LZ 129 (Hinderburg).
Final value: $ 32.00
6 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (4 May) Zeppelin. Hinderburg. Germany - Switzerland (5 May) Fkd ppc. Special cachet. LZ129.
Final value: $ 36.00
7 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (5 May) Zeppelin. Europe - North America trip. Frankfurt - NYC. Fkd env. First trip Hinderburg. VF.
Final value: $ 36.00
8 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (25 June) Zeppelin. Europa - North America. Fkd ppc to USA, Ky, Louisville (8 July) Special cachet. Hindenburg. With receipt Heyburn correspondance.
Final value: $ 77.00
9 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (28 June) Zeppelin. Europe - South America. Multifkd illustr envelope. Fine condition. Special cachet. Addressed to Brazil.
Final value: $ 48.00
10 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (2 Dec) Belgium, Bruxelles - Palestine, Tiberrade (13 Dec) Registered air multifkd envelope. Flown Imperial Airways A293. Transited reverse Lydda Airport Haifa. Interesting flight.
Final value: $ 38.00
11 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (1 Dec) Zeppelin. Germany - Newkoll. Suedetenland trip. Fkd p. card, red cachet.
Final value: $ 38.00
12 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (10 Feb) San Marino - Spain - Germany. GPO - Canary Islands, Spain. Via German airpost, Berlin - Hamburg (5 Apr) Multifkd card + Spain censor cachet. Better destination mixed countries franking.
Final value: $ 115.00
13 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (1 March) WWII Special Air Raid. Sweden - Azerbajan - Iran - Iraq - Africa - UK. Registered multifkd censored envelope. Reverse Baghdad (19 March) transited. By neutral countries except arrival. Most interesting.
Final value: $ 100.00
14 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (10 May) Singapore - Guam (14 May) First PANAM flight. Fkd censored cover + special cachet. Fine / better.
Final value: $ 100.00
15 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1947-8 (16 Febr) URUGUAY - SAS - SWITZERLAND. Air multifkd env, early bicolor SAS label. Most unusual from Uruguay.
Final value: $ 32.00
16 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1952 (Sept) Australia - South Africa. First flight. Fkd illust env + cachet.
Final value: $ 14.00
17 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1953 (17 Apr) COLOMBIA - GERMANY. First regular flight. Clipper. Fkd env.
Final value: $ 22.00
18 Airmails - World
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1962 (15 May) Germany - Sudan - Greece. First Lufthausa flight. 4 diff fkd usages.
Final value: $ 36.00
19 Afghanistan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (23 May) British Legation, Kaboul - Usa, KY y Louisville (24 July) Registered reverse multifkd envelope + cachet "NOT OPENED BY CENSOR" Fine item signed by diplomat. Sir Kerr Fraser Tyler + regist receipt.
Final value: $ 126.00
20 Afghanistan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1968 (14 Feb) UNO Team. Kaboul - London, UK. 6afs stat airlettersheet. Scarce used.
Final value: $ 21.00
21 Albania
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1914 (28 March) Korce - Constantinople, Turkey. Envelope circulated with provisional "50 para 50" ovptd issue tied cds + arrival cachet. Extraordinary rarity. Ex.
Final value: $ 4500.00
22 Albania
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1920 (11-12 March) Germany, Bensheim - Scutari, Albania. With Arrival doble line censorship "presso posta militaire nº116" Fkd postal fkd + held for further postage. Interesting item.
Final value: $ 160.00
23 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1865 (18 June) SETIF, Alger - USA, Newport, Rhode Island (6 July) Small multifkd France 20c. Napoleon perf strip of four, tied numeral romboid cds + Red "Boston" paquebot US entry point + PD. Fine.
Final value: $ 176.00
24 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1885 (16 Jan) Alger - Germany, Berlin (21 Jan) 10c black France Sage stat card, cds. Fine.
Final value: $ 22.00
25 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1893 (7-8 Aug) Blida - Germany, Bernburg (14 Aug) 10c black France Sage stat card. TPO Orleans Ville - Alger. Fine.
Final value: $ 24.00
26 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1893 (9 Dec) Alger - Germany, Hitzzacker. 10c black sage type stat card, cds. Fine.
Final value: $ 18.00
27 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1895 (26 Jan) Alger local stat env. 15c blue sage. VF.
Final value: $ 20.00
28 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1898 (2 May) Alger - Germany, Wittlich (6 May) Early ppc fkd 10c sage, TPO.
Final value: $ 20.00
29 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1903-20s. 42 diff better fkd / multifkd postcards, many mailed Eisebach. Chosen items from old colection.
Final value: $ 225.00
30 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1904 (13 Jan) Constantine - Belgium, Verviers (17 Jan) Fkd view card, taxed + arrival postage dues (x) tied cds. Fine comb + aux marks.
Final value: $ 36.00
31 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1904 (5 March) Algier - Germany, Ebersbach (9 March) Early fkd semeuse type ppc cachet "Marseille - Ligue de Alger". Fine.
Final value: $ 25.00
32 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1904 (3 April) Fort National - Czechoslovakia. Fkd ppc France semeuse 10c. Ait Mimoum, Kabyle village.
Final value: $ 18.00
33 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1904 (15 June) Alger local fkd ppc (petit cireur) + Localy taxed p. dues. Unusual.
Final value: $ 35.00
34 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1904 (6 Aug) Alger local used postcard. Mauresque photo. Fkd + taxed bby (x2) p. dues unusual.
Final value: $ 30.00
35 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1905 (18 March) Biskra - Germany, Dornholzhausen (23 March) Fkd ppc, cds. Fine.
Final value: $ 24.00
36 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1905 (7 Aug) Constantine - Germany, Essen (11 Aug) Fkd ppc, TPO "Bieska-Constantine" Fine.
Final value: $ 22.00
37 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1907 (3 Jan) Alger - Germany, Ruhr, Witten. Early chronolitho card, Semeuse type fkd.
Final value: $ 16.00
38 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1907 (23 Jan) Oran - Belgian Congo, Fundu. Zobe, Mayumba. Fkd ppc via Anvers and Bonza, with Eduli (14 March) cds arrival. Rarity intrafrican postal link.
Final value: $ 125.00
39 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1908 (19 July) Saida, Oran - Germany, Bad Rehburg. Fkd France Semeuse ppc. Colomb Bechar (South Extreme Oran) Lavabo.
Final value: $ 26.00
40 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1910 (2 May) Alger - Germany, Eichstadt. Fkd ppc 5c (x2) France semeuse, tied pqbt "Marseille / Ligne de Alger" cds. Fine.
Final value: $ 18.00
41 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1910 (27 May) Algier - London, UK, Hyde Park. Fkd env 25c semeuse deep blue. VF.
Final value: $ 14.00
42 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1923 (9 March) Philippeville - UK, Devon, Newton Abbot. Air multifkd postcard. Fine early air usage.
Final value: $ 20.00
43 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1924 (25 Oct) Sidi B Gabbes - Sweden, Stockholm (1 Nov) Air cacheted multifkd envelope via Toulon. Superb early air usage to rare destination, boxed alongside rate 1,25 fr. VF.
Final value: $ 110.00
44 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1925 (20 April) Timgad - Belgium, Liege. Ovptd semeuse fkd ppc. Roman Ruins. Nice.
Final value: $ 20.00
45 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1925 (11 Sept) Philippeville - Czechoslovakia, Pribam. Ovptd semeuse Sahara vieww fkd ppc + dest.
Final value: $ 18.00
46 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1926 (10 June) Sidi Bel Abbes - Germany, Hamburg. Pasteur ovptd issue multifkd env, tied cds. Fine.
Final value: $ 27.00
47 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1926 (18 June) Sidi Buel A Bess - Germany, Hamburg (23 June) Formburg. Semeuse + Pasteur ovptd issue mutifkd env.
Final value: $ 36.00
48 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1926 (28 June) Blida - Belgium, Liege. Fkd ppc. Djebel Melias. VF. Ovptd semeuse issue.
Final value: $ 18.00
49 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1926 (1 Oct) Bab El Oued - Czechoslovakia, Prague. PARTIAL DOBLE ovptd semeuse stat card 25c + 2 adtls, tied cds. Fine usage MOST SCARCE VARIETY.
Final value: $ 40.00
50 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1927 (3 Jan) Sidi Bel Abbes - Germany, Hamburg (8 Jan) Ovptd semeuse multifkd env. VF + cds
Final value: $ 61.00
51 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1927 (19 May) Alger, Strassbourg - Germany, Essen. Ovptd Pasteur issue multifkd ppc. Fine.
Final value: $ 22.00
52 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1930 (6 Jan) Oran - Germany, Berlin. Air multifkd env 6,20 fr rate. Fine.
Final value: $ 41.00
53 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1930 (18 April) Alger - Switzerland, Basel. Centenary issue single fkd color ppc. Fine.
Final value: $ 14.00
54 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1930 (22 April) Alger - Switzerland, Basel. Tricolor multifkd ppc. Cashbah. Nice photo.
Final value: $ 20.00
55 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1931 (22 Sept) Alger - France, Paris. Registered AR official Algeria Centenary single fkd Air envelope. VF.
Final value: $ 32.00
56 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (25 Oct) Alger Strassbourg - Austria, Wien (29 Oct) Air multifkd env. Comercial + air label.
Final value: $ 24.00
57 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (11 July) Algiers - Germany, Cottbus. Multicolor fkd ppc "Monte Pascual" ship cabin. Nice photo.
Final value: $ 22.00
58 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (21 Febr) Oned Ksob - France, Paris. Registered insured AR air multifkd front and reverse 30,40 frans rate (very high) envelope from small suburb. VF and rare.
Final value: $ 185.00
59 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (10 March) Algier - Germany, Duishurg. Fkd card 90c tied "Port Vendres Paquebot" VF + most cancel in transit / entry.
Final value: $ 32.00
60 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (28 May) Alger R. Strasbourg - France, Paris (31 May) Registered multifkd envelope. R-label. Fine usage.
Final value: $ 28.00
61 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (19 Aug) Alger Straussburg - Malta, Valetta (23 Aug). Hotel Aletti fkd ppc. Fine + dest.
Final value: $ 24.00
62 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (30 Dec) Sidi Bel Abbes - France, St. Louis (2 Jan 39) Registered comercial multifkd envelope. R-label. Fine usage.
Final value: $ 38.00
63 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (5 May) Congres Eucharistique (Christian) Alger - France, Villa - Sans Taçon. VF. Multifkd ppc. Scarce cancel.
Final value: $ 38.00
64 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (6 March) Oran - France, Paris. Raz el Ain comercial company registered air multifkd env.
Final value: $ 16.00
65 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (17 March) Oran RP - Switzerland, Geneve. Single fkd env. Uncensored mail.
Final value: $ 16.00
66 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (22 March) Oran - Switzerland, Zurich. Air multifkd env + air cds. Transited Marseille (24 March) Difficult mail time. Uncensored.
Final value: $ 32.00
67 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (28 March) Alger - Switzerland, Basel. Comercial air multifkd env.
Final value: $ 23.00
68 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1943 (18 Jan) GPO - Switzerland, Geneva. Red Cross POW fkd censored envelope. British mail / Mediterranean.
Final value: $ 24.00
69 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1943 (4 Febr) Oran - Switzerland, Geneva. Red Cross POW multifkd Mediterranean British censored. Fine envelope.
Final value: $ 24.00
70 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1943 (7 March) US Troops in Algeria. APO302 FM Soldier cacheted ppc to USA, Marion, Indiana. VF.
Final value: $ 36.00
71 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1943 (13 March) WWWII. RAF. British Troops in Alger - England, London. FPO OAS censor ppc. Fine used + better.
Final value: $ 24.00
72 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1943 (3 Aug) Khenchela - Switzerland, Geneve. Multifkd red cross POW multifkd env. British Mediterranean censored. Fine.
Final value: $ 25.00
73 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1944 (24 April) Alger RP - USA, NY. Single fkd comercial British Mediterranean comercial envelope.
Final value: $ 22.00
74 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1944 (27 April) Alger Plateau - USA, NY. Comercial multifkd British Mediterranean + free French dual censored envelope.
Final value: $ 28.00
75 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1944 (27 July) Oran Avion - USA, NY. Comercial multifkd dual French + US censored multifkd envelope.
Final value: $ 33.00
76 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1945 (26 Oct) Okouba - USA, CA, LA. Air multifkd env incl mixed issues + ovptd (2 diff) Fine.
Final value: $ 32.00
77 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1945 (9 Nov) Oran avion - USA, NYC. Comercial mutlfkd env.
Final value: $ 14.00
78 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1945 (16 Nov) Quenzenat - Washington, DC, Usa, Air multifkd env. Via Air Afrique.
Final value: $ 18.00
79 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1945 (12 Dec) Oran - USA, NYC. Comercial multifkd env, with T-stamps.
Final value: $ 16.00
80 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1945 (15 Dec) Mustapha Alg - Switzerland, Olten (19 Dec) Registered comercial multifkd env. Nice item.
Final value: $ 23.00
81 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946 (28 Dic) Palais Consulaire - France, Antiberg (2 Jan 47) Registered insured 3000ff air multifkd ovptd issues envelope + customs bicolor label. VF item reverse seven red wax seals.
Final value: $ 40.00
82 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1947. Oran - USA, NYC. Multifkd airmail env incl ovptd issue.
Final value: $ 16.00
83 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1947 (7 July) Sidi Bel Abbes - Czechoslovakia, Prague. Registered air multifkd env + dest. Fine.
Final value: $ 24.00
84 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1948 (15 Jan) Oran - Germany, Dillenburg. Multifkkd env. Colorful mixed issues incl "V" stamp.
Final value: $ 25.00
85 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1948 (2 April) Ain Sefra - Germany, Dillenburg US Zone, Multifkd env. Nice.
Final value: $ 16.00
86 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1949. GPO - Brazil, Sao Paulo. Air multifkd env + dest. Fine.
Final value: $ 16.00
87 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1949 (8 Sept) Babel Dued - USA, NYC. Illustrated tire automobil multifkd air env. Fine.
Final value: $ 18.00
88 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1949 (12 Sept) Bao El Dued - Usa, NYC. Color comercial multifkd airmail envelope. DDT insecticides. Fine.
Final value: $ 16.00
89 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1950 (11 July) Ruisseau - Switzerland, Le Lode (19 July) Registered multifkd (front + reverse) env incl 30c block of 10. Nice condition.
Final value: $ 41.00
90 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1950 (10 Oct) Alger - Switzerland, Le Loda. Air multiple coloful envelope. Nice cond.
Final value: $ 17.00
91 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1950 (6 Dec) Oran Avion - Germany, Herzogenrath. British Zone. Air multifkd env + special cachet "affranchissement verifee" Fine.
Final value: $ 20.00
92 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1951 (31 May) Babel Dued - USA, NYC. Tire US Royal Preus illustrated multifkd envelope + "afr. Verifie" cachet. XF.
Final value: $ 24.00
93 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1951 (25 Jan) Gare GPO - USA, NYC. Tire illustrated multifkd env. VF.
Final value: $ 18.00
94 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1951 (23 Febr) Babel Dued - USA, NYC. Tire illustrated multifkd airmail env. XF + "Affr. Verifie"
Final value: $ 22.00
95 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1951 (28 Apr) Alger Rue Strassbourg - USA, NYC. Tire US Royal illustr. Multifkd env + "Affr. Verifie". VF.
Final value: $ 18.00
96 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1952 (5 Jan) Alger RP - Germany, Betzdorf. XIX Geologorum Convertus. Air multifkd private printed card. Nice item + scarce.
Final value: $ 22.00
97 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1952 (10 May) Bossuet - Germany, Hannover, British Zone. Air multifkd env + special cachet "Affr. Verifie" (xxx/ very scarce type)
Final value: $ 35.00
98 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1952 (19 Jan) GPO - Netherlands, Amsterdam. Air machine fkd comercial envelope. Fine.
Final value: $ 14.00
99 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1952 (8 Sept) XIX International Geological Congress. GPO - Germany, Kamen. Comm. Cachet.
Final value: $ 20.00
100 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1955 (2 May) Bonsset - Germany, Colonia. Air multifkd colorful envelope. Fine + "Affr verifiee"
Final value: $ 19.00
101 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1955 (19 Oct) GPO - Germany, Darmstadt. Air multifkd env. VF.
Final value: $ 14.00
102 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1956 (29 Oct) Bonsset - Germany, Berlin, British Zone. Aif multifkd env. VF.
Final value: $ 16.00
103 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1957 (27 Feb) Alger RP - Germany, Frankfurt. Color illust machines for shoes multifkd air envelope. VF T "Affr. Verifie" cachet.
Final value: $ 20.00
104 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1962 (12 Oct) Collo - Netherlands, Rotterdam. Registered air multifkd comercial envelope incl "EA" ovptd issue. VF.
Final value: $ 36.00
105 Algeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1966 (20 May) Sidi Bel Abben - Germany, Hildesheim. Air multifkd env + "Affr. Verifie" cachet. VF. Taxed + crossed out.
Final value: $ 14.00
106 Argentina - Statione
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1899 (10 Apr) Buenos Aires - Uruguay, Montevideo (12 Apr) 6c grey illustrated "Dique Carena" stat card, "Buenos Aires exterior 8 mar" blue illustr cachet. Very interesting + better.
Final value: $ 30.00
107 Argentina - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1912 (13 Aug) FCCA RJ. Arcano, Cordoba - Italy, Castel San Pietro. Multifkd env, reverse 5c red block of six label of Italian Association in Argentina "pro espulsi dalla Turchia" Better item.
Final value: $ 100.00
108 Argentina - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1930 (1 Aug) BA aeropostal - Germany, Wescrunde. Via French Aeropostale. Air multifkd env with German air Bremen cachet. Interesting reverse Paris air transited (23 Aug)
Final value: $ 35.00
109 Argentina - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1932 (9 Ene) Buenos Aires - Switzerland, Luzern (18 Jan) Via French Aeropostale. Multifkd envelope. Fine.
Final value: $ 14.00
110 Argentina - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (7 Julio) Olavarria, Buenos Aires - Germany, Wesermunde. Via French Aeropostale. Air front and reverse multifkd envelope. VF.
Final value: $ 26.00
111 Argentina - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (24 Oct) Buenos Aires, IE IV - Brazil RJ (27 Oct) Registered air multifkd env. VF. Addressed to Sindicato Condor.
Final value: $ 26.00
112 Argentina - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (9 May) Cordoba - Madrid, España. Dirigida al director de la Cruz Roja. Via Air france PO mail. Sobre via Panagra o Panam ilustrado a color con censura llegada Republica Española y rara etiqueta correo aerea.
Final value: $ 40.00
113 Argentina - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (26 Aug) Isla Martin Garcia - Germany via Condor air multifkd env. Lovely usage + origin town. Reverse Nazi censor.
Final value: $ 101.00
114 Argentina - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1947 (7 May) Buenos Aires - Germany, Offenbach via BSAA bicolor air label. Multifkd censored comercial envelope. Scarcely seen label.
Final value: $ 28.00
115 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1899 (20 Nov) Ismore - Germany, Oberfahlen, Essen 1 1/2d blue stat litho illust ppc. Waterfalls. Fine.
Final value: $ 50.00
116 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1912. An original photo pre fkd card. VF. Bunbuh, WA.
Final value: $ 20.00
117 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1917 (6 Feb) WWI, Brisbane, Qld - Brazil, Pelotas, South America (3-12 May) Multifkd env + censor label. Sea mail + rarity destination. Reverse well transited.
Final value: $ 75.00
118 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1931 (26 Jan) Brisbane - London, Finchley, UK. Air multifkd env, roos + KGV. Rate 11d tied cds via "Australian" Karachi - London. With full contains. Lovely stamps combination.
Final value: $ 100.00
119 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1931 (6 Nov) Melbourne, ship mail room - London, UK. Air multifkd envelope 11d rate incl KGV 5d tied cds. VF via Karachi.
Final value: $ 35.00
120 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1932 (18 May) Melbourne - England, Bayswater. Air multifkd env at 8d rate. Flown IN117. VF.
Final value: $ 18.00
121 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (20 Aug) Melbourne - Irish Free State, Andmulchan, Navan Cº Heath. Air multifkd env. Slogan cachet.
Final value: $ 28.00
122 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (8 Dec) Melbourne - Irish Free State, Navan, Country Heath. Air multifkd env at 5d rate. KGV. Envelope with contains.
Final value: $ 28.00
123 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (11 Jan) Sydney - Holborn, England. Via Adelaide, Perth. Air multifkd envelope KGV stamps tied cds. VF.
Final value: $ 32.00
124 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (15 Jan) Perth, WA - England, Windsor. Air multifkd env at 8d rate, slogan rolling cancel. Via Karachi. With contains. VF.
Final value: $ 35.00
125 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (15 Jan) Perth, WA - Irish Free State, Navan Cº Meath. Via Karachi. Air multifkd env at 8d rate.
Final value: $ 40.00
126 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (26 Nov) Nabiac, NSW - England, London. Air multifkd env 1sh 6d rate. Fine town overseas origin.
Final value: $ 28.00
127 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (26 Jan) Sydney - India, Calcutta (4-5 Febr) Air KQV multifkd env at 14d rate, forwded with seven x2d stamps, tied cds. VF usage. Flown: IW309
Final value: $ 75.00
128 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (22 Oct) Melbourne - England, London. Comercial multifkd airmail envelope rate 1sh 6d, slogan cachet "Use airmail". Flight delayed due to Bad Weather. Flown: IW385.
Final value: $ 22.00
129 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (28 Nov) Curramula - England, Essex, Good Mayes. Air fkd cangarooes 18d rate (9d pair) color illustrated air envelope. Lovely item. Flown: IW397.
Final value: $ 150.00
130 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (11 Dec) Brisbane - England, Cumberland, Wigton. Air multifkd env. 1sh 6d rate. Flown: IW401.
Final value: $ 18.00
131 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (31 Dec) Sydney - Germany, Bollingen (15 Jan). Via Greece. Air registered multifkd env. 1sh 16d rate. XF stamps combination.
Final value: $ 101.00
132 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (2 June) Sydney - UK, London, Strand. Air multifkd env 18d rate (6d horiz strip), cds. Flown: IW451.
Final value: $ 18.00
133 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (23 July) Sootamundra - England, Hants, Hamble. Air single 1sh 6d fkd env, cds. Fine overseas town origin.
Final value: $ 26.00
134 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (7 Aug) Sydney - Czechoslovakia, Prague (19 Aug) Air registered multifkd env 2sh 3d rate. Via Greece. Flown: IW 469. VF.
Final value: $ 36.00
135 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (22 Sept) Sydney - Czechoslovakia, Prague (5 Oct) Air single 2sh cangaroo fkd env via Greece. Flown: IW482.
Final value: $ 35.00
136 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (7 Jan) Sydney. NSW - England, Brentwood, Essex. Air multifkd env rate 18d KGV + bird. A very fine and unusual stamps combination.
Final value: $ 85.00
137 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (2 Febr) Windsor, Via - Egypt, Alexandria (12 Febr) Air multifkd env. Flown IN520. Fast trip ten days rate 1sh 7d, cds. VF + dest town. Ship HMS courageous.
Final value: $ 40.00
138 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (12 March) Brishane, QLD - England, London. Airmail multifkd env. Fine stamps comb. 18d rate.
Final value: $ 32.00
139 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (23 May) Brisbane, QLD - Austria - Wien (2 June) Air multifkd env. Via Greece. Special control +.
Final value: $ 28.00
140 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (8 July) Melbourne - Austria, Wien (23 July) Air multifkd env via Greece. Reverse transited.
Final value: $ 35.00
141 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (24 Aug) Salisbury, QLD - USA, NYC. Air multifkd env, carried by England. Rate 2sh 2d. Flown: SW8.
Final value: $ 24.00
142 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (23 Sept) Bondi Beach - England, Devon, Preston (4 Oct) Air multifkd envelope, mixed issues KQV issue. VF origin overseas early mail.
Final value: $ 40.00
143 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (26 May) Melbourne, NSW - Canada, Ottawa. RAAF base Military PO 306 (17 June) Air censor multifkd env rate 3sh 11d. VF slogan cachet.
Final value: $ 28.00
144 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (2 Dec) Perth, WA - Java, Indonesia, Tandjong Priok. Fkd env + arrival Dutch Indies censor label + red cachets. Better WWII destination usage.
Final value: $ 110.00
145 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1943 (13 Aug) WWII. Sydney - England, Lemington. Air multifkd env at 2sh 1d rate. Censored + endorsed "Via USA" (Pacific South Route). Extraord.
Final value: $ 26.00
146 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1948 (5 Jan) Alice Springs, North Austr - USA, Cambridge, Mass (16 Jan) Via San Fran / Pacific. Multifkd env. Fine + better origin area.
Final value: $ 28.00
147 Australia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1960 (18 May) Cooma North, NSW - Austria, Wien. Air machine flag fkd env. VF.
Final value: $ 18.00
148 Austria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1881 (25 March) Triest - Konigssee, Schwarzburg. PM rate unusualed complete fkd 2kr yellow printed comercial papers. Fine +.
Final value: $ 40.00
149 Austria - Stationery
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1888 (23 Febr) Cortina D'Ampezzo, Tirol - Roma, Italy. 5kr rose stat card, fine used. German text card.
Final value: $ 20.00
150 Austria - Stationery
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1907 (5 Apr) Wien - Switzerland, Lausanne (7-8 Apr) fwded Morgue. 10h rose half stat card way out. Lovely usage.
Final value: $ 14.00
151 Austria - Stationery
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1916 (5 Dec) Wien - Sweden, Stockholm (9 Dec) Illustrated private 15h red stationary envelope + adtl. Censored WWI. Beautiful item.
Final value: $ 32.00
152 Austria - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1931 (29 June) Wien - Estavayec, Switzerland (1 July) Multifkd postcard + taxed + Swiss p. due, tied cds. Fine comb, nice.
Final value: $ 22.00
153 Austrian Levant
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1865 (1 Dec) Constantinople - Germany, Frankfurt (10 Dec) Stampless E. depart cds, via Triest - Wien with three different manuscript charges + arrival reverse cds. Scarce usage.
Final value: $ 100.00
154 Austrian Levant
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1893 (26 Sept) Jaffa - Bethelem, via Jerusalem (27 Sept) 20p ovptd stat card, cds. Very rare local Palestine usage, first we see in ages!
Final value: $ 40.00
155 Austrian Levant
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1901 (16 Dec) Constantinople - France, Plaisance (20 Dec) Fkd ppc 20 para. Kahrie Mosque. Via Paris.
Final value: $ 22.00
156 Bahrain
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (Feb 1) GPO - Germany, Dresden (8 March) Air reverse multifkd ovptd issue at 9an, 6p rate in multiples. Comercial usage Sayed Junaid Aalam. Chemical Plant.
Final value: $ 175.00
157 Belgium
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1846 (12 Aug) Fontaine Léveque - Peruwelz (15 Aug) SR (service rural) postal section. E. red cds + mns charge. Very ice village usage.
Final value: $ 48.00
158 Belgium
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1850 (26 Abr) Bruxelles - Louvain. Envelope with contains fkd Yv. 1 mild reddish brown shade, four good margins, tied grill, blue cds alongside. A lovely first stamp usage. VF.
Final value: $ 240.00
159 Belgium
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1857 (5 Jan) Bruxelles - Louvain (5 July) Small envelope with contains fkd 10c brown almost four margins tied grill. Arrival reverse envelope with embossing of "time and hour posted" (xxx). Interesting.
Final value: $ 40.00
160 Belgium
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1861 (17 Aug) Bruxelles - France, Esfsonges (19 Aug) Fkd env 40c, tied "24" grill.
Final value: $ 40.00
161 Belgian Congo
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1875 (7 Nov) Mousckon - Mudenarde. Fkd 10c green, tied TPO "Ouest 111", stline boxed depart village. Scarce.
Final value: $ 125.00
162 Belgium
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1914 (Nov) WWI. Belgium German Occup. Wounded Hospital Mons - Doornyk (5 Nov). Free fkd env. Red + violet cachet. Interesting item.
Final value: $ 38.00
163 Belgium
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1918 (23 Apr) German Occup. Brussel - Netherlands, Heerde. Registered ovptd Germania stat card + adtl. Fine.
Final value: $ 24.00
164 Belgium - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1921 (10 May) Bruxelles - Germany, Saxe (12 May) 1fr stamp single fkd env. Perfin Caisse Gen. Reprints et depots. Reguled envelope.
Final value: $ 38.00
165 Belgium - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (19 Feb) Wetterey - USA, Kentucky, Louisville. Multifkd env bearing several issues including advert tags + Postmaster signed origin town. VF.
Final value: $ 22.00
166 Belgium - Stationery
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (12 Aug) Ostende - France, Paris (12 Aug) 1fr red illustr stat card + 2 adtls on Express service. Red tied label.
Final value: $ 16.00
167 Belgium - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (13 Nov) Bruxelles - Switzerland, St. Gallen (14 Nov) Registered multifkd env taxed + Swiss p. due. Fine. T-issue.
Final value: $ 55.00
168 Belgian Congo
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1912 (6 Nov) Boma - Belgium, Westerloo (25 Nov) Reply half stationary card + Box "Boma carte postale" Better long text card usage.
Final value: $ 26.00
169 Belgian Congo
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1920 (24 Jan) Boma - Norway, Kristiania. 10c orange stat card card + adtl. Better destination from Norwegian resident Inge in Boma.
Final value: $ 30.00
170 Belgian Congo
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1926 (20 Dec) Irumu, Kilo - Switzerland, Thon. Early photo view carts crossing river fkd ppc. Better origin + usage.
Final value: $ 75.00
171 Belgian Congo
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (16 Oct) Costermansville - France, Bonres (30 Oct) Air multifkd env via Imperial Airway. Reverse transited Butshubu - Kampola, Uganda - Italy, Brindisi. First northbound African service by "Hannibal"
Final value: $ 175.00
172 Belgian Congo
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (31 May) Aba - London, UK. Air multifkd env. Via Imperial Airways. Transits; Juba - Karthoum - Cairo - Brindisi - Paris - London. VF + better transited.
Final value: $ 115.00
173 Belgian Congo
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (15 Nov) Leopoldville - USA, Kentucky, Louisville. Air multifkd env. Fine.
Final value: $ 16.00
174 Belgian Congo
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (3 Feb) Albertville - Switzerland, Bern (9 Feb) Air multifkd mixed issues env. Fine.
Final value: $ 40.00
175 Belgian Congo
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (30 April) Elisabethville - Germany, Munich. Air multifkd env. One of last air flight trips to Nazy Germany this late.
Final value: $ 70.00
176 Belgian Congo
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (8 Febr) Kongolo - South Africa, Joburg. Air multifkd env with dual censorship labels, including rare East Africa / KUT / Rhodesia triangle "5" label. Very rare connection transit. First we see.
Final value: $ 180.00
177 Belgian Congo
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1944 (23 Sept) Stanleyville - Sudan, Juba. Air multifkd env, with depart censor label + arrival green sudanese censor cachet, triangle "13". Extraordinary rare WWII postal interafrican connection.
Final value: $ 240.00
178 Belgian Congo
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1945 (30 Sept) Balaka, Kikwit - Switzerland, Morges (10 Nov) Extraord origin 2fr red stat card. XF item.
Final value: $ 100.00
179 Belgian Congo
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1948 (4 Febr) Balaka, Kikwit (18 Feb) - Switzerland, Morges. 2fr red stat env. VF. Rare origin + usage.
Final value: $ 85.00
180 Bolivia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1917 (1 Ago) Santa Ana - Switzerland, Seon. Registered multifkd censored envelope, R-cachet +.
Final value: $ 28.00
181 Bolivia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1932 (17 Apr) Zeppelin. Cochabamba - Germany, Lorch. Lloyd aereo Boliviano. Per Graf Zeppelin. Friedrichshafen (27 Apr) Multifkd env carried by Zeppelin. Fine and very scarce.
Final value: $ 125.00
182 Brazil - Stampless
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1849 (April 25) RJ - London, UK (15 June) EL full text via BPO RJ, per "Alecto" + 2sh / 9d arrival maritime charge.
Final value: $ 50.00
183 Brazil -Stationary
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1898 (27 Dec) Reberao Preto - Sao Paulo. 50rs star stat card + adtl BISECTED, tied cork grills cachets. VF + comercial. Rare item in stationary.
Final value: $ 220.00
184 Brazil - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1912. Trio of early photo aborigen postcards fkd to Spain, Castellon de la Plana. A better tiny coastal village. Opportunity. Hunters.
Final value: $ 20.00
185 Brazil -Stationary
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1928 (17 Feb) Ponta Pora, Matto Grosso - Scotland, Edinburg. 100rs green fkd stat card. VF.
Final value: $ 28.00
186 Brazil -Stationary
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1932 (24 June) RJ - Germany, Hamburg 100 rs orange + adtl stat card. VF used.
Final value: $ 24.00
187 Brazil - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1935 Pan American Airways all South America airline advertising PERU-CHILE- ARGENTINA. Flyer sows "Brazilin Clipper reg NC822N a sik or sky S42 plane" Ex Prof West Uk Chilean airmail coll.
Final value: $ 28.00
188 Brazil - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1935 (Apr) US Consular. Pará - USA, Ky, Louisville. Air multifkd env + special cachet "Livre de porte" Heyburn correspondance. VF.
Final value: $ 20.00
189 Brazil - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1950 (14 Febr) RJ - Spain, Madrid (18 Febr) Air registered multifkd comm usage. VF + dest. Very rare air bicolor cover.
Final value: $ 50.00
190 Brazil - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1953 (27 July) RJ - Spain, Madrid (31 July) Registered air multifkd comm envelope incl accounting Congress comm usage. VF.
Final value: $ 50.00
191 Bulgaria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (24 Dec) Sophia - Germany, Breslau. Multifkd nazi censored card. Comm issues +.
Final value: $ 22.00
192 Bulgaria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1943 (8 Dec) Sofia - Germany, Stuttgart (17 Dec) Registered airmail multifkd env + Nazi censored. Scarce postal link.
Final value: $ 28.00
193 Bulgaria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1947 (15 Sept) Austria, Wien - Bulgaria, Sofia (22 Sept) Multifkd env, depart allied censored + arrival Bulgaria. Postage dueied cds on reverse. Rarity combination. Guitar music issue.
Final value: $ 50.00
194 Burma
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (16 July) Rangoon - USA, Ky, Louisville (13 Aug) First provisional issue of the Crown Colony. Registered multifkd air envelope. Via NY.
Final value: $ 36.00
195 Cambodia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1908 (17 May) Pnompenh. Precancelled early potatoes merchant. Very scarce cds type French type.
Final value: $ 45.00
196 Cambodia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1930 (17 June) Chhlong - Hungary, Budapest. Multifkd photo card with long explanatory text + dest better.
Final value: $ 45.00
197 Cambodia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1959 (25 May) Pnompenh - France, Paris (27 May) Registered air multifkd env. VF. Two days fast transit trip.
Final value: $ 22.00
198 Cambodia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1960 (1 Aug) Pnompenh - UK, Hove, Sussex. Air multifkd pm complete wrapper. Rarity.
Final value: $ 40.00
199 Canada
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1886 (Oct 18) Montreal - Switzerland, Vaud, Nyon (30 Oct 86) 2c green Largues GV stat card via London tied cds + TPO.
Final value: $ 125.00
200 Canada
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1894 (13 Apr) Wolseley, Saskatchewai, North West - Ede, Netherlands (27 Apr) 3c red QV stat env + 2 adtls 1/2c black small QV hands, tied cds. Very scarce origin + overseas usage dest.
Final value: $ 375.00
201 Canada
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1930 (10 Feb) Newfoundland. St. Johns - St. Pierre, French postal adm. Multifkd env + tax violet cachet. Postal connection.
Final value: $ 50.00
202 Canada
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (Sept 8) Craig Harbour, NWT - USA, Louisville, Kentucky. Single 3c fkd env from most Northern town in British Empire (collectors statement). Fine.
Final value: $ 20.00
203 Canada
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1940. YMCA. Ontario - New Zealand, Dunedin. Fkd env + p.due + taxed + arrival. 1d cachet + tied 1d p. due. Reverse "NZ air mission Ottawa" (xxx) Very interesting military item.
Final value: $ 75.00
204 Canada
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1942 (11 July) New Port & Mont, TPO - Switzerland, Altdorf. Air express multifkd env + censored on. Via Lisboa (24 July) Transatlantic US clipper usage. VF.
Final value: $ 40.00
205 Canada
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1951 (26 June) Peterborough, ONT - UK, Norfolk. Air multifkd mixed Newfoundland and Canada. Stamps usage at 30c rate. Fine Reverse "Crippled Children" help label (x4) Ice hockey.
Final value: $ 32.00
206 Canada
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1952 (July) Windsor - Germany, Nuernberg. Castor illustrated air multifkd env + taxed red cachet + divisa censor control label. Fine.
Final value: $ 24.00
207 Chile - Stationery
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1884 (23 Feb) Coquimbo - Alemania, Stettin (13 April) Muy escasa tamprano entero postal Colon 4c circulado. Excelente condicion con llegada al frente.
Final value: $ 140.00
208 Chile
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1901 (22 Jan) Santiago - Switzerland, Biasca (2 March) Fkd photo ppc, ovptd 5c / 30c. Taxed card lovely usage, Swiss p. due. VF combination.
Final value: $ 152.00
209 Chile - Stationery
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1909 (27 July) Valp - Copiapo. Encomendas 100 cts. L. Telstart. Airmails. Very rare.
Final value: $ 125.00
210 Chile - Stationery
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1913 (16 May). National Flight Fund Deutscher Verein. Printed stat. Card local usage. Early Airmail history. Ex Prof. West collection.
Final value: $ 45.00
211 Chile - Stationery
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1915 (26 June) Airmails. Valdivia - Port Montt. L. Telstart air aviation.
Final value: $ 20.00
212 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1928 (8 May) Test flight Panagra Airways May 28. Andes crossing Stgo - Buenos Aires, Argentina. Fkd env special cachet. Strated one of 78 such carried for Curtis-Wright flight. VF item. Ex Prof West airmails exhibit collection.
Final value: $ 375.00
213 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1929 (13 May) Tacna - Valp (21 May) Internal registered multifkd envelope by train to Arica + air to Santiago + train to Valp.
Final value: $ 100.00
214 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1929 (13 May) Peru, Tacua - Arica Treaty, reverting Tacua to Peru. Last oportunity of Chilean airmails from Tacna to Valp. Registered air multifkd env. VF + Ex Prof West. Done by Boris Sbl. Very interesting item.
Final value: $ 240.00
215 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1929 (21 July) Iquique - Colombia, Buenaventura (1 Aug 29) Aeropostal Santiago - Arica. Air multifkd env. Early port - flown env + dest. Better dest. Ex - Prof West airmails all.
Final value: $ 60.00
216 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1929 (21 July) Santiago - Miami First Flight. Stgo - Canal Zone, Ancon branch leg. Air multifkd env, reverse Cristobal July 25 cds, special cachet. VF Ex Prof West airmails coll.
Final value: $ 65.00
217 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1929 (23 July) Aeropostal - Iquique - Arica on fkd env to Ecuador, Guayaquil (31 July) Special flight Ex Prof West.
Final value: $ 60.00
218 Chile - Stationery
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1929 (4 Aug) Santiago - USA, NYC (12-14 Aug) Internal flown + external travelled saving time. Registered 15c brown + adtls stat env + early air cachet on international mail. Ex Prof West. VF.
Final value: $ 125.00
219 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1929 (14 Aug) Second flight SANTIAGO - CRISTOBAL. Stgo - Canal Zone (20 Aug) Air multifkd fkd env airmail cachet. Ex Prof West airmails coll. Exhibition item.
Final value: $ 100.00
220 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1929 (1 Oct) Santiago - London, UK. Air multifkd env. Air cachet on mail abroad. Ex Prof West.
Final value: $ 100.00
221 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1929 (9 Oct) Valp - UK, London. Early flight multifkd env rate $17,10. Ex Prof West airmails coll.
Final value: $ 19.00
222 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1929 (12 Oct) Lan Villa Alemana - Ovalle (14 Oct) Via Stgo. Air multifkd env. Rate 0,75 $. Ex Prof West.
Final value: $ 75.00
223 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1929 (19 Nov) Autofagasta - Concepcion, Linea Postal Stgo - Arica, official cover. Multifkd stat ovptd 15c/20c orange + adtls. VF Ex Prof West.
Final value: $ 125.00
224 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1929 (11 Dec) Aeroplane Stgo Fast mail Boat Dakar to Toulousse. Valp - Germany, Saale. Air mult fkd env. ExProf West airmails coll.
Final value: $ 26.00
225 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1930 (9 April) Valp - USA, Mass, West Newton. Air mult fkd env Panagra + Panam exchange at Canal Zone (19 Apr) Ex Prof West exhibit coll.
Final value: $ 37.00
226 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1930 (26 Apr) Lan Chile + Panagra, Valp - Ecuador, Guayaquil (3 Mayo) via Stgo. Air multi env + dest. Ex Prof West airmails coll.
Final value: $ 45.00
227 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1930 (29 Apr) LAN + CGA. Antofagasta - Shelfield, UK. Air multifkd env via Buenos Aires - route: Villa Cisneros (Brazil) - Dakar - Toulouse.
Final value: $ 36.00
228 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1930 (9 May) Panagra + Scadta. Stgo - Cali, Colombia (17 May) Registered multifkd Colombia stationary envelope + Chilean air stamps + 5 adtls Colombia Scadta, tied cds at origin + transited. Exceptional combination item. Ex. Prof. West airmails collection Fine
Final value: $ 700.00
229 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1930 (13 May) PANAGRA to Canal Zone, Panam to NY + liner to GB, Autofagasta - UK, London air multifkd env $4,30 rate. VF Ex Prof West coll.
Final value: $ 75.00
230 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1930 (17 May) Arica - Santiago - Viña del Mar. Air multifkd env 0,75 $ rate official PO envelope + cachet. Weekly air service. Ex Prof West airmails exhibit. VF.
Final value: $ 125.00
231 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1930 (6 July) Concepcion - Germany, Hamburg via Stgo. Air flow multifkd env on postal air trip. Stgo Arica Ex Prof West coll. Rate 3,90$.
Final value: $ 22.00
232 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1930 (16 July) Arica - Santiago (19 July) Air multifkd env. Total 1 peso rate. First day of air travel link. Cachet "Conduccion 10 cts", scarce.
Final value: $ 100.00
233 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1930 (16 July) Arica - Santiago (19 July) LAN Aeropostal First day special delivery. Air multifkd env. Ex Prof West. Cachet "Conduccion 10 cts", scarce.
Final value: $ 100.00
234 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1930 (29 Ago) Panagra + Famg. The completed clockwise caribbean. PAN-AM FAMG. Santiago - Curaçao, Dutch West Indies. Air multifkd env carried to Cristobal, Panama Canal Zone, transfered Paraman Famg. Chile 50c. Air ovptd stamp with MISSING right AEREO. Ex Fine
Final value: $ 750.00
235 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1930 (15 Sept) PANAGRA + SCADTA. Valp - Cali, Colombia (20 Sept) Hotel illust. Mult env. Registered Better dest. Ex Prof West airmails coll.
Final value: $ 55.00
236 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1931 (10 Feb) Stgo - Arica Line. TPO cancel Iquique. Stgo (14 Feb) Air multifkd env + red air label. VF usage. Ex Prof West airmails coll Exhibition.
Final value: $ 125.00
237 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1931 (17 Feb) Est. San Roque, San Felipe - USA, Chicago. Air multifkd envelope via Santiago (18 Feb) Rate $3,90 VF airmail usage from provinces. Ex Prof West airmails coll.
Final value: $ 48.00
238 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1931 (9 Oct) Stgo - USA, NYC. Air multifkd env at 3,85 rate. Ex Prof West coll. VF condition.
Final value: $ 28.00
239 Chile - Stationery
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1932. LAN Chile Santiago comercial line cachet. Free envelope. Airmails Ex Prof. West.
Final value: $ 50.00
240 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1932 (26 Feb) LAN internal + International link. Rate $5,20. Iquique - UK, Finsbury. Registered air multifkd env. Ex Prof West. VF.
Final value: $ 51.00
241 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1932 (30 March) Concepcion - Germany, Hamburg. Air multifkd env. Ex prof West airmails coll. Rate $3,90.
Final value: $ 22.00
242 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1932 (22 Apr) La Paz, Bolivia - Arica - UK, Manchester. North Atlantic ship crossing, air to NY. Multifkd env VF Ex Prof West Coll.
Final value: $ 50.00
243 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1932 (12 June) Temuco - UK, Reading. Via Panagra. Air multifkd env, fwded. Ex Prof West airmails coll.
Final value: $ 39.00
244 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1932 (29 June) LAN. Talcahuano - Arica (3 July) via Stgo (30 June) Air multifkd env. Showing all routing. VF. Ex Prof West Exhibit.
Final value: $ 100.00
245 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1932 (9 Sept) La Paz, Bolivia origin. Arica - USA, NYC. Air multifkd env at Chilean territory with control NR 10778/80 carried airmails to USA (via Canal Zone) Ex Prof West coll. VF.
Final value: $ 40.00
246 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1932 (22 Oct) Panagra to NY, ship Atlantic crossing Valparaiso - Scotland, Dundec. Air multifkd fkd env. Ex Prof West airmails exhibit.
Final value: $ 40.00
247 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1932 (3 Dic) Diplomatic mail interchange. Stgo - USA, Cleveland via Panagra. Air mult env. Special cachet $3,80 rate via Cristobal - Miami. Ex Prof West airmails exhibit.
Final value: $ 45.00
248 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (4 Apr) Arica - Ecuador, Quito (11 Apr) Air mult fkd env. VF + better early air connectio. Ex Prof West coll $2,40 rate.
Final value: $ 36.00
249 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (22 Apr) Valp - Cristobal, Canal Zone (27 Apr) Air multifkd fkd env via Panagra. Addressed to "SS Orcoma PSNC" Ex Prof West airmails exhibit. VF.
Final value: $ 45.00
250 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (1 June) Antofagasta - Canada, Vancouver, BC (5 June) Air multifkd fkd env via Panagra - Canal Zone + damaged in transit + BC sealed label. VF + scarce. Ex Prof West, UK exhibit airmail coll.
Final value: $ 115.00
251 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (13 June) Stgo - Concepcion (16 June) LAN Agency free frank air envelope. By Express train to Curico + Branch line to destination. VF cachet in lilac. Ex Prof West.
Final value: $ 136.00
252 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (15 June) Lan National + International correct Tocopilla - Switzerland, Zurich. Air multifkd env + air label. Rate $630. Ex Prof West.
Final value: $ 48.00
253 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (25 June) Autofagasta - USA, NYC. Air multifkd env; ovptd issue. Ex Prof West air exhibit. VF.
Final value: $ 38.00
254 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (1 Dec) Panam Grace Airways. Use of airmail to catch a boat Arica - Callao, Peru (1 Dec, same day) Air fkd env at 2 peso rate. VF + rare local air branch. Ex Prof West airmails exhibit.
Final value: $ 85.00
255 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (16 Febr) Panagra Stgp - Argentina, Buenos Aires (17 Feb) Registered air multifkd env, registered cachet. VF Fast trip.
Final value: $ 38.00
256 Chile - XX
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (12 Jan) Lloyd Aereo Boliviano La Paz - Arica, Chile. Special flight which waiting till end of Chaco War + Junker 3 engines to derate 22,000 ft. Ex Prof West.
Final value: $ 38.00
257 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (17 Ene) PANAGRA + PANAM via Canal Zone to CANADA. Stgo - Montreal (25 Km) Registered air multif fkd env. Better dest + Ex Prof West exhibit coll.
Final value: $ 75.00
258 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (31 Oct) " The Santa Anna" Stgo - USA, NYC. Panam Grace Airways New fleet Douglas DC2 (2 monoplanes) Air mult fkd env $29,50 rate. Incl photo of airplane in Ex Prof West Exhibit coll page.
Final value: $ 40.00
259 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (15 Nov) Early three airlines. Tocopila - UK, Bayswater. Air multi (3 Dec) fkd env at $16,20 rate. VF LAN - Panagra - Panam + sea Atlantic crossing. Ex Prof West UK coll.
Final value: $ 48.00
260 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (22 March) TPO airmail Valp - UK, London. Airmail env, TPO -91. Mixed issues. Ex Prof West coll. Very scarce usage.
Final value: $ 20.00
261 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (6 May) LAN - Condor Syndicate. Taltal - Argentina, Buenos Aires (9 May) Air multifkd env to Stgo by LAN + to Buenos Aires by Condor same day rate $2,70. Adressed to Cruiser Rostock.
Final value: $ 45.00
262 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (6 July) Panagra - Panam via Cristobal, CZ. Antofagasta - UK, London. Air multifkd env $15,80 rate. Ex Prof West UK airmails Exhibit. VF.
Final value: $ 45.00
263 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (14 July) Stgo - UK, London. Air multi env Panagra to NY, sea Atlantic crossing $3,80 rate. Fine Ex Prof West coll.
Final value: $ 22.00
264 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (1 Aug) Valdivia - USA, Chicago, Ill. Canal Station. Registered air mult env via Canal Zone with reverse transit cachet (7 Ago) Mixed issues. Shows great. Ex Prof West airmails coll.
Final value: $ 45.00
265 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (7 Aug) Airmail Ex - Prof West. Autofagasta - UK, Aldeburgh Sulfork. LAN flight, rate $6,50.
Final value: $ 28.00
266 Chile
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1936. Punta Arenas, Magallanes. US Navy day US troops presence + local ppc. Fine historical interest.
Final value: $ 14.00
267 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (24 Feb) Four Airlines. Copiapo - USA, SF. SCA Air multifkd env rate 7,40$ LAN-PANAGRA - PAN AMERICAN - UNITED airlines. Ex Prof West Exhibit. VF + interesting multiple lines usage.
Final value: $ 110.00
268 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (July 4) Lan + Air France + Imperial Airways. Copiapo - Hong Kong, Asia (31 July) Air multifkd env at $ 12,40 pesos rate. Via Santiago (5 July) Air France Atlantic crossing to Dakar by Ville de Santiago linking Buenos Aires, Argentina. With internal Fine
Final value: $ 750.00
269 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (15 July) Airmails Ex - Prof West. Autofagasta - UK, London. Air multifkd env. Rtae: 0,60+6,50+1,80=8,90$.
Final value: $ 40.00
270 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (27 Jan) PSNC. Airmails, Valp - UK, Hull. Via Air France. Multifkd env. Ex Prof West airmails coll. Int.
Final value: $ 20.00
271 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (9 Apr) Air France "Santos Dumont" Stgo - UK, London. Air multifkd env. Chilean Foreign office + French airline cachet on front. VF + exceptional good strike. Ex Prof West airmails coll.
Final value: $ 50.00
272 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (1 July) PANAGRA - PANAM + SHIP ATLANTIC CROSSING Antofagasta - UK, Suffolk. Air multifkd env de 23,70 $ rate with rare multicolor "VIA PANAGRA" label. VF Ex Prof West UK exhibit coll.
Final value: $ 45.00
273 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (3 July) Air France To Marseille. Stgo - Switzerland, Luzern. Air mult fkd env $10,30 rate + air Chile Santiago to Marseille cachet + train to dest. Better usage Ex Prof West coll.
Final value: $ 55.00
274 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (28 Sept) PANAGRA + PANAM via Canal Zone (30 Sept) Stgo - USA, Chicago Ill (2 Oct) Air multif env at $15,40 rate. Ex Prof West exhibit with Cristobal. CZ transit reverse.
Final value: $ 35.00
275 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (8 Oct) HMS Exeter, Pacific fleet. Valp - UK, Winborne, Dorset. Air multifkd env. Total rate $ 50,10. Ex Prof West airmails exhibit.
Final value: $ 40.00
276 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (15 Dec) Antofagasta - Germany, Oberbayern LAN + International rate 8,5$. Via Santiago Ex Prof. West.
Final value: $ 40.00
277 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (5 Feb) LAN + International Antofogasta - UK, London. Air multifkd env rate $9,00 via Santiago. Ex - Prof West. Airmails coll.
Final value: $ 40.00
278 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (3 June) First issue for International flights only Santiago - Canada, Montreal. Air multifkd envelope. Via Panagra; CZ and Miami. Rate was $7.75 (only 5c more than registered) Very interesting as a non philatelist but probably a tied complete set.
Final value: $ 35.00
279 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (24 June) Stgo - Paris, France. Air France Multiair fkd env with scarcer smaller violet Chile PO air cachet (xx/R) official stamps "Servicio de Estado" ovptd VF Ex Prof West airmails coll.
Final value: $ 45.00
280 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (17 May) "Air France to Marseille" over Stgo - Paris, France. Air multifkd env $12,50 rate. Reverse Marseille Gare Avion + Paris cachets. VF Ex Prof West airmails coll.
Final value: $ 18.00
281 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (11 Oct) Antofagasta - Zagreb, Yougoslavia (27-28 Oct) Via Panama Canal Zone - NYC - Lisbon - LJUBLJANA, Registered air multi envelope via Panagra - PANAM - US Atlantic Clipper rate 10,90$. Extraordinary usage Ex Prof West airmails exhibit.
Final value: $ 240.00
282 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (17 Sept) NEW air rate, introduced 1 sept 40 Valp - Wilmington, Delaware, USA. Air multifkd env. From South America. Explosives to Dupost finished DV rate 7,70$. VF Ex Prof West exhibition.
Final value: $ 22.00
283 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1942 (22 Sept) WWII Magallanes - Argentina, Buenos Aires. Air multifkd env rate 2,20 $. Ex Prof West.
Final value: $ 38.00
284 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1944 (3 March) Magallanes - USA, Kentucky, Louisville (14-16 March). Air multifkd env at 13,20 pesos rate.
Final value: $ 18.00
285 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1945 (23 July) Stgo - USA, Sea Cliff, Long Island. Air multifkd env at $16 rate for extra air suplement written in Italian for censor (not applied). Fine airmail item, ex Prof West. Exhibit.
Final value: $ 24.00
286 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946 (2 April) PANAGRA + US lines Stgo - USA, Detroit, Mich. Illustr registered EXPRESO multi fkd env at 5,60 $ rate (0,40 + 1,00 regist + 3,20 air) Zenith Radio - Wagner Corp Very rare air express service. The only one is Prof West airmails. Exhibit.
Final value: $ 28.00
287 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946 (14 Oct) LAN - Panamerican. Tocopila - Panama, Canal Zone. PSNC. SS Glamory multifkd env. Rate $640. Ex Prof West.
Final value: $ 100.00
288 Chile
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1947 (18 Aug) Santiago - Spain, Madrid (26 Aug) Air multifkd registered envelope. Fast trip after WWII + isolated destination. 21,40 pesos rate.
Final value: $ 70.00
289 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1947 (3 Nov) LAN internal + International Ovalle - USA, Chicago. Air multifkd env Via Santiago (Panagra) Cristobal - Miami. Ex Prof West.
Final value: $ 28.00
290 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1949 (7 March) Diplomatic mail. Stgo - Uruguay, Montevideo. Franquicia Postal Panamericana. Special rate. Registered iar multifkd envelope $3,20 rate. Ex Prof West airmails coll + dest.
Final value: $ 30.00
291 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1949 (13 March) Canadian Embassy Mail. Stgo - USA, Akron, DH. Registered air multifkd env special cachet consular. VF.
Final value: $ 18.00
292 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1951 (2 Jan) Iquique - UK, London. Air multifkd env. LAN + Panamerican via Miami - NY. Ex Prof West.
Final value: $ 35.00
293 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1951 (4 Oct) LAN internal Iquique - UK, London. Air multifkd env. LAN + Panamerican. Ex Prof West.
Final value: $ 30.00
294 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1953 (10 Nov) Magllanes - Chuquicamata. Air multifkd env. LAN internal. Ex Prof West.
Final value: $ 24.00
295 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1953 (18 Nov) P. Arenas - Chuquicamata. Air multifkd env. LAN chile internal fkd env. Ex Prof. West.
Final value: $ 24.00
296 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1954 (9 Sept) LAN internal. Stgo - Chuqiocamata (12 Sept) Air single fkd env.
Final value: $ 20.00
297 Chile - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1965 (9 March) Temuco - UK, Tunbridge. Air multifkd env, Lan Chile. Military conscription Wells cachet. VF + special Ex. Prof West airmails coll.
Final value: $ 28.00
298 China
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1903 (19 July) Rusian PO Peking - Germany, Neubranderberger (24 Aug) Reverse multifkd env at 20k rate by 5k lilac strip of four ovptd tied cds. Arrival cachet. Fine multiple usage.
Final value: $ 185.00
299 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1906 (17 July) China Military. Chinese military mission to purchase artillery at France. Exceptional circulated photo ppc to Switzerland (19 July) showing the mission in a training camp with different types. Prince Tsai-Tse (24-25 April)
Final value: $ 61.00
300 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1910 (19 March) French PO. Canton, China. Pre-cancelled Indochina 10c doble stat card reply half used. Most unusual.
Final value: $ 32.00
301 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1921 (1 March) Chunkiang - Germany, Kettrivig, Rheinland. Via Tientsin - Siberia. Mixed issues multifkd env + manuscript postal cachet.
Final value: $ 100.00
302 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1925. Shanghai - Germany, Hamburg. Fkd env single 3c green Junk issue, tied cds + taxed + arrival violet "PORTO" cachet + aux "T". Scarce single frkg to overseas, tied bilingual cds. Carried via Siberia.
Final value: $ 110.00
303 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1927 (19 Sept) Shanghai - Switzerland, Klosters. Air multifkd env at 1,15$ rate by "Empress of Asia" by Imperial Airways + air cachet "By IAL" (xxx) XF item. Transited reverse (NB Air to Rome?)
Final value: $ 240.00
304 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1929 (25 March) Shanghai - Germany, Herborn via Siberia. Wood pirnted ppc fkd 3c green junk issue. Fine.
Final value: $ 70.00
305 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1930. Wu Hai Shan - Germany, Lippstadt via Siberia. Single 25c blue fkd env, bilingual cachet. Fine.
Final value: $ 50.00
306 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1930 (22 March) Shanghai - Switzerland, Aarau. Via Siberia. Single 10c green Junk issue fkd env + "C1" depart control cachet. Interesting.
Final value: $ 95.00
307 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1930 (22 Dec) Peking - Germany, Berlin. Single 25c blue fkd env, mns cachet + "D11" depart control cachet. VF usage.
Final value: $ 100.00
308 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (17 Sept) Wuchang - USA, Ky, Louisville. Multifkd envelope, bilingual cds + ovptd issue. Reverse control cachet.
Final value: $ 180.00
309 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (24 Feb) Peiping - USA, North Carolina, Asheville. Multifkd env + fwded.
Final value: $ 35.00
310 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (4 Nov) Manchuria. US consular. Monkchen - USA, Kentucky, Louisville (24-25 Nov) Registered air multifkd envelope. Mixed issues.
Final value: $ 160.00
311 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (19 Feb) Yunnavifu - USA, Ky, Louisville. US consular. Air multifkd registered mixed issues + R-label. VF + better origin. 11 days to Shanghai + 28 days to Kentucky.
Final value: $ 375.00
312 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (27 Oct) Shanghai - Germany, Oberlungwitz, Saxony (15 Nov) Registered single 50c green BATA comercial fkd envelope. Lovely condition.
Final value: $ 48.00
313 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (23 Dec) Japan Intervention Manchuria - China. Apolitical usage of foreign naval vessels in Yangtze River. Patrol group formed + US, GB, Italy, China and France + Japan with boats naves and printed to US by USS Luzon arriving in USA, Ky, Louisville b Fine
Final value: $ 900.00
314 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1937. Chengtu - UK, Cornwall, Porthleven. Air mutifkd env. Ovptd issue, bilingual cds. Gorgeus item. XF.
Final value: $ 400.00
315 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (Jan) Shanghai - UK, London (6 Feb) Via HK (22 Jan) Air multifkd env front + reverse (further stamps missing in transit + red cachet "via HONG KONG by IAL" (xxx/R) Imperial Airways.
Final value: $ 45.00
316 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (29 April) Canton - UK, London. Via HK via Imperial Airways direct flight. Air multifkd env. Gorgeous condition. XF.
Final value: $ 300.00
317 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (July - Aug) Hankow - UK, Rugby. Air IAL multifkd env. Via HK (11 Aug) Imperial Airlines 1,85$ rate. XF + origin for British Imperial mail.
Final value: $ 285.00
318 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (4 Aug) Shanghai - England, Middlx, Harrow. Air multifkd env via Hong Kong + Imperial Airway with better "Via Hong Kong and by IAL" red cachet. Rate 1,85$.
Final value: $ 220.00
319 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (11 Aug) Shanghai - England, Middlx, Harrow, Air Imperial via HK multifkd env at 1,05$ rate, int red cachet "Via Hong Kong by IAL" Imperial airways. XF. Reverse transited.
Final value: $ 300.00
320 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (30 Nov) Canton4 - London, UK, via HK. Front + reverse multifkd env via airmail IAL Imperial Airlines 2,45 $ rate. VF.
Final value: $ 180.00
321 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (21 Nov) Shanghai - Germany, Dresden. Via Siberia. Multifkd env with "65" control air just Pre WWII. Nippon Occup.
Final value: $ 75.00
322 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (27 March) Japan Occup, Shanghai - Switzerland, Lugano (10 April) Registered air IAL Imperial multifkd envelope 4,85$ rate. Via Canton - HK - Italy, Milano. Reverse transited. VF item.
Final value: $ 240.00
323 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (24 Febr) Japan Occup, Shanghai - England, Devon, Plymouth. Registered Imperial Airways multifkd env incl reverse US China flags issue. 2,75$ rate. XF item.
Final value: $ 240.00
324 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (27 March) Shanghai - England, Plymouth. Registered air Imperial multifkd env, reverse HK transited. Rate 2,75$. VF.
Final value: $ 160.00
325 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946 (14 Feb) US consular. Tihwa, Sinkiang, Chinese Turkestan - USA, KY, Louisville (8 Sept) Registered air multifkd env. 83 days trip. Very rare overseas postal origin.
Final value: $ 296.00
326 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946 (April) US legation. Tihwa - USA, NYC (16 May) Registered airmail reverse multifkd early inflation ovptd issue, fwded to APO 254-197-139. Free and very rare postal overseas origin for Chinese Turkestan.
Final value: $ 451.00
327 China - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946 (29 Oct) Shanghai - England, Linas, Burton on Humber via HK. Registered air multifkd ovptd issue envelope. Several cachets + R-label + "By Air to London only". VF.
Final value: $ 140.00
328 China - XX
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1948 (21 Oct) Tsingtao - Spain, Madrid (4 Nov) Registered air multifkd ovptd issues + inflation period usage. Extraordinary item + destination.
Final value: $ 750.00
329 China - Prc
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1957 (19 Sept) Dairen, Harbin - Germany, Dortmund. Multifkd env, via Moscow + XF item.
Final value: $ 125.00
330 China - Prc
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1958 (18 March) Dairen, Harbin - East Germany, Magdeburg. Multifkd env via Moscow. XF.
Final value: $ 120.00
331 Colombia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1898 (12 March) Bogota - Hamburg, Germany (26 Apr) via French pqbt + red Barranquilla cds. 2c black and yellow stat card. Fine.
Final value: $ 28.00
332 Colombia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1930 (6 March) Bogota - Germany, Berlin. Air multifkd env incl color air label. Fine.
Final value: $ 20.00
333 Colombia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1932 (19 May) Scadta, Barranquilla - Germany, Berlin. Air multifkd env + air label.
Final value: $ 27.00
334 Colombia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1932 (8 Aug) Barranquilla - Germany, Berlin. Air multifkd env incl ovptd issue. Fine.
Final value: $ 20.00
335 Colombia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (2 Enero) Manizales - USA, Ky, Louisville, Shield color illustrated label fkd envelope, rolling advert coffee cachet. Heyburg correspondance.
Final value: $ 18.00
336 Colombia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (20 Jan) Bogota - Germany, Baden, Pforzheim. Air multifkd env, reverse transited with Spanish + German air cachets (xxx/R). Fine usage.
Final value: $ 32.00
337 Colombia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (1 May) Medellin - Germany, Berlin. 6 comercial illustrated airmail multifkd env incl coffee issue + air tied label + aux cachet. VF appearance item.
Final value: $ 24.00
338 Colombia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1947 (Junio) Manizales, Caldas - Burgos, España (3 Oct) Sobre comercial ilustrado certificado, matasellos violeta. Interesante.
Final value: $ 28.00
339 Colombia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1947 (11 Aug) Barranquilla - Germany, Bremen. Air multifkd env + British zone censorship. Fine usage.
Final value: $ 25.00
340 Colombia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1948 (18 Junio) San Marcos - Burgos, España. Sobre franqueo multiple frente y reverso via aerea dirigido a seminario de misiones (recien llegado) muy interesante.
Final value: $ 22.00
341 Costa Rica
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1954 (18 June) San Jose - Germany, Wiesbaden. Air multifkd env. Nice item.
Final value: $ 28.00
342 Czechoslovakia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1871 (17 July) Austria postal adm. Prague - Germany, Hamburg (18 July) 2kr yellow stat card, depart cds. Fine + foreign dest.
Final value: $ 45.00
343 Czechoslovakia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1924 (27 June) USA, St. Louis, Miss - Prague. Fkd US pearl + taxed + arrival (x2) postage dues, tied cds. Fine comb.
Final value: $ 45.00
344 Czechoslovakia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1926. US, Los Angeles - Prague. Fkd US parcel, taxed and cacheted, with arrival ovptd p. due issue, cds. Better comb.
Final value: $ 35.00
345 Czechoslovakia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (19 Oct) Aussiah - Bayern, Germany. Unsealed Sudeten pm single 9h green imperf, tied cds. Czech newspaper wrapper. Very scarce and fine.
Final value: $ 40.00
346 Czechoslovakia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940. Cetoraz. Taxed postal stationary money order, reverse p. due tied.
Final value: $ 24.00
347 Czechoslovakia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (22 Sept) Bohemia, Upice - Switzerland, Laugehthal. Single fkd env, nazi label censor on reverse.
Final value: $ 28.00
348 Czechoslovakia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1942 (16 Dec) WWII. Troops in UK. Fkd env to Exeter, Devon, military cachet. Fine military usage / RAF 310. Czech Squadron.
Final value: $ 56.00
349 Czechoslovakia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1945 (8 July) Sniva - Budejavia. 1,50k illust stationary card. Fine, scarce.
Final value: $ 32.00
350 Czechoslovakia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1947 (21 Feb) WWII German Admin area. Ramn - Baden Baden. Fkd env addressed to Czech Mission of repatriation. Very interesting historical area item.
Final value: $ 75.00
351 Czechoslovakia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1947 (31 March) Prague - Gold Coast, British West Africa. Air multifkd env with contains. Very rare destination.
Final value: $ 38.00
352 Czechoslovakia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1949 (18 June) Most - Bolivia, Oruro (25 June) Registered air multifkd env, mixed issues. VF + better destination.
Final value: $ 40.00
353 Denmark
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1902 (30 Nov) Kph - Syria, Damasco. Victoria Hospital. Via German Post Multifkd env. Rare destination + Hospital.
Final value: $ 110.00
354 Denmark
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (21 Oct) ALSONDERUP, Hillerod - Kph. Local multifkd env. Small double ring village. VF. Swan issue.
Final value: $ 22.00
355 Denmark
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (10 Dec) Kph - Netherlands, Amsterdam. Air express multifkd nazi censored envelope. Special air cachet.
Final value: $ 75.00
356 Denmark
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1942 (30 Oct) Kph - Netherlands, Amsterdan. Express air multifkd envelope. Nazi censored.
Final value: $ 45.00
357 Denmark
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1952 (25 March) Aarhus - Spain, Canary Islands Tenerife. Air fkd env. Better destination at this time.
Final value: $ 26.00
358 D.W.I.
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1900 (12 July) Christiansted - St. Thomas (12 July) Local 3c red stat card. Depart + arrival cds.
Final value: $ 45.00
359 D.W.I.
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1911-12. GPO - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Fkd view Sugar Estate card, concentric rings cancel, addressed to tiny Spanish coastal village. VF + rare dest mail.
Final value: $ 110.00
360 Ecuador
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1929 (Aug 4) Guayaquil - Valps Chile (5 Aug) Air fkd env via Mollendo cameledat arrival in Valparaiso (5 Aug) Miami - Cristobal - Santiago THIRD FLIGHT. VF item.
Final value: $ 225.00
361 Ecuador
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1930 (2 April) Guayaquil - France, Cherborg (15 Apr) Front + reverse multifkd env + aux air pmks. Reverse transited. Fine.
Final value: $ 45.00
362 Ecuador
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1930 (Apr 2) Guayaquil - France, Cherbourg (15 Apr) Front + reverse multifkd env + aux cachets. Reverse transited. Fine usage.
Final value: $ 35.00
363 Ecuador
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1930 (April 4) Guayaquil - France, Cherbourg (15 Apr) Air multifkd front + reverse envelope via NY with aux cachets includes provisional ovptd values. Reverse transited.
Final value: $ 33.00
364 Ecuador
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (Oct 20) Guayaquil - USA, Ky, Louisville (5-7 Nov) Registered multifkd front + reverse env, incl old XIX values. Interesting. Heyburn correspondance.
Final value: $ 38.00
365 Egypt
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1861 (17 July) French Post Office. Alexandria - Londres, UK (29 July) E. fkd France 40c orange (x3), tied romboid numeral, cds alongside + French "PAQUEBOT" box arrival alongside. Heavy vertical final crease. Great Opportunity.
Final value: $ 38.00
366 Egypt
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1866 (8 Dec) French Post Office. Cairo small fragment fkd France 5c. Empire horiz strip of three, tied "5119" Very nice item.
Final value: $ 26.00
367 Egypt
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1866 (15 May) French Post Office, Alexandria - France, Paris (22 May). Fkd env 80c red perf France Napoleon, tied "5080" romboid, cds alongside. Roughly opened, stamp is OK faultless. Opportunity. Nice item.
Final value: $ 145.00
368 Egypt
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1872 (15 Jan) French Post Office. Cairo - France, Paris (25 Jan). Single 80c red perf fkd env tied "5114" romboid, cds alongside. Via Alexandria. Reverse transited. Signed Roger Calves.
Final value: $ 130.00
369 Egypt
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1885 (18 Feb) French Post Office. Alexandria - Caire (18 Febr) France fkd env, bilingual text, 1bal 25c orange beige sage type II yellow tied cds "BM" oval cachet. Very scarce, opportunity. Signed Roger Calves.
Final value: $ 45.00
370 Egypt
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1890s. French Post Office. Alexandria selection of mint stationary cards, 11 diff. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 29.00
371 Egypt
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1892 (1 Jan) Cairo - Berlin, Germany (11 Jan) Via Marseille (8 Jan) Early private postcard with 5m red fkg, cds. VF + rare. Very rare.
Final value: $ 67.00
372 Egypt
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1893 (24 June) French Post Office. Alexandria - Cardennes, France (2 July) Via French paquebot Ligue N, paq nº8. Fkd single comercial envelope. France 25c sage stamp issue, tied cds. VF.
Final value: $ 45.00
373 Egypt
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1894 (29 Apr) French Post Office. Alexandria - Austria, Wien (7 May) Registered comercial single France 50c red Sage issue, tied cds, envelope. Reverse transited. Fine.
Final value: $ 45.00
374 Egypt
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1901 (17 Dec) Cairo - Spain, Castellon (small coast town) Spain. Fkd ppc water wworkers Chadouf. A better destination.
Final value: $ 24.00
375 Egypt
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1902 (11 Apr) French Post Office. Alexandria - Germany, rostock (17 Apr) Doble stat card used on way out, posted on board cancelled at Marseille port upon arrival (15 Apr). VF and rarity.
Final value: $ 100.00
376 Egypt
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1908 (16 Jan) French Post Office. Alexandria - Constantinople, Turkey. Fkd ppc. Scarce postal link.
Final value: $ 22.00
377 Egypt
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1903 (14 May) French Post Office. Alexandria - France, Ised (20 May) Ovptd sage 5c green stat unsealed env. Reverse transited. Fine.
Final value: $ 16.00
378 Egypt
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1904 (5 Nov) French Post Office. Alexandria - Germany, Berlin (10 Feb) 10c red stat card. Fine used. Arrival cds on front.
Final value: $ 16.00
379 Egypt
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1905 (21 Dec) French Post Office. Port Said - France, Garonne, Le Mas D'Agenois (23 Dec) Musician ladies fkd early postcard. VF used.
Final value: $ 24.00
380 Egypt
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1911-12. French Post Office. Alexandria - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. 5 diff fkd ppc addresed to most unusual Spanish coastal village destination.
Final value: $ 60.00
381 Egypt
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1912 (1 Dec) Port Said - Samoa, Apia. Via Brindisi - Southampton. 4m red stat card. Addresed to German Resident in this Pacific Islands. Extraordinary destination and VF.
Final value: $ 185.00
382 Egypt
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1914 (8 Feb) French Post Office. Alexandria - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Fkd ppc to small Spanish coastal village. Most scarce.
Final value: $ 45.00
383 Egypt
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1915 (3 June) WWI. Alexandria - Switzerland, Bulle (12 June) Registered multifkd env + censor depart nº5 red oval cachet, tying R-label. XF.
Final value: $ 95.00
384 Egypt
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1915 (6 Sept) WWI. Bacos - Germany, Doiberitz. Via Alexandria with German censorship cachet. 4m red stat card. VF usage.
Final value: $ 160.00
385 Egypt
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1920 (28 Febr) French Post Office. Alexandria - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Tricolor multifkd ppc, to most unusual Spanish coastal village destination.
Final value: $ 45.00
386 Egypt
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1920 (20 Apr) French Post Office. Alexandria - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Fkd ppc water transporter addressed to small spanish coastal village. Scarce destination.
Final value: $ 28.00
387 Egypt
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1920 (20 April) French Post office. Alexandria - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Multifkd ppc addressed to most unusual Spanish coastal village. Scarce destination and VF.
Final value: $ 50.00
388 Egypt
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1923 (13 Jan) Port Said - Germany, Leipzig (20 Jan) Unsealed pm rate 2m rose embosed spunx small stat env + adtl, tied cds. VF usage.
Final value: $ 48.00
389 Egypt
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1924 (22 Jan) Cairo - Germany, Nuremberg. Registered air multifkd env incl ovptd crown Pyramid 10m stamp. VF comb usages.
Final value: $ 48.00
390 Egypt
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1926 (1 June) French Post Office. Port Said - China, Chumking, West province. Single fkd env, ovptd issue. Reverse transited via Singapore (16 June) - Shanghai. Rarity desstination (25 June).
Final value: $ 160.00
391 Egypt
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1926 (21 Nov) French Post Office. Alexandria - France, Paris. Registered reverse multifkd env. Fine used.
Final value: $ 36.00
392 Egypt
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1930 (9 Oct) French Post Office. Alexandria - Germany, Magdebourg (14 Oct) Registered single 30 ms ovptd fkd envelope via Italy - Napoli - Pessana - Triest. Fine usage.
Final value: $ 96.00
393 Egypt
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1947 (3 May) Port Fouad - Bamako, French Sudain, AOF (21 May) Air registered multifkd envelope. Via Cairo - Senegal. VF + rare destination mail.
Final value: $ 100.00
394 Egypt
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1948 (21 Jan) Port Fonad - Sudan, French Colony, Bamako. ADF (2 Feb) Registered multifkd env, via Port Said - Lagos, Nigeria. VF + rare interAfrican postal link + destination.
Final value: $ 100.00
395 Egypt
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1948 (11 Dec) Alexandria - Guersey, Channel Islands. Air multifkd env, mixed issues + red control cachet. VF.
Final value: $ 38.00
396 Egypt
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1955-60. Trio of air machine franked envelopes / card usages to Germany. 3 diff Cºs /town including Port Said + Shepards Hotel. VF.
Final value: $ 65.00
397 Egypt
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1960 (20 Jan) Cairo - Bahrain, Awali.. Air letter sheet multifkd front and reverse. Quantas private produced. Transited. Fine and better early destination.
Final value: $ 24.00
398 Eire
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1922 (10 Apr) Dungloe, Donegal - USA, Pittsburgh. Single 2d orange ovptd issue fkd env. Addresed to Revenend, tied cds. VF.
Final value: $ 45.00
399 Eire
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1943 (21 Feb) Baile Atha - Germany, Bayern, Lindenberg. Single 2 1/2d fkd env, triple censored front and reverse incl nazi. Good item.
Final value: $ 45.00
400 Eire
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1944 (29 Aug) Blackrock - Bermuda, St. Georges. British Caribbe. Via NY. Dual censored multifkd envelope + Better destination. Reverse transited.
Final value: $ 125.00
401 Eire
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1945 (19 Feb) Malahide - Switzerland, Vaud. Air multifkd env, triple censored. Fine item. Via Lisboa (5 March) transited reverse.
Final value: $ 32.00
402 Estonia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (2 Nov) Tallinn - Madrid, Spain. PM rate multifkd unsealed envelope. Rarity destination. Fine.
Final value: $ 26.00
403 Estonia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (20 Sept) Tallinn - Finland, Helsinki (21 Sept) Multifkd illustr envelope. Reverse slogan Olympics Cacheted arrival. Most unusual last days pre occup.
Final value: $ 41.00
404 Ethiopia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (26 Aug) Addis Abeba - USA, Kentucky, Louisville. Reached 19 Sept single fkd env. Italy invaded the country 3 oct 1935 just after.
Final value: $ 20.00
405 Ethiopia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936. Italiian Inversion + British India Troops Withrawal 3 photos monted in album page. Interesting historical info.
Final value: $ 14.00
406 Ethiopia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946 (3 Dec) US consular. Addis Abeba - USA, KY, Louisville (4 Feb) Via Aden (26 Dec) Registered multifkd envelope. VF.
Final value: $ 40.00
407 Ethiopia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1972 (16 June) Harrar - England, Herts, Broxbourne. 10c green stat air letter sheet + adtl, canopies. Scarce used.
Final value: $ 16.00
408 Finland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1880 (6 March) Lovisa - Helsingfors (7 March) 10p brown early stat card. Fine depart cds. Early usage.
Final value: $ 40.00
409 Finland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1914 (28 Feb) Helsingfors - Netherlands, Groenlo (3 March) Registered multifkd 14k blue stationary envelope. Lovely condition item. Russian admin period. Via Sweden.
Final value: $ 185.00
410 Finland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (22 May) Helsinki - Berlin, Germany. Air fkd stat card 1,25 m orange. Air cachet.
Final value: $ 28.00
411 Finland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (13 Jan) Rentta - France, Cherbourg. Military fkd pcard with censor cachet, cds nº 5. VF 1st Russo - Finnish War.
Final value: $ 24.00
412 Finland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (26 Feb) Kemi - USA, Mass, Cambridge (1 Apr) Registered air multifkd env. First Russo. Finnish War period censorship.
Final value: $ 45.00
413 Finland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1948 (25 Feb) Tampere - Switzerland, Bern. Air fkd envelope single 15 mk. VF.
Final value: $ 16.00
414 France - Prephilatel
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1792 (2G Germinal) Altkirk - Arnay. French Occup of Alsace. EL full text, "6G - ALTKIRCH" charged 7. VF item.
Final value: $ 161.00
415 France
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1854 (2 July) Valognas - Beaupreire (4 July) Stampless EL taxed depart cds + "30" charge. Fine.
Final value: $ 36.00
416 France
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1871 (28 Febr) Erquelines - Belgium, Lovelinsart (1 March) Multifkd env at 30c rate. VF + reverse transited.
Final value: $ 35.00
417 France
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1871 (16 May) Franco Prussian War - Alsace. Schlettstadt - L'Aigle, Orne. EL fkd 20c deep blue, tied cds + charged. Interesting item.
Final value: $ 240.00
418 France
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1871 (29 June) ALSACE. France - Prussian War, Altkirch - Altstetten, Switzerland. Fkd env 5c green (+further stamp missing in transit, tied cds) Opportunity.
Final value: $ 38.00
419 France-Stationery
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1902 (20 Nov) Paris - Germany. Lichtenthal (21 Nov) Registered 15c orange stat env + 2 adtls, tied cds. Scarce type usage.
Final value: $ 24.00
420 France - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1916 (18 May) Bruny - Switzerland, Lausanne (22 May) INTERNATIONAL FEMINIST Association in favour of war Refugees. Illustr multifkd env, semeuse issue using "Woman stamp". Very interesting early group usage.
Final value: $ 180.00
421 France - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1916 (4 Nov) Dampierre - Switzerland, Lausanne (10 Nov 16) Multifkd envelope adrdressed to the INTERNATIONAL FEMINIST war refugees envelope with "Woman stamps" Very interesting historical early postal document.
Final value: $ 160.00
422 France - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1922 (21 Dec) Mulhouse - Spitalflatz, Altdorf, Switzerland (22 Dec) Fkd semeuse issue ppc, taxed + arrival Swiss postage dues, tied box ds. VF item.
Final value: $ 40.00
423 France-Stationery
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1923. Jura + Pug de Dome - Netherlands, La Haye. 2 diff semeuse stationary card 20c + 30c multifkd adtl fkd. VF pair.
Final value: $ 36.00
424 France - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1924 (30 June) Lyon - UK, Scotland, Glasgow. Multifkd ppc small Pasteur + Semeuse issues. Fine comb.
Final value: $ 26.00
425 France-Stationery
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1925 (25 Nov) Paris - Netherlands, Amersford. Int. Expo decoratives 45c colour stat card + semeuse adtl stamp, tied cds. Fine usage.
Final value: $ 24.00
426 France - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1930 (28 May) Paris - Cuba, Habana (7 June) Air flown env via NY/USA, multifkd env, incl semeuse issue. Fine item.
Final value: $ 24.00
427 France - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (29 May) Le Havre - USA, Louisville, Ky. Maidenvoyage. "SS Normandie. Fkd envelope signed by captain rene Pugnet. Heyburn archive. VF. +.
Final value: $ 26.00
428 France - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (16 Aug) Le Havre - Paris. Air multifkd envelope + air label. Reverse transited. Interesting item.
Final value: $ 19.00
429 France - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (11 Nov) Paris - Siam, Bangkok (18 Nov) via British Imperial Airways. Air multifkd env. Reverse transited. Interesting shown 7 days transit time. Flown: IE 496.
Final value: $ 51.00
430 France - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (Sept) Paris - USA, Westfort, CT (4-5 Oct) Registered multifkd envelope, incl Semeuse + comm issue. VF reverse transited.
Final value: $ 24.00
431 France - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (27 Sept) Paris - USA, Westfort, CT (5 Oct) multifkd env, incl Semeuse + comm. Issue. VF.
Final value: $ 24.00
432 France - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (4 Jan) Paris - Belgium, Bruxelles. Registered multifkd env, incl ovptd Semeuse issue + St. Aignon label. Fine.
Final value: $ 24.00
433 France - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (14 June) Paris - USA, Westforte CT (21-22 June) Registered multifkd env incl comm + Semeuse issues tied cds. VF reverse tranisted + T-labels.
Final value: $ 24.00
434 France - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (Sept) Nancy - UK, Dorlington, Cº Durham (22 Sept) Registered multifkd env incl Semeuse issue tied cds. Reverse transited + seven wax seals.
Final value: $ 20.00
435 France - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (Sept) Paris, Capuchines - USA, Westfort, CT (29-30 Sept) Registered multifkd env incl Semeuse + comm issue "Help of French repatriated from Spain"
Final value: $ 24.00
436 France-Stationery
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941. Le Havre - Germany. POW Christmas 1941 Petain 5f blue stat card. Salon du Prisonner. A very scarce item.
Final value: $ 24.00
437 France - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (26 Aug) Arcachon - Netherlands, Amsterdam (1 Sept) Registered EXPRESS multifkd env incl block of four, nazi censored. VF usage.
Final value: $ 50.00
438 France - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1942 (17 Febr) Paris - Netherlands, Amsterdam. Petain mixed issues multifkd env + Nazi censored. Scarce WWII item.
Final value: $ 45.00
439 France - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1942 (17 July) Paris - Netherlands, Amsterdan. WWII Petain Education Nationale Cabinet. Multifkd env + Nazi censored. Fine.
Final value: $ 26.00
440 France - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1943 (5 Nov) Petain Regime. Lyon - Bulgaria, Silistra (19 Nov) Multifkd ppc. Incl Petain issue Nazi censor. Very rare postal connection during WWII.
Final value: $ 56.00
441 France-Stationery
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1945 (9 Jan) Claire, Garonne - Switzerland, Morge. Fkd 1,20 f lilac stat card + 1,50 Mariana adtl, tied cds. WWII censored. Arrived 20 March. 73 days transit, delayed due to war time. Very interesting.
Final value: $ 40.00
442 France-Stationery
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1945 (22 Aug) Clairac, Garonne - Switzerland, Morges, Vand. 1,20f lilac stat card + Mariana adtl + taxed arrival p. due, tied cds + aux cachet. Interesting scarce item.
Final value: $ 100.00
443 France - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1947 (16 Sept) Paris - Switzerland, Bern. Color illustr medical electric machines red cross HOLO - ELECTRON fkd env. Very interesting.
Final value: $ 18.00
444 France-Stationery
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1948 (31 Dec) Paris - Luxemburg. 5f green Mariona stat card + adtl. Fine used.
Final value: $ 14.00
445 France-Stationery
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1950 (27 Nov) Paris - Costa Rica, San Jose. 12f blue Mariana stat card + 2 adtls. Better dest. Fine.
Final value: $ 23.00
446 France - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1953 (5 Jan) Paris - Monaco, Montecarlo. Registered reimbowsement melt fkd env incl Mariana issue. Fine.
Final value: $ 18.00
447 French Levant
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1911 (2 Dec) Kerasunde, Samsoun - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Fkd photo ppc, French Post Office to small spanish coastal village. Very rare destination + usage.
Final value: $ 125.00
448 French Levant
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1911 (2 Dec) Kerasunde, Samsoun - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Fkd view ppc, French post office to rare spanish coastal village. Very scarce destination.
Final value: $ 125.00
449 Frc - Aef
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (13 Oct) Gabon, Port. Gentil - France, Le Havre. Air multifkd env incl ovptd issue. Mixed fkd, tied cds. Interesting item.
Final value: $ 28.00
450 Frc - Congo
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1930 (6 March) Brazzaville - France. Fkd ppc ovptd issue.
Final value: $ 14.00
451 Frc - Congo
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (14 Sept) AEF. Brazzaville - USA, KY, Louisville (19-20 Oct) Registered multifkd envelope + R-label. Fine. Airmail issue. Includes comercial photo.
Final value: $ 36.00
452 Frc - Gabon
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1960 (23 Jan) Libreville - USA, Early photo ppc. Prime minister fkd.
Final value: $ 14.00
453 Frc - Guadalupe
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1920 (21 Febr) Pointe a Pitre - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Fkd Lazaretto view ppc to very scarce destination.
Final value: $ 32.00
454 Frc - Guadalupe
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1920 (17 Sept) Ponte a Pitre - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Fkd view French Army photo ppc. Very scarce destination.
Final value: $ 32.00
455 Frc - Guadalupe
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1947 (20 May) Pointe a Pitre - France, Paris. Air multifkd env. Rate 13,50 frs.
Final value: $ 20.00
456 Frc - Guiana
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1942 (14 March) Cayenna - USA, Kentucky, Louisville (20-21 April) WWII. Registered air multifkd envelope. Censored + reverse transited. Fine.
Final value: $ 55.00
457 Frc - India
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (20 Sept) Pondichery - USA, Louisville, Kentucky. Air multifkd env. Fine usage.
Final value: $ 32.00
458 Frc - India
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (18 July) Pondichery - USA, NYC. Multifkd ppc. Fine circulation.
Final value: $ 24.00
459 Frc - India
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (23 May) Pondichery - UK, Herts. Ross. British consular mail. Multifkd env. Fine. Scarce circulation.
Final value: $ 35.00
460 Frc - India
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1947 (1 Feb) Pondichery - USA, NYC (12 May) Air multifkd front + reverse registered envelope, comm issues. Comercial envelope + VF reverse tied depart cds + cachet.
Final value: $ 40.00
461 Frc - Ivory Coast
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (10 Jan) Dedougou - USA, Kentucky, Louisville. Fkd env with Upper Volta stamps, as Colony dissapear in 1933 and was divided between neighbouring countries.
Final value: $ 32.00
462 Frc - Madagascar
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1911 (31 July) 63 - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Fkd local ppc to rare destination. Fine +.
Final value: $ 38.00
463 Frc - Madagascar
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1911 (2 Nov) 63 - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Fkd Rogo Suarez PPC to most unusual tiny coastal Spanish village.
Final value: $ 28.00
464 Frc - Madagascar
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1911 (2 Nov) 63 - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Fkd view ppc to most unusual rare destination area.
Final value: $ 32.00
465 Frc - Madagascar
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (23 Aug) Majunga - South West Africa, SWA, Goharis (6 Sept) Extraordinary African internal usage. Registered air multifkd env route: Tananarive - Mozambique - Lourenzo Marques - De Aar - Windhoek. Exceptional item.
Final value: $ 240.00
466 Frc - Madagascar
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1945 (19 March) China consular mail. Tananarive - Shanghai, China (arrival cachet) Air multifkd env. Rarity period dest + XF.
Final value: $ 375.00
467 Frc - Martinique
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1856 (12 March) GPO - St. Croix, DWI. Via BPO Martinique and British BPO St. Thomas (17 March) Envelope sent by the French Governor addressed to the Chief of DWI. Charged mns "8" exceptionally rare.
Final value: $ 2400.00
468 Frc - New Caledonia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1913 (29 Jan) Noumea - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Multifkd view ppc, Extraord rare destination mail.
Final value: $ 45.00
469 Frc - New Caledonia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1921 (4 May) Noumea - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Fkd view locals ppc to most unusual tiny village Spanish coastal destination.
Final value: $ 55.00
470 Frc - New Caledonia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1921 (4 May) Noumea - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Local woman photo fkd ppc. Very unusual destination.
Final value: $ 55.00
471 Frc - New Caledonia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (21 July) Nomea - USA, Kentucky, Louisville. First flight. Trip to Canton Island. Special cachet. During WWII.
Final value: $ 28.00
472 Frc - Niger
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1913 (21 Oct) Toukoto - France, Canton, Wassigny, Etreux (17 Nov) Fkd env 10c via Kayes. Fine village usage.
Final value: $ 38.00
473 Frc - Niger
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (9 Dec) Zinder, Nigerian Border - USA, Kentucky, Louisville (Jan 11,35) Multifkd + taxed env + arrival p.dues (x3) + aux pmk. Scarce comb.
Final value: $ 61.00
474 Frc - St. Pierre Miq
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (14 July) GPO - France, Le Mans (29 July) Registered multifkd envelope. Exposition Colonial issue.
Final value: $ 45.00
475 Frc - St. Pierre Miq
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (7 Sept) GPO - USA, Kentucky, Louisville (10-12 Sept) Registered multifkd front + reverse envelope. Fine usage, with receipt, reverse transited. VF.
Final value: $ 65.00
476 Frc - St. Pierre Miq
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1948 (11 Aug) St. Pierre - France, Paris (6 Sept) Registered multifkd env. First air connection via USA - CANADA. Fine. Nice item.
Final value: $ 40.00
477 Frc - Senegal
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1913. 3 diff local peoples ppc pre-franked postcards. One addressed to Spain, tiny coastal village Castellon de la Plana (rare). Fine group. Women photos.
Final value: $ 26.00
478 Frc - Senegal
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (4 Dec) AOF. Dakar - USA, Kentucky, Louisville (24 Dec) Air + crossed out multifkd env + taxed "mns" cachet. Fine.
Final value: $ 24.00
479 Frc - Senegal
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1942 (9 Jan) AOF, Dakar - USA, KY, Louisville (13 July) 6 months + transit time. WWII. Registered mutifkd front + reverse dual censored envelope. Includes regist receipt.
Final value: $ 50.00
480 Frc - Somali Coast
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1919 (11 May) Djibouti - France, Paris. Multifkd ppc. Fine used.
Final value: $ 22.00
481 Frc - Somali Coast
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (14 Dec) Djibouti - Alsace, Strassbourg official multifkd env. VF usage. Very nice item.
Final value: $ 95.00
482 Frc - Somali Coast
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (16 March) Djibouti - Germany, Dusseldorf. Fkd ppc. VF.
Final value: $ 20.00
483 Frc - Somali Coast
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (29 June) Djibouti - USA, Kentucky, Louisville (16 July) Registered multifkd env, reverse transited. VF.
Final value: $ 38.00
484 Frc - Somali Coast
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1950 (1 Feb) Djibouti - India, Bombay (11 Feb) Reverse air multifkd env. Via Aden.
Final value: $ 26.00
485 Frc - Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (9 Dec) Timbucktu - USA, Kentucky, Louisville (Jan 4, 35) Multifkd envelope + taxed + arrival US p.dues (x3) pre-cancelled + aux "8c" cachet. Scarce comb transit times: GAO, FWA, 6 days, Louisville 26 days.
Final value: $ 58.00
486 Frc - Tahiti
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1908. Huahine local people pre - franked photo view ppc. Scarce village +.
Final value: $ 23.00
487 Frc - Togo
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1916 (4 May) Anglo - French Occupation. Lome - Liverpool, UK. Comercial fkd env ovptd issue, tied cds + British censor cachet. Scarce.
Final value: $ 85.00
488 Germany Stampless
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1864 (15 June) Wittenberg - Bluerern. Stampless E, boxed town dis + mns charges. XF.
Final value: $ 28.00
489 German States-Baden
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1865 (23 Apr) Carlsrube - Gottingen, Hannover. GKV blue embossed stat env + 3kr rose adtl stamp, tied box ds. Reverse transited.
Final value: $ 85.00
490 German States-Bayern
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1912. Mellrichstadt - Chemnitz, fwded back. Comercial fkd env 10 pf red + forwarded with Germania 5 pf green pair. Fine comb.
Final value: $ 40.00
491 German States - Brau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1859-9 (16 Febr) Braunschweig - Stattin (17 Feb) 3gr rose embossed stat env + cds alongside. Fine.
Final value: $ 85.00
492 German States - Brau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1859 (10 Nov) Seesen - Esbech. 1 gros yellow stat embossed envelope, with nice box town cds in blue "SEESEN" alongside. Lovely condition.
Final value: $ 240.00
493 German States - Brau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1865 (7 Apr) Braunschweig - Goldenstedt. 2gr blue stat env + 1gr rose perce adtl, both tied cancel "8" grills.
Final value: $ 110.00
494 German States - Brau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1867 (26 July) Braunschweig - Berlin (27 July) 3gr brown stationary envelope. Fine.
Final value: $ 65.00
495 German States-Meck-S
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1860 (7 Dec) Schwerin - Endwigsluft (7 Dec) 1 1/2 sch green embossed stat env, cancelled pen line + cds alongside. Scarce item.
Final value: $ 110.00
496 German States-N.G.Co
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1868 (29 June) Langenschwalbach - London, UK (30 June) Fkd env single 5kr bister perce, tied cds (xxx/R) Better village overseas usage.
Final value: $ 225.00
497 German States-Prusia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1857-60 (28 Aug) Anclam - Zuslow (same day) 1 silber gr red stat env large size, box town ds.
Final value: $ 75.00
498 German States-Prusia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1860 (6 Feb) Berlin - Forste, Klein Koelzig. 1 sil gr rose embossed medium size stat env + adtl tied "108" rings + pen-cancelled. Box alongside. Fine.
Final value: $ 85.00
499 German States-Prusia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1862 (8 Nov) Bonn - Liverpool (Nov 10) 3gr brown stat env + adtl, oval "P" in red box town ds. Via Ostende.
Final value: $ 40.00
500 German States-Prusia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1866 (27 April) Viersen - Netherlands, Amsterdam (28 Apr) E. fkd 2gr blue, perce, tied box ds + Franco alongside. Arrival cachet.
Final value: $ 45.00
501 German States - Sach
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1859 (6 July) Dresden - Spain, Madrid (11 July) Small fkd envelope with contains, bearing single 3gr black/yellow. Addresed to the Danish embassador in Spain and Portugal Leon Moltke. Arrival charge "8 reales" in blue. Extraordinary rare.
Final value: $ 750.00
502 Germany
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1881 (21 Aug) Torgan - Switzerland, Languan (23 Aug) EL full text fkd 20 pf blue small shield eagle, cds. VF.
Final value: $ 28.00
503 Germany
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1883 (3 Sept) Radmitz Station - Dresden (4 Sept) Fkd private business card, 3 lines town cancel. VF.
Final value: $ 24.00
504 Germany
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1889 (16 Febr) Butzbach - USA, Kansas, Valley Falls + retour (4 Oct) Fkd env 20 pf blue small shield eagle, cds. Reverse well transited. VF dest area.
Final value: $ 100.00
505 Germany 1921-4
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1923 (4 March) Inflation days. Essen - Berlin. Cash paid mns "60" + aux photo view postcard. Fine.
Final value: $ 15.00
506 Germany - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (14 Oct) Hamburg - Nigeria, Lagos (21-22 Oct) Air multifkd env via Khartoun - Kano. Rate 55 pfs. A fantastic air via Khartoun envelope involving LATI - British Imperial Airways. Axis was declared in October 936 + ship Waden.
Final value: $ 115.00
507 Germany - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938. Stuttgart - Ital, Naples. Air fkd env + Poste restante paid Italian p. due tied cds. Fine comb.
Final value: $ 26.00
508 Germany - Stationery
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1943 (8 Oct) Reply half stat card 15 pf. Proper usage. Switzerland, St. Gallen - Mainz. Text and nazi censorship cachet.
Final value: $ 65.00
509 Germany - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1944 (25 Apr) Dessau - Belgium, Antwerpen. 6c violet stat card, Hitler issue, nazi censored with text crossed out in flemish. Dessau was a vital point at this stage of WWII for Junkers construction, forced labors, etc.
Final value: $ 40.00
510 Germany - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946 (21 Nov) Freital - Mitterteich, Oberfranken. Registered provisional multifkd env. VF.
Final value: $ 28.00
511 Germany - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1956 (Apr) Lu, Wittemberg - Chile, Puerto Mont (12-14 Apr) Air multifkd env. 180 pf rate. Transited reverse. Better dest.
Final value: $ 24.00
512 Germany - Stationery
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1962 (9 April) REPLY half Bundes stat card proper usage. USA, Bedford, OH - Baden, Karlsrube. With adtl US fkg. Nice comb and scarce modern on time period.
Final value: $ 70.00
513 Germany - Danzig
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1920 (27 July) GPO - Switzerland, Cheinfelden. Multifkd env. Ovptd issue 80c rate, cds. VF.
Final value: $ 45.00
514 Germany - Danzig
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1920 (28 Oct) Heubude - Sweden, Eskilbunna via Berlin. Registered airmail ovptd issue multifkd envelope. Reverse transited.
Final value: $ 100.00
515 Germany - Danzig
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1920 (10 Dec) Langhur - Coblenz. Ovptd Germania stat card + 2 adtls. VF.
Final value: $ 48.00
516 Sarre
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1920 (17 Sept) Merzig - Wiesbaden. Comercial agriculture machine multifkd env / ovptd Germania. Fine.
Final value: $ 60.00
517 Sarre
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (24 Dec) Saarbrucken - Osterlien. Registered multifkd ovptd issue at 3,80 fr rate with control cachet.
Final value: $ 75.00
518 Sarre
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (23 Jan) Saarbrucken - Osterlien. Registered multifkd ovptd issue. Fine. 3,90 fr rate.
Final value: $ 60.00
519 Silesia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1920 (7 June) Pless - Germany, Karlsruhe (9 June) Registered reimboursement multifkd envelope. VF. 23,40 marks.
Final value: $ 100.00
520 Silesia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1943 (30 Aug) WWII. Poland. Bielitz - Romania, Bucharest. Via Wien, Austria. Hitler 6c violet stat card, Europe wide transited. Nazi censored very scarce WWII postal link.
Final value: $ 45.00
521 Gibraltar
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1857 (8 Dic) GPO - Portugal, Lisboa (15 Dic) EL full text via Spain San Roque + 45reis Portuguese land entry charge. Fine + better origin / dest.
Final value: $ 45.00
522 Gibraltar
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1858 (15 Oct) GPO - Portugal, Porto (19 Oct) Via BPO letter A in blue on reverse (xx/RR) and Lisbon (17 Oct) + "P. Britanico" box on front + 480. Scarce direct maritime route.
Final value: $ 125.00
523 Gibraltar
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1858 (20 Nov) GPO - Portugal, Porto. Via Lisboa (22 Nov) Direct Maritime (2 Days transit only / Portuguese entry EL with blue Gibraltar GPO letter A (xxx) + "P. Britanico" box + 180 reis charge. Northbound Peninsula steam P. Cº. XF. Steamer Alhambra.
Final value: $ 275.00
524 Gibraltar
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1859 (26 April) GPO - Portugal, Caminha (7 May) EL full text via BPO letter "A" in blue, Spain San Roque and Lisbon (5 May) charge 45reis. Scarce dest mail for this cachet
Final value: $ 125.00
525 Gibraltar
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1859 (13 June) GPO - Portugal, Oporto (21 June) Via GPO letter A in blue on front (xx). Spain San Roque and land to Lisboa (19 June) Displays superb opened out.
Final value: $ 160.00
526 Gibraltar
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1860 (28 Feb) Peninsular Oriental line. GPO - Portugal, Porto (5 March) EL full text carried by "Ville de Lisborne" via Lisbon. Maritime direct route. Oval "Correio Estrangeiro de Navio" + 160 reis charge. Scarce usage from Gibraltar of this postmark.
Final value: $ 150.00
527 Gibraltar
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1860 (22 March) GPO - Portugal, Porto (30 May) EL full text via BPO letter A in black, superb strike (xxx) land route Spain San Roque - Lisboa (28 May) with Portuguese 135 reis charge. XF strike of the BPO, the finest we've seen in trail to Portugal.
Final value: $ 285.00
528 Gibraltar
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1862 (July 1) GPO - Portugal, Porto (12 July) EL via BPO letter A in black (xxx) Superb strike via Spain - San Roque - Irun (North Spanish border) and sent then via Vianna do Castelho (11 July) North Spanish - Portugal entry before arrive to destination. Fine
Final value: $ 450.00
529 Gibraltar
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1862 (4 Oct) GPO - Lisbon, Portugal (8 Oct) Land route via Spain / San Roque. E with British BPO letter A in black cds on front + "45" reis portuguese arrival charge from Spain. Unusual BPO destination usage.
Final value: $ 150.00
530 Gibraltar
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1864 (10 Oct) LAST DAY of recorded use with B code. GPO - Porto, Portugal (16 Oct) Via BPO in black letter B (xxx/RRR) Lisboa (15 Oct) + 120 reis charge. EL full text. The only recorded "Letter B" to Portugal that we've seen and VF. Rare.
Final value: $ 750.00
531 Gibraltar
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1865 (31 Oct) GPO - Portugal, Porto (4 Nov) Via Spain San Roque - Lisboa, EL. GPO in black letter A charge 120 reis in Portugal. Dissinfection straighlines. Fine.
Final value: $ 125.00
532 Gibraltar
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1869 (30 Apr) GPO - Porto, Portugal (11 May) EL full text via GPO letter A in black, San Roque Spanish entry + octogonal TPO. Spain- Portugal Badajoz-Lisboa. VF.
Final value: $ 180.00
533 Gibraltar
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1869 (10 May) GPO - Portugal, Porto (14 May) Land route Spain San Roque. EL full text BPO letter "A" on front in black + rare ambulant / TPO 13 May 69 (recently opened service) octogonal on reverse. Arrival mns charge 60reis.
Final value: $ 160.00
534 Gibraltar
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1898 (15 May) GPO - Tetuan, Spanish Marruecos. 5c green Spanish currency stat card in Jewish language. Via Ceuta, Spain. VF + scarce used postal routing.
Final value: $ 100.00
535 Gibraltar
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1917 (19 June) GPO - Switzerland, Vevey, Tour de Peilz (29 June) Registered fkd stationary envelope + WWI censored. Fine.
Final value: $ 51.00
536 Gibraltar
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1918 (2 Oct) GPO - Denmark, Randers (19 Oct) WWI Registered multifkd stat env, censored. Fine.
Final value: $ 51.00
537 Gibraltar
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1967 (11 Oct) GPO - Denmark, Svendborg. Air single fkd slogan cachet envelope. VF.
Final value: $ 14.00
538 Great Britain
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1856 (Oct 15) Newcastle on type - Malta (23 Oct) EL full text fkd 6d lilac pl 5, tied 545 grill + cds.
Final value: $ 75.00
539 Great Britain
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1866 (Jan 1) Glasgow - Caen, France (3 Jan) EL with text fkd 4d vermilion pl 7, tied "159" of Scotland + transited. Fine.
Final value: $ 55.00
540 Great Britain
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1872 (2 Jan) Belfast, Northern Ireland - Italy, Rome (5 Jan) E fkd 4d + 1/2d (x2) pl 4. Nice item.
Final value: $ 110.00
541 Great Britain
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1876 (8 Jan) Canterbury - France, Lille (10 Jan) Masonry illustrated front and reverse. Multifkd env, tied "84" grills. Spectacular.
Final value: $ 176.00
542 Great Britain - Stat
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1886 (Aug 28) Worthing Stat - Germany, Westfalen. 1/2d brown stat card + adtl, 923 grill. VF.
Final value: $ 16.00
543 Great Britain - Stat
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1892 (Sept 18) Otley - Lausigk, Germany (20 Sept) stat env + 2 adtls at 2 1/2d rate, grill 599. Fine.
Final value: $ 20.00
544 Great Britain
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1898 (6 Aug) Aberdeen - Germany, Hamburg. Registered multifkd env at 4 1/2d rate, cds. Fine used via London.
Final value: $ 36.00
545 Great Britain
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1901 (24 July) London - Germany. Frankfurt. Multifkd env at 7 1/2d rate. PERFIN stamps "British Bank of North America" tied cds. Arrival cds. Interesting seven stamps usage.
Final value: $ 40.00
546 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1907 (25 Feb) London - France, Paris (26 Feb) Multifkd env 1/2 d green (x7) taxed + French p. due + aux cachet. Fine comb.
Final value: $ 36.00
547 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1918 (4 June) London - Birmingla. OAS WWI received from HM ship. Fkd 1d env special cachet.
Final value: $ 28.00
548 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1929 (31 Oct) London - Cologne, Germany, OHMS fkd single UPU congress 2 1/2d stamp envelope, tied cds.
Final value: $ 36.00
549 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1929 (23 Nov) London - Germany, Cologne. OHMS 2 1/2d fkd env. UPU congress issue. Fine.
Final value: $ 40.00
550 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1930 (31 Jan) Glasgow - Sweden, Gotheburg (3 Feb) Single 1 1/2d fkd envelope + taxed + arrival stamps tied as p. due + label. Fine.
Final value: $ 45.00
551 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1930 (31 Jan) Maida Hill - PERSIA, Masjed in Salaimen and Alwaz, Southern Country. Air multifkd env at 7 1/2d rate + mns charge reverse transited incl. Abadan. Rare destination TE45.
Final value: $ 28.00
552 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1931 (25 Feb) Portsmouth - Kenya, Nairobi (9-10 March) British East Africa. Imperial aiirways mult fkd env. First official flight env includes UPU 1/2d green pair. 7d rate. Via Kisumu.
Final value: $ 110.00
553 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1932 (25 Jan) London - South Africa, Joburg. Single 1sh fkd env airmail usage, addressed to Aeronautical Association. XF. Lovely item.
Final value: $ 55.00
554 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (23 Aug) London - Bechuanaland, Francistown. Air multifkd env with 1sh brown BLOCK OF FOUR, red cds. VF + dest.
Final value: $ 125.00
555 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (28 Aug) Stromness, Orkney - S. Rhodesia, Fig tree. Air single 9d green fkd envelope. Flight AS131. VF usage.
Final value: $ 100.00
556 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (5 March) Andover - Basutoland, Maseru, Africa. Air single 10d fkd envelope. Flown AS158. A better air destination. Fine.
Final value: $ 50.00
557 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (22 Apr) Largs, Ayrshire - Ceylon (6 May), fwded. Australia, Bathurst (6 July 34) Air multifkd env at 9d rate, formed 1 1/2d brown (x6, incl block of four) via Delhi. VF scarce usage.
Final value: $ 75.00
558 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (26 June) Weekley, Hants - South Africa, Mowbray, Strelley (7 July) Air multifkd env bearing 2 1/2d blue (x4). Flown: AS174. Fine usage.
Final value: $ 24.00
559 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (16 Dec) Shanghai - England, Hants. Multifkd env (further stamp missing in transit) marked changed + crossed out correctly, via IAL Imperial - Singapore - London. Plane arrived Croydon 1 Jan 35 on HP42 "Horatius". Interesting.
Final value: $ 45.00
560 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (8 Feb) Rowledoe, Farnham - Australia, Brewarrina, NSW (26 Feb) Air multifkd env. Via Bourke. Fkg bearing 2d orange (x8). Flown. IE313. Scarce usage.
Final value: $ 75.00
561 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (8 May) Leicester - New Zealand, Devonport. Air multifkd env. Via Sydney (24 May) bearing Silver jubilee (x10) Correct air rate 15d. Flown: IE339.
Final value: $ 200.00
562 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (15 May) Didsbury, Manchester - Rhodes, Italian Egeo Greece (22 May) Air multifkd env inlc Silver Jubilee issue, at 6d rate VF rare destination. Transited reverse incl arrival.
Final value: $ 45.00
563 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (30 May) Brighton & Hove TPO - Singapore, Air multifkd env Silver Jubilee issue at 6d rate. IE345. VF.
Final value: $ 36.00
564 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (29 June) London - Australia, Brewarrina, NSW (11 July) Air single seahorse 2sh 6d stamp fkd env, tied cds. Flown: IE353.
Final value: $ 55.00
565 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (5 July) Stockton on Tees, Cº Durham - Australia, Brewarrina, foded Good Voga (18 July). Air multifkd envelope at 2sh 7d rate. Reverse TPO. Fine item.
Final value: $ 45.00
566 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (8 July) Paddington - Tasmania, Beaconsfield, Australia. Air multifkd env. Silver Jubilee issue. Correct rate 15d with block of six 2 1/2d cds. XF. Reverse transited, Launceston (20 July) Flown: IE355.
Final value: $ 55.00
567 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (16 Aug) Northwich Cheshire - Australia, Bewarrina. Air multifkd env at 15d rate. Correct usage incl Silver Jubilee issue. Flown: IE367. XF.
Final value: $ 45.00
568 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (13 Sept) Stockton on Tees, Country Durham - Australia, Brewarrina (27 Sept) Via Bourke. Air multifkd env. Flown: IE 375. Correct rate 15d.
Final value: $ 40.00
569 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (15 Oct) London - Kowlon, HK, China (30 Oct) Air single 6d fkd env. Reverse transited. Fine.
Final value: $ 45.00
570 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (8 Nov) Rowledoe, Farnham, Surrey - Australia, Brewarrina, Via Bourke, NSW (22 Nov) Air multifkd env. VF aesthethic usage. Rate correct 15d. Flown: IE391.
Final value: $ 55.00
571 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (15 Nov) Rowledoe, Farnham, Surrey - Australia, Dubbo, NSW (2 Dec) Air multifkd env at correct 15d rate. Flown: IE393. Plane delayed at Hua Hin, Thailand.
Final value: $ 55.00
572 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (29 Nov) Rowledoe, Farnham, Surrey - Austrialia, Bourke, Brewarrine (12 Dec) Air multifkd env at correct 15d rate, tied cds + margin border tied cds. Flown: IE397.
Final value: $ 75.00
573 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (13 Dec) Soltasch, Cornwall - Penang, Strait. Settlements (24 Dec) Via Croydon - Singapore. Air multifkd env at 12d rate. VF 11 days transit IE401.
Final value: $ 50.00
574 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (29 feb, leap year) London - Nigeria, IBI, British West Africa. Air multifkd env. Reverse transited, at 7d rate. Fine. Air flown AS323+WAS5.
Final value: $ 29.00
575 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (6 March) Dorking - Makund, Nigeria, British West Africa. Registered air multifkd env at 9 1/2d rate, reverse transited. Air flown AS325+WAS6 via Khartoum. Plane was damaged at Geneina.
Final value: $ 45.00
576 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (13 March) Dorking - Nigeria, Makundi, British West Africa (1 April) Registered air multifkd envelope, reverse transited. Flown AS 327 + WAS 7. VF.
Final value: $ 40.00
577 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (19 March) Dorkey - Makundi, Nigeria, British West Africa (1 Apr) Registered air multifkd envelope, reverse transited. Flown AS 328 + WAS 8. XF.
Final value: $ 41.00
578 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (26 March) London - Nigeria, IBI, British West Africa (8 Apr) Air multifkd env, 18d rate, reverse transited. Flown AS 330 + WAS 9. VF.
Final value: $ 28.00
579 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (26 March) Dorking - Nigeria, Makundi, British West Africa (Apr 8) Air multifkd registered envelope. Reverse transited at 9d rate. Flown AS320 + WAS9. VF.
Final value: $ 40.00
580 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (11 Sept) Kirkwall - South Africa, Durban. Multifkd airmail env 1 1/2d block of four, tied cds. Flown: DS127. VF.
Final value: $ 24.00
581 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (19 Oct) Westbury on Severn - South Africa, Joburg, Killarny. Air multifkd env all 11d rate incl block of four. 10z rate. Flown: AS385.
Final value: $ 45.00
582 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (25 Nov) London - Australia, Melbourne (8 Dec) Air multifkd env at 15d rate, perfin stamps. Flown: IE500. Third eastbound service by S23 flying boat "canopus"
Final value: $ 40.00
583 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (18 Dec) Oxford - Hong Kong, China. Air single fkd env 6d unsealed pm rate. VF.
Final value: $ 40.00
584 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (10 May) Leicester - South Africa, Cape Town, sea point. Air multifkd env. First South bound Africa service by "Castor" Flown AS447. XF.
Final value: $ 24.00
585 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (12 May) South Tottenham - N. Rhodesia, Mpika (21 May) Flown: AS448. Air multifkd envelope, mixed KGV issue + better village destination. Reverse cds (RR)
Final value: $ 50.00
586 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (June) London - Guatemala, San Antonio. Suchitepequez, Finca Madrid. Via NY (22 June) Registered PERFIN multifkd env at 5 1/2d rate. Nice condition, Rosing Brothers.
Final value: $ 36.00
587 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (7 June) Aberdeen - South Africa, Pretoria. Air single 6d fkd env, slogan shining cachet. VF. Flown AS455.
Final value: $ 28.00
588 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (11 June) London - South Africa, Transvaal, Brakpan. Air multifkd env. Mixed issue. VF + FLOWN: AS456
Final value: $ 40.00
589 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (24 June) Mocavil - South Africa, Capetown House of Assembly (25 June) Air multifkd env incl Coronation issue, at 6d rate. First southbound African service by "Coriolanus" carried last surcharge mail from GB before EAMS to South Africa. Flown AS 466 Fine
Final value: $ 40.00
590 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (26 March) Coventry - Sierra Leone, Freetown, British West Africa (Ap 1) Air multifkd env 12d rate mns air cachet. Arrival cds.
Final value: $ 29.00
591 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (10 Apr) Kirkwall Orkney Islands - USA, Kentucky, Louisville (25-27 Apr) Registered multifkd envelope. 5 diff KEVII + KGV issues incl UPU congress. Censored VF. 16 days transit.
Final value: $ 29.00
592 Great Britain - Stat
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946 (9 Aug) Chesham, Ammersham - Germany, Westphalen, Dortmund 2 1/2d blue stat env + taxed cachet + arrival allied censor label + cachet. Fine.
Final value: $ 26.00
593 Grb - British Levant
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1910 (Dec 10) Constantinople - Germany, Ludwigs Lubt (14 Dec) Registered multifkd ovptd issue envelope + R-label. Fine. 3 wax seals reverse + arrival cachet.
Final value: $ 65.00
594 Bc - Aden
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (23 June) GPO - USA. Ky, Louisville (12-13 July) Registered multifkd env + transited reverse + coronation issue. US consular. VF.
Final value: $ 36.00
595 Bc - Aden
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946 (9 May) Seiyun, Kathiri State. Official "On Kathiri State service" stampless envelope to USA, Kentucky, Louisville. Auto grapled on back by postmaster of seiyn Hadramad Prabai. Very interesting. Historical circulation. Reverse Seiyun cds.
Final value: $ 160.00
596 Bc - Aden
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1959 (2 March) A. Camp - Sweden, Gotheborg. Air multifkd env at 125 cents rate. Fine + dest.
Final value: $ 14.00
597 Bc - Ascension
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (25 Sept) GPO - USA, Kentucky, Louisville (24 Oct) Registered multifkd envelope. Reverse transited.
Final value: $ 51.00
598 Bc - Bahamas
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1918 (27 Jan) Nassau - Pre-fkd illustr ppc.
Final value: $ 14.00
599 Bc - Bahamas
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1947 (6 Feb) San Salvador - USA, Louisville, Kentucky (13-15 Febr) Registered express air multifkd stationary envelope + six adtls, reverse well transited. VF.
Final value: $ 41.00
600 Bc - Barbados
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1913 (1 March) GPO - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Bridgetown fkd photo ppc to tiny Spanish coastal village. VF local market + carts + rare destination mail.
Final value: $ 70.00
601 Bc - Barbados
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1913 (28 Apr) GPO - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Street scarce shops Bridgetown fkd ppc to tiny Spanish coastal village. Better dest mail + VF.
Final value: $ 75.00
602 Bc - Barbados
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1913 (30 Sept) GPO - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Fkd photo Codrington College ppc, addressed to tiny coastal Spanish village. VF + better destination mail.
Final value: $ 60.00
603 Bc - Barbados
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1913 (Nov) GPO - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Pine Road photo red ppc, mules train adressed to tiny. Spanish coastal village. Very scarce destination.
Final value: $ 60.00
604 Bc - Barbados
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1913 (11 Nov) GPO - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Chamberlain Bridge Carts photo fkd ppc, adressed to tiny Spanish coastal village. Better scarce destination mail.
Final value: $ 75.00
605 Bc - Barbados
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1914 (6 Jan) GPO - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Queens Park photo fkd ppc to small coastal Spanish village. VF + scarce dest mail.
Final value: $ 38.00
606 Bc - Barbados
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1923 (11 June) Springerville, Strathdyde - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Trafalgar Square local photo fkd ppc, addressed to tiny coastal Spanish village. View of "Womens self Help" building. Very interesting.
Final value: $ 70.00
607 Bc - Barbados
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1947 (14 May) GPO - British Guiana, Demerana, Georgetown. Registered local caribbean coronation multifkd env. VF.
Final value: $ 14.00
608 Bc - Basutoland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (4 May) Maseru - England, Loughton. Air single 6d fkd env. Comercial. VF. Flown AN 340.
Final value: $ 24.00
609 Bc - Basutoland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (25 June) Maseru - England, Portsmouth. Air registered multifkd env. Fine.
Final value: $ 36.00
610 Bc - Basutoland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (12 May) Maseru - England, Winchester (24 May) Air multifkd env. Coronation issue. VF. Flown: AN 447.
Final value: $ 38.00
611 Bc - Bechuanaland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (13 July) Beck Pfot, Mafeking - USA, Ky, Louisville. Multifkd env. Cattle issue. VF, interesting town usage.
Final value: $ 38.00
612 Bc - Bechuanaland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1962 (17 Jan) Ghanzi - Stelleboch, South Africa. Air multifkd env. Birds at 3 1/2c rate.
Final value: $ 14.00
613 Bc - Bermuda
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1942 (Febr) Hamilton - Switzerland, Geneva. Red Cross air single 2sh fkd env, Panam clipper color air label + depart censor cachet. Reverse transited via Lisboa, Portugal (25 Feb 42) + Nazi Censor label. Scarce usage + VF.
Final value: $ 300.00
614 Bc - Bermuda
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1948 (6 Feb) Hamilton - USA, Mass, Cambridge (6-7 Febr) Registered air multifkd env, incl birds + smiling ships. Fine. Transited.
Final value: $ 32.00
615 Bc - Br. Guiana
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1922 (10 Feb) Georgetown - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Photo fkd ppc. Very rare destination.
Final value: $ 24.00
616 Bc - Br. Guiana
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1947 (7 Jan) GPO - USA, Louisville, Ky (10 Feb) Registered air multifkd env. VF, reverse transited. Long transit time.
Final value: $ 28.00
617 Bc - Br. Honduras
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (28 Nov) Belize - Hong Kong. Registered air multifkd comercial envelope at 75c rate "returned to sender / service suspended". Item reverse transited via New Orleans - San Francisco. Honolulu, Hawaii (10 Jul 42) Brownsville - San Antonio - Belize (14 Fine
Final value: $ 750.00
618 Bc - Br. Honduras
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (18 Dec) Belize - Hong Kong. Registered single 10c fkd env + service suspended / return to sender. Reverse transited N. Orleans (27 Dec), San Francisco (2 Jan 42) back to N. Orleans (19 March) + censor label. Fine scarce destination usage.
Final value: $ 425.00
619 Bc - Br. Honduras
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1942 (18 Dec) Belize - Hong Kong. Registered comercial fkd env via New Orleans (27 Dec) San Francisco (2 Jan 42) and returned to sender via New Orleans (21 March) 10c stamp censor label. Rare usage.
Final value: $ 425.00
620 Bc - Br. Honduras
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946 (Nov 19) Belize - USA, Louisville, Ky. OHMS air multifkd env. Fine.
Final value: $ 38.00
621 Bc - Brunei
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1950. 2 mint diff pre-franked airletter sheets. Fine duo. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 14.00
622 Bc - Cayman Is.
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (Aug 6) Georgetown - USA, KY, Louisville (23 Aug) Registered multifkd incl silver wedding issue envelope. Fine. Reverse transited. Mixed usages.
Final value: $ 25.00
623 Bc - Ceylon
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1891 (Oct 3) Colombo - Germany, Kiel (24 Oct) 5c blue stat card, via black French octagonal paquebot "Ligne Nº4" Fine.
Final value: $ 23.00
624 Bc - Ceylon
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1894 (30 March) Colombo - Germany, Bingen (20 April) 5c blue stat card, via red French octagonal paquebot (1 April) Fine used.
Final value: $ 24.00
625 Bc - Ceylon
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1904 (15 Sept) Colombo - Netherlands, The Hague private photo local ppc, fkd 6c. Grand Oriental. VF.
Final value: $ 40.00
626 Bc - Ceylon
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1906 (14 June) Point Pedro - Germany, Saxony, Ursprug (9 July) Reverse multifkd env. Transited. Fine.
Final value: $ 40.00
627 Bc - Ceylon
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1912-13. 4 better fkd photo ppcs slave Island - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Rarity destination.
Final value: $ 48.00
628 Bc - Ceylon
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (4 May) US consular. Jetty - USA, Ky, Louisville (5 June) Registered multifkd envelope. Better item.
Final value: $ 26.00
629 Bc - Cook Is.
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (5 March) Rarotonga - South Africa, Janseville CP (28 Apr) Air registered multifkd env incl ovptd issue transited Australia - Alexandrie, Egypt (19 Apr) - Joburg - Klipplaat. Flown IW329 + AS232. VF item + dest usage.
Final value: $ 225.00
630 Bc - Cyprus
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1913 (Jan 23) Larnaca - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Fkd photo villages card addressed to tiny Spanish coastal village. VF + destination.
Final value: $ 110.00
631 Bc - Cyprus
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1913 (5 Apr) Larnaca - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Fkd photo ppc. Rarity destination to tiny Spanish coastal village. Arab Musicians.
Final value: $ 75.00
632 Bc - East Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1918 (11 Jan) GEA Wilhelmstadt. Locally circulated hand made recicled paper (due to war shortage) envelope. Most interesting.
Final value: $ 125.00
633 Bc - East Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1915 (28 Dec) WWI Early days. Troops in movement FPO 63 on OAS dual censored envelope usage to England, Salisbury, Wiltst. Very interesting.
Final value: $ 75.00
634 Bc - Fiji
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1912 (20 Febr) FPO - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Fkd photo ppc, very rare destination.
Final value: $ 36.00
635 Bc - Gambia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946 (28 May) Bathurst - USA, KY, Louisville. Registered multifkd env + R-label St. Mathews arrival cachet. Fine.
Final value: $ 38.00
636 Bc - Ghana
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1959 (15 Apr) KUMASH - Accra. Fkd env + taxed + arrival 1sh p. due tied cds + aux cachet. Fine.
Final value: $ 28.00
637 Bc - Gold Coast
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1909 (10 Feb) Keta - Germany, Ghasshutte. Multifkd ppc. Lome German school.
Final value: $ 28.00
638 Bc - Gold Coast
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1923 (21 Feb) Atuabo - Accra (27 Feb) Registered local multifkd env at 4 1/2d rate. Well transited reverse + R-label. Fine crowned cds. Reverse red wax seal.
Final value: $ 65.00
639 Bc - Gold Coast
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1923 (21 July) HO - Germany, Drerhagen (20 Aug) Registered 3d violet stat env + adtl via Accra - London. Scarce origin usage. Reverse transited.
Final value: $ 135.00
640 Bc - Gold Coast
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (5 Aug) Accra - Spain, Madrid (23 Aug) Multifkd env at 4d rate, extraord rare dest with arrival cds.
Final value: $ 175.00
641 Bc - Gold Coast
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (12 May) GPO - England, UK. Air multifkd env. Coronation issue, 6d rate, rolling advert cachet. GC cocoa. VF.
Final value: $ 14.00
642 Bc - Gold Coast
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (16 Oct) Accra - Swizerland, Basel (24 Oct) Via Khartoum - Brindisi. Imperial Airways. Registered air multifkd env. Flown WANGO + DN32.
Final value: $ 50.00
643 Bc - Gold Coast
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (8 Nov) Accra - Switzerland, Zurich. Air Imperial airways multifkd env. KGV + Coronation at 10d rate. Via Lagos - Kano - Khartoum. Flown: WAN93 + DN38. First North bound service of "Camilla".
Final value: $ 40.00
644 Bc - Gold Coast
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (6 Jan) Silver Wedding. Bocoso - Austria, Salzburg (17 Jan) Via Accra - Khartoum - Athens - Wien. Registered multifkd front + reverse envelope. Rate 1sh 12d. Shows great transits. Flown WAN102 + DN56.
Final value: $ 32.00
645 Bc - Gold Coast
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (1 Feb) Sekondi - Switzerland, Horgen. Air Imperial multifkd env at 10d rate. KGV + Coronation issue. VF via Khartoum (23 Feb). Flown: WAN108 + DN68.
Final value: $ 50.00
646 Bc - Gold Coast
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (3 Feb) Winneha - Switzerland, Zurich. Air multifkd front and reverse Coronation issue envelope at 10d rate comercial. Flown: WAN106 + DAN64.
Final value: $ 26.00
647 Bc - Gold Coast
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (2 April) Kunasi - England, Orpington, Kent. Via Imperial Airways. 6d rate. Single fkd env via aerea. Flown: WAN114 + DN80.
Final value: $ 22.00
648 Bc - Gold Coast
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (2 April) Kumado - England, West Wickham, Kent. Via Imperial airways single 6d fkd env. Cover of sheet with number. Flown WAN114 + DN80. VF.
Final value: $ 25.00
649 Bc - Gold Coast
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (26 July) Winneba - Switzerland, Zurich. Air multifkd env. XF KGV. Flown: WAN130+DN113
Final value: $ 36.00
650 Bc - Gold Coast
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (27 July) Accra - Switzerland, Bern (2 Aug) Air Imperial multifkd env. 1sh 9d rate. Flown: WAN 130 + DN 113. VF.
Final value: $ 32.00
651 Bc - Gold Coast
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (25 Jan) Sekondi - Switzerland, Basil. By Imperial Airways. Air multifkd env at 10d rate.
Final value: $ 28.00
652 Bc - Gold Coast
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (14 Sept) Tamale - England, Worcestershire, Minkberrow (27 Sept). Air Imperial multifkd env at 6d rate (front + reverse) + censor cachet "5", fwded.
Final value: $ 26.00
653 Bc - Gold Coast
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (3 Jan) Tarkwa - England, Blackpool. Air Imperial at 1sh 3d rate, red censor cachet "8" + special "Per Imperial" cachet (xx) Fine.
Final value: $ 28.00
654 Bc - Gold Coast
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (5 Feb) Accra - England, Manchester. By Imperial Airway. Air multifkd env, depart censor cachet "6" + 1sh 3d rate. Fine.
Final value: $ 26.00
655 Bc - Gold Coast
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (21 June) Sekondi - South Africa, Orange Free State, Parys. Air multifkd front + reverse env. Rec censor cachet "7" 15d rate. Fine + dest.
Final value: $ 28.00
656 Bc - Gold Coast
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1950 (16 March) Kumasi - USA, Ill, Chicago (22 March) Fkd front + reverse airletter sheet. Fine.
Final value: $ 16.00
657 Bc - Gold Coast
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1952 (13 Dec) Akim Manso - Germany, Duisburg. 6d orange airletter sheet. Fine used.
Final value: $ 18.00
658 Bc - Heligoland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1901 (28 Aug) German Postal Office. Heligoland - Berlin (30 Aug) Fkd early postcard. Fine.
Final value: $ 20.00
659 Bc - Jamaica
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1904 (Aug 20) Kingston - Holstein, Hanerau, Germany. 1d blue stat card. Better dest state area.
Final value: $ 28.00
660 Bc - Jamaica
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1905 (21 Dec) Kingston - Cuba, Yerba de Guinea, Finca San Esteban). Fkd ppc Scarce Intercaribean postal link to tiny destination. Moneague Hotel photo.
Final value: $ 26.00
661 Bc - Kenya
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1920s. KUT BANTU Tribe Chefs. NYERI Kikuyu photo card uncirculated. Very interesting.
Final value: $ 18.00
662 Bc - Kenya
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (10 Apr) Mombasa - USA, Louisville, Kentucky. Air multifkd env with the scarce small letter type "By air to London" bilingual cachet (xxx/R). Fine item. Fresh correspondance.
Final value: $ 160.00
663 Bc - Kenya
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (24 Febr) KUT, Uganda. Kampala - Northern Nigeria, Kano, British West Africa. Via Khartum - Kisumu. Air multifkd env with special cachet "By air mail to / par avion" (xxx/RR) Flown AN 318 + WAS 4. Extraordinary central Africa air postal connection.
Final value: $ 220.00
664 Bc - Kenya
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (7 Jan) KUT Nairobi - USA, KY, Louisville (12 Feb) Reverse registered multifkd envelope incl birds / swans. Transited. Fine.
Final value: $ 40.00
665 Bc - Malta
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1913. 3 better franked postcards addressed to Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Better usage to this tiny coastal village + dest.
Final value: $ 36.00
666 Bc - Malta
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1915 (27 Nov) WWI, St. Andrews Hospital. OAS red cross APO SZ7 ppc to England, Rugby, Southam. Fine.
Final value: $ 75.00
667 Bc - Malta
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1916 (Aug 1) St. Andrews Hospital. WWI OAS with red cross cachet. APO SZ1 ppc to England, Lanc, St. Helens. VF +.
Final value: $ 75.00
668 Bc - Malta
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1916 (14 Nov) WWI. GB, Hackneye - Malta, Fkd censored env + label "returned to Sender" by censor due to card, which was withdrawn and finally sent. Very interesting.
Final value: $ 100.00
669 Bc - Malta
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (18 Sept) Valetta - Spain, Madrid (23 Sept) comercial multifkd env at 2 1/2d rate. VF + rare destination during Spanish Republica time.
Final value: $ 125.00
670 Bc - Malta
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (8 May) GPO - Northern Rhodesia, N'kana. Air multifkd env + air cachet lilac "par avion jusqu'a…Salisbury" (xxx) VF + better destination usage.
Final value: $ 450.00
671 Bc - Malta
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1943 (Jan 29) GPO - South Africa, East London. OAS multifkd airmail envelope depart censor cachet and reverse two labels + "por avion.." cachet. VF + rare WWII destination usage.
Final value: $ 275.00
672 Bc - Malta
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1943 (11 Oct) GPO - North Rhodesia, Isitwe. Air multifkd env, Malta censorships label + air cachet "par avion jusqu'a… Salisbury". Very rare usage + destination. Exhibition item.
Final value: $ 550.00
673 Bc - Malta
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946 (2 March) GPO - London, UK. Air multifkd env 9d rate. Fine.
Final value: $ 14.00
674 Bc - Malta
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1975 (24 Nov) GB, Newbury - Valetta (27 Nov) Fkd env + taxed + aux cachets + arrival 5m pair postage dues tied. Fine modern comb.
Final value: $ 26.00
675 Bc - Malta
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1979 (22 Oct) GB, Bassingstoke - Valetta. Fkd env + taxed + arrival 1c p. due tied cds (27 Oct) + aux cachets. Fine comb.
Final value: $ 26.00
676 Bc - Mauritius
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1911 (Dec 12) Port Louis - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Fkd square photo ppc to rare destination.
Final value: $ 48.00
677 Bc - Mauritius
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1912 (29 March) Port Louis - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Fkd photo ppc, adressed to small coastal Spanish village. Rare dest.
Final value: $ 48.00
678 Bc - Mauritius
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1912 (29 March) Curepipe - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Fkd photo ppc adressed to tiny Spanish coastal village. Rarity destination.
Final value: $ 48.00
679 Bc - Mauritius
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1912 (28 May) GPO - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Fkd square photo ppc. Rare destination usage.
Final value: $ 48.00
680 Bc - Mauritius
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1925 (25 Febr) Port Louis - Czechoslovakia. Ostrava. Multifkd env better dest 20c rate. Fine. Comercial Forges Tardieu & Cº
Final value: $ 36.00
681 Bc - Mauritius
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (16 Apr) GPO - Belgium, Bruxelles. Air multifkd env 80c rate. VF + long explanation.
Final value: $ 36.00
682 Bc - Mauritius
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1947 (27 Aug) GPO - France, Paris. Air multifkd env. Fine.
Final value: $ 20.00
683 Bc - Mauritius
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1947 (16 Oct) GPO - Australia, Melbourne via Nairobi. Registered multifkd env, reverse transited. VF.
Final value: $ 28.00
684 Bc - Mauritius
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1954 (23 Dec) Port Louis - S. Rhodesia, Salisbury (27 Dec) Air registered single 60c fkd env via Nairobi. Better destination comercial transited usage. VF.
Final value: $ 65.00
685 Bc - Mef
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1948. Libia. MEF. Benghasi - Germany, Thuringen, Russian Zone. POW airmail via East Berlin (26 April 48). Multifkd env red cachet. Fine.
Final value: $ 75.00
686 Bc - Nigeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (15 Feb) Kano - England, Skelwanthorne (26 Feb) Air single 6d KGV fkd env. Arrival cds. Fine. Flown by "Daedalus" via Khartoum.
Final value: $ 22.00
687 Bc - Nigeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (27 Feb) Lagos - UK, London. OHMS multifkd airmail envelope 21d rate. Fine item. Scarce multiple king. George V usage.
Final value: $ 115.00
688 BC - Nigeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (4 Aug) Lagos - Germany, Burgan , Bayern. Air multifkd env KGV issue. Via Kano - Khartoum - Brindisi. Flown WAN 27 + AN366. VF.
Final value: $ 32.00
689 Bc - Nigeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (11 Sept) Rano, Kano, Norther N - Germany, Ulm. Air multifkd env. 9d rate KGV coronation issue. Via Khartoum. Fine.
Final value: $ 35.00
690 Bc - Nigeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (23 Feb) Calabar - UK, London. Air fkd single 6d QV envelope. Feeder flight. WAN56-AN424. Via Khartown pilot DW Bennett on "Cassiopeia"
Final value: $ 22.00
691 Bc - Nigeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (27 Feb) Alabaila - Italy, Rome (7 March) Air multifkd env 9d rate. Route: Aba - Kano - Khartoum - Marseille - Rome. Flown: WAN 101 + DN175. VF.
Final value: $ 55.00
692 Bc - Nigeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (27 March) Etinan SO, Aba - Germany, Frankfurt. Via UYO - Kano. Lovely condition item. Flown: WAN 165 + DN 184
Final value: $ 55.00
693 Bc - Nigeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (11 Nov) Maduna - Wales, Cardiff. Air multifkd env 15d rate. Via Kano. VF.
Final value: $ 22.00
694 Bc - Nigeria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (2 Dec) Kaduna - Wales, Cardiff. Via Kano. Air multifkd env 1sh 18d rate. Fine.
Final value: $ 24.00
695 Bc - Norfolk Is.
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1947 (10 June) Australia, GPO - USA, Mass, Cambridge (5 Jan) Air multifkd env. Reverse transited.
Final value: $ 14.00
696 Bc - Nyassaland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1896 (July 16) British Central Africa Prot. Blantyre, Germany, Hamburg (5 Oct) Via Chincle - Zanzibar. 1d stat card (adtls stamps missing in transit) Opportunity very scarce used.
Final value: $ 16.00
697 Bc - Nyassaland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (11 June) Blantyre - Austria, Wien (19 June) Air single 1sh stamp fkd env via Athens revese cachet (Imperial Airways) Flown AN455. Interesting + better dest.
Final value: $ 110.00
698 Bc - Nyassaland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1954 (22 Sept) Kafke, NR - UK, Surrey, Sandersted. Airletter stat letter sheet QEII. VF.
Final value: $ 14.00
699 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1905 BSAC. Kopesmaj - London, UK. Fkd photo card of train "English mail leaving Salisbury" Fine item.
Final value: $ 36.00
700 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (3 Nov) Inyati - London, England. Air multifkd env 1d (x10) stamps, 10d rate. VF village depart. The flight arrived unusually to Lympne due to fog. Flown: AN139. VF.
Final value: $ 225.00
701 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (27 Aug) Dwanda - London, England. Air multifkd env. 7d rate, tied cds. VF. Flown: AN182.
Final value: $ 100.00
702 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (29 Aug) Bulawayo Station - London, UK (7 Sept) Air multifkd env at 9d rate. Railways envelope. Flown AN182.
Final value: $ 36.00
703 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (17 Oct) Bulawayo - England, Birmingham. Single 1sh 6d stat fkd env. KGV airmail service. Comercial cycle specialist. Flown: AN189.
Final value: $ 40.00
704 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (23 Oct) BULAWAYO - England, London. Single fkd 1sh 6d air envelope. Flown: AN190 depart cds + special cachet.
Final value: $ 40.00
705 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (8 Jan) Broken Hill - England, Birmingham (19 Jan) Illust British INDIA types air multifkd env at 6d rate, 2d stamps long strip of three tied cds. Flown: AN245. Lovely item.
Final value: $ 125.00
706 BC - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (26 Jan) Scotland, Leith - Bulawayo, S. Rhodesia. Ligueur illustrated machine 6d fkd air envelope. Flown: AS209. Adressed to BEIRA MASHONALAND X RHODESIA RAILWAYS. Exceptional item.
Final value: $ 160.00
707 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (30 Jan) Salisbury - SWA, Windhoek (1 Feb) Flown AS 208. Single 4d fkd env. Fine better dest usage.
Final value: $ 22.00
708 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (9 Feb) Salisbury - London, UK. Air multifkd env 1d (x10) at 10d rate. VF. First service in which the "Cairo - Alexandria" section was flown - rail link northbound direction discontinued only.
Final value: $ 110.00
709 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (22 Feb) SR, BINDURA - England, Kent, Ramsgata. Air single 6d fkd env KQV. Flown: AN215. VF + village origin.
Final value: $ 125.00
710 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (4 June) Umtali - England, London. Via Broken Hill. Air multifkd comercial envelope, Silver wedding anniv issue. VF. Flown: AN244.
Final value: $ 55.00
711 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (29 Jan) Salisbury - England, Hemel Hampstead Herts. 6d fkd airmail env, slogan cachet "see Rhodesia First". Very nice item. Flown: AN312.
Final value: $ 34.00
712 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (6 March) Salisbury - Nigeria, IBI, BENUE province, British West Africa (1 Apr) Georges single 8d fkd env, slogan cachet "it is quicker by telephone". Reverse transited via KIWI - MAKUROI. Flown: AN323 + WAS7. XF. Intraafrican dest.
Final value: $ 145.00
713 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (21 May) Bulawayo - England, London. Air multifkd env. Rate 1sh 8d flown AN 114. Fine.
Final value: $ 65.00
714 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (12 Aug) UMTALI - London, England. Air comercial single 1sh fkd env. Flown: AN368. VF usage. KGV.
Final value: $ 85.00
715 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (10 Dec) West Nicholson - England, London. Air fkd env single 1sh stamp. Fine departing town. Flown: AN 403. VF.
Final value: $ 100.00
716 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (21 Apr) Salisbury - India, Surat. Air fkd env at 7d rate, box "Karachi cancelled 29 Apr 37 + endorsed" "URGENT". Interesting + destination. First Northbound Affrican service by "countier". Flown: AN442+.
Final value: $ 175.00
717 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (12 May) Macheke - Bath, UK. Registered air multifkd env coronation issue 12d rate. Reverse transited. VF. Flown: AN446.
Final value: $ 55.00
718 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (25 Sept) SR + Nyassaland. Kitwe - South Africa, Port Elisabeth. Registered 4d blue stat env + 3 adtls. Airmail usage.
Final value: $ 28.00
719 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (4 Jan) Pilarusi - Germany, Lauenau, Hannover. Air multifkd env. Air flown DN55. Fine origin usage.
Final value: $ 36.00
720 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (24 June) Gwelo - Beverly Hills, CA, USA. Air multifkd env at 14d rate. Fine depart town. Flown: DN104.
Final value: $ 60.00
721 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (9 Oct) Bulawayo - UK, London. Air flown 6d Waterfall issue rate, cds Lovely condition item.
Final value: $ 24.00
722 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1947-9. NR Mint 4c blue KGV stationary envelope, ovptd SPECIMEN.
Final value: $ 26.00
723 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1948 (25 March) Gwelo - Austria, Wien. Air multifkd env. Arrival allied censor cachet 1sh 9d rate cds + control marks + label.
Final value: $ 45.00
724 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1949 (1 Nov) Salisbury - USA, CA, LA (10 Nov) Registered airmail multifkd UPU (x14 stamps) front and reverse stationary envelope. VF + better usage.
Final value: $ 100.00
725 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1949-56. 5 mint airletter stationary sheets + regist stat envelope. One circulated opportunity group.
Final value: $ 24.00
726 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1951 (7-9 Feb) Blantyre - Livingstone. 2 multifkd mixed NR + Nyassaland airletter sheets to Berkshire, Asingdon, England. Fine deco.
Final value: $ 24.00
727 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1953 (15 July) SR, Bulawayo - England, Berkshire, Chievely. 6d stat QEII airletter sheet + adtl. Fine circulated.
Final value: $ 22.00
728 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1953 (14 Nov) SR Sanyatwe - England, Bolton. 6d stat air lettersheet. Fine used.
Final value: $ 20.00
729 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1953 (16 Dec) SR Canseway - England, London. 6d violet stat air lettersheet. Fine used.
Final value: $ 14.00
730 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1958 (9 Jan) RH + NYS, Nyassaland, Blantyre - USA, Chicago Ill. 6d stat air lettersheet + 2 adtls. Fine used.
Final value: $ 16.00
731 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1961 (20 July) NR. Kitwe - England, London. 6d lilac QEII stat air lettersheet. Fine used.
Final value: $ 20.00
732 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1962 (11 Jan) Federation RH + NYS. Causeway - USA, NYC. OPS official unfranked, Illustrated Lake Nyassa air lettersheet. Oval ccde + slogan cancel. Scarce short lived period.
Final value: $ 40.00
733 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1962 (25 Aug) RH + NYS. Causeway - USA, NYC, OHMS. Federation ovptd illustrated "Victoria Falls" air lettersheet, oval cachet. Fine used. Short lived.
Final value: $ 40.00
734 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1962 (27 Dec) Federation RH + NYS, Causeway - USA, NY. OHMS multifkd air lettersheet illustrated fishing in Eastern districts, oval cachet. Scarce short live ovptd period.
Final value: $ 40.00
735 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1963 (12 July) Rh + Nys. Salisbury - South Africa, Natal. Fkd 3d illustr. "Visit Luangwwa Reserve" air lettersheet. VF slogan cachet. TOBACCO.
Final value: $ 18.00
736 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1963 (23 Dec) SR + Nyassaland. Salisbury - South Africa, Natal. 31 fkd "Visit Lake Nyassa" illustrated air lettersheet. Fine.
Final value: $ 16.00
737 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1964 (11 Feb) Rhod + Nyassaland. Salisbury - South Africa, Natal. Fkd air lettersheet. Fine slogan cancel.
Final value: $ 14.00
738 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1968 (23 June) Salisbury - England, London. 9d fkd air lettersheet. Fine used.
Final value: $ 14.00
739 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1970 (16 July) Salisbury - UK, Manchester. Unrecognised stamps period. Fkd env, charged at arrival + label + aux cachet.
Final value: $ 45.00
740 Bc - Rhodesia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1970 (4 Sept) Salisbury - Jersey, Channe Islands. Fkd horse stamp envelope, invalid + (x3) arrival p. dues tied cds (3 Oct) Very unrecognised. Fine comb.
Final value: $ 110.00
741 Bc - St. Lucia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1896 (7 Feb) Castries - Hamburg, Altona (20 Feb) 1d rose stat card. Fine scarce properly used.
Final value: $ 40.00
742 Bc - Seychelles
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1962 (27 Apr) Victoria - USA, CA, Palos Verdes (14 June) Registered fkd 20c blue stat envelope. Very scarce circulated item + VF.
Final value: $ 40.00
743 Bc - Sierra Leone
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1920 (June 18) Freetown - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Women carrying babies fkd photo ppc addressed to tiny Spanish coastal village. Fine and better destination mail.
Final value: $ 50.00
744 Bc - Sierra Leone
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1920 (June 18) Freetown - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Native chiel photo fkd ppc to tiny Spanish coastal village. VF + rarity destination.
Final value: $ 50.00
745 Bc - Sierra Leone
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1947. Freetown - UK, Cheshire, Cleadle, Hulme. Air single fkd 1sh rate envelope, cds.
Final value: $ 20.00
746 Bc - Swa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1932 (8 Sept) Gushab - Switzerland, Zurich. Air multifkd env via Windhoek - Kimberley - Capetown - Cairo. Better town env usage.
Final value: $ 32.00
747 Bc - Swa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1932 (20 Dec) Windhoek - Germany, Berlin (1 Jan 33) Air fkd single 1sh stamp, tied cds. Ovptd issue. VF.
Final value: $ 25.00
748 Bc - Swa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (28 Feb) Windhoek - Germany, Rentlingen. Air multifkd env at 12d rate. Via Berlin (12 March) Fine.
Final value: $ 26.00
749 Bc - Swa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (22 Nov) Grootfontein - Sweden, Djursholm. Air multifkd env 2sh 6d rate, tied cds. Better dest.
Final value: $ 24.00
750 Bc - Swa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (28 Nov) Windhoek - Singapore (Dec 11) Air multifkd env via Imperial - KLM. Kimberly - Cairo. Addresse had returned and was sent back to South Africa. Extraordinary rare air routed destination + link.
Final value: $ 375.00
751 Bc - Swa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (7 Feb) Karibib - Germany, Wuppertal. Air single 5sh stamp fkd env. Via Berlin (25 Feb) + reverse austelling label. Fine + better stamp on cover.
Final value: $ 40.00
752 Bc - Swa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (18 Feb) Windhoek - S. Africa. Color illustrated air multifkd env, small cds. VF.
Final value: $ 14.00
753 Bc - Swa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (12 June) Grootfontein - Capetown, S. Africa. Air single 1d fkd env + special air arrival cachet.
Final value: $ 14.00
754 Bc - Swa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (12 May) Windhoek - CANADA, Vernon BC. Air multifkd usage in 2 envelopes set.
Final value: $ 24.00
755 Bc - Swa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1945 (11 Aug) Mariental - Germany, Aachen, Brit. Zone. Air multifkd env via England with British civilian censor labels at arrival. Late 1sh 3d. Fine.
Final value: $ 32.00
756 Bc - Swa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1947 (27 Jan) Windhoek - Germany, Leipzig, Russian Zone. Air multifkd env via Berlin (8 Feb)
Final value: $ 20.00
757 Bc - Swaziland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (24 June) Mbabame - UK, Portsmouth. Air multifkd env.
Final value: $ 18.00
758 Bc - Trinidad
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1914 (14 March) GPO Port Spain - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Multifkd Hospital photo ppc to rare destination.
Final value: $ 28.00
759 Bc - Trinidad
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (March) GPO - Germany, Fulda. Multifkd env + taxed + cash red box cachet + aux pmk. Fine.
Final value: $ 40.00
760 Bc - Turks & Caicos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (20 May) GPO - USA, Louisville, Kentucky (3 June) OHMS multifkd env. Fine, reverse transited.
Final value: $ 40.00
761 Bc - Turks & Caicos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1962 (Sept 4) GPO - England, London. Air fkd env, single 1sh 6d strip. Fine.
Final value: $ 22.00
762 Bc - Zanzibar
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1889 (14 Jan) German East Africa. Precursor. Exceptional India usage of stamps in German BAGAMOYO. 1 1/2a blue stat card cancelled at transit in Zanzibar (15 June) Via Sea Post office (25 Jan) Extraord fine and rare item.
Final value: $ 160.00
763 Greece
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1884 (8 Apr) Volos - Salonique, Turkish admin, French post office arrival cachet reverse (19 Apr) EL full text fkd 25 lefta rate large late Hermes, cds. Fine + endorsed on front.
Final value: $ 135.00
764 Greece
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1896 (7 July) Syros - Belgium, Bruxelles (25 July) Registered multifkd envelope, bearing 20c red-rose perforated (x3), tied cds. Very fine rare usage.
Final value: $ 240.00
765 Greece
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1905. Military movements photo postcards. Six diff fkd items to Switzerland, Morges. Interesting group.
Final value: $ 86.00
766 Greece
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1905 (12 March) Gregorian. Athens - Switzerland, Morgues (30 March) Fkd military card. Arrival cachet. VF.
Final value: $ 22.00
767 Greece
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1916 (12 Apr) WWI, Kerkira - Switzerland, Arosa (12 May) 5l green stat card, taxed + fine comb + censor cachet.
Final value: $ 50.00
768 Greece
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1918 (14 Apr) Eraklon - Syros. Reverse single stamp censored envelope with WWI better censor cachet "SYRIA" (xxx/R). Fine item.
Final value: $ 100.00
769 Greece
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1929 (Aug) Athens - Switzerland, Wintherthur via Brindisi. Air multifkd env. Fine.
Final value: $ 32.00
770 Greece
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (5 May) Pirens - Palestine, Jaffa (8 May) Air multifkd env + dest with violet cachet "par avion jusqua Alexandrie" (xx/R). VF.
Final value: $ 36.00
771 Greece
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (15 July) Candia - Germany, Frankfurt. Air multifkd censored env ith greek air cachet "Jusquea Athens" (xx/R) Fine + scarce.
Final value: $ 24.00
772 Greece
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (1 July) Thessalonike - Denmark, Cph. Air censored multifkd env.
Final value: $ 21.00
773 Greece
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1954 (20 Aug) Germany, Wurzburg - Athens (22 Aug) Air multifkd env + taxed arrival p. due as poste restante. VF modern combination.
Final value: $ 24.00
774 Greenland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (27 June) Godhaven - USA, KY, Louisville (25-26 July) Registered multifkd envelope. Fine usage before WWII. Reverse transited.
Final value: $ 125.00
775 Greenland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1970 (28 July) Narssarsschao - UK, Essex, Westcliff. Fkd private card. Hunters.
Final value: $ 14.00
776 Guatemala
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1901 (7 Enero) Quezaltenango - Bockwa, Cainsdorf, Sexen Germany (12 Feb) Fkd ppc + transited on front with early old XIX type arrival cancel. Interesting printed Guatemala card.
Final value: $ 45.00
777 Guatemala
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1902 (1 Feb) St. Puerto - Germany, Kiel. 3c stat card oval violet TPO cachet. Scarce.
Final value: $ 22.00
778 Guatemala
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1924 (23 Ene) Pochuta, Quezaltenango - USA, Ky, Louisville. Multifkd env via GPO reverse transited.
Final value: $ 35.00
779 Guatemala
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1930 (28 Jan) La Morena, Sta. Rosa - Germany, Bunzlan. 30c brown lilac stat card + three adtls, rolling cachet. Railway bridge issue. Via Pto Barrios - NY. Scarce origin.
Final value: $ 70.00
780 Guatemala
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (17 July) GPO - San Antonio Sudutepec, "Finca Madrid" Fkd multiple usage envelope incl bisected perf, rolling cachet.
Final value: $ 26.00
781 Guatemala
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (29 March) GPO - Germany, Gera (8 April) Via NY. Air registered multifkd env several aux marks + two diff German postal label / finanz / excuses of censorship. Fine early days.
Final value: $ 65.00
782 Haiti
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1931 (14 Aug) P. Prince - Germany, Munich. Air multifkd env via NY mixed issues. Fine.
Final value: $ 24.00
783 Haiti
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1932 (6 Jan) PANAMERICAN FAM6 + PANAGRA FAM9. Port Prince - Chile, Santiago (15 Jan) Haiti first issues multifkd env. VF scarce dest / link usage carried via Cristobal, Canal Zone.
Final value: $ 180.00
784 Haiti
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (19 aug) P. Prince - USA, Louisville, Ky (22 Aug) Air multifkd env, mixed issues. VF usage.
Final value: $ 40.00
785 Haiti
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1951 (25 Aug) P. Prince - France, Paris (21 Sept) Air multifkd front + reverse envelope, with XIX small type cds with MANUSCRIPT date added.
Final value: $ 38.00
786 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1912. Queens Road Central - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Fkd photo ppc. Rarity destination to tiny coastal spanish village. Illustr Wong Lening Nim.
Final value: $ 50.00
787 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1912. Hong Kong - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Photo fkd ppc to tiny Spanish village. Fine and scarce Wong Lenng Nim.
Final value: $ 60.00
788 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1912 (16 Apr) HK - Spain, Castellon de la Plana illustr ppc Queens Road. Fkd ppc to very rare destination. Spanish coastal tiny village. VF "T" cachet. Wong Lenng Nim.
Final value: $ 75.00
789 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1912 (9 Aug) HK - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Medical Hall, HK. Fkd Queens Road busy illustr fkd ppc to tiny Spanish coastal village. Very scarce and better destination.
Final value: $ 100.00
790 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1913. HK - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Fkd central market photo ppc to tiny Spanish coastal village Wong Lenng Nim illustr. Very scarce.
Final value: $ 65.00
791 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1913 (26 March) HK - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. HK Stewart Terrace photo PPC to tiny Spanish coastal village. Wong Lenng Nim. "T" mns charge.
Final value: $ 50.00
792 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1915 (12 Apr) HK - Spain, Castellon de la Plana, HK Opium card to tiny Spanish coastal village. Fine card very scarce dest mail.
Final value: $ 50.00
793 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (11 May) GPO - Netherlands, Den Hague. Air mns via Penang multifkd env at 1,20 $ rate. Reverse French mail from Indochina. Paris transits (26 May) Air cachet. Very rate item.
Final value: $ 220.00
794 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (17 Sept) GPO airmails - England, Somerset. Air multifkd env at 50c rate. Fine.
Final value: $ 32.00
795 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (9 Sept) Victoria - London, UK, Dagenham. Via Imperial Airways 50c rate. Comercial fkd env.
Final value: $ 40.00
796 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (10 June) Victoria - England, Bristol, fwded (21 June) Peninsular SNC air single 0,50$ rate fkd 5 views inside. Very interesting.
Final value: $ 45.00
797 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (20 Oct) Shanghai - Norway, Tonsberg (7 Nov) Reverse air multifkd env via IAL. Imperial - Hong Kong (25 Oct). Better destination.
Final value: $ 285.00
798 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (5 Nov) Kowloon - England, Surrey. Air single 15c fkd env, cds. VF reverse transited.
Final value: $ 60.00
799 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (23 Nov) Victoria - Germany, Berlin. Air multifkd env at 1,20 $ rate $1 stamp on chalky paper. VF.
Final value: $ 75.00
800 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (23 Jan) Victoria - England, Essex, Frinton on Sea. Air multifkd env. Coronation issue at 1,15 $ rate. Proper airmail (antiques) circulation.
Final value: $ 150.00
801 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (5 Apr) Victoria - England, Hull. Multifkd env at 0,75$ rate. Via Imperial. XF lovely item.
Final value: $ 100.00
802 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (25 May) Hong Kong - Switzerland, Zurich. Air multifkd env by IAL Imperial + HK censor label. VF.
Final value: $ 70.00
803 Hong Kong
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946 (14 Oct) Kowloon - Leiden, Netherlands. Air multifkd env + air cachet "By Air to London only" (xx/R)
Final value: $ 65.00
804 Hungary
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1872 (5 Sept) Austrian Postal Adm. Szolnok - Pest. 2kr yellow German Font stat card used in Hungary, depart cds. Fine.
Final value: $ 50.00
805 Hungary
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1932 (25 July) Osesztreg - Switzerland, Zurich (28 July) Illustrated stat card + taxed + arrival Swiss p.due. Fine comb.
Final value: $ 36.00
806 Iceland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (17 Aug) Reykjavik - USA, Ky, Louisville (1-2 Sept) Registered multifkd env, signed by Iceland postmaster. Heyburn archive. VF.
Final value: $ 125.00
807 India
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1882 (30 Sept) Benares - UK, London (25 Oct) 1/2a blue stat card, letter "A" grill, cds + via Bombay. Fine.
Final value: $ 22.00
808 India
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1888 (30 June) Bangalore - Germany, Leipzig (22 July) 1/2a blue stat card, depart small cds. Via Bombay + sea PO. VF.
Final value: $ 31.00
809 India
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1890 (29 July) Gwalior. Lasnka - Moradabad - Rampur. Ovptd 1/2a green QV stat env + "REFUSED". Nice item.
Final value: $ 28.00
810 India
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1911 (8 Dec) Coronation Durbar Central Post Office. Details of mails, reverse bearing 6 diff stamps, all cachets of coronation. Scarce document.
Final value: $ 100.00
811 India
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1912 (Jan 1) Multan NRMS, Set Nai - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Single fkd Lucknow photo ppc. Very rare destination usage.
Final value: $ 28.00
812 India
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1942 (29 Dec) Darfeeling - USA, KY, Louisville (12 May) Official stampless registered US censored envelope. Seat by Indian Postmaster, with his special cachet.
Final value: $ 32.00
813 India
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1944 (13 Nov) Saurashtra. Local half doble stat card 1/2a blue, lion issue, properly used. Fine.
Final value: $ 26.00
814 India
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1947 (14 July) Maundy - Spain, Madrid 1 1/2d lilac stat env + adtl. Very scarce destination.
Final value: $ 16.00
815 India
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1948 (9 Nov) Poona - Tangier, British Post Office Marruecos (17 Nov 48) Air illust multifkd including mixed GB + GHANDI issue. Superb + destinaiton.
Final value: $ 240.00
816 Indochina
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1902 (16 Aug) Tanhiep - Paris, France. Via Saigon. 15c stat env, fine origin town usage.
Final value: $ 101.00
817 Indochina
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1910. Hathinh. 5 better pre-cancelled early photo cards. Annam.
Final value: $ 100.00
818 Indochina
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1913 (1 Nov) Cholon - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Aman Ecuperor fkd ppc to rare destination usage with mns endorsement "VIA SIBERIA" (RRR this south to South Europe)
Final value: $ 145.00
819 Indochina
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1930 (30 Aug) Annam, Guinhon - France, Marne. 6c red stat env depart cds. Reverse transited + arrival cachet.
Final value: $ 28.00
820 Indochina
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1932 (21 Jan) Serigon - France, Chesbourg (1 Feb) Air multifkd front + reverse env, red control cachet + via "Saigon - Marseille". Fine.
Final value: $ 14.00
821 Indochina
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (31 Oct) Saigon - Paris, France. Air multifkd ppc. Intern. Exposition issue. Fine item reverse rare. Air France color card provided by airline.
Final value: $ 45.00
822 Indochina
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (27 June) French Indochina. Saigon - Ajaccio, Corse. Air multifkd envelope via British Singapore with censorship. Cover carried by Air France. Extraordinary rare WWII postal connection that went through.
Final value: $ 450.00
823 Indochina
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946 (15 April) Saigon - South India (25 Apr 46) Air single fkd env. Reverse transited. 1$ green stamp.
Final value: $ 38.00
824 Iraq
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1917 (4 Apr) Germany Subl, Thüringen - BAGHDAD. Via Constantinople. Feldpost / FM WWI free fkd addressed to German soldier in IRAQ military mission. Extraordinary fine and rare item.
Final value: $ 575.00
825 Iraq
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1921 (8 March) British Postal Administration. Baghdag - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Fkd Khadiman photo ppc adressed to tiny Spanish coastal village. VF + extraord rare destination. First we see with this ovptd issue.
Final value: $ 120.00
826 Iraq
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1930 (1 Sept) Jandual - London, UK. Air multifkd env, special lilac bilingual cachet. Via Baghdad (1 Sept)
Final value: $ 40.00
827 Iraq
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1932 (19 May) Baghdad - England, Birmingham. Air registered multifkd ovptd issue envelope. Flown: IW 163. Short Kent flying boat operalid via Cairo.
Final value: $ 276.00
828 Iraq
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (29 March) Catholic consular Mesopotamia. Mossul - England, Leeds. Air single fkd env. Very interesting usage.
Final value: $ 40.00
829 Iraq
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (6 April) Buenos Aires, Samawal - England, Bebingtonches. Air multifkd env at 15 fils rate reverse transited. Via Imperial airways flown. IN 261. VF.
Final value: $ 20.00
830 Iraq
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (19 July) Amorsil - England, Surbiton. Single fkd env via Imperial airways. Slogan cachet "Eat more dates" (xxx/R)
Final value: $ 175.00
831 Iraq
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (4 Oct) MABIL - England, London. Air multifkd env, 16 fils rate. Flown. Air imperial IW 287. New winter timetable Singapore - Croydon. Reverse transited Basrah.
Final value: $ 28.00
832 Iraq
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (24 Jan) Buenos Aires. Samawal - Trieste, Italy (27 Jan) Via Imperial Airways. Air multifkd env, reverse transited. Flown IW305.
Final value: $ 28.00
833 Iraq
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (26 Sept) Baghdad - Jerusalem, Palestine (28 Sept) Air multifkd env at 22 fils rate. Via Imperial Airways flown IW 375. Reverse transited. Fine + dest.
Final value: $ 40.00
834 Iraq
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (19 Feb) Baghdad As Samawawl - England Brookwood, Surrey. Flown IW 522. Mails arrived in London by train. Registered multifkd envelope + R-label + tied cds.
Final value: $ 40.00
835 Iraq
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (30 May) Hinaidi - England, Aylesbury, Bucks. Imperial Airways multifkd env at 33 fils rate, reverse transited. Fine.
Final value: $ 28.00
836 Iraq
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (13 Febr) Dhibban - Scotland, Edinburgh. Air multifkd env at 33 fils rate. Flown. CW100. Imperial. VF.
Final value: $ 28.00
837 Iraq
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (5 Oct) Dhibban - Scotland, Edinburg. Air multifkd env with contains at 33 fils rate. Flown CW66.
Final value: $ 36.00
838 Iraq
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (29 July) Baghdad - Austria, Wien (3 Aug) Registered air Imperial, single 50 fils stamp fkd env. Special violet air cachet + reverse transited. VF.
Final value: $ 36.00
839 Iraq
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (15 Nov) Baghdad, Noubi - Scotland, The tigris Palace River Hotel illustrated single 40 fils fkd env via Imperial. Reverse transited. Fine.
Final value: $ 38.00
840 Iraq
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940. Habbaniya - England, Moondown, Hauts. Air multifkd fkd env 90 fils rate incl 75fils censored + RAF cachet. Imperial Airways. VF.
Final value: $ 75.00
841 Iraq
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (5 Nov) Basra - Egypt, Alexandria (15 Nov) Air single fkd env + censored. Reverse transited.
Final value: $ 35.00
842 Iraq
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (29 Jan) Baghdad - USA, NYC. Air Panam multifkd env, via Singapore censorship + trans Pacific route. Rate 135ms. Lovely condition. EX WADE.
Final value: $ 240.00
843 Iraq
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (30 Oct) Buenos Aires. Samawal - USA, NYC via Baghdad, Imperial Airways, flown WS 123 to Cairo. Air multifkd censor, censored + violet unusual air cachet.
Final value: $ 60.00
844 Iraq
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1942 (8 Sept) Baghdad - London, UK. Via West Africa. Air multifkd envelope, censor cachet + labells.
Final value: $ 75.00
845 Iraq
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1942 (23 Oct) Baghdad - USA, NYC. Air single fkd, WWII censored depart + South Africa censored. Reverse transited.
Final value: $ 30.00
846 Israel
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1949. Locally used to Haifa, taxed and franked UNO cachetted env, mixed issues. Fine usages.
Final value: $ 38.00
847 Israel
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1951 (3 Dec) Haifa, Mont Carmel - East Germany, Halle Air fkd 10s green stationary card.
Final value: $ 26.00
848 Italy - Prephilately
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1835 (11 Sept) Varenna - Trissen, Germany stampless. EL red box "VARENNA" + various mns charges. Fine.
Final value: $ 45.00
849 Italy - Prephilately
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1849 (25 Jan) Rome - Spain, Victoria (1 Feb) EL full text depart cds + transit; arrival charge 4 reales. Fine.
Final value: $ 76.00
850 Italy Papal States
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1857 (1 Aug) Roma - Spain, Victoria (10 Aug) E. fkd 7 baj + 8baj (further 7 baj cut out) tied grill, cds + French Antilles red cds transcript + arrival 4 reales charge. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 46.00
851 Italy Papal States
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1860 (June) OVIETO - Roma (1 June) Fkd E 3 baj 5 filetti, tied grill + stline. OVIETO. Arrival cds.
Final value: $ 41.00
852 Italy Lombardy - Ven
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1863 (27 Aug) Ostiglia, Treviso - Mantova. EL full text fkd 5 soldi rose pref 14*15, cds + arrival. Nice item.
Final value: $ 85.00
853 Italy - Stationery
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1892 (15 May) Lago di Garda. Hand drown lake watercolor 10c red stationary card to Germany, Berlin (17 May) doble stline "servicio postale/sul lago di garda" Fine.
Final value: $ 40.00
854 Italy - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1908 (1 Jan) Milano - Bex, Vaud, Switzerland (3 Jan) Fkd env + taxed + arrival (2x) Swiss postage due, tied box ds. Fine appealing comb.
Final value: $ 35.00
855 Italy - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1921 (7 July) Ala, Trento - Germany, Kostritz, Thuringen (11 July) Air insured for 1000 lire registered mutifkd env at 4,60 lire rate. Reverse seven wax seals includes Freiburg, Baden PO controls. Great postal history item.
Final value: $ 175.00
856 Italy - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1922 (10 Apr) Genova. 2 incl International Finanz Conference. 17 Values incl of 5 line + Express on Belgian Delegation Royal Representation stationary.
Final value: $ 32.00
857 Italy - Stationery
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1924 (18 Apr) Bolzano - Germany, Berlin (20 Apr) 30c brown Express service multifkd advertising illustrated stationary card + green postal label. VF + 2,60 lire rate. Comercial.
Final value: $ 55.00
858 Italy - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1927 (5 Dec) Triest - Germany, Wallendorf (7 Dec) Front + reverse massive ovptd multifkd registered envelope rate 2,50 lire. Fine.
Final value: $ 96.00
859 Italy - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1943 (30 Jan) Capitello - GB, POW force airmail depart + arrival censored. ARMT - POW Camp. Reverse various labels and cachets.
Final value: $ 22.00
860 Italy - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1947 (11 Jan) AMG US consular. Triest - USA, KY, Louisville (24 Feb) Registered multifkd ovptd issue + taxed (x2) US postage dues, tied + aux cachets + reverse well transited. Very unusual usage so.
Final value: $ 160.00
861 Italy - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1949 (8 June) AMG - FTT. Trieste - Seychelles, Mahe (2 July) Registered multifkd envelope, reverse well transited + missect. Extraord rare destination. Via Nairobi - Mombassa.
Final value: $ 240.00
862 Italy - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1951 (1 Feb) Genova - Eire, Dublin, Ireland. Air Martini Brand color illustrated multifkd env Milano. Fine usage + dest.
Final value: $ 28.00
863 Italy - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1970 (20 Aug) Alassio - Sarona. Express multifkd env. Perfin credito Italiano + red label. 200 lire rate.
Final value: $ 36.00
864 Italian Levant
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1919 (18 April) Posta Militare. Smyrna - Germany, Speyer. Comercial multifkd at 25c rate + censor label, tied cachet.
Final value: $ 45.00
865 Italian Colonies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (3 Apr) ERITREA. Asmara - USA, Massawa Capitaneria fkd photo card. World Football championship issue.
Final value: $ 41.00
866 Italian Colonies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (25 Dec). ERITREA. Asmara - Nigeria, JOS (5-7 Jan 38) Air multifkd env. Extraordinary rare Interafrican postal connection via Khartoum - Kano.
Final value: $ 150.00
867 Japan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1894 (26 March) Wakayama - Switzerland, Chexbres, (5 May) 3 sen green early stat card. Via Kobe - Yokohama. Depart native cachet. Better usage.
Final value: $ 100.00
868 Japan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1907 (10 Sept). RUSSIA - JAPAN WAR. Yokohama - Germany, Waldbuch. Multifkd ppc, with CONTROL lilac COMPANY cachet on stamps "R. Schmid & Cº" via USA, San Francisco. Rarity usage. Better artillery card.
Final value: $ 250.00
869 Japan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1908 (11 April) Shiba Park - Denmark, Hellerup (9 May) Fkd ppc via Siberia endorsed. Fine. Arrival cachet on front via Tokyo.
Final value: $ 22.00
870 Japan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1912 (Dec 19) Kyoto - Germany, Crefeld via Siberia (lilac cachet) TSURUGA. 4 sen red stat card.
Final value: $ 45.00
871 Japan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1918 (10 Sept) Fukishima - Ceylon, Horana, Wewalakandi Station (Oct 6) Fkd ppc transited + arrival WWI censor cachet.
Final value: $ 40.00
872 Japan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1921 (10 Nov) Hongo, Morikawacho - Germany, Berlin (31 Dec 21) Multifkd + comm issue envelope. Fine comercial usage +.
Final value: $ 95.00
873 Japan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1922 (27 Feb) Fukuoka - Germany, Munich endorsed "VIA AMERICA" (!) 4 sen red stat card + 4 sen adtl, tied cds. VF usage + routing.
Final value: $ 75.00
874 Japan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1927 (3 March) Atsumigun, Aichikken - Germany, Wiesbaden. Fkd pm rate via Siberia endorsed with trammed corner to show printed contains. Fine usage.
Final value: $ 22.00
875 Japan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1927 (2 Nov) Atsumigun, Aichiken - Germany, Wiesbaden. Via Siberia embossed. Fkd 2sen envelope with corner opened to show printed contains. Fine + via Yokohama. Transited.
Final value: $ 22.00
876 Japan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1930s. Pacota Park, Keizyo. Local fkd ppc 2sen rate + red commemorative cachet. Fine.
Final value: $ 20.00
877 Japan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1935. Fujiyama - USA, Kentucky, Louisville. Color illustrated multifkd env, red special cachet.
Final value: $ 76.00
878 Japan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (2 June) WWII, Yokohama - Germany, Undwigshafen. Fkd ppc, nazi censor + blue cachet "Germany / VIA SIBERIA" (xxx). VF.
Final value: $ 75.00
879 Japan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (15 Aug) Multifkd envelope addressed to Norway, Hangesund (22 Sept) Reverse nazi censor. Occupied period + arrival cachet.
Final value: $ 75.00
880 Japan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1952 (15 Feb) Yokohama - Germany, Wilhemshaven. Air multifkd env mixed issues + red cachet.
Final value: $ 26.00
881 Jordan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (19 June) GB, Mddx - Amman, TransJordan (22 June) Royal Air Force. Multifkd env, incl silver Jubilee issue, carried by Maiden service flight by "CORIOLANUS" arrival cachet. A very rare comercial airmail flown usage 6d rate.
Final value: $ 160.00
882 Laos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1912 (24 July) Vientiane - Spain, Castellon Plana. Fkd ppc, rarity destination. Small coastal Spanish village dest.
Final value: $ 125.00
883 Laos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1913 (11 June) Vientianne - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Reverse fkd ppc. Rarity destination. Small coasted village in Spain.
Final value: $ 185.00
884 Laos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1931 (28 Nov) Thakuek - Belgium, Anvers. Fkd photo ppc. Fine.
Final value: $ 35.00
885 Latvia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1929 (15 Jan) Riga - Belgium, Anvers (18 Jan) Fkd + taxed postcard. Very scarce better combination.
Final value: $ 100.00
886 Latvia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (7 Aug) Riga - USA, KY, Louisville (19 Aug) Registered air multifkd env incl imperforated issues PROPERLY circulated. This cover of a US diplomat prives these stamps circulated on time.
Final value: $ 125.00
887 Latvia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (13 May) Riga - Germany, Berlin (16 May) Registered fkd on front Miniature sheet + reverse label. Very scarce proper circulation with reverse arrival.
Final value: $ 75.00
888 Latvia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (5 Jan). German WW2 Occup. Tukums - Gera, Germany ( Great Deutschland ). Fkd env, nazi censored. VF
Final value: $ 35.00
889 Latvia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (16 Apr) 1st Russian WWII Occup Riga - Moscow, Russia (18 Apr) Rusia fkd ppc.
Final value: $ 45.00
890 Latvia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1942 (24 Oct) Aizkraukle - Rasas. Local airletter German occup card.
Final value: $ 24.00
891 Latvia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1943 (14 May) Pernarava - Erstein, Alsace. Nazi occup fkd env + unusual. Scarce private mail.
Final value: $ 36.00
892 Lebanon
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1900 (3 March) Russian Post Office. Beyrouth - Austria, Wien. 4 kop green Russia reply half stationary card. VF bilingual cds. Fine used.
Final value: $ 275.00
893 Lebanon
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1906 (14 March) French Levant, Beyrouth - Switzerland, Morges (23 March) Via Port Said. Photo woman posing early multifkd ppc. Lovely item.
Final value: $ 75.00
894 Lebanon
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1910 (15 March) French PO. Beyrouth - Belgium, Bruxelles (21 March) Early 10c stat card. Fine used.
Final value: $ 20.00
895 Lebanon
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1911 (8 June) French Levant issue. Beyrouth - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Multifkd ppc at 5c rate French PO addressed to small Spanish coastal town. Very rare destination.
Final value: $ 70.00
896 Lebanon
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1911 (14 June) French Levant. Beyrouth - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Fkd ppc with French PO cds. Addressed to small Spanish coastal village. Very rare destination.
Final value: $ 75.00
897 Lebanon
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1911 (12 Sept) French Levant. Beyrouth - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Mosque ppc fkd French PO addressed to small Spanish coastal town. Rare destination via Port Said, Egypt. French PO.
Final value: $ 100.00
898 Lebanon
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1911 (nov 21) BPO Beyrouth - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Cedars and snow photo fkd ppc to tiny Spanish coastal village. Via Alexandria. Very unusual destination.
Final value: $ 100.00
899 Lebanon
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1922 (11 April) Beyrouth - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. OMF multifkd Musicians photo card addressed to tiny small coastal Spanish town. Very rare destination.
Final value: $ 75.00
900 Lebanon
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1944 (19 Aug) Beyrouth - Ivory Coast, Daloa. Air censured multifkd envelope. Better destination usage. Rarity interafrican.
Final value: $ 175.00
901 Lebanon
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1948 (17 Apr) Beyrouth - Elgoibar, Spain (27 Apr) Air multifkd envelope. Rare dest usage. Further franking missing in transit.
Final value: $ 26.00
902 Lebanon
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1948 (27 Apr) Beyrouth - Spain, Elgorbar. Air multifkd env. VF + destination. Arrival cds.
Final value: $ 115.00
903 Lebanon
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1948 (14 June) Beyrouth - Spain, Elgoibar. Air multifkd envelope. Rare destination.
Final value: $ 100.00
904 Lebanon
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1948 (23 Nov) Beyrouth - Elgoibar, Spain. Air multifkd env, very rare usage destination. Arrival on reverse.
Final value: $ 115.00
905 Lebanon
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1955 (29 July) Beyrouth - USA, NY, Jackson Heights. Air single fkd env + "MISSENT TO DETROIT, Mich" (xx). Fine usage.
Final value: $ 22.00
906 Liberia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1931. President inaugurational process. Album page with photos and text. Interesting heading.
Final value: $ 16.00
907 Liberia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1931 (15 Jan) US consular. Monrovia - USA, KY, Louisville (29-31 Jan) Registered multifkd env incl triangulars airmail (even though at the time there were no plnaes in Liberia) Fine.
Final value: $ 40.00
908 Liberia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (1 Dec) Monrovia - USA, Kentucky, Louisville. Illustrated fkd envelope, official ovptd stamp. VF.
Final value: $ 28.00
909 Liberia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (16 June) Monrovia - Usa, Louisville, Kentucky (6-8 Aug) Consular mail registered multifkd env incl official service ovptd stamps. Fine. Reverse transited.
Final value: $ 36.00
910 Libia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1912 (31 May) Tripoli, Barbarie - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Fkd French PO photo ppc, addressed to small control Spanish village. Very scarce destination.
Final value: $ 25.00
911 Libia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1912 (4 July) Italian Postal Admin. Tripoli - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Servizione Riunite Multifkd ppc addressed to tiny coastal spanish village rare destination kingdom usage.
Final value: $ 40.00
912 Libia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (20 Apr) Italian Postal admin. Tripoli - Germany, Munich (22 Apr) Air multifkd ppc with several air cachts + tied label incl German airmail. Fine usage.
Final value: $ 100.00
913 Libia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (30 Nov) Italian, Cirenaica. Bengasi - Milano, Italy. Registered air multifkd front envelope, mixed issues. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 28.00
914 Lithuania
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1923 (10 Dec) Memel, Kamespowilken + localy circulated ovptd issue multifkd envelope. Late inflation period days. Both stamps signed expert in envelope. VF.
Final value: $ 100.00
915 Lithuania
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1924 (1 Nov) Mamel - Switzerland, Luzern. PM complete multifkd wrapper. Ovptd issue. Shifted overprint. Very scarce.
Final value: $ 125.00
916 Lithuania
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1924 (1 Nov) Zarenai - Austria, Wien. Registered multifkd front and reverse envelope. Very scarce + R-cachet (violet). VF.
Final value: $ 70.00
917 Luxembourg
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1907 (6 Feb) Ville internal usage. Illustrated multifkd 10c rate, cds. Fine.
Final value: $ 22.00
918 Luxembourg
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1912 (8 March) Ville - Austria, Wien (10 March) 5c green internal stat card + taxed + arrival postage due 10c, tied cds. Fine comb.
Final value: $ 60.00
919 Luxembourg
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (3 Oct) GPO - Switzerland, Adelboden, German Occup period. Fkd envelope, illustrated cancel, nazi censor label. Fine.
Final value: $ 55.00
920 Luxembourg
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1945 (30 July) Ville - USA, Kentucky, Louisville. Multifkd censored usage. VF.
Final value: $ 25.00
921 Malaysia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1911 (16 Feb) Kuala Lumpur - pre-cancelled factory photo card. PWD business. Scarce item.
Final value: $ 38.00
922 Malaysia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1912 (7 Jan) Penang - Spain, Castellon de la Plana (Tiny coastal town) Reverse fkd early ppc. Better destination.
Final value: $ 40.00
923 Malaysia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1912 (18 May) Penang - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Fkd ppc, better destination, tiny coastal village.
Final value: $ 40.00
924 Malaysia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1912 (15 July) Penang - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Fkd ppc to better destination, spanish tiny coastal village.
Final value: $ 40.00
925 Malaysia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1922 (6 Feb) Penang - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Fkd Malay dance photo ppc to better spanish destination, tiny village in coast. Interesting.
Final value: $ 50.00
926 Malaysia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (23 Nov) Penang - London, UK. Air Alor star multifkd front + reverse env at 98c rate, mixed issues. VF.
Final value: $ 39.00
927 Malaysia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (10 March) Penang - USA, Pa, Philadelphia. Round the world color illustrated air Imperial multifkd env at 47c rate cds. VF.
Final value: $ 36.00
928 Malaysia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (18 May) FMS. Ipoh - London, UK. Air multifkd env via Alor Star, modified to Imperial. Bilingual comercial multifkd env. VF IW268.
Final value: $ 50.00
929 Malaysia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (27 Apr) Johore. J Baru - Jersey, Channel Islands, Dalaya. St. Brelades. Air multifkd env + via Imperial + label. IW 333. VF usage.
Final value: $ 100.00
930 Malaysia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (1 June) FMS. Ipoh - England, Staffs, Wolverhampton. Single 25c lilac. Air Imperial fkd envelope + special violet cachet "By Imperial air mail" IW345. XF.
Final value: $ 35.00
931 Malaysia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (19 Sept) FMS. Kuala Lumpur - Germany, Erfurt. Air Imperial multifkd env at 47c rate. IW375. VF.
Final value: $ 26.00
932 Malaysia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (10 Dec) FMS. Kuala Lumpur - Scotland, Aberdeen. Air single 25c lilac fkd envelope via Imperial. IW400. XF.
Final value: $ 22.00
933 Malaysia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (30 Dec) FMS. Serpang - London, UK. Single 25c fkd env via British Imperial Airways. IW406. XF.
Final value: $ 75.00
934 Malaysia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1936. Johore. J. Baru - Jersey, Channel Islands, St. Brelades, Malaya. Air multifkd env at 25c rate unknown whether Imperial or KLM (?) Interesting fine item + blue light air label.
Final value: $ 50.00
935 Malaysia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (5 Jan) Johore Bahru - London, UK (15 Jan) fwded. Tufnell Park. Fkd env single 25c + mns air label. IMPERIAL. Fine usage.
Final value: $ 135.00
936 Malaysia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (7 March) Johore. J. Barn - UK, Southampton. Air Imperial British airways single 25c fkd env. Fine used. IW423
Final value: $ 24.00
937 Malaysia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (7 Oct) Malacca - England, Aldershot, Hants. Single 25c fkd air Imperial fkd env. IW486. XF. +.
Final value: $ 26.00
938 Malaysia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (14 Apr) North Borneo. Jesselton - London, UK. Air Imperial multifkd env. Fanna issue. XF.
Final value: $ 65.00
939 Malaysia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (30 Apr) Kuala Lumpur - Australia, Port Kembla, NSW. Air multifkd env. WWII censor "1" sing cachet. XF.
Final value: $ 75.00
940 Malaysia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (18 June) Johore, Kluang - India, Ramnad, Kondanoor (27 June). Fkd 8c env + WWII censored "47" triangle.
Final value: $ 50.00
941 Malaysia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1954 (25 Aug) Penang - UK, London. Multifkd airletter sheet, at 30c rate, rolling cance. VF.
Final value: $ 22.00
942 Mexico
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1866 (22 Dec) Correo Exped Mexico, Bau A. French Intervention in Mexico, later part of troops withrawal (only volunteers remaining) Unfkd env charge "30" with Anglofrench red entry cds (1 Feb 67) Addressed to Chantillon, Cair (5 Feb) Very rare late usage. Fine
Final value: $ 425.00
943 Mexico - Stationery
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1897 (Sept 11) San Miguel Mexquital - Germany, Enger, Westphalia (8 Oct) 3c brown stat card. Fine used + origin. In our opinion this card model is printed on eventhicker paper than usual.
Final value: $ 25.00
944 Mexico - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1902. Trio of better early photo ppc, local donkeys market, Guadalupe Hidalgo tram on usages to Spain, Bilbao (stamps missing) opportunity + very interesting + taxed.
Final value: $ 26.00
945 Mexico - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1902 Apr) DF GPO - Spain, Bilbao. Fkd better ppc + taxed + six aux cachets. Via Irun. Spain entry + NY Colon Statne.
Final value: $ 38.00
946 Mexico - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1902 (26 Apr) GPO DF - España, Bilbao TP Chapultepec franqueada + tasada + 6 marcas auxiliares postales de cargo de ambos paises. Via NY - Irun. Interesante y muy bonita.
Final value: $ 38.00
947 Mexico - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1902 (28 Apr) GPO DF - Spain, Bilbao. Fkd better early ppc + taxed + six aux postal marks. Via NY - Irún. VF. Calle Cinco Mayo.
Final value: $ 38.00
948 Mexico - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1902 (28 Apr) DF GPO - España, Bilbao via NY-IRUN. TP aguador - flichiquero franqueada y tasasda en origen y llegada un seis marcas postales auxiliares. Bonita y muy interesante.
Final value: $ 45.00
949 Mexico - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (27 July) DF - Germany, Hamburg (8 Aug) Via German Huftpost but transited Paris Avion. Berlin Air comercial multifkd env. Fine + red cachet + violet one.
Final value: $ 55.00
950 Mexico - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (16 Nov) Cusihuiriachic, Chihuahua - USA, Mars, Milton. CUSI missing Cº. Air multifkd env. Fine + origin.
Final value: $ 28.00
951 Mexico - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (10 Ene) DF - Germany, Dusseldorf via Air France. Air comercial multiple env transited Paris (21 Jan 38)
Final value: $ 18.00
952 Military Mail
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1915 (29 May) Nevers - UK, Immingham, Yorks. FM env with extraordinary cachet "HOSPITAL ANGLAIS" (xxx/R) envelope with contains sent to Admiral Alfred Paset, Yacht Erleen. Extraordinary historical document.
Final value: $ 240.00
953 Military Mail
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1915 (8 June) WWI. France Front. Postcard sent to UK, Drayton, Coshow by special decorated British office LW soldier - Jackson with special own censor cachet. Includes history of his where abouts. VF.
Final value: $ 45.00
954 Military Mail
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1915 (24 Nov) WWI. German POW. Neisse Camp. Envelope addresed to Rusia. Free mail + censor cachet. Reverse censor cachet of Neisse Camp. VF item.
Final value: $ 50.00
955 Military Mail
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1916 (13 Dec) Australia - Belgium - Netherlands, Camp Amersfoort. Belgian Soldier. Fkd env with French transit censor label. Fine interesting combination.
Final value: $ 32.00
956 Military Mail
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1917 (11 March) WWI US troops in France. Ymca. Ms multifkd env - El Paso, Texas, USA. Multifkd + taxed + cachets + US p. due 2c tied arrival. Via NY.
Final value: $ 65.00
957 Military Mail
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1917 (21 July) WWI. Egypt. Correspondances des Armes. Alexandria. FM envelope to France, SP129, telephonist service.
Final value: $ 26.00
958 Military Mail
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1918 (8 March) POW WWI mail Londres - Switzerland, Bern. Cacheted envelope. Fine interesting item.
Final value: $ 20.00
959 Monaco
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1910 (16 Apr) Montecarlo multiview lettersheet. GPO - Denmark, Cph (19 Apr) ovptd 25c blue stamp, tied cds. VF.
Final value: $ 95.00
960 Monaco
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1927. USA, Chicago - Monaco. Fkd US envelope + taxed + arrival (x4) postage dues, tied cds + aux cachet. Fine better comb.
Final value: $ 160.00
961 Netherlands
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1864 (6 July) Rotterdam - Switzerland, Burgdorf (8 July) Stampless multicharged envelope with contains, depart cds. Fine.
Final value: $ 50.00
962 Netherlands
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1865 (10 May) Rotterdam - Switzerland, Burgdorf (12 May) Stampless envelope, depart cds, reverse well transited incl French Basel, TPO + Emmerich. Fine.
Final value: $ 65.00
963 Netherlands
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1903 (5 Sept) Noorwijk - Germany, Keefeld (5 Sept) German Hospital illustrated, reverse map addres fkd env. VF.
Final value: $ 65.00
964 Netherlands
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1928 (4 Aug) 1928. Olympics. Amsterdan - Munich, Germany. IX Olympiade fkd ppc; rolling cachet. Fine better.
Final value: $ 40.00
965 Netherlands
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (15 Apr) Ijmuiden - South Africa, Durban. Machine fkd air envelope. Via Cairo (17 April) Flown DS84. Very interesting usage.
Final value: $ 22.00
966 Netherlands
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1947 (23 Apriil) Amsterdam - Germany, Nordbahn, Wuntemberg. Fkd envelope, taxed and allied US censored.
Final value: $ 24.00
967 Curaçao
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1944 (7 Aug) Aruba, St. Nicolas - Saba, NWI (15 Aug) aiir multifkd env + censored.
Final value: $ 55.00
968 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1910 (20 Dec) Malang - Switzerland, Solothurn (22 Jan 11) 5c red stat card. Fine.
Final value: $ 18.00
969 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1911 (9 Apr) Indramajo - Belgium, Soerabaja fkd photo tram ppc.
Final value: $ 14.00
970 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1921 (1 Aug) Djokjaka - Germany, Kreien sen (31 Aug) Registered 20c green stat env + adtl. VF.
Final value: $ 25.00
971 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1921 (20 Oct) Weltevrede - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Fkd ppc. Rarity destination to tiny coastal Spanish village.
Final value: $ 70.00
972 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1927 (12 June) Medan - Nijmegen, Netherland, fwded New Dutch strip. 7 1/2c stationary card + adtl on combination usage. VF + rare so.
Final value: $ 160.00
973 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1932 (8 Feb) Solo - Lasum. Unsealed fkd as pm small size envelope with contains. Fine +.
Final value: $ 26.00
974 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1932 (21 March) Madioen - Arnsberg, Westph, Germany. Multifkd env. VF.
Final value: $ 24.00
975 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (26 Dec) Medan, Pelikaan - Netherlands, Hilversum (30 Dec) Air multifkd env. 4 days transit.
Final value: $ 14.00
976 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (30 Oct) Batavia - Penang. Air multifkd illustr env, with arrival British censorship label (4). Fine and very scarce from Penang.
Final value: $ 75.00
977 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (13 Nov) Sikapop. Pradan - Germany, Padenstedt, Schleswig - Holstein. Air multifkd env via Singapore with censor cachet. Reverse nazi censorship. Rare WWII postal link.
Final value: $ 110.00
978 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (22 April) Batavia - UK, Bristol. Air multifkd env. Singapore censor cachet "21" via KLM. Fine.
Final value: $ 45.00
979 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (31 May) Medan - USA, NYC. Air multifkd env with depart + Singapore censor labels. Via Knilm - Trans Tasmanian - Panam transpacific trip.
Final value: $ 95.00
980 Dutch Indies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (6 June) Bandoeng - Singapore. Air multifkd Chinese text business card with depart + arrival British censor cachets.
Final value: $ 100.00
981 DC - New Guinea
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1954 (6 Feb) Hollandia. Multifkd birds color ppc uncirculated.
Final value: $ 14.00
982 Suriname
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1880 (20-21 Sept) Paramaribo - Amsterdam, Netherland via Southampton (14 Oct) Early 7 1/2c ovptd violet stat card. Very scarce.
Final value: $ 40.00
983 New Zealand
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1912. 3 fkd early ppc adressed to Spain. Castellon de la Plana. Very rare destination. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 32.00
984 New Zealand
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (14 July) Wellington - GB. Duffan. Air multifkd env via Marama - Karachi - London rate. 9d incl late fee cds. Very good item.
Final value: $ 40.00
985 New Zealand
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (26 Jan) Wellington - England, London. Air multifkd env via Sydney - Singapore. Flown: IW353. VF.
Final value: $ 34.00
986 Nicaragua
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1897 (25 May) Corinto - Germany, Sachsen, Bautzen (22 June) 3c blue stat card, blue oval cachet.
Final value: $ 36.00
987 Nicaragua
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (3 March) US consular. Managua - USA, Mass, Cambridge. Air multifkd ovptd issue env.
Final value: $ 22.00
988 Norway
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1888 (16 Oct) Advertising, Christania - Switzerland, St. Gallen (19 Oct). TPO. 3 ore orange stat card + 2 adtls, cds + arrival on front. Fine. Reverse printed FOUR advertising diferent business. Very fine and rare lowering postage cost in Norway.
Final value: $ 200.00
989 Norway
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1914 (20 June) Bergerstad - Finland, Yvaskila. 5 ore green stat card + adtl. Ausvatn cancel. Nice cond item.
Final value: $ 50.00
990 Norway
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1918(12 Oct) Helsinki - Germany, Grossalmenode (25 Oct) Registered comercial multifkd envelope dual depart + arrival censor cachets.
Final value: $ 65.00
991 Norway
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1928 (30 Oct) Kristiansund - Hong Kong. Via Siberia multifkd envelope. Better destination + transit.
Final value: $ 24.00
992 Norway
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (23 Aug) Kings Bay, Spitsbergen - USA, KY, Louisville. Multifkd env. Scarce circulation to USA. Stamps cancelled NY - Alegund.
Final value: $ 81.00
993 Norway
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946 (5 Dec) Hammerfest - USA, Ky, Louisville (2-3 Jan) Registered multifkd env + aux cachet. Sut at pm rate / unsealed.
Final value: $ 16.00
994 Palestine
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1929 (31 Oct) Jerusalem - Switzerland, Luzern, bilingual PERFIN single fkd env. Fine + Anglo - Palestine Cº.
Final value: $ 75.00
995 Palestine
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (22 Jan) Hebron - England, Croydon "Imperial Airways" Single 13c bister air fkd envelope. Flown IW 514
Final value: $ 24.00
996 Palestine
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (27 Jan) Haifa - England, London. Registered air multifkd envelope.
Final value: $ 24.00
997 Palestine
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (8 Dec) Tel Aviv - Amsterdam, Netherlands Air multifkd envelope, slogan cachet "Jaffa Grapefrait" + censor label.
Final value: $ 28.00
998 Palestine
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (29 Dec) Jerusalem - England, Bosham, Sussex, Via Imperial airways. Air censored multifkd front + reverse envelope.
Final value: $ 40.00
999 Palestine
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (9 Apr) Field Post Office 123. Air Littoria censored multifkd envelope to England, Warminster, Wilts.
Final value: $ 75.00
1000 Palestine
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1942 (21 May) Haifa - South Africa, Durban, Natal. Air multifkd env. White censor label KK / 35116.
Final value: $ 28.00
1001 Palestine
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1942 (1 Aug) Haifa - South Africa, Durban, Natal. Air multifkd env. Red censor label + dest.
Final value: $ 26.00
1002 Palestine
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1942 (2 Sept) Haifa - South Africa, Natal, Durban. Air multifkd envelope, arrival censor label. VF + dest.
Final value: $ 35.00
1003 Palestine
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1943 (16 Feb) Haifa - South Africa, Natal, Durban. Air multifkd env, arrival censorship label. Fine + dest.
Final value: $ 28.00
1004 Palestine
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1943 (9 May) Jerusalem - England, Skipton, York. Air British Airways multifkd envelope.
Final value: $ 26.00
1005 Palestine
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1943 (25 Aug) Haifa - South Africa, Natal, Durban. Air multifkd env + arrival censor label, fwded. Fine + dest.
Final value: $ 36.00
1006 Palestine
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1944 (13 Dec) Jerusalem - England, Helston, Cornwall. Air multifkd envelope via British Airways.
Final value: $ 36.00
1007 Palestine
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1954 (12 Aug) Khan Yunis - Beyrouth, Lebanon (16 Aug) comercial Egypt ovptd registered single 40rs fkd envelope. Reverse transited via Gaza - Cairo, etc. VF+.
Final value: $ 220.00
1008 Palestine
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1954 (21 Aug) Khan Yunis - USA, Newark (28 Aug) Via Egypt, Gaza. Registered air multifkd. Egypt ovptd issue + control cachet. VF.
Final value: $ 100.00
1009 Palestine
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1956 (16 Jan) Khan Yunis - USA, NYC, Newark (23 Jan 56) Registered air multifkd Egypt ovptd issue envelope reverse transited via Cairo airport. VF comercial.
Final value: $ 100.00
1010 Panama
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1904 (19 March) GPO - HAWAII, Sandwich Islands, Honolulu. Official Foreign Affairs multifkd env red aptd issue. Via San Franciso. Rare "insect bitten" to Portuguese consul. Rare item.
Final value: $ 35.00
1011 Panama
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (July) Panama Airways, Subsidiary Panam systems. Two page leaflet on flights between Cristobal (Atlantic side) and Panama City (Pacific) twentyfour minutes each way for U$ 8,00 "Here is a travel high-spot of a lifetime, an air cruise across the Isthm Fine
Final value: $ 28.00
1012 Paraguay
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1931 (5 Feb) Asuncion - Switzerland, Zurich via Paris Aviion (16 Feb) French air flown. Single 5 pesos / $17 ovptd fkd envelope. Fine and interesting.
Final value: $ 32.00
1013 Paraguay
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (29 Aug) Asuncion - Germany, Naumberg. Registered air multifkd env, hugh 43,33 pesos rate, reverse transited + arrival cachet. Lovely item.
Final value: $ 70.00
1014 Persia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1925 (6-7 Dec) Turkey, Angora - Teheran, Persia (7 Dec) First Flight envelope. Very rare incoming trip usage.
Final value: $ 66.00
1015 Persia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1930. Kakhak - Germany, Stuttgart. Air fkd envelope via Gounabad with comm monuments issue. Adressed Karl Schimmer, the doctor and father of prominent California Sausalito Mexico collector.
Final value: $ 82.00
1016 Persia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1930. Abadan - England, Salisbury, Wilts. Air multifkd env via Basrah. Flown Imperial IW63. VF.
Final value: $ 56.00
1017 Persia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1930 (31 July) Teheran - France, Paris. Reverse registered multifkd env. German air red cachets (2 differents) Interesting. First part FLOWN Imperial Airways IW70. Via Baghdad.
Final value: $ 67.00
1018 Persia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1932 (7 Jan) Bushire - UK, Wimbeldon. Air multifkd front and reverse envelope. Flown Imperial IW144.
Final value: $ 62.00
1019 Persia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (25 Dec) US consular. Teheran - USA, KY, Louisville (16 June 36) Registered air multifkd env, reverse transited + postal receipt.
Final value: $ 36.00
1020 Peru
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1864 (18 Sept) Lima - Spain, Cordoba, south of Country (17 Oct) Franked env 1 dinero rose embossed tied cds, oval FRANCA alongside. Charged 8 reales at Spain entry. Via Panama. Outstanding destination usage.
Final value: $ 1200.00
1021 Peru
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (24 March) Lima - Chile, Iquique (26 March) addressed to "HMS Durban" Comander. Air fkd env. Fast air trip.
Final value: $ 18.00
1022 Peru
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (13 Sept) Lima - Switzerland, Zurich (20 Sept) Registered air multifkd env. Fine. Include Lama issue.
Final value: $ 20.00
1023 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1912 (5 June) Cavite - Spain, Castellon Plana. Fkd ppc (country road) Better rare destination area.
Final value: $ 20.00
1024 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (16 March) Santa Rosa, Laguna - USA, Ithaca, NY. 2c green stat env reverse fkd. Fine used.
Final value: $ 36.00
1025 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (July 15) Manila - USA, Kentucky, Louisville (7 Aug) Air multifkd env. Basket stamp + Fee claimed + Special delivery. Sent by US Generak Governor of Philippines FRANK MURPHY. Interesting historical item. Arrival cachet.
Final value: $ 125.00
1026 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (9 Dec) Waterfront, Cebu City - Denmark, Copenhagen (13 Dec) Fwded Egypt. Air multifkd env, Danish taxed machine cachet on front aux marks. 4 days East-West ultrafast transit.
Final value: $ 75.00
1027 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (Oct 8) Manila - London, UK. Air multifkd env via Singapore + special air cachet. VF.
Final value: $ 37.00
1028 Philippines
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (22 May) Manila - Switzerland, Amriswil via Hong Kong. Multiple envelope, HK censor label. By sea to Hong Kong arriving 25 May. By HB 240 (Delphinus) to Bangkok connecting with SW243, which left 27 May and arrived Marseilles 1 June. Franked 76 cts fo Fine
Final value: $ 140.00
1029 Poland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1903 (12 Nov) Warsaw - St. Petersburg, Russia (29 Nov) Russian Admin period. Fkd ppc, three concentric rings cancel with arrival cachet. Fine.
Final value: $ 24.00
1030 Poland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1915 (24 July) Austrian postal admin. Zablocie B. Zywiec - Levant, Constantinople, Turkey (6 Sept) Multifkd package stat card + 3 adtls + 3 labels. Fine usage.
Final value: $ 24.00
1031 Poland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1916 (14 Sept) WWI German Occup. Warsaw - Germany, Stuttgart. 5c green Germania ovptd issue tax / PORTO cachet red box + mns charge.
Final value: $ 20.00
1032 Poland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1916 (30 Oct) Austrian Postal Admin Chesiny - Warsaw. Reverse multifkkd env at 15c rate. Censored. VF.
Final value: $ 22.00
1033 Poland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1916 (16 Dec) Opatow - Germany, Berlin. Multifkd censored env. Austrian postal adm. VF.
Final value: $ 24.00
1034 Poland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1917. Noworadomsk - Berlin, Germany. Fkd env 15c rate. Austrian postal adm censor cachet. VF.
Final value: $ 24.00
1035 Poland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1917 (26 Jan) Lublin - Warsaw. Asutrian Postal admin. Censored fkd WWI envelope. Nice condition. Comercial usage.
Final value: $ 27.00
1036 Poland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1917 (27 Jan) Zwanista - Warsaw. Austrian Postal Admin. Fkd env 15c red + two diff censor cachets. VF.
Final value: $ 24.00
1037 Poland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1917 (25 May) Czenstochan - Austria, Bladenz. Registered comercial multifkd env. German WWI occup period. Censored. Fine.
Final value: $ 65.00
1038 Poland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1919 (5 Oct) Gniezno - Breslau, Germany. 10s green stat card + 5s adtl, cds. Fine early usage.
Final value: $ 26.00
1039 Poland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1919 (16 Apr) Warsaw - Germany, Altona. Mixed Germania + 1st issue fkd env, tied provis cds. Comercial envelope. VF.
Final value: $ 125.00
1040 Poland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1922 (3 March) Tarrow - Grossnitz. 8 gr beige stat card + 2 adtls, at 15gr rate. Early inflation times.
Final value: $ 22.00
1041 Poland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1922 (16 July) Bydoszcz - Germany, Dresden. 4ck red stat card + 6 adtls. Early inflation days. Fine.
Final value: $ 32.00
1042 Poland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1932 (31 March) Krakaw - Spain, Madrid. Registered multifkd env, R-cachet + arrival cds. Fine and better scarce destination.
Final value: $ 85.00
1043 Poland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (10 May) Krakow - Switzerland, Geneve illustrated Wilmo stat card 15c + adtls, cds.
Final value: $ 24.00
1044 Poland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (10 June) Krakow - Switzerland, Geneve. 20cp stat card + adtl, tied cds. Fine.
Final value: $ 16.00
1045 Poland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (28 July) German Deutshen Reich Reply half proper usage back on photo ppc, with adtl. Polish stamp. Warsaw - Sagan, Silesia. Air fkd stat card. Fine used + comb.
Final value: $ 100.00
1046 Poland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (25 Oct) Krakow - Austria, Wien (26 Oct) Registered express multifkd stat card aux R-cachet + tied red label. VF + better usage.
Final value: $ 65.00
1047 Poland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (18 June) Tomazzov Mazowiecki - Lodzi, Sdynia illustrated 15 gr stat card. Free scarce used item, reverse long text.
Final value: $ 28.00
1048 Poland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1943 (29 Sept) Nazi Occup. Krakaw - Spital, Buren (6 Oct) Switzerland. Registered 30s lilac stat card, further stamp erased by censorship (as can be asserted) + arrival doble Civil forwarding labels. Very interesting historical item.
Final value: $ 48.00
1049 Poland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1944 (9 Feb) Nazi Occup, Krahaw - Switzerland, Zurich (15 Feb) Registered censored multifkd private card. Fine and scarce. Late time.
Final value: $ 75.00
1050 Poland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1944 (2 April) Nazi Occup, Krakaw - Switzerland, Zurich. Registered fkd stat card 12s lilac + nazi censored. Text with phrases highlighted by censorship (!). VF late item.
Final value: $ 75.00
1051 Poland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946 (Febr) Olevnica - Italy, Milano (14 Feb 46) Registered provisional multifkd envelope. Reverse transited straightline cancels. Fine.
Final value: $ 125.00
1052 Portugal
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1853 (12 April) Estremoz - Olivenza, Badajoz (15 April) Spain, Stampless EL with text with arrival Baeza in red. Very scarce postal link oval blue depart town cachet.
Final value: $ 22.00
1053 Portugal - Stationer
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1902 (26 April) Belem - San Marino. 25rs brown on orange stat lettersheet. Arrival cachet.
Final value: $ 36.00
1054 Portugal - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1903 (26 Sept) Vizen - Austria, Schwarzau am Steinfelde (1 Oct) Multifkd newspaper wrapper Monchon 2 1/2c grey block of six. Arrival cachet. Interesting.
Final value: $ 85.00
1055 Portugal
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1911. Funchal - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. 2 diff fkd p. cards addressed to this tiny coastal village.
Final value: $ 16.00
1056 Portugal - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1923 (15 Aug) Funchal, Madeira - Germany, Munich. Comm fkd usage. Very scarce.
Final value: $ 45.00
1057 Portugal - Stationer
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1928 (29 Dec) Guarda - Germany, Hambrg. 25c black stat card Ceres issue + 4 adtls, diff issue + "para pobres" stamp, cds. Fine.
Final value: $ 45.00
1058 Portugal - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (3 Jan) Funchal, Madeira - Norway, Trondhjem (10 Jan). Fkd env Luisiadas issue + ovtpd value, cds.
Final value: $ 28.00
1059 Portugal - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (8 Dec) Gouveia - Germany, Possneck, Thuringen. Air multifkd env. Luisiadas issue + Nazi censored.
Final value: $ 38.00
1060 Portugal - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1942 (29 Dec) Lisboa - Spain, San Sebastian (7 Enero) Fkd Lusiadas p. card, censored at destination.
Final value: $ 18.00
1061 Portugal - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1943 (15 Oct) Lisboa - Madrid, Spain (18 Oct) Air multifkd env Rowland Hill issue + Luisiadas. Censored + reverse transited. Rare airmail WWII / period, lack of petrol for planes.
Final value: $ 40.00
1062 Portugal - Stationer
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1944 (6 March) Braga - Switzerland, Bern. 30c Caravela stat card + 4 adtls, incl coupesso ciencias. TPO cancel. Nine - Braga. Nazi censored.
Final value: $ 28.00
1063 Portugal - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946 (15 Jan) US consular. Lisbon - TANGIER, Morroco. US consular via Madrid. Airmail fkd envelope. Interesting postal link air usage. President Carmona.
Final value: $ 20.00
1064 Portugal - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946 (16 Feb) V. Nova de Gaia - Spain, Madrid (21 Feb) Registered multifkd comm issue including President Carmona + Navegdores. VF + dest.
Final value: $ 50.00
1065 Portugal - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946 (1 Sept) Lisboa - Denmark, Grindsted. Air multifkd env. Castle issue + scarce red air cachet.
Final value: $ 32.00
1066 Portugal - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946 (14 Sept) V. Nova de Gaia - Spain, Madrid (19 Sept) Registered multif comm usage. President Carmona. VF + dest.
Final value: $ 30.00
1067 Portugal - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1948 (19 March) V. Nova de Gaia - Spain, Madrid (23 March) Registered multifkd comm usage incl Caravela. VF + dest.
Final value: $ 40.00
1068 Portugal - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1948 (20 Oct) V. N de Gaia - Spain, Madrid (2 Nov) Registered comm. Multifkd env VF + dest.
Final value: $ 40.00
1069 Portugal - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1952 (26 June) Bairro Andrade - Spain, Madrid (28 June) Registered air multifkd env. Comm usage + Caravela issue.
Final value: $ 45.00
1070 Portugal - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1952 (15 Dec) Bairro Grande, Lisboa - Spain, Madrid (17 Dec) Air regular multifkd env, Nato issue. OTAN + comm + Caravela. VF.
Final value: $ 45.00
1071 Portugal-Angola
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1905 (8 Sept) Novo Redondo - Switzerland, Morges (8 Oct) Fkd ppc via Lisboa.
Final value: $ 24.00
1072 Portugal-Angola
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1905 (10 Oct) Novo Redondo - Switzerland, Morges (11 Nov) Cantumbola customs House construction.
Final value: $ 24.00
1073 Portugal-Angola
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1912. 2 local fkd p cards to Spain, Castellon. Bibe + Lobito cancels. Very rare destination to tiny coastal Spanish village.
Final value: $ 24.00
1074 Portugal-Angola
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1913 (21 Jan) Bibe - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Fkd post card. Hospital Maria Pia. Better destination.
Final value: $ 38.00
1075 Portugal-Angola
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1913 (8 Feb) Bibe - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Local photo fkd post card via Benguella. Rare destination area.
Final value: $ 45.00
1076 Portugal-Angola
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1913 (10 June)Bibe - Spain, Castellon. Fkd post card. Better destination. Great photo card.
Final value: $ 40.00
1077 Portugal-Angola
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1913 (10 June) Bibe - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Fkd photo card. Via Benguella. Better destination.
Final value: $ 40.00
1078 Portugal-Angola
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946 (Dec) Mocamedes - Spain, Madrid (24 Dec) Registered multifkd front + reverse envelope Ceres new issue + mns R-cachet. Better destination.
Final value: $ 145.00
1079 Portugal-Angola
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1967 (3 Oct) Benguela - Germany, Freiburg. Multifkd env. Fauna + aborigins.
Final value: $ 14.00
1080 Portugal-Angola
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1980 (12 Nov) Loanda - Germany, Baden. Air fkd env. Ovptd issue "Republica Popular de"
Final value: $ 16.00
1081 Portugal-Cabo Verde
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1921 (20 Apr) S. Vicente tax war ovptd stamp on pre - franked view postcard. VF. Very rare stamp on cover. Addressed to Lisboa, Portugal.
Final value: $ 38.00
1082 Portugal-Guinea
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1957 (4 March) Bissau - Canada, Montreal. Official incl fkd env 3,50$ rate. Aeronautica civil.
Final value: $ 16.00
1083 Portugal-Guinea
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1969 (23 Sept) Estaçao Texeira - Bissau (26 Sept) registered env multifkd very scarce internal colony mail.
Final value: $ 22.00
1084 Portugal-India
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1921 (Febr) Nova Goa - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Fkd postcard to most unusual destination. Fine.
Final value: $ 35.00
1085 Portugal-India
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1926 (16 July) Nova Goa - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Fkd view postcard to most unusual destination Spanish tiny coastal village. Fine.
Final value: $ 40.00
1086 Portugal-India
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1928 (8 Feb) Mormugao - Germany, Coesfeld, Westf. Unsealed pm rate fkd comercial envelope, single 6rs lilac Ceres issue, tied cds. Very rare rate + usage ces single stamp on cover.
Final value: $ 65.00
1087 Portugal - India
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1928 (17 March) Nova Goa - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Fkd ppc to very rare destination. Fine.
Final value: $ 35.00
1088 Portugal-India
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (3 Dec) Nova Goa - USA, Chicago, Ill. Fkd postcard with very rare type violet cds. Interesting photo view.
Final value: $ 26.00
1089 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1885. Af 14*. 20rs / 50rs green perf 13 1/2. Mint no gum, off centered. Unusual so much in this issue.
Final value: $ 16.00
1090 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1885. AF 14a (*) perf 13 1/2. 20rs / 50rs green. Variety "5" displaced upwards.
Final value: $ 17.00
1091 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1885. Af 14a (*) 20rs / 50rs. Intense red variety displaced "S" upwards. Perf 12 1/2.
Final value: $ 17.00
1092 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1885. Af 14a. 20rs/ 50rs green, perf 12 1/2 variety dislocated "S" upwords. VF.
Final value: $ 17.00
1093 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1885. Af 14a (*) 20rs / 50rs green perf 12 1/2 variety displaced "5" upwords. Fine. Scarce well centered.
Final value: $ 22.00
1094 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1885. Af 14*. 20r / 50r green, perf 12 1/2 lower bar thicker 2,6mm. Fine.
Final value: $ 23.00
1095 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1885. Af. 14*. 20rs/ 50rs green Perf 13 1/2 Variety line 6 IV, Thicker line bar. V. Fine.
Final value: $ 27.00
1096 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1885. Af 14*. 20rs/50rs green perf 13 1/2. Position line 5-II. Extrathick lower bar. 2,65mm.
Final value: $ 27.00
1097 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1885. Af 14*. 20rs / 50rs green perf 12 1/2 position line , thinner lower bar (23mm) Fine.
Final value: $ 23.00
1098 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1885 Af. 14*. 20rs/50rs green, perf 13 1/2. Variety 2,5mm lower thicker line. Fine.
Final value: $ 27.00
1099 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1885. Af 14* 20rs/50rs green, perf 13 1/2 position line 5-I. Fine.
Final value: $ 27.00
1100 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1885. Af 14*. 20rs / 50rs green perf 13 1/2 mint. Position line 3 - III, thick lower bar.
Final value: $ 27.00
1101 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1885. Af 14(*) 20rs / 50rs green, perf 13 1/2 "s" lowered variety. 2,5mm position II, line 7. Fine.
Final value: $ 27.00
1102 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1885. Af 14*. 20rs/50rs green, perf 13 1/2 position line 1 - I "2" dot of upper part "broken" separated from print. VF.
Final value: $ 29.00
1103 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1885, Af. 14*. 20rs/50rs green, raf.13 1/2, variety "5" of Reis upper positioned (second line - post 3) (+2,5 mm) VF.
Final value: $ 30.00
1104 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1885. 14 (x) 20rs / 50rs green. Perf 13 1/2 "S" upper positioned 2,5mm variety. Fine.
Final value: $ 30.00
1105 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1885. Af 14*. 20rs / 50rs green, perf 13 1/2 position line 5-IV. XF well centered, medium thick lower bar.
Final value: $ 31.00
1106 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1885. Af 15º. 40rs red / 50rs green, perf 13 1/2 position I of sheet. Central cds Aug 26,85 nicely centered. Very scarce stamp + VF.
Final value: $ 45.00
1107 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1885. Af 15º. 40rs red / 50rs yellow green. Perf 12 1/2. "5" displaced cancelled cds, endorsed ovptd with red dots extra on stamp,
Final value: $ 48.00
1108 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1885. Af 15º. 40rs red / 50rs green well centered perf 13 1/2. VF cancelled neat 16 sp 88 cds,
Final value: $ 65.00
1109 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1885. Af 15º 40rs red / 50rs green. Perf 12 1/2 variety "5" displaced upwards. Very rare stamp with this perf. Cancelled central cds. 2 March 89.
Final value: $ 70.00
1110 Macau
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1885 Af 19 * 40rs buff perf 12 1/2, manuscript pen of cover (reverse). A scarce stamp.
Final value: $ 15.00
1111 Portugal-Inhambane
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1913 (7 July) GPO - Spain, Castellon. Fkd postcard to most unusual destination.
Final value: $ 45.00
1112 Portugal-Inhambane
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1913 (22 Dec) Inhambane - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Fkd local view card to most unusual Spanish tiny coastal village destination. VF.
Final value: $ 45.00
1113 Portugal-Inhambane
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1913 (22 Dec) GPO - Spain. 4 diff view local postcards addressed to Spain. Very rare destination. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 75.00
1114 Portugal-Mozambique
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (9 April) L. Marqués - UK, Birmingham. Color illustrated multifkd air env. Rate 1,65 esc + air label, just tied. Fine.
Final value: $ 36.00
1115 Portugal-Mozambique
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (26 May) L. Marques - UK, Birmingham. Air multifkd env, Luisiadas issue + air tax label. Fine. Rate 1,65 esc.
Final value: $ 35.00
1116 Portugal-Mozambique
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (23 July) L. Marques - UK, Birmingham. Air multifkd env. Luisiadas issue + air label tax. Tied hexagonal ds.
Final value: $ 45.00
1117 Portugal-Mozambique
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (24 Sept) L. Marque - UK, Birmingham. Air multifkd env. Luisiadas issue + air label tax.
Final value: $ 24.00
1118 Portugal-Mozambique
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (15 Oct) LM - UK, Birmingham. Air multifkd env. Tricolor Luisiadas + Air tax label. Tied hexagonal ds.
Final value: $ 48.00
1119 Portugal-Mozambique
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (9 Sept) Quelimane - South Africa, Port Elisabeth. Air flown envelope, fkd blue air tax label at 1 esc rate. Comercial usage.
Final value: $ 40.00
1120 Portugal-Mozambique
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (4 Nov) Quelimane - UK, London. Air fkd env, with air tax blue label, hanging 4 esc rate, TIED hexagonal ds (xxx) XF.
Final value: $ 48.00
1121 Portugal-Mozambique
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939. L. Marques - USA, Louisville, Kentucky. Presidential visit. Single 1,75$ fkd env. VF.
Final value: $ 22.00
1122 Portugal-Mozambique
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (14 Aug) L. Marques - Germany, Detmold. 1c green ceres stat card + adtl Lusiadas, tied slogan rolling cancel. VF +.
Final value: $ 45.00
1123 Portugal-Mozambique
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1921 (30 Jan) Beira - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Fkd local postcard, street wind mill + cart most unusual + rarity destination.
Final value: $ 40.00
1124 Portugal-Mozambique
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (14 Abril) Beira - London, UK. Air multifkd env rate 12,80 escudos. First northbound African service by "Demeter" / Imperial.
Final value: $ 75.00
1125 Portugal-Mozambique
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (13 Aug) Beira - London, UK. Air multifkd env. Rate 4,50 escudos. Fine.
Final value: $ 40.00
1126 Portugal-Mozambique
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (13 Jan) Beira - Austria, Wien (24 Jan) Registered air multifkd env Via Salisbury - Athens - Brindisi: Franked single 10 escudos stamp + R-label.
Final value: $ 175.00
1127 Portugal-Mozambique
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (12 March) Beira - USA, Mass, Cambridge (17-18 April) Registered multifkd fauna + presidential trip ovptd + triangulars envelope. Sent as PM + government stadistics dept, interesting.
Final value: $ 100.00
1128 Portugal-St.Thome E
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1910s-20s. Ilha do Principe. A fantastic selection of 21 better cancelled (couple circulated) photo view local early postcards showing electric lights, trains, etc. Great opportunity.
Final value: $ 210.00
1129 Romania
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1917 (5 Dec) WWI German Occup Swiss Consular mail. Bucarest - Austria, Wien. Ovptd Germania mutifkd env censored.
Final value: $ 55.00
1130 Romania
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1918 (24 Febr) WWI German Occup. Campina - Targu (2 March) Ovptd Germania stat card. Censored. Fine usage. TPO.
Final value: $ 29.00
1131 Romania
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1918 (1-2 Sept) Cicerove, Turnu - Targu. WWI German occup. TPO cancels. 10 pf red stat card.
Final value: $ 23.00
1132 Romania
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1947 (23 Jan) Bucarest - Austria Bad Gastein (3 Febr) Registered comm multifkd env. Arrival allied military censor cachet.
Final value: $ 36.00
1133 Romania
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1951 (14 Feb) Bolintin - Madrid, Spain (3 March) Registered multifkd env. Via Egypt (!) Extraordinary rare destination + transit on front (!) Spain wwas anti communist destination / no direct link.
Final value: $ 175.00
1134 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1876 (18/30 Feb) 4k green early stat card to Lubeck, Germany. VF.
Final value: $ 38.00
1135 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1892 (15 Aug) 4 kop red stat card circulated to Argentine, South America, Santa Fe, Colonia Palacios Moses (Jewish name colony) Reverse written in hebrew. Judaica. Fine + dest. This early is scarce.
Final value: $ 35.00
1136 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1904 (26 Apr) 7 Kop blue stat env + 1 kop orange adtl strip of three, tied cds. Multifkd env addressed to Stuttgart, Germany. TPO. VF.
Final value: $ 40.00
1137 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1910. Caucaso. Reverse multifkd env to Persia Taurus. One strip corner of sheet with numeral. Fine.
Final value: $ 22.00
1138 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1911 (11 Jan) Riga, Latvia - Rosswein, Germany. Registered multifkd env mixed issues + bilingual illlustr private env + R-label. Fine.
Final value: $ 40.00
1139 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1917 (2 Sept) Revolution period, Veravesh - USA, NYC. Registered multifkd env, dual censorship. R-cachet.
Final value: $ 32.00
1140 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1918 (7 March) October Revolution. Mns pre cancelled 7 kop blue stat env, taxed + censored. Circulated to St. Petersburg with provisional lilac cachet + aux mark. Very interesting.
Final value: $ 65.00
1141 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1918 (1 July) Moscow - Germany, Hamburg (13 July) Registered censored multifkd env. WWI + Kerensky. Interesting item.
Final value: $ 125.00
1142 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1922 (13 Feb) Kovno, Lithuania - Egypt, Tanta (2 March) Via Cairo. Multifkd front + reverse registered usage, Inglation period + retour c/o British Consulate. Baltres, Kovno.
Final value: $ 71.00
1143 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1924 (20 March) Moscow - BURMA, Rangoon. Registered multifkd env. Rare dest usage.
Final value: $ 50.00
1144 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1932 (23 Oct) Georgia, Tiflis - North Wales, Merionethshire, UK. 5k brown stat card + 2 adtl. Printed in Georgian language.
Final value: $ 22.00
1145 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (11 Jan) Multifkd ppc addressed to BRUNEI, Asía, British Colony (14 Febr) with arrival cachet, transited. Exceptionall
Final value: $ 225.00
1146 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937. Moscow - USA, Ky, Louisville. Multifkd env. North Pole expedition. Heyburn correspondance Archive. Fine item.
Final value: $ 22.00
1147 Russia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946 (21 March) US consular Vladivostok - USA, NYC. APO 254 + APO 197-139 (13-22 May) Registered air multifkd short lived regular soviet fkd mail to military personal. Interesting historical proper usage. Reverse transited. With 2 contemporary photos.
Final value: $ 160.00
1148 Salvador, El
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1906 (3 June) Santa Ana - Czechoslovakia, Prague. 5c ovptd stat env + 3 adtls, blue cds. Lovely better usage + dest. Via Panama.
Final value: $ 100.00
1149 Salvador, El
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (16 June) Salvador - Germany, Eislingen. Air multifkd env + "OK" control cachet. VF.
Final value: $ 22.00
1150 Salvador, El
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1956 (5 Enero) España uso local Burgos sepia franquicia postal Americano - Española (!) muy interesante, aceptado por el correo español. Primero que vemos con marcas consulares.
Final value: $ 32.00
1151 Saudi Arabia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1945. Dharan - USA, Louisville, Ky. Air multifkd env, diff issues + diplomatic US consulate. VF.
Final value: $ 38.00
1152 Saudi Arabia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1945 (Aug - Sept) US consular. Djeddah - USA. APO446 (16 Sept 45) well reversed transited multifkd env. Some stamp missing or in transit as can be ascertain
Final value: $ 20.00
1153 Saudi Arabia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1956 (28 June) Djeddah - Germany, Berlin. Air reverse multifkd env. VF.
Final value: $ 60.00
1154 Siam
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1886 (28 May) BKK. 2 locally used red early stat card. German Club printed meeting. Variety INVERTED MONTH in cds (!) VF.
Final value: $ 70.00
1155 Siam
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1902 (17 May) BKK2 local fkd king Chulalong Khon fkd env 2att, cds bicolor. VF usage.
Final value: $ 271.00
1156 Siam
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1920 (28 Dec) BKK 4 - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Fkd early ppc. Rarity destination.
Final value: $ 75.00
1157 Siam
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1921 (3 May) BKK - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Local fkd ppc. Better destination mail.
Final value: $ 71.00
1158 Siam
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (Dec) BKK GPO - Switzerland, Bern (18 Dec) Regular air multifkd env + IMPERIAL airways tricolor special air label. XF + IW 247.
Final value: $ 38.00
1159 Siam
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (24 March) BKK GPO - India, Calcutta (26 March) Via Imperial Airways (British) Fkd env. VF IW323.
Final value: $ 24.00
1160 Siam
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (9 Apr) BKK GPO - England, Northumberland. Via Imperial British Airways. Air multifkd env IW42. XF.
Final value: $ 41.00
1161 Slovakia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (23 Nov) Nemecke Pravno - Pressbury. Multifkd taxed envelope + arrival p. due 60h blue.
Final value: $ 24.00
1162 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1900 (8 May) OVS ZR. P. Akmalans Post - Gera, Germany (25 June) 1/2d red stat card + adtl. Via Delagoa Bay. Fine origin.
Final value: $ 75.00
1163 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1901 (6-7 March) VRI, Zar. Pretoria - Germany, Hannover, Hermansburg (31 March) 1d stat card + 3 adtls tied cds. Fine used.
Final value: $ 28.00
1164 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1911 (10 Oct) Kalk Bay, Devon. Transvaal - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Reach photo ppc fkd + addresse to tiny Spanish coastal village. Scarce dest. Via Funchal.
Final value: $ 28.00
1165 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1911 (14 Oct) Devon - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Horse race course Venilworth fkd photo ppc addressed to tiny Spanish coastal village. Better dest.
Final value: $ 28.00
1166 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1920. Port Elisabeth - Spain, Catellon de la Plana. 2 photo locals fkd ppc, addressed to rare Spanish coastal village. Fine pair.
Final value: $ 20.00
1167 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1932 (8 March) Durban - Kenya, KUT, Korogwe, BEA (14 March) Air multifkd env, reverse transited in Moshi. SAA + AW53. Better airmail destruction comb usage.
Final value: $ 50.00
1168 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1932 (1 Sept) Joburg - England, Essex, Theydon. Boisr (20 Sept) Air multifkd env + tax + (x2) arrival tied postage dues + aux cachet.
Final value: $ 40.00
1169 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (7 March) Capetown - Germany. Air multifkd machine comercial fkd envelope AGFA films. Flown: first Nortbound service "HADRIAN" AN 105.
Final value: $ 40.00
1170 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (1 Aug) Schmidtdriet - India, Barrackpore (17 Aug) Air multifkd env + violet cachet "Insuf affrandie beyond… KARACHI" + Karachi cancelled 14 Aug 33. Fine scarce usage. Flown: AN126 + IE229.
Final value: $ 120.00
1171 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (3 Oct) Schmietdriet - India, Barrackpore (19 Oct) Air single fkd 1sh rate env with violet cachet "Insuf preperiod cancel beyond KARACHI 160 ct 33". Scarce item.
Final value: $ 110.00
1172 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (21 March) Durban - Radhook, Shrewsbury, Salop, England. Air multifkd env, taxed + 4 postage dues at arrival, tied cds + aux cachet "T-200" ring (xxx/RRR) + 1/8 arrival. Gorgeous usage + rarity comb + cachets. Flown: AN 159.
Final value: $ 300.00
1173 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (21 May) Durban - Dar es Saleam, Kenya (26 May) Air machine fkd env flown AN 168. Via Dodona. Fine + dest.
Final value: $ 28.00
1174 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (July) Durban - Nairobi, Kenya, Dares, Salaam (7 July) Via Dodoma. Air machine fkd env, flown AN 174.
Final value: $ 28.00
1175 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (4 July) Durban - Nairobi, BEA, Kenya (12 July) Registered air machine fkd + dependable dodge + reverse child Welfare Kindersong, tied cds + transited. VF item.
Final value: $ 100.00
1176 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (18 Sept) Joburg - Canada, Vancouver. Air multifkd + violet cachet "Insuf paid for airmail beyond LONDON" (xxx), perfect strike. VF.
Final value: $ 125.00
1177 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (21 Jan) Hermanus - Scotland, Glasgow. Air single 6d fkd env. Town origin Fine AN201
Final value: $ 20.00
1178 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (8 Feb) Joburg - USA, NYC. Air multifkd env + violet cachet "Insuf paid for airmail beyond London" (xx) Fine cachet usage. Flown: AN 211.
Final value: $ 95.00
1179 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (15 Feb) Joburg - Kenya, KUT, Dar es Salaam, Tanganyika (18 Feb) Air machine fkd "The star" env. VF + AN 213.
Final value: $ 50.00
1180 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (27 March) George - India (Pakistan), Peshawar (14 Apr) Air single 1sh fkd env, with violet stline "Insuf paid for airmail beyond KARACHI" (xxx/RR) + boxed crossed out KARACHI (11 Apr) Rarity usage. Flown: AN226 + IE329.
Final value: $ 175.00
1181 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (April) Hanat - India, Calcutta (4 May 35) Fkd env 6d rate + aux violet cachet "Insuf paid for airmail beyond… MOMBASA" (xx/RRR) A rarity air interruption connection.
Final value: $ 150.00
1182 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (5 April) Pretoria - Kenya, KUT, Tanganyika, Dar Es Salaam (8 Apr) Air machine fkd Adams & Adams solicitors cachet. Reverse transited via Dodoma AN227.
Final value: $ 50.00
1183 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (26 June) Joburg - Usa, Ohio, Cincinnati. 1sh single fkd airmail envelope + violet cachet "Insuff paid for airmail beyond London" (xxx/R) Scarce cachet usage. Flown: AN250.
Final value: $ 100.00
1184 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (24 Aug) George - India, Peshawar (Pakistan) 7 Sept 35. Air single 1sh fkd envelope, with black cachet "Insuf. Fkd for air mail hey incl KARACHI" (xx/RR) + Karachi (5 Sept 35). VF + rare marks.
Final value: $ 125.00
1185 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (15 Oct) Durban - USA, Chicago, Ill. Air multifkd env 12d rate + violet cachet "Insuf paid for airmail beyond New York" (xxx/RR) + mns endorsed red "Imperial airmail to Chicago". Flown: AN 282. XF.
Final value: $ 150.00
1186 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (17 Oct) Hucuenot - UK, London (25 Oct) Single air fkd env taxed + arrival p. due 1sh tied cachet. Flown: AN283 or AN284.
Final value: $ 115.00
1187 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (7 Jan) Durban - Nairobi, British East Africa, Kenya. Air machine multifkd env. AW 306 flown. VF.
Final value: $ 32.00
1188 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (13 June) Egypt airmails. Brakpan - Morocco / Marruecos, Rabat (13 July) Reverse multifkd env with aux cachet "Insuf. Paid for airmail beyond Alexandria" (xxx/RR) violet cachet applied twice. Reverse transited. Flown: AN353. A fine very scarce usage. Fine
Final value: $ 150.00
1189 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (12 Oct) Joburg - Nyassaland, Blantyre (15 Oct) Air machine fkd env "Exhibition S. Africa" Flown AN 386. VF + dest.
Final value: $ 28.00
1190 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (2 April) Joburg - London, UK (12 Apr) Machine comercial fkd 6d airmail env + taxed aux mark "120-T" + "over half 03" bilingual cachet. VF.
Final value: $ 100.00
1191 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (22 May) Joburg - Japan, Yokohama. Air multifkd env (front and reverse) with special arrival Japanese cachet. A rare destination.
Final value: $ 325.00
1192 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (8 June) Joburg - Kenya Uplands (13 Jan) Air multifkd private card, with arrival on front. Better scarce rate showing timetable.
Final value: $ 38.00
1193 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (9 June) Joburg - Japan, Yokohama (28 June 37) Air multifkd front + reverse envelope flowwn on first northbound all flying boat service coastal route. Arrival Japanese two different red cachets. VF better destination.
Final value: $ 350.00
1194 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (22 July) Cape Town - JAPAN, Osaka. Air multifkd envelope, via Athens - Berlin - Chita (Imperial Airways + Deutsche Lufthasa + Siberia) Reverse transited HSINKING / INPO (27 July) Long route!
Final value: $ 360.00
1195 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (10 Aug) Fox Street, Joburg - Switzerland, Basel (17 Aug) Regisitered air multifkd env DN13. Fine usage.
Final value: $ 26.00
1196 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (25 Sept) Joburg - Japan, Yokohoma. Air multifkd front and reverse envelope including red arrival control Japanese cachet. Fine rare destination usage at this time.
Final value: $ 325.00
1197 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (18 Nov) Durban - Japan, Yokohama via UK - Siberia. Air single 1 1/2d fkd envelope fwded + cacheted. Outragcous destination + route. Flown DN41 + Via Liverpool (28 Nov)
Final value: $ 180.00
1198 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (11 Dec) Joburg - Japan, Yokohama (6 Jan 38) Air multifkd env with arrival red cachet. Flown: DN48 "AUS". Fine rare destination beautiful usage at this time.
Final value: $ 360.00
1199 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (31 Dec) Capetown - London, UK. Last Day of Natal stamp availability King Ed. VIII. Registered air multifkd envelope mixed issue with receipts.
Final value: $ 40.00
1200 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (23 Apr) Joburg - Austria, Wien (29 Apr) via Athens (28 April) 6 days air fast trip. Multifkd env incl Kruger Nat Park label. Fauna. VF scarce item. DN86.
Final value: $ 22.00
1201 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (3 June) Capetown - Austria, ien (10 June) Air multifkd env incl 2 labels Kruger Nat. Park hippo + fauna. Reverse transited Athens, Greece. Fine usage. DN98.
Final value: $ 22.00
1202 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (5 Oct) Mogi Ruver - London, UK, Newington Green. Registered air multifkd env at 7d rate. Three red wax seals reverse. DN 133.
Final value: $ 28.00
1203 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (17 Dec) Durban - England, Birmingham. Multifkd env incl T. label Kersmis 1938 rolling cachet. Fine.
Final value: $ 26.00
1204 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (6 March) Joburg - Netherlands, Amsterdan. Air registered multifkd env, aux cachet T-15 + bilingual "posted out of course". VF usage.
Final value: $ 100.00
1205 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (1 May) Bloemfontein - USA, Louisville, Ky (27 May) Registered air multifkd env. Reverse S. Africa pre WWII tuberculosis label pair, tied cds. VF.
Final value: $ 26.00
1206 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1945 (3 Dec) Bloemfontein - Australia, Warnampool, via (12 Dec) Registered air multifkd env, reverse transited, at 19d rate.
Final value: $ 24.00
1207 South Africa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1950 (23 June) Cape - Australia, Sydney. Air multifkd envelope + taxed + aux pmk.
Final value: $ 18.00
1208 E-Prefilatelia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1812 (8 Oct) Murcia, Lugar del Palmar - Cartagena (11 Oct) Carta cta con texto. Congo "5" en rojo de destino. Muy interesante y raro origen sin marca.
Final value: $ 151.00
1209 E-Prefilatelia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1823 (23 Junio) 2ª Invasion Francesa. Victoria - Madrid. Carta cta con texto y marca "1" Arme D'Espagne. Inusual uso interno / local. Bonita estampacion.
Final value: $ 300.00
1210 E-Prefilatelia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1825 (16 Aug) Barcelona - Francia, Dijon. 2ª Invasion Francesa. Carta completa con texto marca "A. Arm d'Espagne". Preciosa.
Final value: $ 125.00
1211 E-Prefilatelia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1827 (13 Marzo) 2ª Invasion francesa. San Sebastian - Francia, Aveyron. Carta con texto completo con marca "Abis Arm d'Espagne" (xxx) + "7" cargo a mano. Muy bonita.
Final value: $ 240.00
1212 E-Prefilatelia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1845 (24 July) Burgos - Bilbao (1 Ago) envuelta de carta mat baeza salida cargo "1R" y marca sin confirmar "A" coronada inedita.Se ofrece tal cual.
Final value: $ 100.00
1213 E-Isabel Ii
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1850 (6 Febr) 1º pl I-11. Madrid - Zaragoza (6 Feb) Carta con 6c 50º negro margenes cts mat parrilla Madrid. Preciosa.
Final value: $ 240.00
1214 E-Isabel Ii
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1850 (Marzo) 1A Pl. II - 24. Zaragoza, Aragon - Tudela, Navarra. Carta franqueo 6c. 1850 con margenes cts mat araña, fechador al lado. Atractiva.
Final value: $ 75.00
1215 E-Isabel Ii
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1850 (2 Marzo) 1ª, Plancha I. San Sebastian - Puebla, Coruña. Carta con texto franqueo 6c negro margenes cts, REUTILIZADO (fraude postal), mat fechador rojo Baeza. Muy bonita y rareza.
Final value: $ 240.00
1216 E-Isabel Ii
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1850 (10 Oct) 1º PI Guadalajara - Madrid, Carta con texto franqueo 6c. 1850 margenes ctos mat araña. Muy raro baeza en esta emision.
Final value: $ 240.00
1217 E-Provincias
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1853 (21 Mayo) 17º Soria, Burgo de Osma. Carta franqueo 6c rojo mat parrilla y fechador Baeza rojo. Muy raro tipo.
Final value: $ 220.00
1218 E-Provincias
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1853 (5 Julio) 17º Soria, Cervera del Rio - Tudela, Navarra. Carta franqueo 6c rojo mat parrilla y fechador Baeza en rojo. Muy raro tipo. Bonita.
Final value: $ 220.00
1219 E-Provincias
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1856 (15 Oct) 48º Valladolid, Medina del Campo - Tordesillas. Carta franqueo 4c rojo, mat parrilla y fechador al lado tipo I. Bonita.
Final value: $ 26.00
1220 E-Provincias
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1856 (6 Dic) 48º (2) Segovia - Barcelona. Carta franqueo 4c rosa pareja horiz mat RC 44. Muy bonita. Doble porte.
Final value: $ 100.00
1221 E-Provincias
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1858 (9 Marzo) 48º Valladolid, Olmedo - Tordesillas. Carta franqueo 4c rojo mat parrilla y fechador tipo I ambos en azul. Muy bonita y escasa.
Final value: $ 100.00
1222 E-Isabel Ii
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1858 (14 Marzo) Madrid - Cádiz (17 Marzo) Sobre franquicia. Correos de los Diputados. Preciosa.
Final value: $ 160.00
1223 E-Isabel Ii
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1858 (19 Marzo) Madrid - Cadiz (22 Marzo) Sobre oficial franquicia correo, congreso de los Diputados (xxx) marca tamaño pequeño en azul. Precioso.
Final value: $ 226.00
1224 E-Provincias
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1858 (Agosto) 48. Cordoba, Carpio - Granada. Carta franqueo 4c rosa mat parrilla fechador tipo I, ambos en azul. Muy escaso y bonita.
Final value: $ 125.00
1225 E-Provincias
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1858 (15 Sept) 48º Valladolid, Nava del Rio - Tordesillas. Carta franqueo 4c rosa, mat parrilla fechador tipo I al lado. Bonita y escasa.
Final value: $ 100.00
1226 E-Isabel Ii
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1860 (24 Enero) 48B. Cadiz - Pamplona, Navarra (29 Enero) Carta con texto con sello. 4c tipo III mat RC 3. 4 margenes cts. Muy bonita.
Final value: $ 100.00
1227 E-Provincias
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1860 (7 Marzo) 52º Burgos, Salas de los Infantes - Ortigosa, Logroño. Carta franqueo 4c amarillo mat fechador tipo II. Bonito.
Final value: $ 55.00
1228 E-Isabel Ii
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1860 (Septiembre 22) 53º Zaragoza - Francia. Carta circulada 12c rojo BORDE DE HOJA + grandes margenes, mat RC 15. Via Pirineos centrales JACA - HUESCA transito en caso solo posible en meses verano.
Final value: $ 125.00
1229 E-Provincias
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1860 (2 Nov) 52º Leon, Astorga - Ortigosa, Logroño. Carta con texto franqueo 4c amarillo, mat fechador tipo II. Bonito.
Final value: $ 75.00
1230 E-Isabel Ii
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1861 (Julio 20) 52º Origen Provincia Madrid. Tordesillas, Valladolid. Envuelta de carta franqueo 4c amarilla con matasellos estrella de pluma. Rara e interesante.
Final value: $ 125.00
1231 E-Isabel Ii
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1861 (10 Oct) 52º Madrid - Tordesillas, Valladolid. Envuelta de carta franqueo 4c amarillo RC + CRUZ ESTRELLA PLUMA de origen cartero ambulante. Muy rara en la provincia de Madrid. Bonita.
Final value: $ 100.00
1232 E-Isabel Ii
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1862 (11 Ago) 58º (2) Santander - Tordesillas, Valladolid (14 Aug) Carta con texto, franqueo 4c manor inges con empastada (escasa) a menudo confundido con falsos postales. Preciosa y escasa.
Final value: $ 100.00
1233 E-Isabel Ii
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1863 (21 April) Lerma, Burgos - Italia, Genova (26 April) Envuelta de carta sin franquear con raro matasellos de salida y cargo llegado transitos reverso. Muy raro uso al extranjero.
Final value: $ 175.00
1234 E-Provincias
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1863 (2 Julio) 58º Valladolid - Tordesillas. Carta franqueo 4c marron, mat RC 14 Bonita.
Final value: $ 22.00
1235 E-Provincias
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1863 (3 Aug) 58º Vizcaya, Bilbao - Tordesillas, Valladolid. Carta franqueo 4c marron, mat RC 20 (deteriorada y por tanto pendiente substituirse) Interesante y muy bonita.
Final value: $ 28.00
1236 E-Isabel Ii
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1864 (19 April) Burgos - Italia, Genova (23 April) Envuelta de carta sin franquear con mat. Salida y tasada. Transito al dorso. Escaso origen al exterior.
Final value: $ 38.00
1237 E-Provincias
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1864 (2 Mayo) 64º Vizcaya, Bilbao - Tordesillas, Valladolid. Carta franqueo 4c rosa intenso, mat RC 20. Muy buena estampacion para esta emision uso tardio. Muy escasa.
Final value: $ 100.00
1238 E-Provincias
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1864 (Nov) 64º (2) Santander - Tordesillas, Valladolid. Carta franqueo 4c rojo-rosa (x2) mat RC 43. Inversion sellos Tosca (entintada) Preciosa y muy intesante.
Final value: $ 75.00
1239 E-Provincias
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1865 (7 marzo) 75º Valladolid, Mota del Marques - Tordesillas. Carta franqueo 4c azul dent, mat fechador. Tipo II. Bonita.
Final value: $ 45.00
1240 E-Provincias
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1865 (3 Julio) 76º Coruña - Elbeuf, Francia. Carta franqueo 12c azul y rosa dentado, mat RC 4 con transitos. Alto valor catalogo.
Final value: $ 100.00
1241 E-Provincias
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1865 (28 Aug) 75º Valladolid, Nava del Rey - Tordesillas. Carta franqueada 4c azul dat y mat fechador. Tipo II. Bonita.
Final value: $ 45.00
1242 E-Provincias
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1865 (3 Sept) 75º Ciudad Real, Sta. Cruz de Mudela - Tordesillas. Carta franqueo 4c azul dent, mat tipo II fechador. Muy bonita.
Final value: $ 50.00
1243 E-Provincias
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1865 (16 Nov) 75º Zamora, Toro - Tordesillas. Carta franqueo 4c azul dent, mat fecha tipo II. Muy bonita.
Final value: $ 50.00
1244 E-Provincias
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1865 (23 Nov) Jaen, Ubeda - Tordesillas, Valladolid. Carta con franqueo 4c azul oscuro dent mat fechador tipo II. Bonita.
Final value: $ 40.00
1245 E-Provincias
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1866 (27 Junio) 82º Coruña - Francia, Elbeuf. Carta franqueada 12c naranja, mat RC 4 y transitos. Bonita.
Final value: $ 40.00
1246 E-Isabel Ii
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1867 (24 Aug) 96º Bilbao - Tordesillas, Valladolid. Carta con texto franqueada 50rs castaño amarillo con mc RC modificada 20 de Bilbao y buena estampación (normalmente mucho peor) Intersante.
Final value: $ 100.00
1247 E-Provincias
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1867 (5 Sept) 96º Jaen, Andujar - Tordesillas, Valladolid. Carta con texto franqueado mat fecha tipo II. Bonita.
Final value: $ 70.00
1248 E-Isabel Ii
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1867 (18 Sept) 96º (x6, 2 tiras de 3) Santander - Tordesillas, Valladolid. Carta cta con texto con franqueo sextriple tarifa de 300rs, mat RC 43. Inusual alto franqueo en esta emision. Bonito.
Final value: $ 225.00
1249 E-Isabel Ii
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1868 (30 Oct) 94º. Bilbao - Tordesillas (1 Nov) Envuelta sin cerrar tarifa impresos, mat RC. Escasa.
Final value: $ 150.00
1250 E-Isabel Ii
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1868 (21 Dic) Ubeda, Jaen - Tordesillas, Valladolid (23 Dic) Rarisimo porte tarifa impresos con 25 rs azul y roja con IMPRESIÓN DOBLE del marco en azul. Rarisimo + origen.
Final value: $ 750.00
1251 E-Provincias
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1869 (21 Enero) 98º Barcelona, Tarrasa - Zaragoza. Carta franqueo 50 rs violeta, mat fecha tipo II. Bonita.
Final value: $ 32.00
1252 E-Isabel Ii
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1869 (18 Marzo) 97 (x3) La escasa Tarifa interfronteriza. Irun - Bayona, Francia (19 Marzo) Carta con texto franqueo 25rs azul (tira de tres), tarifa 75rs o 50% mas que tarifa interna normal, mat RC y transits. Muy bonita.
Final value: $ 241.00
1253 E-Provincias
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1870 (6 Enero) 107º Logroño, Arnedo - Ortigosa, Logroño. Carta con texto franqueo 50rs matrona mat fechador tipo II. Bonita.
Final value: $ 28.00
1254 E-Provincias
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1870 (21 Sept) 107º Vizcaya, Bilbao - Tordesillas (25 Sept) Carta numeral con texto franqueo 50 rs y parrillada numeral. Inusual.
Final value: $ 24.00
1255 E-Provincias
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1871 (25 Abril) 106º (2) Valladolid - Tordesillas. Muy rara carta con franqueo al reverso de dos sellos 25rs violeta para hacer franqueo 50 rs muy escaso. Ligero rasguño al abrir.
Final value: $ 125.00
1256 E-Gobierno Provision
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1872 (9 Marzo) Bilbao a Tordesillas (11 Mayo) Tarifa impresa porte sellado interprovincial, sello 2 ms sobre ante mat fechador. Pieza muy rara. Porte sencillo.
Final value: $ 450.00
1257 E - Gobierno Provisi
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1872 (6 Junio) 106 (2) Valladolid - Tordesillas (7 Junio) Envuelta cta con franqueo reverso 25 rs lila Matrona (x2, tarifa 50rs) mat rombo y llegada rasgada al abrir. Muy escasa.
Final value: $ 110.00
1258 E-Gobierno Provision
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1872 (6 Julio) Bilbao - Tordesillas, Valladolid. Rarisimo lista precios impresos, tarifa correcta porte doble sobre provincias, con porte sencillo a 4ms y matasellada, que es para lo que se creo este valor. Primero que vemos circulado con fechador (normal Fine
Final value: $ 1200.00
1259 E - Gobierno Provisi
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1872 (24 Julio) 102º Bilbao - Tordesillas, Valladolid. Impresos con texto sin cerrar con franqueo correcto 2ms negro sobre / amarillo y fechador al lado y llegada muy escasa.
Final value: $ 135.00
1260 E-Amadeo I
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1872 (13 Dic) Valladolid - Tordesilla. Pequeña envuelta carta con franqueo dorso 6c azul Amadeo (x2) rasgados al abrirse y mat fechador. Rarisimos en carta.
Final value: $ 375.00
1261 E-Amadeo I
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1873 (21 Marzo) Granada - Valencia. Sobre ilustrado con franqueo 10c. Amadeo y parrilla con cifra. Muy raro y atractivo con varios dibujos de alegorias (Tempus fugit)
Final value: $ 375.00
1262 E- I Republica
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1873. Munilla, Logroño - Zaragoza. Bonita carta franqueo doble 10c verde. Bonito y mat fechador. Raro origen.
Final value: $ 100.00
1263 E-Amadeo I
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1873 (Abril) 128º. Barcelona - Italia, Genova (6 April) Envuelta con franqueo. 50c verde mat rombo y marca de transito "Via di Junquera" Bonita.
Final value: $ 115.00
1264 E- I Republica
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1874 (30 Junio) 141º (3) Asturias, Oviedo, Navia - Madrid. Frente de carta con franqueo indebido sello Imp Guerra 5c (x3) Tirahorizontal. Escasa asi + origen.
Final value: $ 40.00
1265 E- I Republica
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1875. 144º. Madrid correo local tarifa 5c sello violeta, mat rombo puntos. Bonita.
Final value: $ 75.00
1266 E- I Republica
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1875 (23 April) 154/155º. Zaragoza - Tudela. Carta con texto franqueo 5c + 10c. Impuestos Guerra serie cta indebido uso como sellos correos el 10c. Mat fechador. Interesante y muy bonita.
Final value: $ 70.00
1267 E-Alfonso Xii
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1876 (15 April) 166º Bilbao - Bayona, Francia (9 April) Carta con texto franqueo 25c rosa, mat fecha. Precioso franqueo reducido /UPU.
Final value: $ 48.00
1268 E-Enteros Postales
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1876 (6 Mayo) 130º. Santander - Tordesillas. Tempranisima tarjeta privada comercial uso tarifa 1c verde I Republica con matasellos al lado. Pieza de gran coleccionista.
Final value: $ 175.00
1269 E-Alfonso Xii
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1876 (13 Dec) Madrid - Italia, Napoles. Envuelta de carta con rarisimo franqueo de 40 cts filigr. castillo, mat rombo puntos y transitos. Pocos conocidos en cartay MB.
Final value: $ 401.00
1270 E-Alfonso Xii
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1877 (5 Enero) 177º Sevilla - Francia, Paris (10 Enero) Carta franqueada 25c emision filigrana con el raro matasellos TALADRO que rompia el sobre y el contenido, y que pronto fue limado por las protestas que suscitó. Pieza interesante.
Final value: $ 45.00
1271 E-Alfonso Xii
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1877 (3 Oct) 174º, 183º, Palma de Mallorca - Barcelona. Carta con franqueo indebido total de 10 cts tarifa utilizando el sello de impuesto de guerra como parte del franqueo. Preciosa e interesante.
Final value: $ 50.00
1272 E-Provincias
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1877 (Oct 9) 175º Vizcaya, Bilbao - Ortigosa, Logroño. Carta con texto franqueo 10c Imp Guerra (1 Sept 77)
Final value: $ 28.00
1273 E-Alfonso Xii
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1877 (20 Oct) 175º, 183º, 184º. Guatalajara, Cogolludo - Ortigosa Cameros, Logroño. Precioso franqueo tricolor con matasellos pequeña poblacion. Una joya.
Final value: $ 160.00
1274 E-Alfonso Xii
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1878 (20 Sept) 192º, 183º, 184º. Logroño, Magaray - Tudela, Navarra (24 Sept) Precioso franqueo tricolor con matasellos fecha pequeña poblacion.
Final value: $ 160.00
1275 E-Provincias
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1880. 201, 202º Vizcaya, Coruña - Villafranca, Guipuzcoa. Sobre franqueo bicolor 5c + 10c mat trebol azul. Bonito uso.
Final value: $ 50.00
1276 E-Alfonso Xii
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1881 (17 Oct) 202º. Zaragoza - Tudela. Carta Impresos sin cerrar con pago 10 cts correcto y muy escaso franqueo isolado. El cuartillo fue puesto inicialmente, pero carecia uso. Preciosa.
Final value: $ 200.00
1277 E-Provincias
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1894 (24 Enero) Cadiz, San Fernando - Malaga. Carraca Comandancia. Carta oficial procedente del arsenal de Cádiz. Muy interesante.
Final value: $ 175.00
1278 E-Alfonso Xiii
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1898. Guerra Hispano Americana, PATRIOTICAS. Conjunto de 13 sellos viñetas Felipe II mayoria nuevo (3 son circulados) durante el periodo conflagacion. Interesante.
Final value: $ 28.00
1279 E-Alfonso Xiii
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1898 (28 Aug) Madrid - Francia, Paris. Sobre tarifa 25c + 5c alcance + viñeta patriotica guerra hispano americana y matasellada. Muy rara asi.
Final value: $ 450.00
1280 E-Provincias
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1903. 248º. Barcelona - Francia. Sobre frq. 25c ilustrado Hotel restaurante "ambos mundos". Muy escaso.
Final value: $ 22.00
1281 E-Provincias
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1905. Zaragoza. Academia Militar. Pareja de postales circulada a Suiza con fotos ejercicios militares, incluido grupo ciclista. Bonita pareja.
Final value: $ 25.00
1282 E-Alfonso Xii
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1910 (4 Nov) 173 (2) Barcelona, Tarrasa - Francia, Paris (6 Nov) Sobre sin cerrar franqueo tarifa impresos 1/2 centimo con llegada. Muy raro.
Final value: $ 75.00
1283 E-Provincias
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1912 (14 May) S/C Tenerife - Austria. TP franqueo 2c medallon (x5 incl tira 4) Bonita.
Final value: $ 18.00
1284 E-Provincias
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1914 (27 Dec) Logroño, Haro - Italia, Palermo, Presbiterio. FP 10c naranja num Y639950 con transito Bologna. Bonita.
Final value: $ 16.00
1285 E-Alfonso Xiii
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1926 (22 Oct) 291 (x2) Tortosa, Tarragona - Paris. Rarisima carta sin cerrar franqueada pareja 1c tarifa ingresos. Preciosa.
Final value: $ 100.00
1286 E-Provincias
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1932 (30 Julio) ZARAGOZA - Inglaterra, Gales. Franqueo Republica via aerea (!) Interesante desde Aragon. Importe 65 centimos tarifa.
Final value: $ 16.00
1287 E-E.L.Patrioticas
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (6 Oct) Cadiz - Pontevedra. TP privada con texto y uso sello sobrecarga local. Muy escasa e intersante.
Final value: $ 60.00
1288 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (10 Nov) Aracena, Huelva - Sevilla (1 Dic) Sobre franqueado con sello provisional telegrafos por falta sellos de correos. Muy escaso.
Final value: $ 75.00
1289 E- Ii Republica
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (16 Nov) Tarrasa - Barcelona. Sobre circulado uso provisional timbre fiscal y correos. Franqueo mixto provisional por falta de valores sellos de correo. Escasa.
Final value: $ 85.00
1290 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (24 Nov) Huelva, Ayamonte - Sevilla, V. Minas (26 Nov) Uso fiscal telegrafos provisional. Raro uso comercial sobre franqueado.
Final value: $ 100.00
1291 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (25 Nov) Ayamonte, Huelva - Sevilla (26 Nov) Sobre comercial circulado con sello telegrafos provisional por falta sellos de correos. Escaso.
Final value: $ 70.00
1292 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (25 Nov) Marchena, Sevilla - Capital (27 Nov) Sobre circulado con sello telegrafos y benefico, uso provisional por falta sellos de correos. Muy escaso.
Final value: $ 100.00
1293 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (26 Nov) Sevilla - Utrera (28 Nov) Sobre comercial con franqueo provisional sello telegrafos y benefico + censurada. Por falta sellos franqueo. Escasa.
Final value: $ 75.00
1294 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (4 Dec) Avila - Peñaranda de Bracamonte. Frente de carta certificada con franqueo multiple sellos fiscales Republica y de telegrafos + beneficio "Cruzada de frio" Preciosa y escaso uso provisional por falta sellos correos.
Final value: $ 70.00
1295 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (10 Dic) Valladolid - Italia, Genova (14 Dic) Via San Sebastian censura. Sobre certificado con franqueo sellos de correo y fiscal especial movil. Muy escaso.
Final value: $ 100.00
1296 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (11 Dic) Villafranca de los Palacios, Sevilla - Capital (11 Dec) sobre comercial circulado con sello telegrafos. Uso provisional por falta sellos correos. Muy bonita.
Final value: $ 110.00
1297 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (14 Dic) Bollullos del Condado, Huelva - Sevilla (15 Dic) Sobre comercial ilustrado color con franqueo provisional sello telegrafos y benefico por falta sellos de correos y censurado. Muy bonita.
Final value: $ 125.00
1298 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (15 Dic) Epila, Zaragoza - Zaragoza. Azucarera Jalon. Sobre franqueo multiple y beneficio uso fiscal provisional, mat ambulante. MB.
Final value: $ 75.00
1299 E-E.L.Patrioticas
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (23 Dic) Cadiz - Avila (26 Dic) Sobre comercial ilustrado a color con sello sobrec. Patriotica y censura. Uso comercial. Bonito e interesante.
Final value: $ 50.00
1300 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (28 Dic) Salamanca - Sevilla. Frente de carta circulado con sello provisional telegrafos por falta franqueo al General Queipo de Llanos. Interesante por falta sellos correos.
Final value: $ 38.00
1301 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (30 Dic) San Nicolas del Puerto, Sevilla - Peñarroya Pueblo Nuevo. Sobre circulado con sello telegrafos 30c por falta sellos de correos. Uso provisional. Escaso.
Final value: $ 100.00
1302 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1937. Vigo, Pontevedra. Sobre circulado con dos sellos especial movil fiscales. Uso provisional por falta de franqueo.
Final value: $ 38.00
1303 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1937. Cádiz - Sevilla. Sobre comercial uso provisional sellos fiscales y correos. Especial movil. Bonita.
Final value: $ 50.00
1304 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937. Zaragoza, Calatayud - Zga. Usa comercial sellos fiscales-postales. Falta de timbres de correo provisional. Bonito sobre.
Final value: $ 70.00
1305 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937. Valladolid - Burgos. Sobre comercial, uso fiscal timbres de comercio. Falta de sellos de correo. Sobre censurado. Escaso.
Final value: $ 85.00
1306 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (1 Enero) Zaragoza uso sobre comercial local con sello Junta defensa y timbre fiscal por falta franqueo ordinario. Periodo correcto. Muy escasa carta.
Final value: $ 38.00
1307 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (9 Enero) Avila, Piedrahita - Zaragoza (10 Enero) Sobre comercial uso provisional fiscales de 10c y 20c marron, mat azul. Muy raros valores en carta.
Final value: $ 100.00
1308 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (13 Enero) Navarra, Murchante - Vitoria, Alava, Hospital de Sangre, Seminario, Guerra Civil. Hospital provisional. Franqueo timbres fiscales for falta franqueo sellos correos. Muy raro sobre.
Final value: $ 110.00
1309 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (16 Enero) San Martin, Navarra - Logroño (18 Enero) Tarjeta comercial pedido con franqueo provisional 15c timbre fiscal facturas, por falta sellos de correos. Muy escasa.
Final value: $ 115.00
1310 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (Enero 17) Calatayud, Zaragoza - Zaragoza. Sobre uso fiscal 1,20 pts provisional por falta sellos correos. Bonita.
Final value: $ 45.00
1311 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (17 Enero) Calañas, Huelva - Sevilla (18 Enero) Sobre comercial con uso sello telegrafos y benefico provisional por falta sellos de cers. Muy bonita y escasa.
Final value: $ 100.00
1312 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (20 Enero) Caceres, Montehermoso - Vitoria. Sobre franqueo multiple fiscales provisionales por falta franqueo. Correcto periodo. Muy rara carta.
Final value: $ 175.00
1313 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (21 Enero) Zaragoza uso local. Tarjeta comercial con franqueo provisional por falta sellos correos con sello fiscal de facturas de 15c. Muy escasa.
Final value: $ 50.00
1314 E-E.L.Patrioticas
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (25 Enero) Cadiz - Sevilla (25 Enero), Hospital central sobre circulado con franqueo mixto incl sello sobrec. Cadiz 1c + marca "para censurar en destino" Llegada mismo dia.
Final value: $ 100.00
1315 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (27 Enero) Logroño - Sevilla. Frente de carta con sello provisional telegrafos y beneficos al general Queipo de Llanos. Muy escaso.
Final value: $ 38.00
1316 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (27 Enero) Calatayud, Zaragoza - Zaragoza. Sobre franqueo fiscal efectos comercio por falta sellos de correo. Periodo correcto. Bonita. Correo certificado.
Final value: $ 45.00
1317 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (27 Enero) Zaragoza, Calatayud - Zga. Uso fiscal provisional. Falta de sellos. Bonito y escaso sobre comercial.
Final value: $ 70.00
1318 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (28 Enero) Pontevedra, Vigo - Sevilla (31 Enero) Sobre circulado con sello provisional telegrafos y benefico. Llegada dorso. Falta sellos correos. Interesante
Final value: $ 100.00
1319 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (29 Enero) Isla Cristina, Huelva - Sevilla (30 Enero) Sobre comercial circulado con tres sellos 10c de telegrafos, uso provisional por falta sellos correos y censurado. Escaso.
Final value: $ 100.00
1320 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (Febrero) Zafra, Badajoz - Sevilla (26 Feb) Sobre comercial uso provisional telegrafos y benefico. Muy escaso. Por falta sellos de correos.
Final value: $ 100.00
1321 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (Febrero) Zafra, Badajoz - Sevilla (26 Febr) Sobre comercial con uso sellos telegrafos y benefico por falta sellos de correos (provisional) Muy escaso.
Final value: $ 125.00
1322 E-E.L.Patrioticas
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (3 Feb) Cadiz - Alemania, Frankfurt. Sobre franqueo multiple incl sellos sobrecarga. Cadiz 1c. Censurado. Bonito.
Final value: $ 60.00
1323 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (3 Febr) Piedrahita, Avila - Avila (3 Feb) Sobre certificado con timbres provisionales fiscales y sello Cruzada Frio, uno sobrec Republica en zona nacional, mat azul. Muy rara con llegada.
Final value: $ 175.00
1324 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (7 Febr) Lugo, San Clodio - Viana del Bollo. Sobre comercial con uso provisional timbres fiscales por falta de franqueo postal. Muy interesante, bonito y escaso.
Final value: $ 150.00
1325 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (20 Feb) Huesca - Saca. Sobre comercial uso sello telegrafos 15c pareja provisional por falta sellos de correos y censura. Muy escasa y bonita.
Final value: $ 100.00
1326 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (26 Febr) Huesca - Jaca. Sobre comercial circulado con sello fiscal y de telegrafos por falta de sellos de correos. Uso provisional y censurada. Muy bonita y segunda censura rojo "Visado por la censura"
Final value: $ 115.00
1327 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1937 (April) Sevilla - Cádiz. Sobre con franqueo provisional sellos telegrafos y benefico. Falta sellos de correos. Sobre United Artists (tema Cine) + censura. Interesante.
Final value: $ 100.00
1328 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (21 April) Zaragoza uso local. Sello fiscal provisional por falta timbres de correos con local. Muy escaso sobre uso en periodo provisional correcto.
Final value: $ 45.00
1329 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (27 April) Cadiz - Burgos. Sobre circulado con sellos provisionales fiscales para cheques y especial movil + beneficio, con censura. Bonita, por falta sellos correos.
Final value: $ 100.00
1330 E-E.L.Patrioticas
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (27 April) Vitoria - Sevilla (29 April) Sobre patriotico ilstrado color con franqueo sellos sorecarga, ncluido el rao de urgencia y censura. Texto y llegada al dorso.
Final value: $ 125.00
1331 E-E.L.Patrioticas
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (28 April) Vitoria - Burgos. Sobre certificado con franqueo multiple emision sobrecargado y censura. Corta y preciosa.
Final value: $ 150.00
1332 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (3 Mayo) Soria - Burgos. Frente de carta valores declarados, franqueo mixto + provisional fiscal por falta sellos de franqueo. Muy raro.
Final value: $ 95.00
1333 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (15 Mayo) Huesca - Jaca. Sobre comercial franqueo provisional sello telegrafos y local, con censura. Muy bonito y escaso. Falta de sellos de correos.
Final value: $ 100.00
1334 E-Guerra Civil
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (Aug) GERONA - Francia, Paris. TP franqueada con censura republicana y de Frontera en Genova. Rara e interesante.
Final value: $ 40.00
1335 E-Guerra Civil
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (3 Aug) Gijón - Valencia. Sobre circulado con franqueo incluido sello ANTIFASCISTAS y marca "el delegado del GOBIERNO DE ASTURIAS y LEON". Muy teresante.
Final value: $ 175.00
1336 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (20 Ago) Tenerife - Las Palmas, Canarias. Sobre comercial petroleo, uso provisional fiscal timbres factura por falta franqueo correos y censurada. Muy bonita y escasa.
Final value: $ 140.00
1337 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (3 Sept) Lluchmayor - Sineu. TP franqueo + censor + local benefico.
Final value: $ 22.00
1338 E-E.L.Patrioticas
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (8 Sept) Zaragoza - Londres, UK. Socre sin cerrar franqueado como impresos con sobre local Zaragoza / Aragon. Bonita.
Final value: $ 100.00
1339 E- Ii Republica
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1937-8. Brigada Mixta. Frente operaciones. Porcuna, Murcia. Sobre circulado con sellos correos y dos diff. Especial movil mat rombos. Uso provisional. Escaso.
Final value: $ 100.00
1340 E-Canarias
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (18 April) Las Palmas - Sevilla. Sobre franqueo multifkd sobrecargas Canarias. Via aerea - 1 + censura militar. Preciosa.
Final value: $ 160.00
1341 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (24 April) Granada uso local (25 April) circulado con sello municipal fiscal provisional por falta de franqueo y benefico. Muy bonito.
Final value: $ 110.00
1342 E-Guerra Civil
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (20 Mayo) Valencia - Madrid. TP franqueda durante el ultimo año contacto civil, con pedido correos a filatelia Revilla. Muy interesante.
Final value: $ 28.00
1343 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (23 Aug) Canarias, Tenerife - USA, Kentucky, Louisville (6 Sept) Sobre consular USA certificado per via aerea con franqueo multiple y multiples marcas y censura. Interesante.
Final value: $ 40.00
1344 E-Guerra Civil
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (30 Oct) Ciudad Real - Madrid. Tarjeta postal circulada en bando republicano pedido filatelico a Revilla hermanos, contrareembolso. Rarísimo al final de la Contienda.
Final value: $ 28.00
1345 France-Stationery
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (27 Jan) Paris - Madrid, Republica Española 55c violet air stationary card + four adtls, tied cds + air label. Replied 22 March 39 under Republica control last week. Very interesting,
Final value: $ 38.00
1346 France-Stationery
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (10 Feb) Paris - Madrid, Spain, Republica Española. Air 1fr rose stationery card + 2adtls. Last days of Republica in Spain with Republican censor cachet (unrecorded type RRR/xx) Extraordinary item. Flown via Oran, Argelia (12 March)
Final value: $ 275.00
1347 France-Stationery
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (20 Febr) Paris - Madrid, Republica Española. Last days of Republica period, with internal civil war socialist comunists war factions in Madrid. 1fr red multifkd air stat card. Arrived fast before liberation.
Final value: $ 26.00
1348 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (29 Mayo) Huesca - Jaca. Frente de Carta franqueo provisional sello fiscal cheques y censurada. Por falta sellos correos. Muy escasa.
Final value: $ 38.00
1349 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (11 Marzo) Madrid - USA, Kentucky, Louisville. Sobre Admin Correos España con franueo 2,50 pts y censura. MB. Archivo Heyburn.
Final value: $ 22.00
1350 E-Provincias
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (26 Oct) Huelva - Alemania, Hamburgo. Sobre franqueo multiple via aerea Littoria - Roma con censor salida y destino. Al dorso TPO.
Final value: $ 28.00
1351 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (23 Nov) Jabugo, Huelva - Barcelona. Año de la Victoria. Sobre circulado con sellos Franco y fiscal movil. Uso provisional + censura. Muy escaso.
Final value: $ 75.00
1352 E-Estado Español
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (6 Marzo) Cordoba, Villaviciosa - Cordoba (10 Marzo) Uso comercial sellos fiscales provisionales. Falta de sellos de correos. Bonita y rara carta.
Final value: $ 160.00
1353 E-Correo Aereo
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (5 Nov) Madrid - Finlandia, ABO (12 Nov) Sobre certificado comercial con franquicia mecanica BHA via aerea a Berlin (9 Nov) y Turko, con doble censura en origen y destino. Rarisima circulada via aerea al comienzo de la WWII.
Final value: $ 375.00
1354 E-Provincias
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (26 Nov) Huelva, Rio Tinto - Reino Unido, Redmitt, Cornwall. Sobre franqueo via aerea, doble censura durante WWII.
Final value: $ 18.00
1355 E-Provincias
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946 (18 Ene) US consular. Sevilla - Tanger (18 Ene) Sobre franqueo via aerea. Tarifa 1 pta.
Final value: $ 16.00
1356 E-Provincias
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1949 (17 May) British Consular, Malaga - Londres, UK. OMBMS. Sobre franqueo via aerea emision combinadas, tarifa 1,50 pts.
Final value: $ 16.00
1357 E-Cabo Juby
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946 (24 Junio) GPO - USA, NY (6-8 Julio) Bonito sobre certificado via aerea franqueo multiple diff emisiones sobrecargados.
Final value: $ 220.00
1358 Cuba
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1859 (24 Jan) Habana - USA, NYC. Stampless EL full text "Steampship 10" addressed to Pedro Mulells c/o Cados Malg x Cº (forwarding agent on front) VF.
Final value: $ 40.00
1359 Cuba
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1867 (25 May) Habana - USA, NYC stampless EL "steamship 10". VF.
Final value: $ 40.00
1360 Cuba
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1948 (14 Sept) Varadero, Matanzas - EEUU, Mass, Cambridge (17-20 Sept) Sobre certificado franqueo multiple via aerea. Emision Tobaco Habano. Transito dorso.
Final value: $ 23.00
1361 Cuba
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1951 (24 Oct) Habana - USA, NY, White (26 Oct) Sobre franqueo HB (sc. C33) Sobrec ONU Exposicion. Muy rara circulada en carta con matasellos especial. Enviada por D. Alfredo CANO, padre de quien fue gran filatelista cubano y mejor persona Don Sergio Cano Fine
Final value: $ 75.00
1362 E-Elobey
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1904 (23 Mayo) Elobey - Victoria, Camerun Aleman. Importante grupo de tres cartas certificadas con 17 selllos en franqueos multiples incl altos valores de la emision para 1903 de esta dependencia postal. Muy raro conjunto.
Final value: $ 1651.00
1363 E-Ifni
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1941 (19 Nov) Sidi - Ifni - USA, NYC (10-11 Dec) Sobre certificado via aerea con censura Ifni + British con 15 valores diff emisiones primeras sobrecargas de Franco + IFNI tipo pequeño La Cierva. Muy rara.
Final value: $ 526.00
1364 E-Ifni
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1946 (26 Dec) Sidi Ifni - USA, NYC. Sobre con emision valores hasta 1 pta circulado por correo certificado.
Final value: $ 36.00
1365 E-Ifni
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1950 (1 April) Sidi - Usa, NYC (8-10 April) Emision sobrec La Cierva. Sobre serie cta certificado viceversa. Bonita.
Final value: $ 25.00
1366 E-Ifni
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1950-59. Sidi IFNI. Conjunto de 17 cartas diferentes de emisiones de Ifni periodo español con distintos matasellos, once de ellas cirucladas a USA. Oportunidad, escaso conjunto.
Final value: $ 65.00
1367 E-Ifni
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1951 (13 Julio) GPO - USA, NJ, Elisabeth (19 Julio) Conjunto de 3 sobres circulados por via aereo certificados con 17 valores diferentes. Emision sobrecargados incl correo aereo + urgente. Bonita. Oportunidad.
Final value: $ 126.00
1368 E-Ifni
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1955 (28 Marzo) Sidi - USA, OH, Shaker Heights. Fkd view card photo donkeys.
Final value: $ 28.00
1369 E-Guinea
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1925 (19 Sept) Sta Isabel - Alemania, Zschipkau (19 Oct) Nord Lausitz via Madrid. Raro destino sobre certificado tarifa 1,15 pts con 5 lacres al dorso.
Final value: $ 110.00
1370 E-Guinea
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (12 April) Bata - USA, Kentucky, Louisville. Sobre con franqueo multiple firmado por el Director de Correos de Sta Isabel. Al dorso indican de las oficinas postales disponibles en el moento y transitada pieza muy interesante. Transito 30 dias.
Final value: $ 160.00
1371 E-Guinea
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (4 Junio) Bata - Arucas, Canarias (15 Junio) Sobre franqueo multiple emision provisional sobrecarga "Habilitado" polizas.
Final value: $ 30.00
1372 E-Guinea
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1949-55. Conjunto de 17 sobres diferentes franqueos, varios certificados con diferentes ilustraciones y matasellos de periodo postal español. 14 circuladas.
Final value: $ 95.00
1373 E-Guinea
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1950. Erebiyin - Ebolowa, Ononobete, Mision Protestante. Rarisimo sobre franqueo emision. Franco con mat oval azul. Aduana territorial.
Final value: $ 160.00
1374 E-Guinea
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1950-55. 4 diff early multifkd / FDC / illustrated. 2 ciruclated early usages. Nice group.
Final value: $ 20.00
1375 E-Guinea
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1951 (27 Sept) Sta Isabel - USA, NS Elisabeth (3 Oct) Via Donala, Camerun (29 Sept) Sobre certificado via aerea valores altos sobrecargas. Precioso.
Final value: $ 20.00
1376 E-Guinea
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1952 (10 Oct) South Isabel - USA, Shaker Heights, OH. TP photo circulada. Flora + aborigenes.
Final value: $ 26.00
1377 E-Guinea
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1957 (18 Dec) Sta Isabel - California, USA, Oakland sobre via aereo uso mixto emisiones comercial. Bonito. Enviado por David NAUFFAL. Escaso.
Final value: $ 28.00
1378 E-Guinea
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1957 (1 Junio) Sta. Isabel uso local. Sobre circulado franqueo multiple con emision pajaros.
Final value: $ 18.00
1379 E-Guinea
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1957 (23 Nov) South Isabel. Uso local. Elefantes fauna. Sobre circulado franqueo multiple. Bonita. Matasellos mariposas.
Final value: $ 18.00
1380 Marruecos - German
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1901 (27 Dec) Saffi - Groepelingen, Germany. 5c ovptd Germania stat card + adtl, depart cds. Fine scarce comercial usage.
Final value: $ 125.00
1381 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1906 (19 Feb) Tanger. Gran fragmento paquete - carta con 13 valores diferentes. Emision cadete sobres correo español incl 4 pts y 10 pts en tamaño pequeño. Preciosa.
Final value: $ 450.00
1382 Marruecos - German
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1910 (30 June) Casablanca - Bohemia, Czechoslovakia. Ovptd stat cert 5c green spanish currency taxed + Austrian p. due 10c red tied cds + "T" mark. Scarce comb.
Final value: $ 175.00
1383 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1920 (28 Jan) Larache - Melilla. Carta franqueo 20c. Marruecos Medallon (+ otro sello extraviado en transito) con doble matasello por ser tipo bisectado por perforacion. Oportunidad.
Final value: $ 14.00
1384 Marruecos - French
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1923 (19 June) Casablanca - Madrid, España. TP franqueo sellos sobrec via Rabat. Interesante.
Final value: $ 18.00
1385 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1924 (27 Abr) Sobre franqueo sello telegrafo BISECTADO telegrafo y mat octogonal TPO ambulante. Dirigida a Melilla. Lllegada al dorso. Muy escasa.
Final value: $ 160.00
1386 Marruecos - French
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c.1928. Casablanca - Switzerland, Basel. Air multifkd env + air violet cachet "Casa - Toulouse" (xxx). Fine.
Final value: $ 28.00
1387 Marruecos - French
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1928 (18 May) Tanger, Place de France - Switzerland, Neuchatel (20 May) Air multifkd env. VF.
Final value: $ 28.00
1388 Marruecos - French
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1928 (30 June) Kenitra - Switzerland, Zurich. Air multifkd env.
Final value: $ 24.00
1389 Marruecos - French
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1932 (29 March) Fez - Madrid, España. TP franqueada 50c fr, mat TPO ambulante "Fez a Petitjean". VF.
Final value: $ 28.00
1390 Great Britain - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (7 July) Croydon - Larache, Spanish Morocco (9 July) Extraord rare color illustr multifkd env with arrival cachet. 6d rate.
Final value: $ 100.00
1391 Marruecos - British
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (3 June) BPO, Casablanca - Germany, ovptd Spanish currency incl coronation issue multifkd ppc. VF.
Final value: $ 45.00
1392 Marruecos - French
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (8 April) Marrakech - Switzerland, Wintherthur. Air multifkd card. Atlas Marrocain. Nice item.
Final value: $ 22.00
1393 Marruecos - British
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1944 (10 Aug) BPO. Tangier - London, UK. Air multifkd env. 9d rate + British European censor label. PC90.
Final value: $ 35.00
1394 Marruecos - British
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1944 (19 Aug) BPO Tangier - London, UK. Air multifkd envelope + censor European British label. 9d rate.
Final value: $ 36.00
1395 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1948 (Enero 8) Tetuan uso local. Sobre con emision. Tuberculosis. Preciosa.
Final value: $ 22.00
1396 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1949/53. Emisiones Tuberculosis. 4 sobres con diff emisiones incl ONU. Tres dirigidas a USA, otra a Madrid. Preciosa.
Final value: $ 51.00
1397 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1950 (30 Dic) Tetuan no local. FDC. Costumbres locales. Caza y pesca. Fishing / hunting. Complet set incl 10 pts.
Final value: $ 18.00
1398 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1952 (1 Sept) Tetuan - USA, NYC (7-8 Sept) FDC. Serie cta correo aereo. Valores hasta 16 pts.
Final value: $ 18.00
1399 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1952 (1 Oct) Tetuan - USA, NYC (8 Oct) Sobre certif via aerea emision Tuberculosis franqueo tb al dorso.
Final value: $ 17.00
1400 Marruecos - French
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1952 (15 Oct) Port Lyautey - Germany, Essen. Air multifkd env. Fine origin.
Final value: $ 24.00
1401 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1953 (1 Oct) Tetuan - USA, CT Springdale (8 Oct) Emision Tuberculosis. Sobre certificado. TPC franqueo frente y reverso.
Final value: $ 17.00
1402 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1954-1955. 3 bonitos sobres franqueos multiples emisiones Marruecos español ultimo periodo.
Final value: $ 22.00
1403 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1956 (26 Julio) Tetuan - USA, Chicago Ill. Bonito sobre franqueo multiple certificado via aerea de diferentes emisiones.
Final value: $ 35.00
1404 Marruecos
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1959 (15 Feb) Tetuan - USA, Columbia Lousiana (23 Feb) Serie 13 valores. UPU Aniv circulada aerea en dos sobres. Preciosa.
Final value: $ 51.00
1405 Puerto Rico
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1835 (4 Junio Ponce - USA, Salem, Mass. Carta con texto cto con marca en rojo "QUARANTINE" (xxx/RR) via Boston (24 Junio) por barco Beach, Capitan Pope. Pieza rarisima y de excepcional calidad.
Final value: $ 1600.00
1406 Puerto Rico
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1862 (8 Enero) Mayoguez - Barcelona, Peninsula (17 Feb 62) Gran parte de carta franqueada con 1 pl verde amarillo filigrana linea cruzadas, mat parrilla. Via San Juan. Sello escaso en carta.
Final value: $ 32.00
1407 Puerto Rico
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1894. San Juan - Barcelona, Peninsula. Sobre circulado con pareja 3c marron emision mat fecha. Bonita.
Final value: $ 36.00
1408 Puerto Rico
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1894 (3 Nov) San Juan - Barcelona, Peninsula. Sobre circulada con sellos 6c naranja emision Pelon mat fechador. Muy bonita.
Final value: $ 28.00
1409 Puerto Rico
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1920s. US Secretary Interior visit to Puerto Rico. Harold Hyckes + Governor Blanton H. Winship. Historical interest.
Final value: $ 14.00
1410 Puerto Rico
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (4 Apr) San Juan - USA, Kentucky, Louisville (8 Apr) Carta franqueo multiple via aerea, con marca auxiliar y servicio "Special delivery" censurada por el Gobernador de Puerto Rico. Major HW in ship. Interestante.
Final value: $ 125.00
1411 Puerto Rico
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1950 (28 Julio) Rio Piedras - España, Madrid. Sobre circulado con sello USA prexies 15c via aerea. Bonito + destino. Llegado al dorso.
Final value: $ 16.00
1412 E-Rio De Oro
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1916 (29 Sept) Cabo Juby - Santa Cruz Tenerife, Canarias (2 Oct) sobre circulado con llegada con dos sellos ambos sobrecarga invertida + uno doble. Muy escaso.
Final value: $ 550.00
1413 E-Sahara
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1949/55. 15 sobres franqueos diferentes emisiones Sahara español, incl 2 de ellos emisiones Franco. 11 circuladas a la Peninsula o a USA (Yukon, Oklahoma) Oportunidad.
Final value: $ 110.00
1414 E-Sahara
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1951-3. 3 sobres FDC diff emisiones.
Final value: $ 14.00
1415 E-Sahara
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1961 (17 Ago) Aaiun - USA, Shaker Heights, OH Multifkd view photo card. Nice item.
Final value: $ 26.00
1416 Straits Settlements
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1921 (17 May) Sing - Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Fkd ppc to tiny coastal village in this better destination mail. VF.
Final value: $ 40.00
1417 Straits Settlements
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (28 May) Sing - England, Sutton Coldfled, Warwickshire. Air multifkd env at 40c rate. IW269.
Final value: $ 37.00
1418 Straits Settlements
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (1 Dec) Sing - Switzerland, St. Gallen (10 Dec). Air registered multifkd env via Brindisi First flat rate from Malaya to UK 60c Imperial to Europe. Surface 12c, regist 15c, INZ96, DWS30,12/33,17,3/36.
Final value: $ 46.00
1419 Straits Settlements
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (18 May) Sing - India, Calcutta (21 May) Reverse air multifkd env incl Silver wedding issue. XF condition. Via Imperial Airways IW 339.
Final value: $ 35.00
1420 Straits Settlements
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (5 Oct) Sing - Switzerland, Locarno (14 Oct) Registered air multifkd env via Imperial British Airways. Incl Silver wedding issue 62c rate. XF. IW379.
Final value: $ 60.00
1421 Straits Settlements
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (18 Jan) Sing - France, Grasse (25 Jan) Air KLM Sing - Amsterdam multifkd env at 57c rate. 7 days trip. VF.
Final value: $ 33.00
1422 Straits Settlements
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (7 March) Sing - France, Grasse (17 March) Air Imperial multifkd env at 47c rate. IW 423. 10 days trip. VF Adelphi Hotel, Sing.
Final value: $ 29.00
1423 Straits Settlements
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (6 May) Singapore - Germany, Solingen. Air GB multifkd photo PSNCº steamer card at 7 1/2d d.neto, canceled "Paquebot-Singapore" XF. IW442.
Final value: $ 50.00
1424 Straits Settlements
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (18 June) Sing - Malta, Naval Victualling Yard (29 June) Air front + reverse multifkd envelope. Coronation issue. Better air link postal link. WI 558.
Final value: $ 100.00
1425 Straits Settlements
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (27 July) Sing - Denmark, Cph (5 Aug) Air multifkd env incl Coronation issue aux violet air cachet "IMPERIAL SINGAPORE - CROYDON" (xxx/R) VF better usage.
Final value: $ 66.00
1426 Straits Settlements
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (27 Dec) Sing - England, Kent, Hamkhurts. Air Imperial multifkd env + depart superb blue censor cachet (xxx) 55c rate.
Final value: $ 26.00
1427 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1890/1900s. 10 diff early mint stationaries, cards, envelopes, wrapper, incl 2 pre cancelled (specimen) one doble.
Final value: $ 50.00
1428 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1901 (7 Aug) Omburman - Germany, Bayern. Shaflenburg 3m brown ovptd stat card. TPO Beni Sudee.
Final value: $ 75.00
1429 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1901 (10 Aug) Sawakin. Entry 3m brown ovtpd stationary card. Pre-cancelled. Specimen type.
Final value: $ 28.00
1430 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1902 (15 Feb) Shellal - Germany, St. Ingbert ovptd 4m/5m red stat card. Two diff overprints.
Final value: $ 32.00
1431 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1905 (14 Febr) Khartoum - Germany, Munich (22 Febr) Fkd ppc. Gordon statue photo.
Final value: $ 22.00
1432 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1906 (5 June) Swakin - Wolverhampton. Fkd photo card via Suez. Mosque photo.
Final value: $ 38.00
1433 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1906 (9 July) Sawakin - Ireland, Larne, Harbour. Fkd ppc. Via Suez.
Final value: $ 34.00
1434 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1906 (17 Nov) Port Sudan - Wigan, UK (Dec 1) Fkd Karnakk photo card. Via Suez. XF.
Final value: $ 60.00
1435 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1907 (9 Jan) Port Sudan - Wolverhampton. Fkd ppc via Suez. Sheikh Tomb Saint. Interesting.
Final value: $ 38.00
1436 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1907 (22 Feb) Port Sudan - Wigan, UK. Fkd ppc. Bisciarins tents photo. VF arrival cds.
Final value: $ 24.00
1437 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1907 (10 March) Gebeit - Wigan (March 25) Fkd ppc, depart cds via Suez. Korosko photo.
Final value: $ 56.00
1438 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1907 (10 March) Gebeit - Wigan, UK via Suez. Fkd ppc, depart cds. Trebes photo.
Final value: $ 41.00
1439 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1907 (2 Apr) Sawakin - Wigan, England (Ap 13) Fkd ppc.
Final value: $ 34.00
1440 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1907 (10 Dec) Gebeit - UK, Ramses fkd ppc to England, Wolverhampton. Via Suez.
Final value: $ 34.00
1441 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1911 (4 March) Shellal - France, Paris. Fkd ppc. TPO camel nº2.
Final value: $ 34.00
1442 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1913 (1-2 Apr) Port Sudan - Mozambique, Lourenzo Marques (12 May) Via Shellal TPO. Fkd ppc + arrival cachet. Extraord rare interafrican early postal link / destination.
Final value: $ 180.00
1443 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1913 (25 May) Khartoum - Germany, Glotterhad, Multifkd env. VF colorful item.
Final value: $ 48.00
1444 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1913 (30 May) Khartoum - Germany, Glotherhad. Multifkd ppc. Hippo chasing photo. TPO Halfa - k cds + second Shellal TPO. Rare two diff ambulant connection.
Final value: $ 151.00
1445 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1913 (3 July) Khartoum - Germany, Marburg. Comercial multifkd envelope, tied cds. XF.
Final value: $ 40.00
1446 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1913 (24 July) Khartoum - Germany, Marburg. Multifkd env. TPO /NZI cds.
Final value: $ 34.00
1447 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1913 (26 Sept) Khartoum - Germany, Hamburg. Comercial multifkd env. Halfa TPO cds. VF.
Final value: $ 48.00
1448 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1913 (28 Sept) Khartoum - Germany, Hamburg. Comercial multifkd envelope TPO Halfa cancel.
Final value: $ 55.00
1449 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1913 (2 Oct) Khartoum TPO - Germany, Hamburg. Multifkd colorfull envelope. Fine. Via Shallal - Halfa. Comercial usage.
Final value: $ 45.00
1450 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1913 (5 Oct) Khartoum - Germany, Hamburg. Comercial multifkd env, tied cds. VF. Reverse Asiouk. TPO.
Final value: $ 40.00
1451 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1914 (1 May) Wach Halfa - Germany, Dresden. Photocard multifkd ppc.
Final value: $ 24.00
1452 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1918 (15 Oct) Port Sudan - Germany, Hamburg. Multifkd env. Nice item. Reverse "Sudan Railways"
Final value: $ 55.00
1453 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1920 (21 June) El Dueim - Khartoun (23 June) Local registered 1 1/2p orange stat env. VF. Via K-North.
Final value: $ 45.00
1454 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1929 (6 Feb) Khartoum - Nossen, Sachsen, Germany. Single fkd comercial envelope.
Final value: $ 22.00
1455 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1930 (7 June) Khartoum - Czechoslovakia, Prague. Multifkd postcard, Shulluk Warriors, Upper Nile photo. VF + colorful.
Final value: $ 48.00
1456 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1931 (4 March) Khartoum - UK, Surrey (19 March) First air flight England - Africa. Registered air multifkd env + special cachet.
Final value: $ 65.00
1457 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (25 March) Khartoum - Czechoslovakia. Multifkd postcard + dest. Native life, Upper Nile photo.
Final value: $ 38.00
1458 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (21 Apr) Atbara - UK, London. Single air fkd env. Scarce air cachet origin.
Final value: $ 48.00
1459 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (21 Nov) Port Sudan - Burma, Rangoon. Air fkd env. Via Khartown + arrival cachet.
Final value: $ 85.00
1460 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (20 March) Khartoum - England, Surrey Wallington. Single air fkd env.
Final value: $ 22.00
1461 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (18 Sept) Khartoum - UK, Kent, Orpington single air fkd front + special label. VF.
Final value: $ 14.00
1462 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (19 May) Khartoum - Scotland, Air fkd envelope.
Final value: $ 28.00
1463 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (15 Apr) Barakat - Leeds, UK. Multifkd comercial envelope, via Khartoum "The Sudan Plantations Syndicate / Barakat"
Final value: $ 75.00
1464 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (14 June) BARAKAT - Leeds, UK. Fkd env comercial mail.
Final value: $ 35.00
1465 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (10 Sept) Khartoum - USA, KY, Louisville (19 Oct) OS69 Registered multifkd env. Fine used.
Final value: $ 26.00
1466 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (31 Dec) BARAKAT - Leeds, UK. Multifkd env.
Final value: $ 50.00
1467 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (10 June) WWII. Khartoum - England, Yorkshire. Air OAS multifkd censor envelope. Yorkshire regiment / military.
Final value: $ 32.00
1468 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (17 Dec) WWII. Port Sudan - England, Stafford Air multifkd env, with Naval censor cachet (xxx) VF used.
Final value: $ 220.00
1469 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1949 (12 May) Khartoun - Germany, Hagen. Air mutlfkd env. VF.
Final value: $ 24.00
1470 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1949 (8 Nov) Port Sudan - Khartoun (9 Nov) Local 2p registered stat env. Fine.
Final value: $ 36.00
1471 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1950 (28 March) Juba - Uganda, Entebbe, UKUT via Khartoun. Air single fkd env, better destination usage.
Final value: $ 110.00
1472 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1951 (23 Febr) Khartoun - Germany, Oberrahmede. Air multifkd env, mixed issues, special air cachet. VF.
Final value: $ 36.00
1473 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1951 (26 June) Barata - UK, Sussex, Air single fkd env. Via K.
Final value: $ 20.00
1474 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1951 (22 Sept) Khartoun - Sweden, Stockholm. Air single fkd env.
Final value: $ 22.00
1475 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1952 (27 Jan) Wad Medani - Khartoun (28 Jan) Local registered 3 1/2p stat env + R-label. Fine.
Final value: $ 32.00
1476 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1952 (27 Febr) El Obeid - Port Sudan (2 March) Registered multifkd local airmail usage. Via K. Comercial usage.
Final value: $ 65.00
1477 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1952 (4 March) Omdurman - Port Sudan (7 March) Local registered multifkd env. Via K.
Final value: $ 29.00
1478 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1952 (12-13 March) El Obeid - Khartoun (16 March) Local airmail (reverse cachet) single fkd env. Fine + comercial.
Final value: $ 38.00
1479 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1953 (9 July) Sudan, Khartoum - Mannheim, West Germany. Air multifkd env. Comercial cachet "spectacular bussines". Fine.
Final value: $ 38.00
1480 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1954 (19 Jan) Wad Medani - Germany, Barmen. Air multifkd env + air red cachet. VF.
Final value: $ 40.00
1481 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1954 (4 Feb) Kerma En Nuzl - Khartoun. Local registered 4 1/2 y 3 1/2 p ovpd stat env (8 Feb) via TPO Kap Eima - Kerma. VF + scarce origin.
Final value: $ 45.00
1482 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1954 (19 June) Omdurman - West Germany, Oberrahmede (23 June) Registered air multifkd env + R-label. Fine.
Final value: $ 28.00
1483 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1954 (30 June) Port Sudan - Kent, UK. Registered air multifkd env. VF + R-label.
Final value: $ 23.00
1484 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1954 (8 July) El Obud - Netherlands, Amsterdam, air single fkd env. Control cachet "8" + better origin.
Final value: $ 45.00
1485 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1955 (1 March) Ed Dueim - Khartoum (5 March) Local registered 4 1/2p stationary envelope. VF rare origin + mns R-label.
Final value: $ 50.00
1486 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1955 (15 March) Port Sudan - Khartoun (16 March) Local registered 4 1/2p stationary envelope + R-label. VF.
Final value: $ 28.00
1487 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1955 (19 March) Port Sudan - Germany, Bonn (25 March) Registered air multifkd env. VF.
Final value: $ 34.00
1488 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1955 (29 March) Wad Medani - Khartoun (30 March) Local registered 4 1/2 p stat envelope + R-label. VF.
Final value: $ 35.00
1489 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1955-63. Selection 5 diff machine + franked usages to Hamburg, Germany, different values. Scarce group.
Final value: $ 60.00
1490 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1956 (5 Jan) Khartoun - Germany, Nuremberg (8 Jan) Registered air multifkd env. VF.
Final value: $ 25.00
1491 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1959 (7 May) Port Sudan - Italy, Livorno (9 May) Registered air multifkd env. Fine usage.
Final value: $ 28.00
1492 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1961 (17 May) Wadi Halfa - Germany, Essen. Air fkd postcard + tied air label / Via Khartoun. VF.
Final value: $ 51.00
1493 Sudan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1961 (20 July) Khartoum - USA, NJ, Camden. Air multifkd env, mixed issues. VF.
Final value: $ 26.00
1494 Sweden
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1942 (2 June) Sommer - London, UK. Air multifkd env. Direct link out of nazi control.
Final value: $ 18.00
1495 Sweden
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1943 (16 Aug) Goteborg - London, UK. Air multifkd British censored env out of Nazi control.
Final value: $ 18.00
1496 Sweden
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1956 (16 July) Gavle - Brazil, Pacific (next to North East) (10 Sept) Single registered 50 ore fkd env via Spain (!) (6 Aug) Airmail stamp but seems being transited by sea. Very interesting modern item of postal history. Reverse transited.
Final value: $ 160.00
1497 Switzerland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1871 (13 Oct) Yverdon - Germany, Baden, Heidelberg (14 Oct) Fkd env at 50c rate with contains. PD + reverse Basel + TPO exchange "SCHWEIZ - BADEN" oval cachet. Better item.
Final value: $ 40.00
1498 Switzerland - Statio
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1872 (12 Jan) Geneve - Heidelberg, Germany (15 Jan) 25c light green embossed stat env. Early usage + Fine. Reverse Basel - Frankfurt. TPO cancel.
Final value: $ 16.00
1499 Switzerland - Statio
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1872 (13 Dec) Geneve - Heilelberg, Germany (15 Dec) Via Basel reverse transited 25c pale green embossed stat env + PD. Fine.
Final value: $ 16.00
1500 Switzerland - Statio
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1874 (21 March) Bern - Scheweizerthal. Sachsen (24 March) Germany. 10c red early stat env + 2adtls on 25c rate, cds. VF.
Final value: $ 70.00
1501 Switzerland - Statio
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1880 (10 Aug) Teufen - St. Gallen, fwded to Germany, Friedrichshafen (10 Aug) 5c early stat card, fwded at St. Gallen with new franking 15c rate. VF and scarce overseas usage.
Final value: $ 160.00
1502 Switzerland - Statio
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1894 (28 July) Finshauts - Bregenz, Austria (29 July) Bohemia. 25c intense green stat env + 2 adtls in three diff issues comb at 50c rate + origin town. VF.
Final value: $ 65.00
1503 Switzerland - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1915 (9 June) Zurich - India, Bombay (13 July) Fkd censor WWI single stamp, PERFIN strip. Interesting.
Final value: $ 26.00
1504 Switzerland - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1916 (31 May) Herisau - India (Pakistan) Karachi (27 June) Via Madrid. Single fkd censored envelope 25c blue, cds.
Final value: $ 28.00
1505 Switzerland - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1916 (19 Sept) POW internees mail. Camp Meiringen - France, Cherbourg. FM violet cachet. VF.
Final value: $ 16.00
1506 Switzerland - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1916 (26 Oct) Chaux de Fonds - India, Abbotabad (19 Nov) Single 25c blue fkd censored env. VF + dest.
Final value: $ 32.00
1507 Switzerland - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1917 (25 Jan) POW Internees mail Camp Meiringen - France, Cherbourg (3 Feb) FM censored envelope.
Final value: $ 16.00
1508 Switzerland - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1925 (18 Oct) Lausanne - Neucheted. Multifkd package tag at 3,15 fr rate. Most scarce. Nursing business.
Final value: $ 110.00
1509 Switzerland - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1932 (11 Apr) Fluelen, URI - South Africa, Pinetown, Natal (3 May). Registered air multifkd env + aux cachet "(insuff frkg has been claimed)" via Cape Durhan - Joburg. VF. 0,80 fr rate.
Final value: $ 111.00
1510 Switzerland - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (6 Aug) Tenigerbad - S. Rhodesia, Dawson, Forrester Estate (17 Aug) Air multifkd env. Via Brindisi by Imperial Airways. Flown AS180. VF + better destination.
Final value: $ 181.00
1511 Switzerland - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (12 Sept) Kandersteg - Rhodesia, Dawson, Forrester Estate (21 Sept) Via Brindisi, Imperial Airways. Air multifkd env. Flown AS185. Better destination. VF.
Final value: $ 180.00
1512 Switzerland - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (5 Oct) Brig - South Africa, Cwele Mission. Old Buntig, Via Umtata. Air multifkd env. Mont Frere (23 Oct) on front. Mission mail 1,2fr rate. VF flown AS 189.
Final value: $ 48.00
1513 Switzerland - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1934 (6 Nov) Luzern - Spain, Madrid (10 Nov) Registered multifkd env.
Final value: $ 36.00
1514 Switzerland - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (11 April) Luzern - Spain, Madrid (14 Apr) Registered multifkd envelope. Better dest during Spain Republica period.
Final value: $ 18.00
1515 Switzerland - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (15 July) Les Marecottes - South Africa, Panktown, Joburg. Air multifkd env 1,10 fr rate, + "par avion Brindisi - Joburg / IAL" (xx). Fine and scarce. Flown AS 257.
Final value: $ 56.00
1516 Switzerland - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (6 Aug) Les Marecottes, Valais - South Africa, Parktown, Joburg. Air multifkd env at 1,10 fr rate, heat cds.
Final value: $ 125.00
1517 Switzerland - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (18-19 Aug) France - Morgues - Box (19 Aug). France registered Air Triumph multifkd env + fwded at transit with new franky 40c. Twice registered. Fine better usage. Very rare registered. Twice.
Final value: $ 125.00
1518 Switzerland - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (15 June) Kandersteg, Bern - South Africa, Durban, Natal (24 July) Flown: DS6. Air multifkd env. 1,70 fr rate. Via Chiasso - Brindisi. Fine usage.
Final value: $ 61.00
1519 Switzerland - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (5 Feb) Altdorf, Uri - South Africa, Mariannhill, Natal. Air multifkd env. Mns via Chiasso - Cape. Mission mail.
Final value: $ 41.00
1520 Switzerland - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (20 Apr) Ascona - South Africa, Capetown via Chiasso. Air multifkd env at 0,80 fr rate reverse color tourist town label. Flown DS190. Nice item.
Final value: $ 75.00
1521 Switzerland - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1939 (4 Sept) Basel - Denmark, Cph. Multifkd env. VF.
Final value: $ 14.00
1522 Switzerland - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (1 Aug) Basel - Germany, Karlsrube. Kkd single red cross card, nazi censored. VF.
Final value: $ 26.00
1523 Switzerland - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (4 Nov) Bern Kirchenfeld - USA, Phil, PA (26-27 Nov) Registered air single 5fr usage envelope. VF usage single fkg via Lisbon, Portugal (Nov 10) + Atlantic Clipper.
Final value: $ 66.00
1524 Switzerland - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1944. WWII Internees mail. Camp Wihikon - Lausanne, social French service. FM envelope.
Final value: $ 18.00
1525 Switzerland - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1944. WWII. Internees mail. Camp Kernenried - Lausanne. FM envelope. Reverse Swiss censor label.
Final value: $ 18.00
1526 Switzerland - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1944. WWII. Internees mail. Camp Oberkirch - Lausanne. French social service. FM + cachet.
Final value: $ 18.00
1527 Switzerland - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1944. WWII. Internees mail. Camp Tauffelen - Lausanne. French social service. FM special service envelope. Swiss censor cachet.
Final value: $ 18.00
1528 Switzerland
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1944 WWII. Internees mail. Camp Lyssach - Lausanne. French sonel service. FM cachet envelope.
Final value: $ 18.00
1529 Switzerland - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1944. Internees mail. Camp Pfaffikon - Lausanne. FM cachet envelope. French social service. Fine.
Final value: $ 18.00
1530 Switzerland - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1945 (30 Jan) France, Ypeeville - Leysin Military Hospital. Fkd censored envelope + taxed at arrival for forwarding with Swiss. P. due with special Hospital cachet. A very rare combination. Exhibition item.
Final value: $ 175.00
1531 Switzerland - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1949 (30 May) Zürich - Spain, Madrid (31 May) Registered air multifkd env. Fine + dest.
Final value: $ 26.00
1532 Syria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1916-17. WWI. German Military Mission in Aleppo. FM cacheted envelope. VF better item.
Final value: $ 70.00
1533 Syria
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1916 (19-26 July) WWI. German military Mission in Aleppo. Feldpost FM circulated envelope with return cachet + censorship + cross out cds. VF scarce item.
Final value: $ 75.00
1534 Taiwan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1950-2. Air multifkd envelope to South Africa, Berguliet, Cape. Includes US - China relations issue, scout stamp and aux violet cachet, hand-completed + dest.
Final value: $ 70.00
1535 Taiwan
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1953. Taichung - Israel, Jalil Maanavi (10 Dec) illustrated multifkd airmail incl flowers + ovptd issue + UNO. Fine scarce item. Reverse transited.
Final value: $ 75.00
1536 Tunisia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
c. 1910s. Selection of 8 diff local peoples franked photocards, cirulated to Spain, Castellon de la Plana. Rarity destination. Opportunity.
Final value: $ 80.00
1537 Tunisia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1920 (19 Jan) Spax - Finland, Helsingfors (1 Feb) Registered multifkd env at 0,65 fr rate, reverse transited + five red wax seals. Fine + dest.
Final value: $ 75.00
1538 Tunisia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1932 (21 May) Maxula - Czechoslovakia, Aussig. Registered multifkd envelope.
Final value: $ 38.00
1539 Tunisia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1954 (24 May) La baguette - England, Chelmsford, Essex. OHMS British official mail multifkd back to UK. Interesting item.
Final value: $ 20.00
1540 Turkey
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1899 (28 Jan) Pera - Switzerland, Bern (31 Jan) 1p green stat lettersheet. VF used.
Final value: $ 40.00
1541 Turkey
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1915 (9 April) Pera - Germany, Ulm. Registered multifkd censored WWI 30 para red embosed stat envelope. VF.
Final value: $ 175.00
1542 Turkey
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1915 (3 Nov) WWI Smyrne - Wels, Austria. Hungary. Registered multifkd censored envelope. Ovptd issue with SHIFTED ovptd vertical pair variety. Fine.
Final value: $ 125.00
1543 Turkey
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1916 (6 June) Voivoda - Germany, Geestemunde (13 June) Registered multifkd ovptd + mixed issues censored envelope.
Final value: $ 95.00
1544 Turkey
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1944 (13 July) Izmir - Germany, Wiesbaden. 4k brown stat card + 3 adtls, tied cds. Nazi censor red cachet. VF.
Final value: $ 28.00
1545 Ukraine
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1885 (5 Nov) Austrian Postal Adm. Czernowitz - Wien. 2kr text stat card, cds + arrival cachet. Fine.
Final value: $ 18.00
1546 Uruguay
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1859 (20 Febr) Montevideo. Local franked front with 180cs small ciphers, good margins, tied red one cancel ds. Rare on cover. VF. Sold on its own merits.
Final value: $ 180.00
1547 Uruguay
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1897 (19 Apr) Montevideo - Germany, Saxony, Chemnitz. Via French steamer to Marseille, where cancelled at entry (11 May 97) + stline "paquebot". Lovely scarce stationary card usage.
Final value: $ 100.00
1548 Uruguay
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1910 (29 Sept) TAXED mail. Gerany, Altenburg - Montevideo. 5pf green stat card + taxed arrival. 2c rate, tied better cachet "TASA-A" Lovely comb item.
Final value: $ 150.00
1549 Uruguay
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1930 (17 July) Mercedes - Germany, Berlin via Paris fwded. Illustrated multifkd air envelope usage. VF usage. Addressed c/o Uruguay Legation.
Final value: $ 81.00
1550 Uruguay
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1931 (5 Oct) Uruguay Consular. Montevideo - Chile, Santiago (8 Oct) Registered air multifkd color illustrated via Panagra envelope incl aux pmks + tied R-label. V. Fine "by FIRST FLIGHT"
Final value: $ 106.00
1551 Uruguay
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (31 May) Panagra - Montevideo - Buenos Aires - Santiago- Antofagasta - Tacna - Uruguay - Bolivia, Lapaz. First flight repost fkd env special cachet. Ex Prof West Uk Chilean airmails exhibit. Fine.
Final value: $ 51.00
1552 Usa - Stationery
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1892 (25 Apr) Chicago, Ill - Germany, Berlin (6 May) 1c blue stat card + 1c adtl, tied grill number. Fine.
Final value: $ 16.00
1553 Usa - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1918 (11 March) NYC - India, Karachi, Pakistan (26 Apr) Single 5c blue fkd advert rolling cachet comercial envelope, arrival British censored. "Food will win the war".
Final value: $ 20.00
1554 Usa - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1927 (Sept 28) Union City, NJ - Switzerland, Widnau, St. Gallen (7 Oct) Weehawken Station rolling cachet. Fkd ppc, taxed + arrival (x2) Swiss p. dues, tied cds. Fine comb.
Final value: $ 38.00
1555 Usa - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (29 Nov) Barrow, Alaska - Louisville, Ky. Air single fkd env. Heyburn correspondance. Most Northern point at its time. Signed by postmaster.
Final value: $ 20.00
1556 Usa - Xx
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (Oct 9) Juneau, Alaska - Louisville, Ky. Fkd air envelope. Signed by Alaska Governor John W. Troy. Heyburn correspondance.
Final value: $ 125.00
1557 Burma
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (June - July) US Prexies. Rangoon - USA, Keene, New Hampshire. Missing mail. Carried via Singapore British censorship (16) transpacific route, cancelled upon arrival in NY with US prexie 3c. Extraordinary early WWII item.
Final value: $ 240.00
1558 Usa - Prexies
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1947 (7 April) NYC - Germany, Hannover, British Zone. Fkd env 5c blue + damaged in transit + cancelled US official seal. Nice condition p. history item. Unusual so.
Final value: $ 100.00
1559 Usa-Canal Zone
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (11 May) Balboa Heights - USA, Louisville, Ky. Air multifkd env via steamer + plane service. Signed by Julian L. Schley, US governor of Panama Canal. VF.
Final value: $ 125.00
1560 Usa-Canal Zone
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1938 (Nov 14) Cristobal - Germany, Megdeburg. Air multifkd envelope, scarce late pre WWII time.
Final value: $ 55.00
1561 Usa-Canal Zone
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1965 (14 Oct) US Antartica Byrd Station US deep freezen Pole Station. Fkd env at Balboa, CZ. UK, Herts, Harpenden. Fine item.
Final value: $ 45.00
1562 Usa - Hawaii
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1888 (22 May) Waianae - Germany, Hildesheim. Local orange stat card + 2c adtl, tied cds. Via Honolulu - San Francisco. VF scarce origin. Lovely postmark + condition.
Final value: $ 600.00
1563 Usa - Hawaii
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1936 (31 March) Honolulu - Milton, Mass. Air single fkd env via China clipper. Signed by Jos Poindexter, governor of Hawaii. Note US stamps type. Heyburn correspondance.
Final value: $ 125.00
1564 Usa - Samoa
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (24 Sept) Pago Pago - USA, Louisville, Ky. Single 3c fkd env, signed by US governor for of American Samoa Otto Dowling.
Final value: $ 100.00
1565 Usa - Virgin Isl.
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1935 (23 Feb) S. Thomas - USA, Louisville, Ky (5 March) Fkd env, signed by Governor Paul M. Pearson just before it was outsted.
Final value: $ 100.00
1566 Vatican
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1929 (5 Oct) GPO - Germany, Herborn (7 Oct) via Milano TPO. Registered multifkd env + R-label. Fine.
Final value: $ 55.00
1567 Vatican
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1940 (6 Nov) Citta - Netherlands, Amsterdam. Multifkd nazi censored envelope. WWII usage.
Final value: $ 40.00
1568 Venezuela
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1898 (26 Dec) Caracas - Germany, Bautzen (27 Jan 99) 10c red stat card, taxed + censored out. Via French octogonal Caribbean paquebot. Fine.
Final value: $ 26.00
1569 Venezuela
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1933 (Sept - Oct) Caracas - Madrid, España (18 Oct) Sobre certificado franqueo multiple. Interesante.
Final value: $ 22.00
1570 Yemen
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1984 (5 April) Sanaa - London, UK. Air fkd env with contains. Modified ovptd issue 10 rials new value, tied cds. Fine.
Final value: $ 18.00
1571 Yugoslavia
Cat. Nr: Cat.Value: Single / Used
1937 (17 Feb) Vel Kikimta - Switzerland, Wintherthur. 0,75 din green stat card + 4 adtls. Airmail service. VF.
Final value: $ 32.00
Total lots: 1571